Although I thought about this probability, thinking about it and solving it are two different things. I just know that this thing is not easy to deal with, and I don’t know how to deal with it at all. Looking at the current situation, summon one or two familiars obviously can’t do much. What’s worse is that the thing in front of me is still my familiar’s body. Even if I kill the tank, it may not necessarily kill that thing. Is the most annoying thing.

After thinking for a long time, I finally decided that it would be better to adopt some extreme methods. Anyway, all the consumption of this training space will be cancelled after each test. I simply took out the Azure Dragon reverse scale. "Azure Dragon is transformed." After an azure light flashed by, I disappeared in place, and an Azure Dragon with baring fangs and brandishing claws appeared in the air, but when I was about to start, there was a sudden change in my surroundings. The tank in front of me suddenly stopped, and then I myself was forced to change back to the main body, the Azure Dragon reverse scale was still in my hands, and my state was restored to full capacity.

The ball of light suddenly popped out from the side. "Ultra Grade strength is detected, and the test is forcibly terminated."

"Can't this be used?" I asked, looking at the light ball in confusion.

"It's not that it can't be used, but my test is meaningless after this thing appears. Next we need to split the training into two stages for testing!"

" In two stages?"

"I will generate an Ultra Grade trainer to test your actual battle strength in Ultra Grade mode, and then start the second test, you will be prohibited from using Ultra Grade Strength, and then I will use the general test trainer to test your other aspects of strength."


The explanation of the light ball is very simple, I naturally have no reason to listen. not understand.

"Should I challenge a super powerful existence first?"

"Yes, please wait a moment and start generating test trainers immediately."

With the words of the light ball, my front suddenly lit up again, and then returned to normal again. I looked at the empty surroundings suspiciously, and then looked towards the ball of light. "Where's the trainer?"

The ball of light did not answer my question at all. I immediately realized that the trainer would be invisible, because the ball of light would enter the silent mode only after the test started. The problem is that it seems to be a little late for me to react. I just realized that the training creature had appeared and was kicked out by something unknown. Because there were no obstacles in this test space, I flew out in one breath. He fell heavily to the ground just far away. As soon as I wanted to get up, I suddenly felt an unimaginable powerful force gathering quickly behind me. I immediately fell forward, and then I saw a purple ball of light flying over my head and blasting the distant space. A large crack appeared.

"Wow...!" I just wanted to dodge a little farther, and suddenly I got another move behind my butt, and the whole person suddenly flew up, and instantly flew far away and landed on the ground again. But this time I simply can't get up. Just now, I almost lost my health. "No, I will be killed if I go on like this!" I suddenly thought that any consumption here would be restored after the training, so I immediately took out a divine fruit and ate it. After eating the divine fruit, the upgraded rays of light appeared, and my various attributes returned to full state. At the same time, I started Azure Dragon reverse scale again. In an instant, I turned into an Azure Dragon entrenched in the sky above the training ground.

Almost when the transformation was completed, I found a humanoid object appearing not far below me. Although I still can’t see his true face, I finally know his approximate location. .

"Go to hell!" I suddenly swooped down in the Azure Dragon state, and stepped on the unknown creature with one claw. The other party was obviously surprised that I was spotted and immediately flashed to the side, but I Moved faster, swiping his claws horizontally and grabbed him onto the claws. The guy was struggling to run immediately after being caught, but where would I give him this opportunity, and threw him directly into his mouth with a big mouth.

Azure Dragon’s mouth is not just meat like ordinary creatures. Strictly speaking Azure Dragon is a semi-energy creature. He doesn’t need to eat, so his mouth is not connected to the digestive system. It is an energy black hole. Anything swallowed by him will directly enter the energy black hole and be decomposed and digested, and the impossible is overwhelming in his stomach.

Now that I have turned into Azure Dragon, I have all the characteristics of Azure Dragon, and naturally I can digest anything that I eat. The sound of the ball of light rang as I swallowed the invisible creature. "It seems that this trainer is not strong enough. Please keep the transformation status. I will start the generation of the second trainer immediately. After the generation is completed, I will restore the most attribute to you."

Before I had time to express my opinion, I saw that I suddenly had a body shape similar to Azure Dragon, but it looked like a yak creature. After seeing me, the thing didn't speak, but just lowered its head and scratched the ground, and then rushed towards me. I didn't expect this thing not only looked like a cow, but it also attacked in exactly the same way. But this is more convenient for me to fight. If he is closer to the characteristics of a cow, then the battle method should be relatively simple, and I can kill him by skill.

