There is no horrible picture in the mirror conjured by gold coin. The only problem is that we have seen a large group of mountain ghosts fighting together, and it seems that they do not belong solely to Two forces, it seems that each mountain ghost belongs to a different force from the other mountain ghosts, because they simply don't distinguish between the enemy and the enemy.

"So many? Which one is the mountain ghost we are looking for?" Noreen asked.

"The ghost knows!" The Son of Night looked at the mirror and said: "I'm not kidding. Since there is one of those ghosts who is responsible for this task, he must know it himself, so..."

"You are a genius!" I almost slapped the night son with a slap in the face. Then I said to the others: "Let's go over right away. Maybe the mountain ghost who only has a task is almost unable to hold on. Let's go tonight. If it is done, the mission might be interrupted!"

"Yes, yes, we hurry up." Matsumoto Masaka heard that the mission might be interrupted and Lima became anxious. After all, the mission belongs to him. He lost the most if he couldn't finish it.

The paper crane with gold coin will guide us, and getting lost will not happen, but this does not mean that we can quickly reach the area where the mountain ghosts are fighting, because here Yes-high level monster area.

"Damn it, this is the sixth one!" Gold coin pulled the Heavenly Venerable sword in his hand from a ferocious-looking evil spirit, and that evil spirit was already dead. Exactly.

Matsumoto Masaga explained as he walked. "You also know that the map of the game "Zero" is basically modified according to the rough map of the real world. Although there are different places in many places for the game's playability, most of the areas are still the real areas. The same. But you may not know that the similarity is not only the terrain. In reality, each region in Japan has some legends of its own region, and the mountain we are now on does have a corresponding mountain in reality, and There used to be a Tomb of Thousands of People in that mountain. It is said that during the Warring States period in Japan, the army led by several generals disappeared in that mountain. Later, there have been many ghost legends in that place. Of course, in reality. There is nothing peculiar about that mountain, but it is a game, and the designers of "Zero" like to turn legends everywhere into concrete things into the game, so...!"

"So it is most likely that there is really a disappearing army of thousands of ghosts, and there are also a bunch of demons and ghosts, right?" Noreen asked without any fear. She is a magic puppet, although she is very human, but she doesn't seem to have any feelings for ghosts. On the contrary, Bingbing, who was standing on the side, had already started to lean on me unconsciously. In contrast, is this a normal MM's response!

As for Noreen’s question, we all already know what will happen without answering the question. After all, it’s not fake that we have just run into so many monsters in a row. This mountain is most likely to really move all the legends in reality, but the legends in reality are also messy. I don’t know to what extent the game can be imitated, but by looking at the monster level here, you should know whether it’s not. It's a simple monster, after all, this is a high level monster area!

The monster that appeared after the paper cranes of gold coin continued to go deep into the forest not only became more and more exaggerated, but also began to increase in number. The most annoying thing is that the high level monsters here are all of the same kind. Humanoid. The monsters in "Zero" can be roughly divided into three categories according to their size. The first category is beast monsters. This kind of monsters is the most numerous. The more Gao likes to occupy land, such as giant dragon. If there is a dragon on any mountain, then you don't expect to see any high level weird except for a dozen or more li. Corresponding to beast monsters are humanoid monsters. This type is more difficult to distinguish, because these monsters sometimes temporarily act as NPCs in the wild, especially for players like me with a high charisma index and obvious factions. It is easy for people to turn into high level NPCs. Humanoid monsters generally have relatively high intelligence. Although high-level humanoid monsters are low, low-level humanoid monsters will only appear in established units. For example, NPC organizations like Dark God Palace will have low-level combat NPCs and wild humanoids. It's no wonder that they are all big bosses of the highest level, and in Japanese terms, these guys are cunning cunning, and they are generally difficult to deal with. However, wild humanoid monsters have an advantage, that is, although they like to summon little brothers, they rarely summon monsters of their own level, so there is only one big boss at most similar to beast monsters. The last remaining type is humanoid monsters. This range is relatively difficult to define. Generally, players are accustomed to classify monsters that have the general appearance of a human and have low or no intelligence into this category. Compared with the previous two types of monsters, this type of monster can be said to have less battle strength than beast monsters and less intelligence than human monsters, but they have a very annoying feature, that is, getting together. If you run into a giant dragon, even if it is more advanced, the players will be able to kill it sooner or later. Or if you run into a humanoid monster, as long as you don’t have to fight him, sometimes persuasion can have a similar effect. OK. But humanoid monsters won’t work. This thing hardly has the concept of fighting alone. Not to mention low-level humanoid monsters, even high-level humanoid monsters, even if it’s a thousand-level monster, it’s absolutely impossible to put it in other areas. It can be used as a big boss, but they just like to appear in groups, and then players often find a large group of big bosses hoping and rushing to level the player’s leveling squad and encounter this kind of monster. Except for running, it is only hoped to be wiped out when large guild organizations are leveling collectively. Individual or small groups of players basically don’t expect to deal with these guys. The mobs can get together and slowly consume their strength. The BOSS can be really good if they get together!

"Be careful." We are talking here. A very abstract monster jumped out of the monsters here. This thing looks like a human being, but it is on all fours, and there is a super big mouth on its face. The sharp teeth will tell you that it is not funny.

When encountering this thing, it is usually done by gold coin. Anyway, she likes to move the most. These monsters can't hurt her anyway, just let her practice fighting skills. But this time it was a little bit beyond our plan, because after the first monster of this kind jumped out, I heard a rustling sound in the forest, and then the sky fell like rain, oh la la. This kind of monster, a large area stood near us within a short while, it seemed that there were hundreds of them.

"Damn, why are there so many?"

"It looks like I've come across a strange guy who likes to get together!" Matsumoto Masaka said.

