"It's getting hotter?" I immediately thought of a question after hearing Bingbing's words. After reaching out to stop other people's conversation, I first looked around, then blasted a hole in the ground with a fierce punch, and then leaned on the hole and listened. Masaka Matsumoto wanted to ask me what happened, but was stopped by others. After listening to the ground for a while, I suddenly jumped up and shouted: "Run back!"

"Huh? Why?"

"Why do you care? Just run! "I kicked Matsumoto Masaka out, then whistled forward, and the dart immediately turned into a white light and appeared in front of me. I pointed to the front of the passage: "Go and see if the lava rushes over. If you see it, come back and tell me." After hearing the command, the dart turned into a white light and shot towards the front of the passage again, and I was like chasing a duck. Coax the others to run back quickly. Fortunately, we didn't walk fast because we were close to each other before. So far we haven't ran too far, otherwise it might be too late to go out. I'm not afraid of lava rushing over. With the defensive power of the magic dragon suit, I can hold on for a while even if the entire lava pool is dropped, but the problem is that there are many people who can't stand the lava here. I really have to wait for the lava to rush over. , Apart from me and my Familiar, there are probably only Matsumoto Masaka and Gold Coin who can hold on for more than ten minutes. Noreen may be able to hold on for a while, but she is also an entity after all. Sooner or later she will still be caught. Burned.

Many people have seen the documentary of volcanic eruption. In their impression, lava is a kind of red-like viscous substance like syrup, and the flow rate of the thing is relatively slow. At the speed of human running, there is no need to worry about being Catch up. In fact, that’s all an illusion. Everyone has this understanding mainly because the documentaries we saw were basically shots after the volcanic eruption. At that time, the lava had already left the ground, and the lava exposed in the air would not condense immediately. Stone, but the drop in temperature has greatly reduced its fluidity, so the slow flow of lava we see seems to be able to run away. In addition to the temperature, there are two key factors that influence the lava flow rate, namely terrain and pressure. Taking into account the safety of photographers, when shooting documentaries, they usually look for relatively flat areas to shoot. Because lava flows slowly, photographers have plenty of time to choose a location to take pictures of lava flows. You should find a steep hillside, don’t Say that lava is fluid, even if it is completely condensed into stone, it still rolls down all the way and smashes you crying father and mother, and this is the terrain factor. As for stress factors, this is easy to understand. You can imagine pouring water on a flat ground. Is it slow to spread all around? Water is much more fluid than lava, even water spreads more slowly, let alone lava? But we are not on the ground now. This is a sealed channel, just like a tap water pipe. The lava flowing in this lava channel is the same as the water in the tap water pipe VI. It is definitely not lava spreading on the ground. Comparable. Besides, it is more troublesome for lava to cool in such a closed pipeline, so the fluidity will be greatly improved, coupled with the extrusion thrust generated by the expansion of high temperature in a closed environment, the combination of these factors can definitely make the lava in these lava tubes If you don't run early, it will be too late to wait for the striker to see the lava.

The exploration of darts proved that my guess was correct. At the speed of the darts, he quickly ran a long way forward, and then he found the lava forwards rushing forward. Of course, the speed of darts will never be caught up by lava. No matter how lava is still lava, it is impossible to catch up to darts that are known for their speed. We only ran a short distance here, then the dart turned back and caught up with us, and then told us the situation ahead.

"What did your demon see?" Asamiya Athena asked.

"Lava." My answer is very simple, but the effect is outstanding. Everyone's running speed is obviously faster. The Night Son is even more direct corner by corner. Anyway, he only needs his eyes to see You can send it to the location you arrive.

We have a relatively long section of the road from the entrance of the cave, but the speed of the lava behind is too fast. We can obviously feel the wind blowing forward from the rear when we run. As it gets bigger and bigger, the temperature gets higher and higher, and finally you can clearly feel the smell of sulfur in the wind.

"We can’t run like this. Before the lava catches up with us, it’s too late to reach the exit." Noreen is more proficient in calculations. She can accurately calculate the time for the lava to catch up with us, and then calculate the time for us to run. When it's time to exit, a comparison of the two will tell us that we will definitely not have time to go out.

I also thought of this question when I heard Norin's words. In terms of computing ability, I am not much worse than Norin. Anyway, I still have a super chip in my head! But Norin and I don’t calculate the same time. I have calculated the speed of the temperature rise during the process just now. At this speed, the temperature around us will rise to about two minutes and twenty seconds. To the extent that Bingbing and Athena Asamiya are at risk, the two of them have the weakest defensive power to high temperatures. The Night’s Son is a little better, but he can hold on to the end after two minutes and thirty seconds at most, and we need at least ten kinds to reach the exit. There is no suspense at all, and even the opportunity to gamble will not be there.