One after another, I stepped back and spit out a light blue thunderball with countless arcs wrapped around my mouth. The cow didn’t respond to the thunderball I spit out, and still ignored it. There was a bang, the thunderball burst instantly, and countless electric arcs smashed around between Heaven and Earth, but that But the cow passed through the center of the thunderstorm as if nothing had happened.

"Damn, this defense is too abnormal, right?" I complained and backed up, but although the acceleration is not good, the continuity of acceleration is very good, and it keeps accelerating. The momentum keeps accelerating. I thought he could not increase after reaching a certain speed. Didn't expect this thing to suddenly reach this level. But I have a way to deal with this thing. Just as the cow was about to catch up with me, I suddenly turned to the side, and the cow immediately rushed past me. I was secretly proud when I suddenly found a Space Crack appeared in front of the cow, and then the cow rushed in like a locomotive. Originally, he had nothing to do with me in Space Crack, but the problem is that after he got in, he suddenly came out of me and hit me with his head. If it wasn't for the size of Azure Dragon, it would not be easy to bear. Force, this will definitely knock me out.

I opened my body when the cow hit me, and instantly tied the cow with my own body. The giant cow with its hooves immediately lost its balance and fell to the ground. land. After the collision of The earth shook and the mountain quivered, the cow finally stopped, but the problem was that after thirteen seconds had passed, I also automatically withdrew from the Azure Dragon state.

I thought that the cow would get up and kill me after my transformation, but who knew that the ball of light suddenly appeared. "Ultra Grade test results have come out. Your Ultra Grade transformation is quite good, but the time is too short. If you encounter the same Ultra Grade existence, you will undoubtedly lose, because you are impossible to kill your opponent in thirteen seconds. And you will be killed immediately after thirteen seconds. As for dealing with ordinary creatures, Ultra Grade power is an absolute spike, and there is no room to fight back. Therefore, this training space recommends that you give up the use of Ultra Grade power training, after all, you use it. There are too few opportunities for it."

I nodded and agreed with the opinion of the light ball. In fact, the photosphere analysis is what I think. These Divine Beast transformations are simply desperate skills. I can't beat them at all when encountering the existence of Ultra Grade. The low-level ones are direct spikes. The function of training or training is actually the same. It is not as practical as concentrated strength training.

After analyzing and listening to me, the ball of light continued: "The second stage test will begin below. I will temporarily prohibit you from using Ultra Grade power, but you can use other skills and summon creatures at will. Then, Next, start to generate trainers. Because you have found a lot of summon creatures in the previous test, the trainers for this test will be plural. The current test trainer level is 1,400."

" What? One thousand and four hundred? More than one?"

Although I was yelling, the ball of light did not look at me at all, because the training creatures in front had been refreshed, and all the states on my side It was restored to the state before entering the space, and even the divine fruit that was just eaten was restored.

There is more than one instructor who appeared this time, just like the ball of light said, but they are not a single species, but a large group of various undead creatures mixed together. I saw it in it. Super high level undead creatures such as Death God, Big Lich and British Spirit Dragon.

Needless to say Death God, this kind of undead creature with a scythe and its whole body covered under a black cloak has always been a role model among the undead, because they kill people the fastest, especially around their bodies. The Death Domain that comes with it is simply a weapon of mass destruction for creatures below level 200, and it is the type that moves with him. However, this Death Domain is not very harmful to a high-level existence like me. It just causes my life force to be quickly consumed. For this, I have to thank the black magic halo under my feet. If the average player is here, it will not only be as simple as life consumption acceleration, but also a lot of strange attributes will be added, and then they will directly play to death.

The appearances of Big Lich and Death God are relatively similar. Both are suspended in midair, and both wear large cloaks, but Big Lich does not have a sickle. The headgear on his cloak is also draped behind his back. Not on the head. Of course, the biggest difference in appearance between them and Death God is that the body of Death God is actually a skeleton, while the big Lich is a group of white souls, which does not look much different from daoist. But there is one thing to note. Although Big Lich does not have the physical attack power of Death God, these guys are much faster than Death God, and their spell attacks are absolutely superb. Any mage encounters these guys. Let me talk about my own strength.

