"What if there are restrictions?" I pretended to look at Masaka Matsumoto with contempt and said, "Even if my super skills are limited, I can at least kill you all. And you can also take care of more than half of your large units by the way. With such a formidable power, do you think there is a difference between limited and unrestricted?"

"The difference is that as long as you don’t keep you full, you can Don’t even want to release any super skills."

It is said that if it weren’t for Masaka Matsumoto and I were in the same group, Masaka Matsumoto would not have known the limitations of my super skills, but Now even if Matsumoto said it, there is no need to worry about being discovered that we are a group, because there is actually a potential setting in "Zero", but few people know it. The content of this setting is about super skills, any destruction-level skills whose power exceeds the general level, if they are to be used, they will inevitably follow this setting. I once told Masaga Matsumoto about this limitation, so he is now just using it to fool Guishou Nobunaga and Guren Phoenix, and by the way, it can also create an experienced and knowledgeable impression in the hearts of other Japanese players.

Sure enough, Masaka Matsumoto started to question as soon as Nobunaga finished talking about it. "How do you know what are the limitations of Purple Moon's skills? Could it be...?" Onihand Nobunaga said this is to guide the minds of the surrounding players to the answer that Matsumoto and I are a group. Of course, this is not because Oniji Nobunaga really knew something, he was just trying to discredit Masaga Matsumoto, but just happened to be right.

"Please, you are stupid. Don't think that others are as stupid as you." Masaka Matsumoto satirized Nobunaga for a while, and then explained: "There is a super skill in "Zero". I have only recently learned about the limitation, and as long as I know this limitation, I can guess what Purple Moon’s skill limitation will be."

"Is there such a limitation?" Honglian Phoenix One I'm interested in listening. There was no ashes left by my Vermilion Bird transformation. Honglian Phoenix, the self-proclaimed daughter of Phoenix, was really stimulated, and now I can guess that my skill limits are naturally more concerned than others.

Masaga Matsumoto didn't plan to sell Guanzi, so he explained it directly. "Do you know the two super skills?" Seeing the people around them shaking their heads, Masaga Matsumoto answered directly: "Super skills can be roughly divided into two categories, one of which can greatly amplify the overall damage of the user. The other is the type that compresses the total damage output that the user can produce in a few hours or even a few days to a few hours, minutes or even a few seconds. This limit is based on two There are different manifestations of different super skills. Among them, the limitation of the first type of super skills after use is that it will cause the user's level to drop, and the stronger the skill, the more severe it will be degraded. Although I have not seen the skill of Purple Moon personally , But I’ve heard people talk about it. From what I’ve heard, this skill should not cause degradation, so it is not amplifying the overall damage output but compressing the damage time. Anything that can compress the damage time Skills generally have a prerequisite for use, that is, they must be used when the state is full, and usually there will be a certain period of weakness after use, and this time is related to the specific damage formidable power. So as long as we don’t let Purple Moon He can't release super skills when he is in full state."

After Matsumoto Masaka said this set of settings, Nobunaga Oni, Guren Phoenix, and the surrounding players were all trapped. Thinking, but looking at their appearance, most of them believe in this setting, and this is indeed the real setting. Let Matsumoto say that this setting seems to be good on the surface, but it doesn't have much effect at all. Super skills are simply not frequently used skills, and when I really need to use them, I usually will not release super skills by myself, especially for skills like Divine Beast Transformation that are activated almost instantly, so don’t worry, right. For me, if I want to be full, I only need to take two pills. Anyway, under normal circumstances, not many people can beat me to the point of being seriously injured. Even if I took a step back, when I was really beaten to the point where I couldn’t fight back, I had one last move. I opened the door of the earth, retreated and transformed and came out again. This move is definitely a rogue skill, because the mother of the earth is High God, she As long as she is not nodded, even powerful Low Gods like Anubis and Titans would never want to rush in and do me. In "Zero", High God is equivalent to the last controller left by the main system. They have the highest authority of the game, and no matter what skills or magic the people in the game use, your power is actually derived from these. Under the rules of High God. This is the same as no matter how powerful a person is, there is no way to lift himself up. Players based on High God’s power system and Low God simply cannot cause even the slightest damage to High God. This is a considerable rule of existence. There is no if, Assuming or just in case, no matter how many times the objective rule is repeated, the objective rule is the objective rule. It is precisely because of the existence of such a method that I am not worried about the cost and limitations of others knowing the super skill of summon, anyway, whether they know it or not will not affect me in any way.

Now that they know that there are restrictions on super skills, Guishou Nobunaga and Guren Phoenix have become bolder. The two of them winked slightly and then suddenly moved at the same time. I had anticipated their actions long before arranging for Masaka Matsumoto to release the news. When they gave a wink, I had already let the demon start defending, but the two of them suffered a big loss as soon as they moved.

Guishou Nobunaga rushed towards me at lightning speed, but he saw a big tail waving towards him. He didn't panic until he squatted down to the ground with the inertia of the impact. He hugged him and rolled under the lucky tail, but as soon as he escaped the lucky tail sweep, he was drawn frontally by another big tail. The man flew out like a softball being hit.

Honglian Phoenix was also unlucky. She was blocked by Jingjing who suddenly flashed out less than ten meters after she dashed out. As a result, she wanted to dodge Jingjing’s shield attack sideways. It’s just that Jingjing didn’t expect a trick. As soon as the shield flashed to the side and Ling was exposed, the black ball of light in Ling’s hand had already been released. Honglian Phoenix didn’t. When it was too late to make any reaction, a magical ball of light flew out, knocked over a Japanese warrior, and the two people rolled out together to counteract the impulse.