I started to think of a solution while running. It was a good idea to put everyone in the door of the earth, but the problem is that it takes time to communicate with the mother of the earth, and bringing them in directly might make the mother of the earth unhappy. Since you can't use the gate of the earth to escape temporarily, you have to think about it in another direction. After looking at the height and width of the ceiling of the cave, I suddenly had a solution. In the past, in order to prevent everyone from pulling the distance, we have been running at the slowest speed of Bingbing. If we want to increase the speed, we have to send the Bingbing out first, and the width of this cave channel is just wide enough.

"Flying Bird." With a scream, the Flying Bird came out of the Phoenix Dragon Space and appeared beside me, followed me and ran to lift Bingbing and the Night's Son and threw them on Flying Bird's back. "Hurry up." The two of them knew that their speed would drag everyone down, so they didn't have any objections. They grabbed the bird's nails, and the four jets behind the bird's wings suddenly lit up, popping out four white apertures. , And Asuka has disappeared into the cave ahead with all the smoke and harsh rumbling sound.

"What a fast speed!" Asamiya Athena couldn't help but exclaimed.

Without the slowest Bingbing and the defensive power of the Night Son, our speed is much faster. At this speed, although we still can’t reach the cave within a safe time, at least we can run one more section of the road. Two are solved, and there are others who need to solve it. There are only three people who can run faster than lava here, me, Norin, and Athena Asamiya, which means Masaka Matsumoto and gold coin must be sent away first.

"Yueying, Xiaoxue." one black one white Two unicorns appeared beside us. "Gold coin and Masaga Matsumoto, you two, one person and one horse. Go up immediately."

The two of them knew that they were not as fast as everyone else, so they immediately jumped on the mount, and then Yekage and Xiaoxue speeded up and sprinted immediately. Distanced us from each other. Without these four slow runners, it would be easier for us to handle it. I started tentatively speeding up, and found that Noreen and Athena Asamiya could easily keep up, so I just let go and ran away. The two of them weren't thrown away and still followed me. In the open terrain, I would definitely be faster than the two of them. After all, I have wings, but here our speed is only birds of a feather, but one thing is certain, that is, we do run faster than lava. , Because the surrounding temperature is gradually decreasing, which shows that we have gradually moved away from the lava forward.

After running all the way to the exit, I hurried to let Noreen and Athena Asamiya get out first, and the familiars that had transported other people took advantage of this time to return to my Fenglong space. , When they got back into the Phoenix Dragon Space, Nuolin and Ma Gong Athena had already gotten out, and I hurriedly climbed up and got out of this cave.

Fortunately, Bingbing and Yezizi are not stupid. After I went outside, I saw that the two of them had reached a long distance and were still running. My summon was lucky and Noreen they turned over and jumped up. The nature of flying and the speed of running with legs are incomparable. Luckily, after a few flaps of wings, he caught up with Masaga Matsumoto and Gold Coin. After catching them, we continued to fly forward. The Son of Night and Bingbing were also chased by us. Fortunately, he didn't land, and grabbed them both with his two front paws and flew forward. While lucky enough to grab the Son of Night and Bingbing, a loud explosion sound suddenly came from behind us. As soon as I looked back, I saw a lava fountain rushing up into the sky above several hundred meters against a large rock.

"Fortunately, we run fast!" Masaga Matsumoto exclaimed.

Norraine corrected and said: "Fortunately, we will have more demon pets!"

Matsumoto just remembered that he also relied on my demon pets to run away, so Immediately turned to pat my horse. I reached out and stopped Masaka Matsumoto’s compliment said resolutely: "It seems that the target we are tracking doesn't want to see us?"

Masaga Matsumoto is not a fool, and I want to understand when I turn my eyes. Only the silly hu hu, the son of the night who was just sent to the lucky back, asked: "How do you know?"

"It's not simple yet?" I stretched out my hand and pointed, "What did you see? "

"Forest!" The Night Son replied foolishly.

Looking at him, I still don’t understand. I just said directly: "That’s the reason. This is not a volcanic crater, why does lava spray? If lava is sprayed frequently here, the trees would burn to death before long? It is the place where the lava river flows. The surface heat and a lot of sulfur are enough to make the plants wither, but here is the luxuriant forest. It can be seen that this lava flows here for the first time. But why lava has not flowed here for so many years? Wait until we get into that hole to flow over? If it's a coincidence, it's a bit too coincidental, isn't it?"

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