As soon as Nobunaga Guishou and I scolded each other, we started to run back. Anyway, now that the large army has arrived, it doesn’t make much sense for us leaders to fight here. Moreover, our standing here will also affect the battle of our own troops. It is better to withdraw and join our own troops before joining the war again.

When I returned to my army, there were almost a million troops gathered here. The vanguard troops had reached the periphery of the battlefield, but the team behind could not even see their tails. I first scanned the army establishment, and found that they were all celestial troops, all of which were high-consumption units, so Rose first transferred them for consumption. On battle strength, heavenly soldiers are more than ten times that of general hired NPCs, but if they are used as laborers, they are not necessarily much stronger than ordinary NPCs. In addition, they themselves consume more than ordinary NPCs, so first consume these heavenly soldiers to get the most out. Quickly reduce the unnecessary consumption of our guild.

The main force on the Japanese side seems to be their ghost army, which is a very strange humanoid unit, but don't think that the ghost army is really a ghost. Ghosts in Japan do not completely refer to human souls. Japanese people are used to thinking that ghosts are a branch of gods, and these ghost troops are the embodiment of this idea. Although they are called ghost troops, they are actually soldiers of the Japanese Divine Race. In fact, it should be regarded as a similar unit with our heavenly soldiers, but they belong to different forces. Compared with our heavenly soldiers, the Japanese ghost army is much lower in battle strength than our heavenly soldiers, but the Japanese ghost army has an advantage, that is, it is cheap. Even if the price of the heavenly soldiers I obtained from Celestial Court by stealing and cheating is incomparable with the Japanese ghost soldiers, the soldiers are so cheap that they can’t say that if it weren’t for our heavenly soldiers to meet the ghost soldiers, they could fight them all at once. Ten even I want to buy a ghost army.

The quality is not good and the quantity is not good enough. The ghost army brought by Nobunaga on this time is at least 15 million. From a long distance, I feel that the whole world is full of his soldiers. , If it weren’t for the fact that the ghost army hadn’t been beaten, most people would have been scared away when they saw this number.

Frontal combat relies on tactical coordination and strength to speak. Strategies and other things are basically ineffective at this time, so I completely handed over the command to the military god, and he was in the battle of the soldiers. Strength can increase by at least 20%.

The troops on both sides did not shout or shout when they reached the outskirts of the battlefield. Before, Nobunaga and I had scolded each other when they left. There will be no need to shout at this meeting anymore. The troops on both sides paused slightly. After a while, the whole team began to charge. We didn't use defensive tactics on our side and Nobunaga Oni's side, but both sides launched a charge together. Since they are all infantry, there is no impact at all. The Defensive Array is not as good as a direct charge to generate additional attack bonuses. In fact, Nobunaga and I were planning to mobilize some cavalry, but we both encountered a little problem. Nobunaga's cavalry troops ran to the other end of the island yesterday because they were running fast. As for what they were going to do, I don't know what they were going to do. As for the cavalry of our guild, all of them are still dangling at sea! It's fun for a large army to fight, but it really kills people when mobilized!

I don’t know which side started first. The troops on both sides quickly entered the charge mode, and then they saw the forward troops on both sides rushing into each other like two opposing waves. Stirring droplets of numerous broken limbs and minced meat. The strikers on both sides started to intersect each other as soon as they touched, but it is obvious that we have penetrated a lot deeper on the Japanese side, because the individual battle strength of the ghost army is really not good, and the heavenly soldiers smashed into it. After the ghost army cuts down many talents all the way, they will be killed, which will inevitably cause an imbalance of impact. From our point of view, although both armies are rushing forward, in fact, the battle front between the two sides has been moving towards the Japanese.

"It looks like I don't need to worry about it at all here." Kristina stood beside me and said, "I was planning to help! Didn't expect the Japanese troops to be so unattended. !"

