After the satire, we didn't forget to make a grimace at us, and then saw that I raised my hand to throw something at him before he turned around and went into the dark tunnel. I followed the wall and threw the table into the air, and then kicked the secret door open, but after looking at it, I didn't get in. This passage is obviously not designed by an adult. It is not only narrow, but also very curved. The adult's body must be stuck in it!

"Darts." white light flashed, the darts were the first to jump out of the training space to drill a hole, and disappeared in an instant. After thinking about it, I still feel that it is not safe to let the darts go by alone. "Hong Ling, you also help." Hong Ling, who had shrunk to the size of a normal fox, immediately followed into the hole. Although the hole is too small for adults, it has no effect on them.

"What shall we do now?" Masaka Matsumoto asked me.

I looked at the surrounding environment and said, "Look through this place first. If you don't know where there is a secret tunnel, maybe the succubus is closed somewhere nearby."< /p>

"Okay, let's look for it separately."

We said that we were looking for it separately, but in fact, this room is just that big, so naturally it’s very fast for so many of us to find it. In the end, we even knocked on the roof. In addition to the passage under the table, we found two other passages that adults can walk through. It's just that it's not certain where it is.

"Matsumoto Masaka, you go over there, I will go over here." I just picked a hole and said.

"Okay." Nodded Matsumoto Masakao led the others into another passage, and I groped forward along the passage in front of me. The environment inside the aisle is much worse than the outside. Not only is it humid and hot, but it also has a strange smell. It can't be said that it is a fragrance or a sour taste, but it smells bad anyway.

After groping along the passage for a while, the passage began to become more and more humid, and it was obvious that there were water drops hanging on the wall in the back. Just when I was hesitating to go down, I suddenly heard some strange noises, as if there was a river ahead. I started to speed up and ran forward. As I moved forward, the sound began to grow louder and louder. Soon after the passage reached the end, a huge underground river suddenly appeared in front of my eyes. The width of the river in front of me is at least 20 meters, and the rushing river is so clear that you can see a river bed several meters deep from above. There are still some light-emitting creatures crawling around on the river bed, and because of the large number of these creatures, the entire river is illuminated. However, a realistic question before me now is-how should I go?

The river is divided into upstream and downstream. I came here from a passage on the side. So in the past, you must choose one of the two choices of upstream or downstream. It is this river that occupies the entire passage. There are no river banks on both sides. The river flows directly against the cave wall. If I get into the water, the danger is not easy to say, at least I have to figure it out first. Are those luminous creatures purely landscape creatures or dangerous species with a certain battle strength?

In order to find out the safety of these things, I turned Eternity into a long stick with a large colander at the front end, and then picked up a glowing creature from the water. After my research, I found that this thing does not have any attack power at all, but they are not pure landscape creatures, because my Appraisal Technique actually shows that this thing belongs to the material classification, which means that they are actually a kind of resource, but they are not for the time being. Just know what it's used for. Although I know this thing is a resource, I don't plan to collect it for the time being. I just fished a lot of water to raise it and plan to bring it back for research. Anyway, I know the place now, and I will come back later if I really need it.

After collecting the specimens, I jumped into the river, and then I started going down the river to investigate the place thoroughly. The reason why I did not choose to run upstream is because it is inconvenient to move against the current. Anyway, the probability of finding useful things up and down is the same, so I might as well find a good direction.

It takes almost no effort for me to follow the river downstream, and the river water will naturally take me downstream at a fairly fast speed. But after drifting forward less than 100 meters, the river course changed. First, the top of the cave began to gradually press down, and finally it completely extended to the surface of the water, so I had to put down the helmet and start stealth underwater. Anyway, the magic dragon suit is equipped with underwater breathing function, and I am not worried about any accidents. After continuing for a certain distance, the river channel began to narrow, but strangely, the water flow slowed down. According to my analysis, the rock walls on both sides of this section of water are not completely airtight, but are very permeable, and the river water has been dispersing through the rocks on both sides and bottom to the nearby rock formations, although there is no formation that can be called It is a tributary of the river, but this scattered trickle divides the water flow out after all, so although the main river channel in front of it is narrowed a lot, the flow rate has slowed down because of the greater proportion of the drop in water flow.