The last English Spirit Dragon is even more annoying. A normal dragon will become a Bone Dragon when it dies. This is a relatively bullish undead creature, but compared to a living dragon, they are actually weaker. After all, Bone Dragon doesn't have the powerful muscles and scales, and can't even use vomiting and magic. This has a great impact on them. The upgraded product of Bone Dragon is Spirit Dragon, which basically restores the basic strength of Dragon Clan. While possessing the physical attack power, they also have the ability to virtualize themselves to avoid physical damage, and the Spirit Dragon can use part of the magic, and can also spray out with Death Aura, which is basically a dragon-like. But more ruthlessness is yet to come. If the cultivation of the Spirit Dragon is the Dragon Lich, the battle strength of this thing is second to none among the undead. After all, this thing has all the advantages of the living giant dragon and the big Lich without their shortcomings. The dragon Lich can fight like a dragon, but he is not afraid of physical damage, and is stronger than Lich's magic resistance, so there are not many things that can really hurt them. But few people know that there is actually another level on the Dragon Lich, which is the English Spirit Dragon we see now. This thing is like the heroic spirits on the battlefield. In addition to having all the abilities of Dragon Lich, there is also an extremely terrifying innate talent-Dragon's Might murderous aura. This is a super-wide range of effect skills that mixes Dragon's Might and murderous aura. Its direct function is to comprehensively weaken all the positive attributes of all creatures within its range. Basically, a normal person stands on this Dragon's Mightous aura. After being within the range, even a handicapped person may not have been beaten, and although an expert like me will not be weakened so much, the impact will still be very large. But I’m not worried about the English Spirit Dragon in front of me today, because my soul-controlling Bannon Songlan happens to be the Tiaoying Spirit Dragon, or Bannon Songlan is actually a higher level existence than the British Spirit Dragon. He is The elite individuals in the British Spirit Dragon should not be difficult to deal with the average British Spirit Dragon.

In addition to each of the above three top-level creatures, there is a large group of three of their same families but low First Rank creatures behind them. For example, behind Death God is a large area of ​​agency Death God, and behind the big Lich is a piece of ordinary Lich, and behind the English Spirit Dragon is a group of ghost Spirit Dragon. Don't talk about the first three, the group of things behind them is not easy to deal with.

Probably the ball of light also knows that there are a lot of things brushed out this time. After the battle started, they did not directly attack, but stood there without moving. It seemed that they were waiting for me first. The attack will start to fight. After all, there are too many of them this time. If they chase me and beat me like before, then there is no need to play. I won't even have the chance of summon and I will have to be trampled into meatloaf.

Since they didn’t move, I didn’t start fighting right away. Instead, I prepared something first. First of all, I naturally released all the summon creatures. After all, this is a group battle. suicide. After summon finished the summon object, I still didn't move, but let my familiars see the enemy on the opposite side clearly and discussed the countermeasures with them.

In the three groups of fighting creatures on the opposite side, the number of Spirit Dragons is relatively small, only 20, but in fact this group is the main force of the opponent. Although the number of Lich and the agent Death God is more than five hundred, but compared to those Spirit Dragons, I am not too worried about this side. As for the first three leaders, it is estimated that the most capable of fighting with me and the familiars can withstand them. Generally, summon creatures let the three of them meet and it is estimated that they will be finished in an instant.

We only launched the charge after discussing the tactics, and the creatures on the opposite side also moved after we entered the charge. Like ours, they started to charge as soon as they came up. After all, there are too many melee creatures on both sides. If they don’t mix together, they just do not raise.

We are still charging tanks and using them. Absolutely mirrored Eminis has already expanded into two fixed turrets, and our two sides have each launched a three-shot burst before it is over. The magic crystal cannonball is a big shot against ordinary creatures, but it is obviously not so good in the face of these pure high-level biological groups formidable power. The shells that landed in the agent Death God team, apart from blasting out several agents near the landing, the only gain is that the direct hit targets were killed. As for those standing a little further away, it would have a little effect. Nothing happened. This formidable power attack is not enough to sweep a large area among high level creatures. All three shells fired by Aimenis entered the Spirit Dragon group, one of which was directly blocked by the British Spirit Dragon who took the lead, and the effect seemed to only scratch the skin. The other two shells all hit the Spirit Dragon at the back. This was a good harvest, and it blasted the Spirit Dragon directly. Yu Spirit Dragon only has twenty heads in total, and one less head can be regarded as helping us solve a big problem.

