"Ah!" I was taken aback by the densely packed stuff above my head. In fact, when I started the helmet before, I had already walked a short distance forward, so there was actually a passage behind me. Now looking back up and looking up, I almost didn’t scare me to death. I saw the hole behind us. Densely packed on the top is a piece of white Nether Soul like a light bulb. Each of these guys lacks arms or legs, and occasionally there is an arrow stuck in the body or a beating on the head. You can see that they are dead at a glance. It's rather miserable, anyway, it's really scary and scary.

Actually, the normal normal spirit root is not terrifying, especially for people like me who are bolder and biased towards dark attributes, except that the translucent body looks strange. Similar to humans? What is really scary is the kind of undead who die more tragically. For example, the ones I see now, they can die no matter how they die. They are called a myriad.

I just activated the eyepieces on the helmet after I summoned Ling and the King, so I didn’t notice the back of myself. After all, Ke Ling was once a dark Goddess, even though he is now retired, how can people? It’s also a top-level creature of Dark Element. She felt something was wrong after talking to us just now. Then she looked back with instinct and found these things on top of her head. Then she notified me again, and then I was scared. That scene.

After hearing my scream, the king and Sha Yezi also turned around. They were also shocked when they saw this formation, but this has nothing to do with the number of enemies. Like me, I was surprised by so many ghosts suddenly, but I didn't really feel scared. The ghost itself is intangible, so theoretically it won’t leave any wounds or the like. The reason why these Nether Souls look so scary is entirely because they retain the characteristics of death, and this itself is the Nether Soul. The low level still cannot flexibly control the performance of their own energy, so as long as you see that kind of scary Nether Soul, you don't need to worry, they are all low-level ghosts with no formidable power. If you really want to see a particularly beautiful ghost like Sha Ye Zi, you should run right away, because the more beautiful it is, the more it shows that Nether Soul's energy control over itself has reached its peak. When you see such a Nether Soul, you should run away immediately.

"This, this... how come there are so many?" Sha Yezi was stunned for a long time before asking such a sentence.

"Catch one and ask and you'll know." After the king reached out and grabbed it, one of the Nether Souls was immediately pulled into his hand. That Nether Soul is obviously very low-level, not to mention that it can't break the control of the king, and it will not say that if it is caught, it will only keep screaming at the king. Although it is really scary to match his extremely tragic face, the king is also a group of heroic spirits. The dead people I have seen are really corpses and blood. It is not enough to describe it. How can I be afraid of it as a little ghost? ? Seeing the performance of the baring fangs and brandishing claws in front of him, the king simply stuffed the ghost into his mouth, as if inhaling a cloud of smoke, the ghost swished and was inhaled by the king. After eating this ghost, the king said: "Nether Soul of this level has no intelligence, and can't ask anything!"

"It seems that there is no way to get anything from them. Useful news.” I thought about it and said to the king and Sha Yezi: “Good things can’t be wasted, you two move faster.”

You don’t need to say that the king and Sha Yezi know what I mean. The two guys flew up to the group of Nether Souls at the same time, and then it was really tiger entering a flock of sheep. Less than one minute, all the Nether Souls were swallowed up by these two super undeads, and finally Sha Yezi licked it. He licked his mouth and said: "It's a pity!"

The king eats the negative energy of ghosts instead of the number of ghosts themselves, so they eat a bunch of low-level ghosts on top of a high-level ghost, these Nether Soul doesn't even have intelligence. It's obviously super low. It's not addictive to eat such a bit, but I just get them some snacks anyway. Less is better than nothing.

When Masaga Matsumoto and the others came down, our side had already settled it, but even if they came down early, they couldn’t understand what was going on. Without my special vision or other vision-assisting skills in this place, they wouldn't be able to see anything at all. Thank God they can walk normally after they come down.

I waited for more than ten seconds for Masaga Matsumoto and the others before they came down one after another. It was Athena Asamiya who landed first, which surprised me. How did this woman's nerves grow? After being burned so miserably by Dark Aura here, he ran down so fast now. Normally, as long as a person has been injured once, they will have a sense of fear in the future, but this woman has no reaction at all. There are only three situations I can think of for a situation like her, but it seems that this woman is not suitable for any of them. shook the head didn't think about this issue anymore. After watching other people land in succession, I sent them a torch made of one-person, one-bone stick.

"No, I have." When I sent it to Asamiya Athena, she actually touched a torch out of her body, and then she took out a special badge to face the torch head With one press, a red light hit the torch, and the torch immediately burned with a bang, but as soon as the red light was extinguished, the torch quickly dimmed, and finally the pu' sound was completely extinguished with a cloud of blue smoke.

