"The test is over." The sound of the light ball replaced the remaining two bosses and answered our suggestions. The two BOSS immediately turned into dust in front of us and disappeared into the air.

"The test is over?"

"Yes, it is over. Your various creatures have basically participated in the battle. I have collected the necessary data, and there is no need to proceed. Tested."

"That's right! By the way, can you ask a question?"

"Please tell me."

"The bosses just now Was it generated by you or pulled in from outside? Why does it look so humane? That Death God would still be afraid of death!"

"The training tester regenerated after reading consciousness based on external creatures. The new creatures, their own memories come from external creatures, but after my modification, there are some emotional characteristics of their own in addition to training you."

"What I said! Then we are now Will you start to enter the training mode when the test is over?"

"You got a special reward probability selection in the test battle just now. Please check the reward content, and then you can choose to start the formal training."

"Oh." I nodded and started to check the rewards. This probability selection is a very strange attribute, and its function is to use this function to prejudge various possible probabilities when encountering a problem that needs to be selected. For example, if I encounter a fork in the road while walking, and then use this skill, the skill will tell me which way to go to reach the target with greater probability. Of course, the probability given here is only relatively large, not necessarily the correct answer, the final choice has to rely on your own try one's luck, just multiple references. But the biggest use of this skill I can think of now is to pre-test what arrows Victoria will shoot next. If it is an unnecessary attribute, it is better not to shoot.

After reading the reward, I didn’t even speak, the ball of light immediately asked: "Should I start training now?"

I nodded. "Let’s start!" The previous test mode was just a simple battle. I now want to know what is the difference between this training mode and fighting outside. We can use and design things in reality. I really want to know how huge might these things are.

"Before the training mode starts, I will introduce you to the main functions of the training mode. First of all, every time you enter the training space, you will not start training immediately, but first tell me your purpose. This book The training area is divided into two main training modes. One is the single-player combat mode, which is for individual combat training. In this mode, Avatar or summon cannot be used to participate in the battle. In short, you must ensure that the training field is always You are alone. The second training mode is team cooperation. In this mode, you can train multiplayer cooperation and conduct mixed training between you, your own magic pet and summon creatures. Under these two large modes, there are detailed Among them, the single mode includes four parts: basic training, skill training, application training and comprehensive training. Basic training is mainly to exercise your body's basic attributes and adjust your body coordination. Skill training is Specially carry out some instructive training for difficult movements. Application training mainly focuses on your various skills and techniques. Comprehensive training is unlimited comprehensive combat training. Like the single mode, the team training is also subdivided There are several parts. The first is the small formation cooperative combat training, which is mainly for the guidance and training of combat cooperation in the small team mode of two to seven people. The second is the large formation mode, which is mainly for the formation of more than seven people. Combat. The third is the Legion mode, which is used to train more than a hundred people in combat. In addition, there is a combat training with fewer enemies and more combat under the comprehensive training program of the single player mode. In contrast, there are one and more fights in the team combat mode. Less training mode. These two modes will separately train you how to fight against a large group of enemies with your own strength when you are alone, while the more play less mode will mainly train you to encounter superpowers that are more powerful than you. How to concentrate the power of your summon creatures to cooperate with the enemy."

"What a complicated training mode!"

"In fact, this mode is not complicated. Before I start, I will give you a specific reminder of the training plan. You can choose to adopt it or not, but I suggest you choose to adopt it, because my training plan is specially calculated and can produce the largest amount in the least time. Training effect."

I am nodded. "This aspect is your major, of course you are responsible. Then you can make a training plan for me now."

"Yes. The training plan is being generated, please wait." About ten seconds later The ball of light resumed its response again. "The plan has been generated. At present, I have conducted a comprehensive simulation based on your various data, and formulated three sets of training plans for you to choose from."

"Three sets?"

"Yes. Because your various battle methods are very complicated, so impossible is fully advanced, so I have developed three training plans based on your situation."

"What are the differences? Huh?"

