"You still want to go the other way?" Nobunaga Guishou didn't know where the sinus was suddenly short-circuited or he flew into a rage out of humiliation. At this time, it is too late to appease He actually reprimanded those subordinates with a stern expression and sternness. Now even those who are good at bullying will get angry. Besides, all those who can be pioneers are more brave and good fighters. How many silly people can there be such a person?

"Ghost Nobunaga, I have tolerated you for a long time." A Japanese player suddenly pointed at Giesou Nobunaga and cursed. "We are following you to beat the Chinese and not sell you as a slave. Why do you treat us like this? This is a game, not reality. Everyone gathers for fun. You really think you are Lord of a Country Can I handle life and death at will? Now I tell you that I don’t do it. If you want to drink, go find those who are willing to listen to you!” The player suddenly turned around and said to Matsumoto Masaka: "Song this Monarch, although I didn't know you when you were awe-inspiring, but now it seems that your failure should be for a reason. Since you can perform as you are now, I believe you will make a comeback one day, I think Joining your guild, will you accept it?"

Masaka Matsumoto looked a little embarrassed when he glanced at Nobunaga, but in the end he pretended to make a big decision. It looks a little bit. "Okay, I will accept you. Although I can't guarantee that I will be better than Guishou Nobunaga in the future, I will at least take everyone and China to the last moment."

Before Some people hesitate in case they leave the camp of Nobunaga Onishou and Masaka Matsumoto is afraid to offend Nobunaga Onishou and dare not accept him. Now that he has already received one, it is tantamount to tearing his face with Nobunaga Onishou. One group is also a group. These people are completely relieved now, so immediately most of the people in the field asked to leave the organization of Nobunaga Onito and join Matsumoto's subordinates. They lost so much in a short time. Nobunaga Guishou almost vomited blood in anger. After holding back for a long time, he finally broke out: "You fucking remember it to me. When the time comes when you are unlucky, don't come back and cry for me. I won't accept you again." /p>

"at worst as a free player, I won't beg you anyway." All those Japanese players gathered in front of Masaga Matsumoto, and Masaga Matsumoto had already walked out of the crystal bubble at this time. Those people blocked him behind, and it was clear that they had formed a trilateral confrontation with Nobunaga Guishou and my pet.

Before he was under his own hand, he became his own enemy in a blink of an eye. Nobunaga could not bear this blow. Steel is very easy to break, and Guishou Nobunaga's character is actually more like a donkey, he can only touch the hair, and now he is suddenly opposed by so many people collectively, I am so angry that I don't know what I'm doing. Now he doesn't care about me, the enemy who is beside him, and he yells frantically. "Listen to the rest of the people. These people in front of us are no longer from our guild. They are the same despicable existence as the Chinese people. Now, immediately, kill these traitors for me!"

Although Guishou Nobunaga is crazy, it doesn't mean that his men will follow him crazy. Although these people did not leave his camp, they did not completely obey the words of Onisha Nobunaga. One of the players approached Onisha Nobunaga to persuade him: "Onishon Nobunaga-kun, Purple Moon is still next to him, are we? Will I settle today’s affairs with them in the future?"

How can the ghost Nobunaga, who has long been stunned, listen to him and persuade him? Once a person's temper comes up, the behavior pattern cannot be understood according to his usual calm state. A person without reason is actually no different from a wild beast. It is a fart for the overall situation and long-term consideration. When the temper comes up Can you take care of those? Nobunaga Guishou's eyes are really red, standing there like a ghost and shouting: "Don't tell me anything, I will see these people's heads in different places right away."

"But ......!" The subordinate was still trying to persuade but was interrupted by the roar of Nobunaga Onishu.

"Are you still my people?"


"I will ask you whether you are still my people?"

pa pa pa pa ... Sudden applause attracted everyone's eyes. "President Guishou Nobunaga really is so prestigious, the little girl really sighs!"

"Red Lotus Phoenix?" Nobunaga Guishou called out the name of the person. "What are you doing?"

"Me?" Guren Phoenix looked around the people present, his eyes stopped for a while, and then he said: "Originally, I heard You have been attacked by the forces belonging to the Frost Rose League. I want to help you, but you didn’t expect to see Nobunaga-kun Guishou shown great divine might as soon as you came. The expressions of the players who were still following Nobunaga Guishou suddenly changed here, but Guren Phoenix suddenly changed their expressions before they broke out. The ridiculous ridicule on his face instantly turned into a loud and violent rebuke: "You are so serious. Is my Yamato warrior your property alone? What did they follow you for? What about your lofty sentiments and high aspirations when the ghost league was established? A Matsumoto Masaka made you excited like this, your chest grows Is it a chicken heart or something? You are not worthy of being the leader of my Yamato nation without so much tolerance?"