I stretched out my hand and pulled her torch from Athena Asamiya with a face of astonishment, then stuffed my torch into her hand, and snapped my finger on top of the torch, torch. In response, although the blue flame is not as bright as the red flame of the torch of Asamiya Athena, it penetrates very well in such a fog, and it can shine far away. The most important thing is that this torch will not go out by itself, it burns normally here.

Masaga Matsumoto looked at the blue torch in surprise, then looked at the one I handed him, and asked me suspiciously: "Isn't this an ordinary torch sold in a store?"< /p>

"Nonsense, have you ever seen an ordinary torch that can burn in the fog of death? The torch your wife uses is sufficient in ordinary environments. Don't count on this kind of place. I'll give it to you. This kind of torch is made of cursed bones. It only plays a role in energy conversion. The blue one is actually soul fire. It burns the negative energy around it. In this environment, it can not only shine far away, but only If you don’t get out of the negative energy zone, you don’t have to worry about not burning. But pay attention to yourself, if accidentally blown out, ask me and the night son to help you light it. Normal open flames can’t light this kind of torch."

< p>"Samadhi True Fire won't work either?" Gold coin asked in disbelief.

"Yes." After I finished answering, I looked at gold coin and seemed to have the intention to try it. I quickly added: "If you plan to burn that torch to ashes, just use Samadhi True Fire! But try it! Before that, I have to remind you that I have just a few cursed bones here. If you burn your own root and you have the rest, don’t expect to find a second torch."

Listen to this. Talking about gold coin, he quickly gave up his intention to try. After helping them to light the torch, we began to explore forward. With my Spirit Physique detection ability, any ghosts should not knock close to us silently, and there are still darts in front of us exploring the way. We moved forward while guarding, and quickly passed through a long passage, but to our surprise, the surrounding environment was getting worse and worse.

"Wait." I stretched out my hand to stop the others from moving forward, then walked to the edge of the wall and touched the rock on the wall, then pushed the mask up, put my hand in front of my nose and smelled it. .

After seeing my strange movement, Masaga Matsumoto also leaned over. "What did you find?"

"You smell it." I stretched my hand to his nose, and Masaga Matsumoto took a deep breath and was immediately choked with sneezing.

"What is this?"

I looked at Matsumoto in surprise and asked: "Are you Japanese?"

"This What does it matter whether I am a Japanese or not?"

Athena Asamiya came up and touched the wall with her hand, then put it in front of her nose and smelled it, and then told Masaga Matsumoto Said: "There is a lava river nearby. What you smelled just now was a low-concentration sulfuric acid solution."

"Sulfuric acid?" Masaga Matsumoto backed away in shock.

I grabbed Matsumoto Masaga. "What are you afraid of? Even if it is sulfuric acid, if the concentration is too low, it won't be the worst. Not to mention that you are still wearing armor. Even if you are naked, it will take months to corrode your skin!"

"But why is this smell so irritating?"

"What you smell is a mixture of many kinds of sulfates and some other substances, plus the irritating sulphur compound itself It’s bigger, and you take such a big mouthful. It’s not strange!"

"But if there is lava connected to this place, why does the undead live here?"

" Why can’t you live with lava undead?"

"Don’t the undead like cold and humid places?"

As soon as I heard Matsumoto Masaka’s words, I couldn’t help it. NS. "We undead are not cockroaches. What do you mean by like cold and humid places? Humans find that the places where undead live are cold and cold because undead emit negative energy, and we also prefer negative energy. Sunlight on the ground will consume a lot of negative energy. Therefore, only those places where people live in cold and humid areas with no sunlight have negative energy. Therefore, most people will see the undead in these places. It is not that the undead like the cold and humid. Especially here is Japan. It should be said that the European undead like the cold and humid. It’s still understandable that our non-physical Nether Souls are not physical bodies. Cold and humid are physical properties, and are they meaningless to us!"

I also added: "European skeletons and The undead Knights have physical existence, maybe they will also consider those things. If the Nether Soul without a physical entity does not consciously detect, it will not even feel the temperature, so the temperature height is simply meaningless to them. Even if the temperature of the lava river is higher, Because it’s underground, it won’t consume negative energy even if the temperature is high. What about undead souls like Nether Soul even if they live in a lava lake?"

We are talking here, Bingbing Suddenly interrupted and said: "Do you guys think it's getting hotter and hotter here?"

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