"Okay, Athena, no need to pretend." Masaka Matsumoto said to the ninja who came with him, and Yezizi and I were taken aback. The name Athena is obviously not what a man should have, but the ninja in front of him is a man no matter how she looks. Although most of his face is wrapped in a facial mask, he does not feel that he has any characteristics of a woman regardless of his figure or other characteristics.

We were whispering over here, the ninja called Athena suddenly grabbed a piece of cloth on his head and pulled it back violently. With a hula, a large piece of cloth was torn by him or It was said that she was thrown out, but after removing the disguise, the people we saw were completely different from before. The male ninja who just got into the crowd and couldn’t find it just now suddenly turned into a super-big beauty with a hot body. This move has taken us all down, pointing them one by one. She didn't know what to say at all. I stared and swept this woman from top to bottom and from bottom to top more than ten times. Apart from a natural stunner, I really can't find a word to describe her!

The figure of this woman is really hot and beyond description. how to say? If ordinary beauties only make men want to come up and strike up a conversation, then this Asamiya Athena is the type where a man's uncontrollable thoughts will go astray when he sees her. Since she is now wearing dark red tight clothes exclusively for female ninjas, the clothes that are close to the body completely outline her lithe and graceful curves. This clothes alone is enough to make bloodline spray. This woman is simply the reincarnation of a fox. If she is asked to play Su Daji, the fox demon in "Investiture of the Gods", it is estimated that she doesn’t even need an introduction. People who know Gods a little bit will probably recognize it as Su Daji at a glance. If her face is a little ugly, it would be nothing to match this figure. The key problem is that besides this figure, she actually has a beautiful face that looks like a fox to the bone. Although those big Feifeng eyes didn't deliberately looked towards anyone, they made everyone feel that she seemed to be discharging you. They all say that beautiful eyes can speak, this is obviously it. And under those beautiful eyes, the Qiong nose, which has the right height, has nothing to protrude, but it just plays an excessive role, while under the Qiong nose is a slightly upturned pair that seems to be smiling all the time. Red lips. Such a woman can make you feel the heat of assaults the senses as long as you go there, without doing any movement.

"Hello everyone, my name is Athena Asamiya. This is my real name and my game name. My profession is Phantom, which belongs to a high level branch of Ninja. I am good at infiltration, assassination and mechanism cracking. In addition, Song this Monarch is my husband, above.” The appearance we saw gave people a 180-degree roundabout, and the tone of this female ninja was so cold that it was so cold that it felt almost like A talking machine!

"Your wife?" I pointed to Asamiya Athena and asked Matsumoto Masaka.

Matsumoto Masaga nodded. "But I haven't officially married yet, but I think it should be called that now."

"Now I finally understand why you are so relieved of her." Gold coin said.

Matsumoto said with a smile: "Actually, I planned to bring her to China together, but I was not at ease about the identity of Purple Moon before. Although you are very strong in the game, But who knows if you are capable of arranging our lives in reality? So I came here alone, but now it seems that I can take Athena together."

I am nodded. "You can understand if you have such an idea." My words calmed Matsumoto's Masaka. He just said that now that he didn't want to arouse my disgust, and he was relieved to hear what I said. But after I finished speaking, I looked towards the Asamiya Athena and asked: "The disguise you used before was...?"

"That is the special skill of the Phantom——Camouflage Technique. This skill can make We become whatever looks we want to become, and even the height of the body can be adjusted freely within a certain range, ordinary reconnaissance skills can not be cracked at all, penetration is one of the most practical skills."

"Then can you be like me?" As soon as I asked Asamiya Athena, I immediately took out a small ball and slammed it under my feet, and the peng sound was blown away after a ball of yellow smoke rose. , But after the yellow smoke dissipated, I was surprised to find another myself appeared in front of me.

"Wow, it looks like?" Noreen was surprised to circle Athena Ma Gong a few times, then turned her head back and forth between the two of us, and finally put me and Ma Gong Athena got together, but after a long time of comparison, she didn't find any difference.

For this Camouflage Technique by Asamiya Athena, I was also surprised. The imitation is so similar. I have seen a ninja who knows the Camouflage Technique before, but it is not so exaggerated! Those Camouflage Techniques can only simulate general professional characteristics, that is, they can pretend to be another profession, but cannot be designated to become someone. Comparing with this skill is simply the difference between Heaven and Earth!

"How long can you maintain a disguise like this? Does it consume magic?"