Nobunaga Guishou was originally flying into a rage out of humiliation, and he went crazy there and vented. After a while, the qi and blood went down a lot, and his head started to work again. Now, when Honglian Phoenix poured a pot of cold water on his head again, his thinking was back to normal. Now that I think about it, I realized what stupid things he had done, it's just that he was different from Matsumoto Masaka. Nobunaga Onitaka relies on an imposing manner. His leadership is not outstanding. When Matsumoto Masaka was defeated by me, he stood out mainly because of his recklessness and power, so Matsumoto A wise man like Masaga can apologize and admit his mistakes, but he can't. Once he admits a mistake, it shows that that kind of recklessness no longer exists, and once he admits a mistake, there is no heroism that devotion to righteousness that inspires reverence even if it is wrong. To put it bluntly, he was an excuse for self-deception and a sign of self-comfort that Japanese players made for their defeat. Once he does not match the mark in the hearts of Japanese players, he will fall faster by Masaga Matsumoto. Masaga Matsumoto still has some real skills, but he really has nothing at all besides being able to play. I really want to speak of which, a person like him who can simply fight, let alone a big guild like our Frost Rose League, as long as there are no three or five high-end guilds, why Japanese players have to let him To lead?

Although he has figured out the key points of this matter, Guishou Nobunaga cannot bow his head and admit his mistakes after all, so he can no longer open his mouth to redeem those who have defected, and he can do Just to comfort the group of people who are still willing to follow him now.

"Well, for the future of our Yamato nation, we temporarily put aside personal grievances. No matter who you decide to follow today, you are fighting for our Yamato nation anyway, so let our hostile Let go of the relationship first." At this point, his gaze turned to me again. "Kill Purple Moon, this guy is the biggest scourge of our Yamato nation!"

It was really disappointing that the woman Guren Phoenix was disturbed by a good infighting drama, but fortunately I I didn't intend to do everything in the first place. I am very satisfied with this situation.

"I really didn't expect Honglian Phoenix not only to fight fiercely, but also his eloquence. A few words calmed down an internal fight, and I didn’t see the excitement. The drama is really disappointing!"

"hmph, I know you are not at ease." Masaka Matsumoto scolded before Nobunaga Onishu, who was going to have a quarrel with me anyway. From his first words, he was able to cover the limelight of Nobunaga and Guren Phoenix. Besides, Masaka Matsumoto and I have been in contact for so long and understand that my character will never be shaken by a few scoldings. Yes, so he can let go of scolding me, and the harder he gets, the better he can win the favor of Japanese players. How can he let go of this kind of thing that can earn popularity with his mouth?

"hahahaha...you are now cooperating sincerely with a family! But..." I paused for a while and then continued: "Do you mean that people can do anything to me with just this little bit? Red Ren Phoenix, both you and Nobunaga Guishou have seen how I ended up killing that big insect. Do you think that even if you bundle all of you together, I will take the next move?" In fact, this is also a scare. Under them, I can indeed transform into a summon Sacred Beast, but the problem is that according to the rules of the game, once I use the power of the Divine Grade powerhouse in Japanese territory, then all the Spiritual God-level existences in Japan have the power to shoot. Of course, they can't just shoot casually, they can just shoot to block the power of the same level, but what I want is super martial power, but I don't want to fight against their gods in front of Japanese players. That's not my responsibility. thing. If the strength of Tianzhao Gao Tianyuan is suppressed, I can still bully him. In case he gets here to regain his full strength, once my Divine Beast transforms beyond the time limit, it will not be as simple as being bullied by him.

Although I’m scaring people, Nobunaga and Guren Phoenix don’t know this. They just saw me transforming into Azure Dragon and Black Tortoise, and I was finally killed by me. The transformed Vermilion Bird was killed once. At that time, it felt like a rabbit facing a Tyrant Dragon. Even if the Tyrant Dragon did not move at all, a rabbit would definitely not hurt it at all. Now when I heard my confidence in threatening Guren Phoenix and Nobunaga Guishou, I immediately vented.

"hmph... your transformation is nothing more than a super skill. It must be limited. I don't believe you can use it casually." Matsumoto doesn't know what my transformation looks like. There was nothing wrong with him when I killed the harmonious insect last time, but I just used the crystal communicator to secretly inform him to cooperate with me. Onitou Nobunaga and Guren Phoenix know how powerful my transformation is, but ordinary Japanese players don't know! Matsumoto Masaka now stands up to confront me. In their eyes, I feel that Nobunaga and Guren Phoenix are both scared by me. Only Masaka Matsumoto dares to confront me. In contrast, Masaka Matsumoto appears to be scared by me. It's even more heroic.

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