Different from the two of them, Matsumoto's performance here is much better. Masaga Matsumoto, who had colluded with me early, rushed up, and then the king flashed a red sword glow from the bottom up, and Masaga Matsumoto turned half a circle in the air and fell, and the sword glow Then he crossed the original location of Masaka Matsumoto and cut a Japanese player behind him in half. Masaka Matsumoto pretended to look back at the player who had been dismembered in surprise, and then jumped up and rushed towards me again, but the king was not a good-looking one. After a sword was swept away, there was a high flying leg trying to jump in the middle. The belly of Masaka Matsumoto above his head, but Masaga Matsumoto used the power of this leg to turn over the top of the king’s head and flashed across Jingjing’s sword edge with a beautiful rolling body after landing, and then two consecutive times. A forward somersault avoided the two vines that rose vines were trying to entangle him.

The players outside saw that Onijo Nobunaga and Guren Phoenix were blocked, they were already cold for a while, and now they saw Masaga Matsumoto's dodge art and broke into my defense. Everyone in the circle screamed excitedly, but Masaga Matsumoto and I, who knew the truth, almost laughed out loud. This series of actions was actually planned just now, so Matsumoto Masaka can do so beautifully. Although he received all-round training from our guild before returning to Japan, Masaka Matsumoto is still an ordinary person, no matter how strong it is, it is impossible to have the same reaction nerves as me, and my usual lightning-like movements are completely at a loss. It is only possible with the perfect cooperation of my electronic brain and biological brain. Human motor nerves would not have such adaptability. To say that martial arts routines can have certain reflexes after practicing for a long time, but the in-game battles rely on temporary reactions. It is not impossible for a motor nerve like me to make such gorgeous movements.

Matsumoto Masaka, who successfully broke into the defensive circle, did not stop at all. Raising his hand was an upper palm. I stepped back and squatted and swept Matsumoto Masaka to the ground. Matsumoto Masaka Then continue to lie down according to our planned action arrangement, and then support the ground with both hands and cross each other with feet first, then slam the leg flat and twist both hands on the ground, unexpectedly made an old-fashioned Whirlwind Kick often appears in fighting games. The Japanese players were all extremely excited when they saw this action, but before they had time to show the excited expression, they were stunned, because my reaction was even more exaggerated. Matsumoto Masaka’s Whirlwind Kick was interrupted by me after only sweeping it, because after sweeping Matsumoto Masaka just now, I didn’t stand up, but turned around with the power of rotation and returned to Matsumoto. Masaga's hands on the ground were also swept down. Without support, Masaka Matsumoto didn't fall, but just rolled his body and stood up again with the force of my sweeping his arm in the direction of my force.

The Japanese players who saw this scene finally couldn't help but burst into applause. I have to say that the pre-arranged fancy fighting is actually much more beautiful than the real fighting. In the real fighting, the two sides only seek to knock down the opponent. Who will consider whether it is good or not? However, Masaga Matsumoto and I are now completely performing for Japanese players. No one here has really practiced martial arts, so we can’t tell whether we are playing or not. Anyway, they think we are the two of us. The tricks are fancy and terribly fancy, it looks like a blood boil.

"Naka." Matsumoto and I were struggling to get kicked out of me after a dozen tricks in a row, but he kicked me and hit me. On the neck, although the feet are not a weapon, the damage at the critical position is not too low. At this time, I even retreated a dozen steps before barely standing, but I also kicked Matsumoto directly out of the circle. Masaka Matsumoto got up as soon as he rolled on the spot, but as soon as he got up, his legs were soft and one-knee kneels fell on the ground. The injury was obviously heavier than me, but he laughed. "Hahahaha, now it's up to you how you use super skills."

"hmph, you are not my opponents without super skills. It's just a little more effort." I pretended to be angry and gnashing Teeth said, and those Japanese players almost lifted Matsumoto Masaka up to cheer.

"Did Song this Monarch improve quickly?" Guren Phoenix vagueness said, but the surrounding players obviously didn't take her words seriously. The status of women in Japan is not comparable to that of men. Although the overall study of Westernized culture has made Japanese companies have a large number of female bosses, except at work, under normal circumstances, men always place women in comparison. In a lower position. For example, now, they collectively ignore the words of Honglian Phoenix.

Onihand Nobunaga originally wanted to talk about something, but when he saw this, he realized that if he said bad things about Matsumoto Masaka, it would most likely arouse public outrage again, so after thinking about it, he turned to To other players: "Don't be too busy celebrating, Purple Moon's recovery speed is very fast. Let's get on together and hold him first. If he is free, he will soon regain his full strength!"

This is the truth, so when Nobunaga said that those players also rushed up quickly, but we heard a rumbling sound from a distance before we started fighting. It sounded like a big waterfall. . I laughed as soon as I heard this sound.

"hahahaha! I really didn't expect my person to arrive first!"

After hearing what I said, Nobunaga Guishou immediately looked into the distance. Obviously he There are also telescope-like skills. After reading it, he immediately shouted to the people around him: "The Frost Rose League’s troops are here, all retreat!"

The players were naturally unwilling to hear this, but in the end they still Obeyed the order. It's not that Nobunaga Onishu has much binding force on them, but the current situation has had to retreat. These people tied up with me in peacetime. It was only possible under the premise that I deliberately released the water. If I added my large army, then I didn't even have to think about it. But what happened today is a coincidence. Before the people on Nobunaga's side had time to evacuate, they suddenly discovered that a huge army had also appeared behind them. Don't look at it, this must be the main force of Oniji Nobunaga's arrival. The people who flew with him before were all vanguards, and they were basically high-level players, with the main force behind.

"hehe, Purple Moon, it seems that your troops have not arrived very early?"

"Hehe, now the troops on both sides are here, you are happy, don't you Think your people can beat our Frost Rose League army?"

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