"The first set of plans is a combat command training mode, that is, a small and medium team combat mode that specializes in strengthening your personal physical battle strength and magic pets. The advantage of this mode is practical. The second set of plans is to give up your personal physical battle strength, train auxiliary spells specifically, and carry out large-scale training with all your summon objects. In the future, you can use all summon creatures to employ the sea every time you encounter an enemy. The tactics win the victory with overwhelming absolute power. The disadvantage of this training mode is that you give up your already quite strong personal physical battle strength, and some environments are not suitable for this battle mode. But the advantage of this mode is that it can exert maximum combat effectiveness. You can maximize your battle strength. In the three training plans, this plan can finally achieve the highest total damage output. The third training plan is a backup plan, generally not recommended. The main mode is to let you train combat classes Spell and supplementary spell, and finally win with the cooperation of a medium-sized team."

"Needless to say, just the first set!" I have not been used to using spell skills. In comparison, Close combat is more suitable for me.

"Then we will start training according to the first set of training plan. First of all, in order to improve your melee strength, I recommend that you first carry out the basic training in personal training, and at the same time your familiar will also do This training is to improve their personal battle strength."

"Ok, let’s start now."

"Please release all your summon creatures first, and then they They will be sent to separate areas for their own basic training."

I quickly summoned all the summon creatures, and in the end even the candle bees were taken away by the light ball. I really don’t know. How to train only insect alone, but that is the light ball thing anyway, I don't have to worry about it. After teleporting away all the creatures, I myself was drawn into a new environment. This is not an infinitely extending space, but a closed room. There are a lot of training equipment on the edge of the room, but compared with the equipment in the real gym, the things here are more scary, there are all kinds of weird things.

"Come here, please." I was observing the room, and suddenly I heard someone talking behind me. When I turned around, I saw a sexy big woman in red tight clothes.

"Are you a trainer?"

"Yes. I am a trainer of basic training subjects." The beautiful woman's voice is very hearty and makes people feel energetic when they hear it. a feeling of. "Please stand here." The beauty said, pointing to a cushion in front of her.

I walked over to the mat and looked at the instructor and asked: "What's next?"

"Follow me." The beauty lay on a mat next to me, and Lifting one leg moves in the air like pedaling a bicycle, pedaling alternately with both legs.

"That’s it?"

"Yes, that’s it."

Although I don’t know what is the use of such training, I still follow Done. However, I guess that this training is what Nuwa calls training to make Level 2 behavioral chips memorize special movements. Anyway, it should have a certain meaning, otherwise the training space will not play with me, and this movement did not last at the end. how long. Speaking of training, in fact, our Dragon Clan's receptive ability is thousands of times that of human beings. We do the same action once is equivalent to doing it thousands of times by one person, so we don't have to do every action many times. After this action, the beauty showed me a lot of strange postures, and the actions became more and more complicated. I always felt that some actions seemed to be more and more, and later some actions were so difficult that I couldn’t believe them. It's that own body playing noodles. If it weren't for my magic dragon armor that could deform according to the movements of the body, this kind of complicated movement would definitely not be possible in armor.

After completing a lot of actions in a row, the big beauty suddenly said to me: "Now the basic training is here, no more results, please go for technical training first."

As soon as I was about to say something, I realized that the surrounding scene suddenly changed, and I had already arrived in another room. This room is much larger than the one just now. Seeing that this area is not much smaller than Tiananmen Square, and it's empty and completely empty, except for the floor, there is only a row of people standing there. I took a closer look and found that all of this row is actually beautiful, and each one is different in length, which can be said to have its own characteristics. One of the top beauties is wearing orange red tight clothes, which looks particularly conspicuous, while the other beauties are wearing various armors or battle costumes. In contrast, this beauty’s tight clothes look more conspicuous. It's a different kind.

The beauty in orange red tight clothes began to say, "Hello, I am the trainer in charge of your skills training. They are your sparring partners, and they are responsible for confronting you. "

"Huh? Isn't it?" Sparring is what is said in competitive sports. If you go to the army or boxing team, the sparring is simply human sandbags, specially beaten. I came here to train the format killing skills, and arranged for me such a group of big beauties as a sparring partner. How can I fight? "Um... how can I play when they are sparring?"