"This is not because the Japanese troops are not fighting, but because of different tactics. What the Japanese pursue is a large number of troops, but we emphasize the policy of elite troops, although it seems that the front line has been moving towards The Japanese moved there. In fact, the actual loss ratio of both sides was roughly the same. We didn't actually take advantage of it." I explained to Kristina.

"Then am I going to help?"

"Forget it!" I stopped Kristina's actions. "There are more than ten million enemies! How many can you kill with your attack speed? It's useless to rely on one or two super players in the Legion battle." As I was talking, suddenly the crystal communicator rang again. "Matsumoto Masaka? What's the matter?"

"I want to ask if you are free?"

"Huh? What are you asking for?"

"I want you to go for a walk."

"What? A walk?"

"hahahaha...just kidding." Matsumoto Masaka is obviously in a very good mood. You Xin joked with me. But think about it, he should really be in a good mood. After all, Nobunaga Oni was just in the middle of my chance to play with him. It was the first time he was able to raise his eyebrows like this since he was ousted. It is strange that he is not excited.

"Speaking of business, what is the matter with you?"

Listening to me, Masaga Matsumoto quickly returned to his normal tone. "Remember the little brothers I just collected?"

"What's wrong?"

"One of them actually has a mission scroll in his hand. Guess what it is about? "

"What is it about? It will not be a task scroll for super equipment, right?"

"It is not about super equipment, but about super skills."

"Super skills?"

"Yes, it is super skills. That player is only a relatively average player, but this guy is so lucky that he actually got a scroll of super skills missions. However, this scroll is restricted to a level of 950 or higher just because of the opening conditions. After watching the performance of the two of us just now, this kid admires me very much, so he transferred this scroll to me. But he wants to exchange it with a Divine Item."

When I heard it, I immediately asked seriously: "Divine Item is really rare, but didn’t I give you a few last time? Where did you get it? Going?"

"No way! The Divine Item you gave is not available. He is a ninja. What he needs is Divine Item with agility or special attributes with hidden categories, those you gave Divine Item doesn’t have the right number, and there is no one that can make do with it!"

"Then you agree to this first, I'll go back and find it for you right away. There should be more in the warehouse. A few Divine Items of the assassin class should be good for ninjas.” I thought about it after I finished talking and was about to cut off the communication. "By the way, do you know what that skill is? Don't get a junk super skill at the end, it won't be worth it!" Matsumoto Masaka immediately explained: "This player admires me very much. So he didn’t ask me to find the Divine Item right away. He probably realized that the Divine Item dedicated to ninjas is hard to find, so he didn’t emphasize the time. He just signed a system guarantee agreement with me, and now the scroll is in my hands, just I have to find a Divine Item suitable for him within a month. I have read the content of the scroll, and the last skill is not written on it. I only say that after the final task is completed, a skill will be tailored to the user, and If the task score is high, you can still decide part of the characteristics of the skill yourself."

"Damn, so awesome? Don't say a Divine Item for this kind of scroll, even if it's worth three! You wait, I I'll go back and find equipment for you."

"This is not in a hurry!" Masaka Matsumoto shouted to me: "The agreement period is one month. As long as it does not expire, it will be fine. I am looking for you mainly because I miss you. Come with me to do this task."

"Huh? Let me accompany you?"

"The task description says how many skill characteristics can be specified in the end depends on the completion of the task. The task is scored, and this task limit can only ask up to six helpers to make up a seven-person leveling squad, but it does not consider how much the person taking the task contributes in the team, so I think it is the wisest decision to go with you. As long as you go, you will definitely get a high score. Only then can the use of this scroll be enlarged, right?"

"You have a bit of truth in what you say. In that case, I will help you first. Take the equipment, who are there on your side to do the task with you? Will I be seen in the past like this? If the relationship between the two of us is revealed, you should not mix up in Japan!"

"You can rest assured that the mission starts in the central area of ​​a high level monster area. I don't expect to encounter any outsiders. Even if a single player appears, as long as we pretend to be sparring The confusion passed."

