Although it blocked me at this point, Guishou Nobunaga himself is not sure about it, but if he doesn't do it, he can't do it. He can only brace oneself and bring his men along.

As the familiars on my side have appeared one after another, the battle is no longer my only one fighting them all, but a multiplayer melee mode. There are indeed a lot of my magic familiars, and basically none of them are waste wood. They are not particularly useful in certain aspects like darts or phantoms, or are all-powerful fighting creatures like luck or Ling.

My four giant dragons disturbed the flying sand running stone at the scene as soon as they came out, and everyone who tried to get close was blown out by the wind. Nobunaga Guishou brought a group of subordinates to charge to the left and dash to the right, but he couldn’t get into my body anyway, and he couldn’t block the exit of the Phoenix Dragon Space beside me. The other Familiar Familiars will gradually come from inside. Get out.

"No, Purple Moon's familiar is too powerful!" A Japanese player said to Oni Shou Nobunaga. "We have to find a way so that we can't rush in at all!"

"Nonsense, don't I know how powerful Purple Moon's familiar is? But now we are already in spare no effort, What do you want me to do?"

It was probably a coincidence. Although this was not loud, Matsumoto Masaka who happened to be trapped in the crystal bubble heard it. The shrewd Matsumoto Masaka got an idea as soon as he rolled his eyes. He immediately contacted me with the communication crystal, and then said what he had just heard and his own thoughts. In fact, Masaka Matsumoto's idea is also very simple, that is, when Oni Te Nobunaga and his men can't control me, they will speak to direct these people's operations. Nobunaga's battle strength is good, but he is not good at commanding. So many people are fighting on their own with the mode of team leveling. My pets and I are not the devil beasts set up in the game. We are thinking. This kind of squad warrior can deal with general devil beasts well, but it doesn't work for us. If Masaga Matsumoto can make these people exert greater battle strength through proper command, then these people will naturally understand the benefits of Masaga Matsumoto, and they will naturally support Masaga Matsumoto even more.

After listening to Matsumoto Masaka’s proposal, I felt it was good, and I immediately notified him to follow suit, and I would also take the initiative to cooperate with him. After getting my consent, Masaka Matsumoto immediately shouted loudly to the players who were chasing Lingling around there, "Don't chase the warriors over there. Your speed is not the opponent of the angels. Go and help the ninja in front to block Purple Moon. Those powerful attacking monsters. Don’t run away from the mage over there. Sooner or later, you will be killed by that angel. Don’t worry about your own people, just use large-scale magic to blast them down and sacrifice a few people. Blast that angel out of your circle. And the ninja over there. You are not a meat shield. What do you want to do in front of you? Go chasing that angel and stop letting her harm the law division!"

Matsumoto's words made the people around him startled. After all, these people are not under Matsumoto's. Naturally, there is no reason to listen to Matsumoto's dispatch, but after thinking about it for a while, they found that they were indeed wrong, so someone was there. Begin to follow the method of Matsumoto Masaga. As soon as someone took the lead, the rest of the people immediately followed suit. Anyway, Guishou Nobunaga was by the side. Since he didn't say anything to stop him, there should be no objection.

In fact, where is Nobunaga Onishu not wanting to stop him? He really didn't know what to say. What Matsumoto Masakah said was obviously correct, and he himself was not good at directing. He had no other choice but to listen to Matsumoto Masaka's words for the time being.

The group of warriors who have been chasing Lingling, according to Masaka Matsumoto’s words, stopped chasing Lingling all over the field. They all returned to the center of the battlefield and began to block the attacks of my familiars. The ninja who acted as a physical shield finally got a chance to breathe. After listening to Matsumoto Masaga's words, the wizards then used a wide range of spells to carry out a covering attack regardless of the enemy and us. Although they killed a few of their own people, they did force Lingling out. Seeing this result, the mages began to regret it. They were killed by the angel for a while. If they had sacrificed a few people and forced the angel back, there would be no need for so many casualties. And in fact, their losses are far more than just those dozens of mages. It’s because the angel’s crazy slaughter among them directly caused the warrior to rush to chase this angel, and because there is no warrior’s protection, those who should have acted Sneak attack and long-range attacking ninjas and archers have become the first line of troops. The result is naturally heavy losses. And because the wizards have been confiscated by angels and cannot perform spell cohesion, no Japanese wizards have used anything in the entire battlefield until now. A decent magic attack, this is tantamount to helping me in disguise.