Because the speed of both sides is very fast, so the tank and Eminis have had time to play three consecutive shots and we both ran into each other. When the team was confused, it was inconvenient for them to proceed with the huge might. After the bombardment, Emiennes simply restored his image and then used absolute mirroring to transform himself into Ling's appearance with spell support.

The only ones who really fought together were my summon creatures and ordinary familiars, and the ones I could fight the most were by my side. The reason why we didn't move is because the three bosses over there didn't move either. If we were consumed by those little soldiers too early in the battle strength, the subsequent battle would be a problem.

I am now assessing whether my own arrangements can defeat the opponent. After all, these three exist at level 1,400, and their strength is only higher than mine. My Qilin warriors are still being defeated. Their little brother was dragged down, and I couldn't rely on human tactics to consume their strength. I am really not sure about meet force with force, but I have made certain adjustments for these three guys. The familiars following me are reserved for the three of them.

Death God The battle lineup I arranged is King, II, Jingjing, Lingling and Yeyue. Although Death God can fly just like Lich, they basically don't fly too high. They can be regarded as special ground troops suspended on the ground, so I don't have a special Sect flying unit to participate in the battle. The king himself is a hero, and his fighting skills are relatively strong. The most important thing is that he is also an undead. He is not afraid of the special attributes of Death God. After all, a Death Decay on Death God is enough for people to bear. If ordinary creatures compete with Death. God will definitely be played to death by his negative state. The second generation is actually a copy of me. His attributes are exactly the same as mine. Although I don’t have my fighting skills, the attributes are there. Besides, this guy was actually nurtured with the undead spell, which is resistant to Death God. Sex is also relatively high. As for Jingjing and Lingling, the attributes of the two angels happen to be naturally hostile to the dark attributes of Death God. Although Death God will have the effect of doubling the damage when attacking them, the two of them are in turn for Death God. It's also very deadly, especially Lingling's light holy sword. That thing cutting Death God is just like poking an ice block with a red iron bar. The effect is extraordinary! The arrangement of the last Yeyue is purely to make up for the lack of battle strength. After all, Yeyue’s full attribute resistance is very high, at least she can exert normal battle strength in the face of Death God.

The big Lich in the middle. The combatants I arranged were Sha Yezi, Xiaochun, Ling, Yeying, Xiaoxue, Pepper, and Ghosts and Ghosts. The feature of Lich is that physical damage is ineffective, so ordinary creatures can't hurt them, so I arranged such a battle team. Sand Leaf itself is a high level ghost, and Lich is actually a similar species, at least there is no Shengke attribute. Xiaochun and Ling are the main players of this team. They are both bright and dark, and they are all spells. It can be said that they completely suppressed Lich's specialties. If nothing else, their group should be the first to complete the task. of. Yeying and Xiaoxue are not fighting creatures themselves, but their mobility is very high. I arranged them to be used as mounts for Xiaochun and Ling, so as to ensure that the big Lich can't get close to Ling and Xiaochun. Although Lich's physical attacks were ineffective, they themselves were very good at using physical attacks, so Ling and Xiaochun had to keep a distance from him. With these two mounts, Lich couldn't catch up with them anyway. Sprites and sprites are the king’s companion monsters, and their battle strengths are also very common, but their special attributes are very practical. First of all, they can directly hug any enemy regardless of distance and speed, and they themselves are almost invincible. Although they basically don’t have other battle methods besides holding people’s legs, they can limit themselves to a certain extent by holding them all the time. The movement of the opponent, plus they will slowly absorb the life and magic of the opponent, this will cause a lot of psychological pressure on the opponent, after all, taking them with them means that you must do it quickly, otherwise the experts will not be experienced by the experts for a long time. It would be wrong to get rid of them and be sucked up by the two of them!