After I asked, Athena Asamiya actually replied with the same voice as me: " Camouflage Technique only consumes a certain amount of magic power when transforming, and will not disappear after transforming, unless it is offset by special magic or I take the initiative to remove it, otherwise it will last forever."

"Wow , Even the sound is so similar, too powerful!" Bingbing exclaimed excitedly.

"That...can you imitate my skills?" I asked very concerned.

I am nodded in the transformation of Athena of Asamiya. "As long as I have seen it, it can be simulated, and after the skill is released, the attack power and destruction effect are the same, but the formidable power is still my own damage value, and the damage power will not be increased by imitating powerful skills."

"That's good enough!" Gold coin exclaimed: "If you can simulate the formidable power of Purple Moon's super skills, don't you go sideways?"

"Which skills do you have? Can the ability be seen?" I asked again.

"At present, the only magic I know of is top-level reconnaissance and mind detection, but the single-player mode of these two spells must be used to specifically scout me, otherwise the use of these two skills on a large scale will also I can’t get rid of my disguise. The only two times I have been seen so far are because I didn’t understand the person I was imitating and I showed my feet in the dialogue. So far, there is no precedent for being seen through by spell."

After I listened, I said to Matsumoto Masaga: "you brat is really dogshit luck, your wife is more cows than you!"

Matsumoto just smirked. After all, it is indeed very satisfying for a man to find such a good wife. Masaka Matsumoto always enjoys the envy and jealous eyes of other men when he takes Athena Asamiya out, and that feeling is absolutely. It will make men addicted.

After talking with Masaka Matsumoto, I let everyone and Athena Asamiya quickly familiarize themselves with each other's abilities so that they can cooperate with each other in battle. From what Athena Asamiya has learned, her defensive power is probably her only weakness. As long as she is hit, she has almost no hope of surviving. Of course, it is not so easy to hit her. Firstly, her Camouflage Technique is really awesome, and secondly, her agility is really terrifying. She and I limited a small area with a diameter of five meters to perform a one-minute extreme fighting test, and it turned out that she missed her with one move, and the people outside the battle circle drove us to the end except for the afterimages of the two of us. Didn't see clearly what the trick was. In my opinion, as long as Athena Asamiya is not stupid enough to meet force with force with the enemy, there are not too many people who can kill her. Of course, if you really want to kill her, there is no way. As long as a large-scale spell hits her, it will be easy to handle, but with her Camouflage Technique and professional characteristics, it is estimated that there will be no need to face a large-scale attack. when.

After understanding everyone's skills and specialties, we began to study that scroll. According to the task prompt recorded above, we first need to find a mountain ghost in this mountain before proceeding to the next task.

"What is the mountain ghost?" Apart from researching technology, Noreen knows nothing about the outside world, and naturally doesn't know much about Japanese culture.

Matsumoto Masaka explained to Norin: "Mountain ghosts are mountain gods, but they are more ferocious in length, generally large in size, and similar in appearance to humans, but with a pair of horns on their heads."

"Oh, it's very similar to Archfiend?"

"It's not the same, mountain ghosts don't have wings, and the horns of mountain ghosts are different from those of devil." Gold coin help Matsumoto Masaga explained.

"Do you know how to find a mountain ghost?" Noreen asked Matsumoto Masaga.

Matsumoto Masaka's head immediately shook like a rattle. "Although the mountain ghost is very large, it has a feature called Shenyin, which can appear and disappear for a while, so it is not easy to track it."

Gold coin volunteered: "This job is still Leave it to me." She took a piece of paper out of her body, and then started to origami, and soon she fold out a paper crane. After completing the paper crane, gold coin squeezed the paper crane in the palm of his hand, and then moved his mouth up to blow to the palm of his hand. The paper crane immediately scattered numerous small paper cranes that were exactly the same as the previous one, but much smaller. . These little paper cranes flew out as soon as they appeared. gold coin clapped his hands after the paper cranes had all flown away and said, "Okay, now just wait for the news."

I looked at gold coin in surprise. "When did you learn this skill? It's awesome!"

"That's! I'm also a Chinese national weapon holder anyway, so I have to have something like a trump card?" Gold coin is now That brag, suddenly her expression changed and she looked at Matsumoto Masaka with a strange expression and asked: "Does your scroll say what kind of mountain ghost you are looking for?"

"Ah? What kind of mountain ghosts? Mountain ghosts are mountain ghosts, so what kind of mountain ghosts are there?"

"Then it will be troublesome!"

"Why? "

"Because of this." Gold coin said as he stretched out his hand to draw a picture in the air, a mirror suddenly appeared in front of us, and the scene displayed in it made us startled.

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