"The purpose of using this image as a sparring is to let you see beautiful women and play. Even though you are already a Dragon Clan, but there are still a lot of human consciousness in your personality and basic consciousness, which will still affect your behavior, especially in battle. If you encounter a long beautiful female enemy, are you willing to be killed by her "

"Okay, I'm wrong." I just said, anyway, I have never been soft on beautiful women. The two sisters, Honglian Phoenix and Honglian Fire Phoenix, were beaten badly by me at the beginning. Speaking of which, they are also considered big beauties. Aren't I still rushing flowers?

As soon as I finished talking here, my trainer continued: "It doesn’t matter who hits at the end! If you are lazy and hard to learn, you will be beaten. In addition, Note that this is a special space. Death will automatically resurrect in situ, and there will be no punishment. Injuries will not be restored automatically, but you can take medicine or use healing spells. The consumed medicine and magic power will die when leaving the training space or within the space. It will automatically recover after one time. Because of the above reasons, our fighting training does not pay attention to what points to stop. If you are soft, be prepared to suffer."

I don’t say anything anymore, this instruction The clerk's temper is obviously not as good as the last one, so it's better not to provoke her.

"Okay, now we start basic skills training, first is dodgeball training."


The so-called dodgeball training is actually more Like a game we played when we were young-sandbag throwing. The rule of this game is to stand one thrower on each side of a field, the others stand in the field, and then the two throwers use a sandbag to throw each other, as long as they hit the person in the field, the person who was hit is To replace the head throwing sandbags. Of course, the people in the field are not standing still, you can dodge on your own, but you can't run out of the field. But the dodgeball we are doing now has some changes in the rules. The first thing to throw is not a sandbag but an explosive ball the size of billiards. This thing is very flexible, but it will explode when it touches people. I don’t know how big the formidable power is. Anyway, it won’t be too comfortable to be hit. That's it! Second, this time the thrower is not two people, but a group. The sparring team that I thought was the beautiful sandbag just now all came on the court. Oh my god! That's a total of twenty-eight people! In addition, this time the thrower was not standing on either side of the field, but in a circle. Of course, when there are more people, the "sandbags" cannot be less. This time, instead of one exploding ball, not two, but twenty-eight, which means that every thrower has one exploding ball. And they don't even need to pick up balls, because as long as those balls fly over the field and haven't hit me, they will automatically return to their hands. The result of this setting is that the girls' throwing speed will inevitably increase a lot, and I will inevitably be very miserable!

In addition to the above abnormal rules, the new rules also restrict my scope of action. The instructor drew a circle with a radius of three meters with the center of where I was standing and told me that this was my activity area, and then drew a large circle with a radius of seven meters with the center of the circle as the center. My sparring partners just stand outside this big circle and throw, which means that even if I hide in any corner of the circle, the person farthest away from me is only ten meters away. I doubt that these look very weak. The girls’ arm strength is inversely proportional to their small arms.

"Are you ready?" The trainer looked at me and asked.

"No." I quickly raised my hand and asked, "Well, ask, can't I do anything other than dodge?"

"What else do you want to do?" "

"For example, use a weapon to hit the ball back, or use a shield to block it?"

"No, no other behavior is allowed except for moving the body to dodge ."

"When will it be over?"

"If I say it is over, it will be over."


"Start now."

The instructor gave an order, and all directions immediately was a pile of explosive balls flying over. Unprepared, I had no place to flash, and I was hit by the pile of balls in an instant. Arrived. After a loud rumbling, I walked out of the smoke and dust with a dark face. "Isn't it? How can I start?"

"When the enemy fights with you, will you be notified in advance that I am going to take action?"

"Okay, count me out Say!"

"Then you don't hurry back, we are going to start the next round of training."

This time I suffocated my breath and returned to the field, trainer When I ordered the throw again, I suddenly jumped into the air when my toes touched the ground. All the explosive balls flew under me, but as soon as the ball flew out of the circle, it disappeared into the air, and then the hands of the training partner. There was a new ball in there. This time they saw my movement in the sky and threw it on it. As soon as I retracted my wings, I immediately fell back to the ground again, but there were also a few smarter ones who did not throw the ball right away, but threw it towards me on the ground as soon as they saw me landing.

