I originally thought that the Divine Item of the assassin category should be something like a claw or cloak, but I didn’t expect that the one on the shelf I finally found was actually Face shield. Is assassin useful for shields?

Although it’s very strange why there is a shield-like equipment dedicated to assassin, and it is still a Divine Item, since this item has such a low score and it happens to be a Divine Item, it will meet my needs. As for Specifically how to use this thing is that the Japanese player needs a headache.

After taking this shield, I did not return to Japan immediately, but first went to find some helpers. Masaka Matsumoto said that he found a ninja who could open the lock and crack the mechanism, so the other personnel would have to rely on me to figure out a solution. In fact, I alone is enough for general tasks. After all, I have a lot of familiars and have all functions. We can handle general things except for things that are too partial. Now the helper I am looking for is naturally of this kind of super partial door type, and one of them is the Son of Night. Although this guy has changed his job as an Appraisal Master now, his teleportation skills are really awesome. In case of a situation that needs to overcome obstacles, he is definitely better than a group of people. It is possible to teleport when I and the Mirage and the body come, but it is teleportation within the eye range, if you need to teleport to the back of the wall or something, it is absolutely necessary to bring the night child. In addition to the son of the night, I also found a helper, that is gold coin. The main reason for bringing her is that gold coin is a Taoist profession, and Japanese Onmyouji and Ninja ninjutsu are basically derived from the branch of Taoist profession, so if it is a Japanese task, it is estimated that Taoist can come in handy. No one of my favorites is good at this except for the small dragon girl's half-toned Taoism, so I also need a Taoist priest.

On the task scroll, it is said that a maximum of six helpers are allowed. Masaga Matsumoto himself found a ninja, which means that there can only be five more people on our side, and now I have three of them. I have no plans to waste the remaining places. I assigned these two places to Bingbing and Norin. Bingbing is a magic sound master, his attack method is very peculiar, and it also has a certain auxiliary effect. If he encounters a special monster, he may be able to help. As for Norin, of course she was looking for her because of her special body. As the pinnacle of the Jiaha archmage, Noreen is almost indistinguishable from humans in appearance. However, this indistinguishment only refers to appearance. After all, Norin is still a troll puppet. She is completely immune to mind and soul spells. Although she can't use magic, she is strong as an ox invulnerable, indestructible and impregnable. With such characteristics, she is definitely an alternative existence.

After thinking about the personnel arrangement, I started looking for people in order. The Night Son is in Isengard. He is now engaged in equipment appraisal and rarely goes out to level up. A monk with a temple like him is best to find, but there are many people on his side waiting for him to appraise the equipment, because the appraisal of the night son can show the hidden attributes of the equipment, which is equivalent to giving a piece of equipment for nothing. The attribute has been upgraded, and it’s not like going to a blacksmith to upgrade equipment, which requires collecting various materials and costing time. The most important thing is that this kind of identification is risk-free. If you upgrade to the blacksmith, you will lose money. . However, although there were a lot of people in line here, when I heard that I had something to do for the Night Son, those people voluntarily withdrew. Our guild has always insisted on the standard of quality above all others when recruiting people, so compared to the general guild, our atmosphere here is much more refreshed. No one complains and no one says anything, just agreed with the son of the night. You don’t need to line up the next time you come, and then you consciously leave.

After getting the Night’s Son, the next one is Noreen. She is in the experimental area. I don’t have to run this personally. Let Night Son help me find her, and I will find other people first. Bingbing was in Europe at this time. I contacted her with a crystal communicator and found her. The last gold coin happened to be returned to Isengard to supply supplies, and I caught the strong man directly, and then I took these four people and sent it to Japan.

"What the hell is the boss looking for? You haven't even told us what you are doing up to now?" Gold coin asked as he walked along with me.

Anyway, people are all here, I simply explained to them all at once: "This time I am calling you to help with a task, but this time it is not for me, but another person. One Don’t be too surprised if you see him." Masaka Matsumoto doesn’t know much about the matter of joining our guild. Even if the quality of our guild members is high, I’m not stupid enough to do this kind of thing. The point announced in the meeting. Only a limited number of people know about this at present, and among the four people who came to help this time, only gold coin really knows about this. Bingbing, the Night's Son, and Norin do not know about this.

As soon as I told them, Don’t be surprised, the Night’s Son knew that he must be a special person, but he couldn’t think of who would ask us for help and he was very surprised, so he asked me: "Who is it?"

"Matsumoto Masaka."

