Since Masaga Matsumoto and the others have arrived, I can't play slowly here anymore. Leaving the pets in the training space to continue to earn me experience, I quickly withdrew from training Spatial Teleportation to Japan, and then according to the coordinates given by Masaga Matsumoto and the others, I found the nearest city and sent it directly to me. After leaving the city Using Asuka to travel, they quickly found the location of Masaga Matsumoto.

"Boss, here." The Son of Night yelled at me from afar, and Asuka immediately plunged down without my command.

Asuka was still in the air, I sent him into the training space, and I spread my wings and slid to the ground. "How's the situation going?"

Yezhizi pointed to a large stone gate behind him. "It's in there!"

"What's wrong? Have you already been in?" I looked at them all dejected and I could guess what was going on.

Norraine said directly: "We have tried it just now. After entering, there will be a small elevator-like space where only one person can enter at a time. As a result, we entered in batches and were sent to different The location of the maze. Yezhizi and I were both sent to a maze, and then turned out after a long time. Masaka Matsumoto met a group of beauties, and then was stunned and threw them out." Noreen said here. Masaka Matsumoto lowered her head sorry, and then Noreen went on to say: "Gold coin came across a moving golden statue, and was shot out. Asamiya Athena was teleported to a desert and turned inside. It’s been a long time since I found the exit. Fortunately, she ran back with the City Return Scroll on her body."

"Halo! Is this also OK?" I looked at the door in front of me again, and then suddenly realized it was here. Individuals are missing. "Where is Bingbing?"

"Eh...!" Yezizi hesitated and stood up and said, "We don't know what happened to her. Anyway, she has been in for a long time. I can’t get in touch! But she definitely didn’t say this is true."

"Okay, I see, let’s go in and have a look."

Push the stone away I saw the elevator-like thing after the gate, but it is more like a coffin than an elevator, because its volume is really not touched by an elevator. After walking carefully to the thing, I immediately heard a dull laugh. "Hahahaha...have you hired a helper again?" That voice could obviously see or feel me, otherwise I wouldn't say such a thing.

The sons of the night who followed me immediately said to me: "This is the voice of the Ghost God who stole the succubus."

I nodded and walked to the coffin. I asked before: "Did you snatch my captive?"

"That's not called snatching, but called picking up. If you don't have the strength to protect her, it will naturally belong to me. If you want to snatch it back Come to me to single it out? hahahaha......"

"You are very happy with your smile. It seems that you are very satisfied with the design of your tortoise shell?"

"I'm just arrogant, what can you do to me?" The voice laughed even more impudent. "This thing in front of you is the only passage, but I don’t guarantee where it will send you. The destination of this thing is uncertain, but there are exits to me near every destination, it’s up to you. Can you find it. But I advise you not to try it. Those of your friends have tried it, and one of them is still stuck in it! Ah hahahaha......"

Listen to that smile I suddenly showed an evil smile, and then walked to the front of the coffin-like square, but instead of stepping in, I stood more than a meter away from the square and followed me up. One hand pointed at the square. "Enhanced Magic Missile." With my choice, the superimposed magic missile that I just learned suddenly took shape, and after several enhancements, it suddenly broke away from my hand and hit the moved towards the back panel of the grid. Just listening to a loud explosion sound, a large cloud of smoke and dust rushed out of the square, and the children of the night flashed aside instinctively, but I stood there and didn't move.

After the smoke dissipated, the children of the night flashed back, but this time their mouths were all open boss, because the back of the square had been blown up, revealing a not-so-long one. aisle. Obviously they were all fooled. This thing is simply not the channel connecting that guy’s hiding place, the real channel is behind this thing, and as a result, the Night Sons are all sent to other places. Speaking of which can’t be blamed on them. After all, there are not many people who like to make holes in the walls. I am not a king-level explorer like me that I can see every day.

After seeing the passage, I took the lead and walked in, but this passage is obviously not so simple, but I am boldness of execution stems from superb skill, and I don’t care about those tricks at all. I stride proudly ahead. Went in. Just a few steps after entering the passage, the ground suddenly collapsed, a huge flap suddenly turned, and underneath was a huge pit with many upward lances erected at the bottom of the pit. But I didn't have any signs of falling at all, because I had activated the levitating technique at the moment the flap was activated. After walking a few steps forward, a rectangular box the size of a refrigerator suddenly protruded from both sides of the opposite aisle, and the front of this box was densely packed with a small hole in the whole body. The sons of the night who stood behind me saw the thing suddenly move before they knew what was going on, and countless arrows shot out from those small holes. No matter how fast you move, there is such a dense rain of arrows. There is no room for you to dodge at all. But I didn’t plan to flash at all. Eternal suddenly flew in front of me and turned into a wall, dividing the whole passage into two parts. Although there were many arrows, they couldn’t shoot through the eternally changing wall, only a burst of dense jingle was produced. Chaotic.

After the sound stopped, Eternity turned into a red bead and returned to my left hand, while a lot of arrows were piled on the ground in front. "You guy is really useless. You dare to snatch someone in front of others and leave your address. You actually put so many institutions in your own home. Do you have a psychological problem?"

The voice rang again. stand up. "Even if you find my hiding place, what can you do? You can't beat me anyway. I advise you to leave as soon as possible! For the sake of you being the first person to discover the true passage, I don’t need to hold you down. The responsibility of breaking my door."

Although this voice said very well, his words revealed too many problems. You said if someone rushed to your house and smashed the door of your house, what attitude would you have? Unless the person is terribly ruthless and you dare not provoke them at all, would you let people go without care? But this guy's previous performance was so arrogant, would someone like him be polite to us? This shows that he is scared!