"Damn!" As soon as I landed on the ground, I saw an exploding ball flying towards you, and quickly flashed the exploding ball flying in front of my waist, but before I stood up, I found it Another exploding ball flew towards me at a very low angle behind. I hurriedly pushed on my waist, and the whole person stood up from the backward posture, and jumped up in the same place to make a big split in the air. At this moment, seven or eight explosive balls flew from below me against the ground. In the past, if I hadn't jumped in time, I would have been bombed again! But even if he jumped up, he just avoided the round. The explosive balls thrown to the heights have already flown out of the circle, which means that the sparring partners have received ammunition. Sure enough, I just landed here, and the surrounding explosive balls flew over one after another. I quickly turned to the left and dodge one, then turned to the right and dodge another one, lowered my head, dodged another, and swooped and dodged a few more. Seeing a bunch of balls flying in indiscriminately from several directions, I jumped up with my right leg and made a beautiful roll in the air before landing steadily, but I had no time to stop and finish this Immediately after the action, I stood up straight and flashed an explosive ball flying towards my ears, followed by pushing my butt backwards, and an explosive ball rubbed my stomach and flew over, and then I hugged my hands and hugged my body like a ballet dancer. The same took off in the same place and rotated a few times in the air before landing, but this time a lot of explosive balls flashed out.

After evading for almost ten minutes, I feel that my movements have become more coordinated. The explosive balls flying in many directions can be accurately dodged without even having to look carefully. Of course, the premise to achieve this effect is that I have been bombed fifty-sixty times in these ten minutes!

"Okay." The trainer finally stopped after I flashed all the flying explosive balls with a difficult movement again. "Your ability to accept is better than I expected. I thought you would have to practice for a few days to adapt to this stage of training! Didn't expect you to finish it in ten minutes."

"Of course. ."

"But don't be complacent, there will be more severe training afterwards."


"But not now." The clerk's panting really shocked me. "You can now train for the first stage."

"You want to change the room again, right?"

The answer to me is a direct change in the environment. This time the room and The previous one is no different in size, but the ground has changed from a wooden floor to a slate. This is the third training project, which is the skill training area, which means that I will train various spells and supporting skills here, and the formidable power of these skills is relatively large, and the wooden floor is obviously not suitable.

This time the instructor changed the style of the first two rooms to no longer be big beauties, but replaced with two men. One of them is a middle age person, and his profession seems to be combat. The other is a white beard archmage with a beard longer than hair. After seeing me appear, the old man with a beard immediately asked in surprise: "Why are you coming here so soon? I thought it would take you several days to get here!"

"What? Do I look weak?"

"That's not it, we just think the previous training is very difficult, you It shouldn't be done so quickly."


"Are you difficult?"

"It depends on your innate talent." The warrior walked over to me and said, "I am your battle skill instructor, next to this Worse old fogey is your magic instructor. Of course, it’s mainly my combat skills training. You can just listen to him."

"Why?" The old man listened. Not happy anymore, the one who blows his beard and stares at him will come up to theory.

The warrior retorted confidently: "The ball has already said that his training plan is mainly melee combat. Have you ever seen a melee mage?"

old man After listening to it, he immediately pushed it back. "Who told you that mages are not suitable for melee combat?"

"Oh? Then why do the mages I see outside hide far away when seeing enemies and cast magic?"

"Isn't that the same as when your warrior saw the enemy rushing to the front to fight?" The old man argued logically: "When you get started, your warrior can only fight in close combat, and when you reach the high level, it will be fine. We launched a long-range attack, and our mage is just the opposite. At primary level, we can only attack from a distance, but at high level, we can fight in close combat. This is just our professional feature. You shouldn’t use this to attack our mage, okay? Now we need to train. This one is a high level player, and his strength is very strong. In addition, the ball also said that he should practice melee combat, so I must teach him to use profound magic. You should not distort the meaning of that ball. Okay?"

Warriors rely on muscles for food. Although it cannot be said that there are muscles in their brains, they are definitely inferior in terms of eloquence compared to mages who rely on their heads for food. When old fogey said that, the warrior was completely softened. After all, he really said it was unreasonable, and arguing with an unreasonable and unreasonable mage was naturally hopeless!