"Huh?" "What?" "Who?"

Except for gold coin The other three people asked almost indiscriminately.

Norraine opened a pair of big Shulingling eyes and asked in surprise: "Are we not enemies with him? Why do you want to help him with the task? Oh, I see." I don’t wait for me to answer Norin. I thought of an explanation myself. "You must be telling the truth, you mean we are going to prevent him from completing the task, right?"

I have to say that Jiaha's magic puppet production level is too exaggerated. If this Norin didn’t look at her strength, no one would simply have thought that she was actually a demon puppet, and even this kind of explanation had come up with it. It was really more active than Daoist’s thinking!

"It is very possible to say that." After listening to Norin’s guess, the Night’s Son asked me curiously: "But Boss, aren’t you the best at sabotage? Why do you want to bring What about us?"

When I heard the words of the son of the night, I immediately said angrily: "What are you talking about? What makes me the best at sabotage? Besides, the task of sabotaging Matsumoto Masaka is not pei pei. pei......, what kind of damage, I make you confused. This time the task is to help Masaka Matsumoto complete the task, not as Noreen guessed. I am not talking the irony, just literally."

"Huh? But why should we help Matsumoto Masaka to complete the task?"

"Because Matsumoto Masaka is now his own." This time it is gold coin, as The only person besides me who knows the answer, of course she can help me explain it.

As soon as she heard Gold Coin's words, the eyes of several people immediately moved to her. Gold coin deliberately paused for a while and stunned his appetite before beginning to explain to them that Masaka Matsumoto had joined our guild, and the three of them fully understood after listening.

"Since Masaka Matsumoto is ours now, it would be nothing to help him with a task." Noreen was originally a magic puppet and has no concept of the country. She only knows that she and her Enemy, since Matsumoto Masaga has joined us, he is now his own, and it is all right to help his own people in Noreen's concept. Yezhizi and Bingbing knew that Masaka Matsumoto had joined us and they had no objection. After all, the previous hostile relationship with Masaka Matsumoto was because Masaka Matsumoto was a representative of Japanese players, and they themselves and Masaka Matsumoto personally. There is no direct hostility. Now that Masaka Matsumoto is no longer a representative of Japanese players, since the main body of this hostile relationship no longer exists, there is naturally no hostile relationship.

After explaining the situation clearly, I contacted Masaga Matsumoto with a crystal communicator and agreed on the location of our meeting, and then I took a few of them and flew directly to the target area. Following the landmark mentioned by Masaga Matsumoto, I quickly saw the meeting point, and then directed the lucky person who served as a means of transportation to land.

The place where we are now is a small forest, but after crossing a river behind it is connected to a large mountain. According to Masaga Matsumoto, the mission site is in that mountain, and the river is the branch The boundary line, this side of the river is the low level monster area, and the other side is the high level monster area. After we landed, Masaga Matsumoto ran out of the forest with a ninja I hadn't seen.

"Hurry up and put the dragon away!" Masaka Matsumoto shouted as he ran.

"Why?" Although I was asking, I had already collected my luck.

Matsumoto Masaka rushed to my side, pulled me up and ran into the woods, and then explained as he ran. "The forest is in the leveling area. Someone must have seen your dragon now!"

Listening to Matsumoto's reminder, I was overwhelmed. I usually come and go freely, and I don't care if I will be discovered by Japanese players. After all, even if I find out, no one can do to me. But today is a secret mission. It must be concealed. You must not let people see me and Matsumoto Masaka walking together, otherwise it will be troublesome. It's a pity that I've gotten used to it, and it's hard to think of these at the critical moment. We knew we should land early and then change to horse mounts! Fortunately, no one has come here yet. As long as you run into the high level monster area, there should be no one coming in.

Following Masaka Matsumoto all the way across the river and ran a long way into the woods before we stopped, and as soon as Masaka Matsumoto stopped, he hurriedly said hello to the few people I had brought. Although he is now one of ours, he himself knows that the guild with us used to appear in a hostile image, so the average player may not be able to accept him. But today he is obviously worried for nothing, and the people in our guild are not so rigid.

"Okay, well, you know the few I brought, can you introduce the one you brought?"

Actually, I am very curious about this ninja It's been a long time, I really don't know how Matsumoto Masaga found it. This guy was not sent to him by me, and he actually dared to bring this person to participate in such a mission. Obviously he trusted him extremely. I really want to know why Matsumoto Masaka believed that this person would not reveal the relationship between him and us. Relationship between.

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