"Do you really think we are idiots?" Not only did I speed up and walked forward without backing up, but just after passing the bow and arrow transmitter, the stone slab above my head suddenly fell. I reacted quickly and raised my hand against the stone, and then I heard a bang under my feet, and my feet were actually pressed into the ground more than an inch deep. But this stone was obviously not heavy enough, so I was able to withstand it alone. Of course, this is also thanks to my defensive power and super power. The average player probably cannot withstand such a heavy stone. Besides, if you don’t have the reaction power of mine, you will be hit by such a big stone directly on your head, even if you are strong. You have to lie down obediently.

"hahahaha......." The voice immediately became arrogant again when I was hit. "If you ask you to go, don't you know it's great now? I think how long you can last."

"Are you just this thing?" I asked, and then the guy was surprised. With a cold breath, he lifted the rock upwards violently and lifted the rock back to the top of the cave, and then raised his hand to hit a compressed Fireball before it fell again. This Fireball is also released using superposition technology, but because Fireball has a higher level than magic missiles, the formidable power is naturally much larger. A loud explosion sound, the big stone was instantly blasted into countless fragments, and those small stones hitting my dragon armor were useless except for a clank. After all the stones fell to the ground, I immediately began to stride forward, quickly reached the end of the passage and kicked the door in front of me down.

"You, you, you..." A little child who is only about my waist tall stands behind the gate, holding a weird thing in his hand, staring at me in a daze for a long time. You came here, but I was stunned when I saw this guy.

Although the little thing in front of me is wearing a simple armor, he looks like an eight or nine-year-old child, but his red hair grows upwards like a flame. It is very personal, except for that hair, this little fellow is basically no different from ordinary boys. Of course, except for something like the microphone in his hand.

"Is this the Demon God who snatched the succubus?" I turned my head and asked the night sons who followed in.

"That's not right!" Masaka Matsumoto began to look around while speaking in confusion. "It's not him who snatched the succubus! But the sound is exactly the same!" I walked over and took the thing from the little fellow who was still in a daze, and he reacted. Come over and yelled. "Give it back to me, that's mine!" But his voice attracted everyone's attention as soon as he uttered it, because his voice suddenly changed to a child's normal voice, except for a little hoarse. It's the child's voice, which is completely different from the previous voice.

I threw the thing in my hand to Masaka Matsumoto, and said: "The sound you said was probably caused by this thing. It seems that he used Camouflage Technique when robbing you. But how could this kind of kid snatch the succubus from your hands? Didn’t you fight him at the time?” When I said this, the kid was being held in midair by one of my hands, and he was still there desperately He waved his fist and wanted to hit me, but his little arm was too short to reach me, but he switched to kicking when he discovered this, but only then did he find out that his legs are also Without my arm length, I can't touch my body even if I kick it straight.

"Let me down, you bastard! Quickly let me down!" After discovering that I could not be hit or kicked, the kid began to shout desperately, and twisted his body in vain. Struggling out of my control, it's a pity that his strength is not the same as mine, and he can't even shake my arm.

Matsumoto Masaka looked at the little ghost in front of him and said: “In fact, we didn’t notice him at all at the time. He suddenly appeared and took the succubus and flew into the air, and then dropped it. This address, we thought he was really a very strong Demon God, and Honglian Phoenix and their people were also nearby at that time, we can’t chase it anymore!"

"After a long time, you guys Haven't played against him?" I thought I was going to deal with a very strong Demon God this time! Who knows that he ran all the way from China but caught a brat. "I said why you guys had a fight with Demon God but none of them were injured! It turns out that this little fellow is a fake!"

"I'm not a fake! This adult belongs to the Ghost God clan The ninth-generation patriarch, the son of Maya Yonghe, Maya Chizi, you dare to deal with me, be careful when I go back and ask my father to kill you all!"

"I also said that I am not a counterfeit. The regular Ghost God can't beat me. Did they call father?" As I said, I slapped the little fellow's ass vigorously, and the little fellow immediately grabbed his ass and rubbed it, but he was hard enough, with tears in his eyes. Spinning means not falling.

Knowing that this little fellow is not threatening, Masaga Matsumoto became bolder. He walked up to the little fellow and pretended to be very vicious and said, "I have no time to waste time with you. Tell me where you hid the succubus you snatched?"

"hmph, If you grab my things, I won't tell you!"

pa! I patted the little fellow's ass again. "If you don't want your ass to bloom, just say it. My hands are heavier. Think about it! I can withstand the big rock just now. Is your little butt hard?"

< p>When I heard my threat, the little fellow immediately reached out and covered his ass. "Okay, okay, I surrender, I will tell you where the woman is hiding, but you must make sure not to snatch my other things."

"Okay, we promise." Coaxing a child is the best Simple things, I keep guaranteeing.

After listening to the little fellow, he added: " have to make sure that you can't hit my butt again, and you can't hit the door of my house, and...!"

< p>"Okay, my little Demon God, I will agree to whatever you want. As long as you tell us where the succubus is hidden by you."

"Okay Hey, that woman was hidden by me..." The little fellow suddenly threw a ball of black powder at me halfway through, and when I turned my head to avoid him, he pressed his chest and clicked his armor suddenly. Disintegrated, I just felt that he fell to the ground with a light hand, followed him all the way to a table and opened a small secret door. Before he got in, he did not forget to make a grimace at me. . "Hehe. I am a fool if I believe in you. Come and catch me if I have the ability!"

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