"Okay, you two don't quarrel, I think that since there are two trainers for that ball, it means that I have to learn both. I will do half of it."

"Then which one do you want to learn first?" After old fogey asked me, without waiting for my answer, he continued: "But I suggest you learn his fighting skills first. Fighting requires physical strength and waits for you to fight. Come and learn my magic when you’re tired, so that you can restore your strength by the way."

"Isn’t the ball saying that the attribute here will be automatically restored?"

"Then It means that after you quit training, you are still training now, how can you be restored? Unless you are killed once. But I can say hello to you, you will not be punished if you die here, but the pain is not less. Yes."

"That's it! Then I'll learn the warrior skills first!" I said, turning to the warrior and asked: "Then where do we start first?"

"Let's start with this first." The warrior instructor walked to the side of a very simple training equipment and began to introduce it. "The thing you see now is specially used to train collision skills."

"Huh? Do you want to practice collision too?" I asked in surprise when I looked at the very unique shape in front of me. . The structure of this thing is relatively simple. There is a railroad track on the ground, a railcar is on the track, and a mannequin in armor stands in front of the car. This model only has the top half. Below and on the back are a lot of steel with thick arms attached to the car behind, and the car is equipped with several large iron mounds, which seem to weigh at least a few tons.

The warrior instructor heard my question and began to express his principles. "The battle between warriors also pay attention to know yourself and know your enemy, so the two sides will usually fight hard before the battle. First try the other's strength. If the strength is weaker than the opponent, then you must start a battle. , And if the power surpasses the opponent, then you can let go of your hands and feet to overwhelm your opponent with absolute power. However, fighting in a battle is actually an unorthodox way. When a true expert comes into contact with the enemy, it is nothing more than 1-2 moves. The use of Yudou itself shows that you are weak, otherwise, why do you have to deal with the enemy?"

I am nodded, and I very much agree with the warrior instructor's words. Individual combat is actually the same as combat in large corps. Guerrilla is like guerrilla. It is a tactic used as a last resort in order to preserve strength as much as possible and knock down opponents when the strength is not as good as that of others. However, the enemy only has three or two kittens, and fools fight guerrillas with others, and they will be over if they are directly suppressed by soldiers.

"I understand, fighting still depends on strength anyway, so collision must be learned."

The warrior trainer was immediately satisfied and nodded. "It really deserves to be a high level player. Compared with the average little trash fish, the receptive ability is really much stronger. You are right. Collision is the basic of a warrior. You can learn how to work hard in the process of training collision. . Don’t underestimate something as simple as hard work. With the same amount of effort, a person who can work hard can lift a big rock, and a person who can’t use it may flash his waist. This is the difference. Okay, nonsense. Not much to say, we will start collision training now. Your task is to use the collision skills to hit the model in front of the iron car in front of you. Just think of that model as your enemy. There are springs under this car, After being hit, it will automatically return to position. You hit it once and I will check your strength to adjust the training intensity."

"Understood." I stepped back ten meters away and took away the things I didn't use. Put them away, then put the magic dragon shield on the left shoulder, and then activated the collision skill and rushed towards the iron car. With a loud explosion sound, the iron car was directly hit and flew, and with a whistling sound, it rushed out of the track and flew all the way into a pile of debris piled in the distance, knocking the pile of things to each other.

After seeing his training equipment flying away, the warrior's chin fell off. It took a long time for him to react and ask me: "What is your power attribute?"

"Well, my base strength is 13 plus one. I am now 1100 Level 90."

The warrior immediately began to hold his fingers and do arithmetic after hearing this. After a long time, he suddenly cried out in surprise. "My mother! You have more than 16,000 power points? Huh? That's not right! Although the power value of 16,000 is scary, it won't be enough to knock my training car out, right? It’s not the Kamodo War Elephant!"

When I heard his words, I added in a low voice: "Actually...that...I have been rewarded by the system several times before and after. I have reached more than 3,000 power points."

The warrior instructor immediately exclaimed: "Then you have nearly 20,000 power points?"