I am nodded. "Let's do it then. By the way, do you have the right person to team up there? Or are you planning to go with me?"

"I will take a ninja, in case you run into it You can use it if you need to crack the mechanism. If you think you need someone, please help me at the guild! I have enough people on my side, but I want to hide the relationship between the two of us. Generally, I am a Japanese player. I can’t bring it!"

"Understand, I will contact you after I get it done."

After closing the communication, I briefly explained to Kristina and Hong Yue. He left the battlefield, anyway, I don't need me anymore. After running back to Isengard, I went straight to the equipment depot. The guild’s equipment library is very large, and the equipment inside is mainly collected and purchased by the guild players. Anyone who provides equipment to the arsenal can get a certain amount of guild contribution value according to the attribute of the equipment, and it can also get the contribution value for doing things for the guild. Players in this guild can find the equipment they need in the equipment library and borrow them for use, but each piece of equipment has a corresponding contribution. The better the attribute, the higher the contribution value is naturally needed. The borrowed equipment will be based on you The borrowed time consumes contribution, and if the contribution is exhausted, it must be sent back. The advantage of this system is that the idle equipment of the members can be used together. After all, the equipment in "Zero" is too complicated. You can rely on yourself unless you have the luck of me. All the equipment is gathered here. Of course, most players actually have a full set of equipment. This is mainly obtained by purchase and exchange. However, it is not safe for you to exchange or purchase personally. Secondly, the intermediate cost is also high. Thirdly, your personal communication will always return. It's not big, the equipment you can see is relatively small, and it is naturally harder to change to the desired one. But it’s different if the guilds come forward. After this player exchanges what’s available, everyone can get satisfactory equipment. Besides, I’m a lucky and super talented guy who is searching for high level equipment. Many ordinary players simply can’t do it. I can get everything I get, which invisibly improves the equipment level of the players in the guild. In addition, since we loaned the equipment on the basis of contribution value rather than money, this has allowed our guild players to save a lot of money. After all, buying equipment is not cheap, and the money saved after several months of hard work may not be enough. Buy one of middle grade equipment. In addition, because our equipment receives contribution points according to time and attributes, many players have developed to borrow different equipment according to their needs when fighting monsters and leveling. , Ran back immediately after the killing to return the high level equipment. This means that a set of equipment is being used by many people. In fact, it improves the efficiency of the equipment. After all, one person is impossible to fight all the time, not fighting. Wearing good equipment is a waste of time. Because of the above benefits, our equipment library can be said to be one of the welfare items that members like very much, so many members are also willing to contribute equipment to earn contribution points. Under such circumstances, our equipment arsenal began to grow larger and larger. Although our staff did not collect all equipment, because too many people contributed, the equipment was still increasing at a terrifying rate.

I immediately ran to the catalogue crystal ball right after entering the equipment warehouse. Because of the equipment too much, I would have to faint people if I didn't create a catalogue similar to an electronic index. After turning to the Divine Item catalog, the originally terrifying list became much more refreshing in an instant. Even the rare item like our super guild Divine Item is impossible, and even if the members contribute high level equipment , There are very few Divine Item contributions, unless it is a type that is really not suitable for their own use, otherwise no one is willing to contribute to the Divine Item.

"assassin...assassin...assassin...!" I pointed to the catalog line by line while reading and pulling down. I really didn't expect that the arsenal was so generous recently. I thought it would be There are only a few Divine Items of the assassin category. As a result, I clicked on the category list and turned up a large row of items. But this time it is for trading, and there is no specific attribute, so I directly selected the piece of equipment with the lowest contribution point. The low contribution shows that this thing is relatively useless. Of course, Divine Item level things are useless and will not be rubbish. After finding the shelf where the equipment was placed according to the corresponding catalog list, I quickly took down the equipment from the top. "Damn, how could it be this thing?"

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