"Don't go down yet!" When I heard Athena Asamiya's shout, I knew she was going to go down and take a look, but it was a bit late to remind me. As soon as I finished shouting, I heard the screams of Athena Asamiya in the cave. "Rose vine." I swiftly stepped out of the cave, a vine of the rose vine stretched into the cave like lightning, and then suddenly pulled out a few seconds later. Behind it was Athena Asamiya, who was full of smoke.

As soon as Athena Asamiya was thrown to the ground, she started screaming and rolling all over the floor. Masaga Matsumoto circled her anxiously but didn't know how to help.

"Get out of the way." Yezuki, who was just released by me, pushed Matsumoto Masaka away, and then pressed one hand on the eye protection on the forehead, and clicked her crystal eye protection. When she got up, Asamiya Athena, who was still rolling on the floor, instantly turned into a twisted human sculpture.

Yeyue finished her work and immediately changed. Xiaochun, who had been waiting a long time ago, walked over and hung her hand over Athena Asamiya’s head, and then saw the white light particles coming from The palm of her hand flew out and quickly sank into the body of Athena Asamiya.

It wasn't until this time that Masaka Matsumoto remembered and asked me: "What's the matter?"

"I forgot what I told you?" I looked towards Matsumoto Zhenghe, looking at his confused face, had to explain again: "The place where the high level undead gathers will become a negative energy gathering area, and will soon produce by-products such as death fog or poisonous miasma. In a closed In underground passages and caves, there is no offsetting effect of sunlight and Earth Qi has a nourishing effect on negative energy, so the formation speed will be faster than on the surface. The cave below must now be full of dark energy, her assassin-like profession Although it is more suitable for action at night, it cannot be regarded as a dark profession. It's strange if you just go on like this and smoke all over your body!"

"so that's how it is. Then your demon...?"< /p>

"The Eye of Night Moon Petrification is only temporarily isolating the target. Although we have always used it as an attack skill, this skill itself does not cause harm or pain. On the contrary, after petrification, the body becomes The stone lost consciousness, and the original pain was no longer felt. Yeyue Petrochemical helped her relieve the pain, and she couldn’t heal her rolling so much! As for Xiaochun, she is the boss of the angel of light, healing the dark energy The damage caused is an expert."

When I explained to Matsumoto Masaga here, Xiaochun had already completed the treatment, and Yeyue also helped Athena Asamiya relieved after Xiaochun ended. The petrified state, but Xiaochun immediately started treatment again after the petrification was lifted. Unlike the previous fight against the corruption of Power of Darkness, the physical damage now needs to be treated. Although Light Element's healing technique is strong, it can't have a healing effect on stones, right? There is no way to treat physical injuries without removing petrification.

Just now, Athena Asamiya entered the cave and was pulled back by the rose vine in a few seconds, so there was no problem inside, but the surface of the skin seemed to have been splashed with sulfuric acid. That's really true. It's scarier than ghosts. Fortunately, Xiaochun's treatment spell is very useful. After a few seconds, the burn on her body was fixed, making her a super beauty again. It was not until this time that Masaga Matsumoto came to take care of him. Although he is now much stronger than the previous battle strength, he is not good at treatment after all. If he fights, he has to step aside for treatment.

Matsumoto Masaka and Asamiya Athena were talking there, and I went to the entrance of the cave and studied it. Since the cave has been penetrated, the dark energy inside is slowly infiltrating outward, the purple black mist that can almost be seen with naked eye is the result of the high concentration of dark energy. Even in a closed underground cave, it is by no means ordinary undead that can make the dark energy so strong. When Bingbing saw me standing at the entrance of the cave and looking in, he leaned in and wanted to take a look, but I stopped him. "Don't come over, I'm fine with this thing, you have to be like Athena Asamiya."

"Then how do we get down?" Noreen asked.

"There are many ways, and I happen to have the easiest way here." I said and let Ling out. As soon as Ling appeared, he began to condense a small magic array on the palm of his hand, and then printed a magic array on Bingbing's body like a seal. After fixing the magic array on Bingbing's body, Ling walked over to build one each for Masaka Matsumoto and Athena Asamiya. I explained to them: "This is a dark mark. The effective time is twelve hours. In case it exceeds, I will let Ling add another one for you. You will not be corroded by dark energy during the effective time."

"Why not add one to everyone?" Masaga Matsumoto curiously asked.

"The Son of the Night is Necromancer, Noreen is a magic puppet, and Gold Coin is a Taoist priest himself. Do you think they are afraid of dark energy?"

"That's it." Masaka Matsumoto It suddenly became clear after listening to my explanation.

"Well, now everyone doesn’t have to worry about the erosion of the dark energy. Let’s go down and look at the situation inside." The released darts were placed outside. The darts are fast and small in size, so they can't be more suitable for path finding. Following my gesture, the dart rushed into the hole just dug like a bolt of lightning, and it disappeared in an instant. I followed the dart into the cave.