"No Nearly 20,000, but more than 20,000. Well, after the upgrade of my basic strength, there are 16,666 points, and after adding more than 3,800 points, it’s already over 20,000. With my equipment and the power bonus, the actual power value is about 22,000. That, in addition, my attributes include some auxiliary power attributes, so the actual power generated by the value of 22,000 points The effect is beyond the normal performance."

After listening, the warrior trainer stretched out two hands with a gesture of two on one hand, and then looked left and right, and then suddenly Then he fell straight down. The old man eagerly ran over as soon as the warrior instructor fell down. "Hehe, if he is dizzy, you can learn magic with me first!"

"Wait. Who said I was dizzy?" The warrior trainer actually got up from the ground again. The gray outfit on his patted body said to me as if nothing had happened: "Okay, now I know your approximate strength, you wait first, and I will help you prepare the equipment." The warrior ran away after speaking. The car was pulled back again, and then he hummed a lot of iron mounds and piled them on the car. Finally, when they were all put on the car, the car was almost full. After doing all this, he stepped back and slammed into the car. After finding that the car hadn’t swayed, he shouted to me, “Okay, let’s start training. Your task now is to drive this car. Hit it out. As long as the lower spring can be broken while the car is rolling and it will not return automatically, you will be considered qualified."

"I'm dizzy, am I not? You can't hit it yourself, you Still let me hit?"

"I can't hit it. That means I can't hit, none of your business? I'm just your skills coach, not who is stronger than you? A weightlifter's coach Must he lift more than athletes?"

I think about it, he is only teaching skills anyway, and it has nothing to do with his own strength. "Then I'm starting to hit it now?"

"You can start." After he finished speaking, he hid to the side and shouted, "Pay attention to the strength on your legs."

" Got it." After I finished speaking, I immediately squatted up and started running the collision skill and slammed into the model. boom. "Aiya...!" Although there was another loud noise this time, the car did not fly out. Instead, I was bounced back and fell on all fours. "Did you make a mistake? You are too heavy!"

"Sorry, calculation error, calculation error!" The warrior trainer quickly ran over and removed three large iron mounds from the car. Then let me try again.

This time I also learned how to behave. I first pushed it with my hand to confirm that the car could barely be moved by me, and then retreated a certain distance to launch the collision skill. There was a loud explosion sound again, the whole car jumped backwards violently, but the speed was not fast, and because that section of the rail was low in the front and high in the back, coupled with the spring traction, the car went backwards in total. It slid back within half a meter.

"Not bad, you are the first one to be able to hit such a heavy training vehicle. I used to train trainees with a small dragon that can hit this level training vehicle."< /p>

"Huh? You have trained dragons?"

"Wrong, it's not that I trained the dragons, but my body trained the dragons. I copied the ball I have never left this training ground at all."

"Oh, so that's how it is."

"Okay, let's continue hitting!"< /p>

Next, I started hitting the car repeatedly. Every time the warrior instructor would seriously instruct me how to use force and explain what I didn’t do. After more than ten minutes, I could finally hit the car at once. The car crashed more than a meter away. However, the track is more than two meters long, and it will take a while before the track breaks the spring. After training for more than 30 minutes, I succeeded in increasing the impact distance by 60 cm, but at this time I had no strength.

"No way, I have no strength!"

"Then take a break, go and learn spell with old fogey and relax, wait until you are not tired. Come back to training.” It may be that my progress is so fast. The warrior trainer likes me very much, and his tone becomes very gentle. A well-learned child is always easier to please the teacher. This is probably a general principle!

Old fogey took the initiative to walk over when I saw that I had finished training here. "Hehe, finally it's my turn. Okay, I'm going to teach you spell now. But before you finish reading this."

"What is this?" I took the old Foggyy asked as the scroll handed over opened it. Who knew that as soon as the scroll was opened, a flash of light disappeared.

"hehe, this is my self-made skill scroll. Now you have learned my unique skill-accelerated cooling."

"What is accelerated cooling?"


"Do you know the skill cooldown time?"

"Oh, I understand. Your skill is a skill that can shorten the casting interval, right?"

"Yes. This skill of mine is a completely passive skill. As long as you learn it, it will take effect. You don't need to ca

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