"I can't stand this situation. I can do as much as I can, and I will leave the rest to you!" Gold coin had already jumped out before he was finished, those monstrous I am particularly impressed by the moving animals. Gold coin rushed towards her from all directions as soon as it moved. However, gold coin is not an ordinary person. People are still in the air and have already played a gossip picture to the place where they are about to settle. As soon as the gossip picture appeared, it slammed into the ground, and all the monsters that were swept by it on the way were knocked upside down and flew out and fell to various places in the forest.

I moved my arm and said: "Norrain, you are responsible for protecting the Night Son and Bingbing. Let the others fight separately!"

The ground flew up. When I moved here, the monster immediately noticed me, but I moved faster than them. The two fastest-reacting monsters turned their heads and were directly nailed to the ground by two short arrows. The five monsters who followed the jump immediately left the ground with their front feet off the ground and their hind feet were taken back by five throwing knives, and they were all dead bodies when they fell to the ground. When the remaining monsters saw the loss of so many comrades in a row, they rushed towards me. I crossed several monsters in the air. After the red light flashed, I saw a pile of corpse fragments scattered oh la la. One place.

Athena Asamiya stood beside Masaka Matsumoto and said, "This Purple Moon’s combat capability is not at the same level as us. With our battle strength, it may not be possible even if it is hard-filled in quantity. Get rid of him!"

Matsumoto Masaga nodded said: "In the past, we were enemies and he wouldn’t let me know about some things. Now that I have been under his men, I know that I didn’t lose injustice. Give me a chance and I still have to lose. On the surface, it looks like we are defeated by Purple Moon's cleverness, but in fact, his strength is nothing but a little cleverness!"

"Look!" Ma Miya Athena suddenly interrupted Masaga Matsumoto's emotion and pointed at me and yelled. Although Masaka Matsumoto was talking, his eyes had never left my side. Just now, I suddenly disappeared in the air. He only saw a bunch of monsters falling to the ground after a flash of afterimages. After the afterimage of me disappeared, I myself disappeared. It took him a long time to find out that I was flying in the high sky and I was looking at something in the pergola.

"Boss, what's there?" Before Matsumoto Masaka could ask, Yezhizi had already asked.

"I don’t know, the smoke is billowing, it looks like a big guy is coming here."

My tone barely fell, the gold coin over there is called Up. "Don't look, it's the mountain ghosts rushing over, everyone is flashing!"

"Damn!" While the gold coin warned us, I had already seen the mountain ghosts under the smoke and dust, and There is actually more than one. Although it seems that they are chasing each other, but the mountain ghost is ugly, and other characteristics are very similar to the Titans. If such a group of crazy giants stepped on, I would be fine, Bingbing and the others would be okay. ! "Quickly get out of here!" I yelled and dived down. I picked up Bingbing, who was still standing on the ground, and slid into the nearby forest. In fact, everyone can already hear the huge rumbling sound caused by the running of the mountain ghosts at this time, but it is temporarily invisible due to the dense forest. However, the size of the mountain ghost is really big enough, one step is waiting for us to run for a long time. As soon as they heard the sound, the children of the night discovered that the mountain ghosts had arrived nearby. The towering giant trees in front of them broke and fell instantly like a garden fence hit by a car.

As soon as I turned around, I found that everyone except me, gold coin and Bingbing, who was rescued by me, hadn’t moved. I quickly shouted loudly, "What are you guys doing standing stupid? Run away!"

I probably didn’t react just now. After listening to my call, these guys finally realized that they were going to run. Fortunately, only one Bingbing that was not running fast was rescued by me, and the remaining few None of them are mediocre.

The black whirlwind around the Night Son flashed, and disappeared in place after him. The next second he suddenly appeared next to me. Although this kid couldn't walk, this instant movement was really abnormal, and he came over such a long distance in a blink of an eye.

Matsumoto Masaka immediately jumped up when he saw the big tree in front of him fell down, and the tree with his hands in the vicinity pulled up again with the help of strength. Several ups and downs have reached my side, and he Gong Athena has been floating beside him like a shadow, feeling that this speed is like walking for her.

The last remaining Norin reacted the slowest, or she had no sense of crisis at all, she didn't move until she saw the fastest mountain ghost appeared. But this girl, Noreen, really doesn't move, she's scared to death when she moves! We only saw the place where she was standing suddenly sinking downwards like an explosion, while the area near her was all tilted upwards. As for herself, she was right at the moment the explosion-like phenomenon appeared. Already appeared in the sky above several hundred meters above our heads with some afterimages. This kind of explosive power can be achieved by her perverted magic puppet. Most people who want to jump so high have to step on their leg bones into bone meal.

After we all cleared the way, the mountain ghosts ran past us like a group of running bulls. During this period, we also saw these mountain ghosts constantly attacking each other, and We who stood by were ignored by them collectively.

After all the mountain ghosts ran over, Masaka Matsumoto came over and asked in confusion: "What are they doing?"

"It looks like they are robbing What?" Noreen said. "I saw that the mountain ghost running at the front seemed to be holding something in his hand."

The Night Son suddenly said, "Do you think the mountain ghost mentioned in the mission is not? Which mountain ghost specifically refers to, but this group of mountain ghosts? Maybe they are also an introduction, and the thing they grabbed is really related to the task."

"Then we What to do? Just grab that thing?" Matsumoto Masaka asked.

I shook the head. "At least you have to catch a few mountain ghosts and ask them clearly before you say it. Looking at this, those mountain ghosts are determined to get that thing. If we go up and grab it, we will definitely be beaten up. One more thing is better than one less thing."

"Yes." Gold coin raised his hand and agreed.

"Then let's grab a tongue first!" I said and took the lead in chasing the mountain ghosts.

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