After continuing along the river for about 500 meters, the river has shrunk to a state of only two or three meters wide and one or two meters high. It is more appropriate to say that it is a pipeline rather than a river. . I don’t know if the environment is not suitable. There are fewer and fewer creatures that can glow in the narrow waters behind. In the end, there is no one to see. And because there are no creatures that can glow, the river becomes pitch black. Except for me, most people in such a place really have no way to investigate. After all, it’s underwater and it’s still dark. Most people can’t see the way even if they can move underwater for a long time, and torch can’t be used underwater, so most people can’t explore in this environment. .

I fumbled here by myself and after a certain distance, the river began to become even stranger. The previous river course was probably because of the rapid flow of water, which was washed out very smoothly, but the rocks here were extremely strange. The rocks at the bottom of the river are all watermelon-sized crushed stones, in various shapes, and they are piled up in a mess, as if they have been stirred by something. As for the top of the river channel, there are densely packed cone-shaped stalactites erected like monster teeth, but I don’t know why stalactites can also form under the water surface. It shouldn’t be formed in a cave with air. NS?

After continuing to swim for a while, I suddenly heard some strange sounds. It seemed that a rock was rolling in the water, but when I reached the point where the sound was made, I only saw a piece of A stone that rolled to the bottom of the pit from a higher position. Obviously this piece of rock that was originally piled up at a relatively high position rolled down for unknown reasons, and its rolling direction was actually rolling toward the upstream of the river. This obviously does not conform to the principles of mechanics, so the only explanation is-yes Something touched it.

As soon as I guessed it, I probably saw a black shadow suddenly jumped over in front of me. In an instant, a flap of wings swept the water and made myself flash back and brush past the thing. I finally saw what it looked like at the moment I passed by the thing, and it turned out to be a false alarm, because it was actually just an Abyss Insect that rushed past.

Abyss Insect is an amputee. Its appearance is a bit like centipede, but its legs are not as dense as centipede, and it is not toxic. Its body is pale and slightly transparent. I know this thing is because Abyss Insect is actually a very precious resource. The super healing potion "Necromancer Pill" produced by our guild is made with the body fluid of Abyss Insect as the main raw material. For this our guild A team was specially formed to catch Abyss Insect. Otherwise, it could not keep up with the consumption. It’s just that there is Abyss Insect in this place. This thing is a rare creature that is hard to see, if it is not consumed. It’s too big, maybe it’s more expensive than magic crystal. But today I didn't come to catch this Abyss Insect, so I didn't turn around to chase it, but continued to swim forward.

The river in front is getting narrower and narrower. In some places, I even need to move some stones blocking the way. In the end, I encountered a small child who can only get through. Hole. "Damn, I'm stuck here!" I summoned Amina and used her sonar positioning to help me scan the situation in front of me, only to learn that this small hole is just a bottleneck, and it should be a big lake after passing through.

Since the place of charm and beauty is behind the hole, I naturally can’t turn around here and put Amana back to the training space for training. I myself will widen the hole in twos or twos until I can. The degree of the past, and then quickly drilled over. The situation on the other side was exactly the same as Ayana said. After exiting the cave, the surrounding area suddenly opened up, and the front was clearly an underground lake, and the area was astonishing. I was thinking about what this place is, and suddenly I felt huge fluctuations in the water. The sound of the strong current was clearly caused by something moving at high speed in the water.

Soon I saw a huge group of objects rushing towards me at high speed in the waters ahead, seeing that it was at least the size of a locomotive, and I didn’t know how long it was.

"Vajra!" My control spirit, Vajra, suddenly appeared in front of me, and then grabbed me and put it on his back, and then faced the big guy who rushed over and suddenly turned on his side and let the guy get away from him. Sliding sideways. But as the thing slid past, he suddenly clamped the head of the thing with an arm, and then I felt a huge pulling force, and Vajra and I were carried by the thing and moved at high speed in the water. "Kill him!" Vajra immediately tightened his arms after receiving my order, and at the same time clenched his other hand into a fist and smashed the thing's head desperately, and after the thing hurt, he moved more frantically. I can hardly grasp Vajra's back. "Vajra, use big tricks, do it quickly!"

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