The last English Spirit Dragon is what I fear most. This guy has the highest battle strength among the three leaders, and it's not even a star or a half higher. The same level does not mean the same strength. It is also one thousand and four hundred. This British Spirit Dragon is far more terrifying than those two Little Brothers. To deal with this guy, I was the most bothered. First of all, I arranged Bannon Songlan and Vajra two control spirits to help me deal with him. Due to the large size of the English Spirit Dragon, ordinary small creatures may not be able to fight him even if they are of high level. Vajra's size and brute force are both first-class, and he suppresses the battle strength that can contain at least 30% of the British Spirit Dragon. Bannon Songlan is the British Spirit Dragon himself, but his strength was limited after he became the spirit controller, but even if he couldn't defeat the British Spirit Dragon, it would be fine to interfere with his attack. He and Vajra can at least suppress the dragon's battle strength by at least 60%. The remaining 40% battle strength My plan is to be in charge of my five dragons. Lucky, plague, crystal, small three or four giant dragons, plus the small dragon female Divine Dragon, five dragons together, should be able to hold the remaining 40% of the guy’s battle strength. Of course, the above are just to hold the opponent's battle strength, and it is the steel teeth hidden behind that are really responsible for killing. Steel Fang is my trumpet Silvermoon's familiar, but I can mix and direct the two monsters anyway, so I also let him out. The steel tooth is Vajra Qilin, and the whole body is impervious to sword and spear. Apart from being incapable of magic, it can be said to be invincible in close combat. As long as my familiars suppress the British Spirit Dragon and then the steel tooth will come up with a key breakthrough, it should be fine. Get him done.

In addition to these familiars, myself, Darts, Victoria, Frost and Snow, and Grandpa will serve as auxiliary forces to take over the overall situation in the back. Among them, darts and Frost and Snow are harassment units. The speed of darts is fast, but the attack power is low. The weak points of attacking opponents can be harassed. Frost's extreme freezing ability can freeze parts of the target's limbs at critical moments to limit the opponent's actions. Further interfere with their normal use of battle strength. Grandma is responsible for the treatment here. Anyone injured in the battle must rely on her to rescue them in time, so that our battle strength can always be at its peak. Victoria's task is relatively simple, but it is relatively busy. Her job is to give everyone a supplement to the three boss-level monsters. I have to say that the Wheel of Fate in Victoria is a skill that is too strong to be perverted but also too weak to be weak. Sometimes it’s not good to be bad, but it will help you get more and more troublesome, but if you walk up with dogshit luck, you can get the Death Attribute directly. It is not impossible to move the opponent's super BOSS in seconds, anyway, the main feature of this kind of try one's luck is that it is completely unreliable. In the end, in addition to command and dispatch, I also have to act as a firefighting team. In case I can't stop me, I can serve as a mobile unit to help. With my personal strength, as long as I participate in it, it is estimated that every BOSS should be careful. .

After the arrangements are made, we will stare at the opposite battlefield. The three BOSS will not move and I will not move. At this time, it is clear that whoever moves first will suffer. After all, there are so many troops from both sides in between. You will inevitably have to fight those little soldiers all the way, and it will consume a little bit of strength. The competition between experts is the slightest difference, so no one wants to do it first.

We both watched the battle in the middle of the battlefield while evaluating the final result of the battle, but it seemed that my side had a better chance of winning. Although the average level of the opponent is relatively high, the number is not as many as ours. More than 500 Lich plus more than 500 agent Death God and 19 Spirit Dragons. What they have to deal with is my more than 10,000 Qilin warrior and 21 Ringtone Knights. In addition, many of my familiars are still mixed in the team. As the backbone, their level advantage is not very exaggerated under this amount.

The battle between the two sides became more and more fierce with the passage of time. Although the agent Death God is of a high level, my Qilin warrior is also desperate to fight. Several Qilin warriors rushed to the agent Death God. God pulls from in midair to the ground and greets with a dozen long spear daggers. Even if the agent Death God kills a few Qilin warriors, the beasts they crossed will continue to fight. Let those agent Death God remember that mounts are not. Easy to deal with. Although the Lichs have no actual shape, their advantages are not reflected in the face of Qilin warrior. Originally, Lich should be regarded as a spell attacking creature, and they are not afraid of physical damage, so it can be said to be a very powerful wizard. However, Qilin warrior is also good at long-range attacks, and their bow and arrow skills are not slower than Lich's spell. The Lichs first wanted to spread the distance and attack with spell. After several rounds of shooting, it was obvious that their side had lost much faster than the Qilin warrior. Later, they discovered that the arrows used by the Qilin warrior all carried the yellow amulet. Although that thing is a Chinese Taoist thing, it is equally effective against Western Lichs like them. So in the end, those Lich had to rush directly into the battlefield and start close combat in the battlefield, at least so that they would not be shot by the bows and arrows. But Lich didn't get much better after getting closer. Qilin warrior’s attack seemed to be of physical type. As a result, when they got closer, they realized that these guys are also semi-undead Demi-God spirit creatures. Not only can they attack the undead, but they also have a damage bonus. Back when I was a human.