The hole made by the magic puppet with eternity just now is not big, and the depth is relatively narrow. My magic dragon suit has too many edges and corners, and the baring fangs and brandishing claws look arrogant enough to drill holes It seems a bit in the way, but fortunately I still have a trumpet. After a snap of my fingers, I switched to the silver moon state. All the hard armors on the silver moon are tight-fitting, while the other parts are made of various soft textile-like materials, so I can climb into a relatively narrow cave. Besides, the figure of Yinyue's small size is a lap smaller than that of Purple Moon's large size. Drilling holes is absolutely no problem.

As soon as I climbed into the rock, I saw a big vertical hole, but there are no stairs or the like. Obviously, only ghosts live here, so there is no need for stairs at all. I grabbed a protruding rock in the shaft and pulled my lower body into the shaft, and then switched back to the Purple Moon form. This shaft is much larger than the horizontal hole we made. Even if I spread my wings, I don’t have to worry about getting stuck. Looking down, there is nothing to see except a black mist. Although I have dark vision, I can't use it as a perspective eye! The fog here is too heavy, you can't simply see anything, it's better to close your eyes.

I just discovered recently that my 1/4/2021 vampire bloodline actually has a bat-like ultrasonic receiving ability, but this ability only appeared after I reached a thousandth level, I guess it is probably After the breakthrough level upper limit, the primordial abilities of various races are stimulated. But even if the detection ability is restored, this ability is not very strong. At least I can't really rely on ultrasonic path detection like a bat. Only when I concentrate can I activate this instinct.

As I started to concentrate and close my eyes, everything around me suddenly disappeared in front of my eyes, followed by my breathing, three connected blue ripples like shock waves. The speed of the sound wave spread rapidly, and the place where these blue shock waves swept through was immediately "see" in my eyes, but those scenes would only stay for a few seconds after the shock wave swept, and then they would gradually dim. Continue until it disappears completely, but generally these things have not completely dimmed and disappeared. My second impact will be sent out again, and then the surrounding objects will immediately return to that bright feeling, and it will repeat itself, to the point that it is more than looking at things directly with the eyes. Easy to use.

"Follow me, slow down." After I said to the people outside the cave, I loosened the rock on the cave wall and spread my wings and gently fell to the ground, as I descended, The area scanned by my sonic detection is also expanding, and soon I "see" a large cave. In front of this straight well from which I came down was a section of caves that continued to extend downwards diagonally. Although the cave is curved, my ultrasound does not travel in a straight line like light, so the curved channel does not affect my observation. "King, Sha Yezi." As I called, the king and Sha Yezi appeared on my left and right sides respectively. Both of them are standard undead. This completely dark environment has no effect on them at all, but on the contrary. Because of the powerful Power of Darkness, their strength slightly increased. In addition to these two, Ling also quickly appeared behind me. She is the Sovereign of darkness strictly speaking.

"The king, Sha Yezi, you two alternately cover and move forward carefully, the master is behind you." As soon as Ling came out, she helped me command the others. Usually, she is the acting boss in my favorite. , So other familiars listen to her very much. Sha Yezi and the king began to move forward carefully after nodded, and I did not close my eyes to detect, but opened my eyes and started to activate other detection abilities. Before, closing your eyes was just to activate the ultrasonic detection ability. As long as you adapt to the breathing rhythm, you don’t need to close your eyes again. Besides, you start the ultrasound to “see” the road. If you really encounter the Spirit Physique, the ultrasound will definitely pass through. The fart can't be found, and expecting it to find ghosts is similar to using a deaf as an interpreter. It is purely a display.

After opening my eyes, I pulled down the mask of the magic dragon helmet, and then when I moved my mind, the crystal lens in front of my eyes immediately lit up with a faint blue dim light, even in the black mist. not so obvious. After adding this layer of blue light, the environment I saw immediately changed greatly, and the surrounding environment immediately became more faint like clouds and mist floating in the air. Those are all negative energies, just because of the density problem. It's just dim. However, the king and Sha Yezi in the picture I see at this time are like two huge human-shaped light bulbs. They are both undead, and their main body is still negative energy. The function of my lens now is to detect negative energy, like Their powerful souls are naturally bright like light bulbs. I first adjusted the lens to mark the two of them, and then their brightness was immediately reduced to the point where I could only see them, so that when the undead appeared again, it would be easier for me to find the target.

After finishing all this, I felt that someone behind me was photographing me, and when I looked back, it turned out to be Ling. After she saw me turning around, she pointed up with a hand with a weird expression. I looked up suspiciously towards the direction of her fingers, but this raising of my head almost didn't scare me and sat on the ground.


Now, the storm is here for everyone a year in advance. In addition, I would like to inform you that the update will not be interrupted during the Chinese New Year, but the time is estimated to be messy. It may be published in the morning or at night, but there will be at least one chapter a day. This can be guaranteed.

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