Lich and the agent Death God were suppressed by human tactics, and Spirit Dragon did not get any benefits. Although the battle strength of You Spirit Dragon alone can no longer contain them by the quantitative advantage of Qilin warrior, I still have a bunch of familiars in the team after all. A total of twenty Spirit Dragons were bombed out before the battle, and the remaining nineteen were taken care of as soon as they entered the battlefield.

A quiet Spirit Dragon rushed to the Qilin warrior and swung a huge front grab, which was a sweep. Several Qilin warriors who could not dodge were beaten out with their mounts, but they hadn’t waited yet. When he retracted his claws, he suddenly saw a dozen flying claws flying up from all directions, which caught his neck and front paws respectively. Yu Spirit Dragon didn't care at first, but when he wanted to blur the flying claws out of his body, he was surprised to find that those flying claws could actually catch him in the state of emptiness, no matter how nihilizing he was, the flying claws were still hanging on him. I just don't get down. Before he could react more, the second batch of flying claws flew up, and a lot of rope was hung on him in an instant. Yu Spirit Dragon furiously swung his claws back and grabbed the ropes, but as soon as he lifted his claws, he noticed that there was a lot of resistance from the claws. When I lowered my head, I realized that there were more than a dozen ropes wrapped around the paws. On the other end of each rope, dozens of Qilin warriors and their mounts were dragging back desperately. Since the Spirit Dragon has no muscle tissue and its power comes from the soul, there is no real giant dragon. It has great strength. Although it can move after being held by so many Qilin warriors, every movement becomes extremely laborious and slow. . He shook his head fiercely in anger, and hundreds of Qilin warriors were thrown into the air like moles strung together. When they landed again, they fell to pieces, but before the Spirit Dragon took the opportunity to break free. With those ropes, more Qilin warrior jumped up and pulled the ropes tightly and dragged them back. The Spirit Dragon's head couldn't be controlled for a while, and it was pulled down. At this moment, a small red silhouette suddenly appeared next to him, but although the silhouette was very small and the speed was very fast, her color was so bright that the Spirit Dragon noticed her from far away. .

In the suspicious gaze of the Yu Spirit Dragon, the red silhouette quickly rushed to his side. Although she didn't know what she was going to do, Yu Spirit Dragon knew that it was definitely not a good thing. He struggled desperately to move. He got up, but the increasing ropes on his body were pulled by more Qilin warriors. His actions became more and more difficult. He could hardly move. He could only watch the red silhouette rush to him and put a small piece in front of him. The yellow paper stuck to his chest.

In fact, the red silhouette is my trumpet Yinyue’s demon pet, Hong Ling. As the ancestor of the Heavenly Fox clan, her strength is actually one of the very best among my demon pets. Yes, it's just that she had an agreement with me at the beginning, and I generally wouldn't direct her to fight casually. The reason she participated in the battle today was because she knew that this space could help her improve her strength, so she was fighting for herself, so she took the initiative to help. After putting on the special blasting charm, Hong Ling immediately turned around and waved his hands fiercely. After seeing her movements, the Qilin warrior, who had been prepared for a while, suddenly let go of the rope, turned and jumped on his mount. Run far away.

The Spirit Dragon was still struggling, but suddenly found that the enemies around him had run away, and suddenly there was a large no-man’s land on the crowded battlefield. This is an abnormal phenomenon. Naturally it was quite noticeable, but the dragon no longer had time to think about the reason for this abnormal problem. In fact, he didn't need to think about it, because the answer was soon revealed. Accompanied by a loud explosion sound, the dragon suddenly exploded. It was not that the talisman attached to him exploded, but he exploded himself. The formidable power of the explosion is so large that it seems that the entire dragon is made of explosives. Although the Qilin warrior ran far enough, it was swept down by the shock wave. Fortunately, the distance was far away, but it was just pushed down. Did not cause much harm.

Hong Ling's talisman is actuall

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