As soon as the wizards were safe, they immediately began to divide into two groups. One group continued to use spells to block Lingling from the outside to prevent her from having a chance to rush into the wizard group again, and the other group Then began to support the mage for the players in front. Those players who have been fighting with my demon with their attacks felt that their tears were about to come down after the support of the mage. After fighting for so long, they finally found a sense of fighting. They were completely tortured before! Without magical firepower support, there is no increase in various combat states, and if the blood is lost, you have to retreat and take medicine. What kind of battle is this fight?

After seeing the Japanese players' battle strength greatly improved under the command of Matsumoto Masaka, I also began to secretly mobilize my pets to let them let go in a planned way, and "cooperate" with each other on our two sides. After downloading, the Japanese players clearly felt that their battles became easier, and the battle effects were also significantly improved. Although they still did not cause much damage to me, the frequency of their injuries was significantly reduced, and sometimes they still Make me and my demon in a hurry. The Japanese players who have been oppressed by me for a long time can feel that this state of battle is already ecstatic. For a while, their admiration for Matsumoto Masaka is beyond description, and they can’t wait for Matsumoto Masaka to be like this in the future. The command allows them to experience this good feeling of confrontation with me again.

"Boss, we actually actually blocked Purple Moon!" A ghostly hand Nobunaga said to him excitedly.

Although Guishou Nobunaga wants to refute, it is true. He is not good to say anything, otherwise it will get darker and darker. There will be no benefit except to bring out his incompetence. . However, he didn't want Matsumoto Masaka to look too great, so he reprimanded: "Idiot, Purple Moon's familiar is only four-fifths out, and his summon creature is more than just a familiar!"

Generally speaking summon creature this thing Everyone has one or two, but there are really not many summon creatures like me who can launch a flood-like attack on summon creatures. I think that although the Dark Knight unit of my summon was very low-level, it still had many enemies with the first two big ones. Now, after upgrading to Qilin warrior, neither tactical coordination nor individual battle strength can be the same as before. For ghosts For my enemies like Nobunaga, these summon creatures are definitely the biggest trouble. I haven't released the summon creature yet, which means I haven't done my best. The reason why Nobunaga Onité wanted to point this out was to let his subordinates know that Masaka Matsumoto's command did not play an irreplaceable role, but only slightly improved their battle strength.

Neither I heard the words of Nobunaga Onitou, Masaka Matsumoto and I, but Masaka Matsumoto continued to devote himself to his role. "Murakami, pay attention to your back... Tanaka, leave her little magic alone, that angel has no defensive power, so rush in and fight her.... Mitsui, don't fight that woman, your magic is not as fast as her, think of a way to support Shimo Watanabe-kun..."

In the command of Matsumoto Masaka, the combat efficiency of the Japanese has really improved. This is not a question of Matsumoto's combat literacy, but a question of position. . Because the Japanese players are fighting against my familiars on the battlefield, they can only see a limited number of people around, and they don’t have time to stop and think about how to fight during the battle, most of the time they can only see The gap rushes upwards, but I don’t know that such a battle method can’t give full play to their battle strength at all. But Masaga Matsumoto is different. He is now the only one who has not directly participated in the battle. Moreover, he is outside the battlefield and can see the whole situation. The scheduling is naturally clearer than the people inside.

Although Masaga Matsumoto did give full play to the battle strength of the Japanese, Nobunaga Onité became more and more depressed, because Masaka Matsumoto and I discovered another one after a close cooperation. The new way to torture the ghost hand Nobunaga.

"Be careful of that Fireball." Masaga Matsumoto reminded that the two Japanese players rolled away in embarrassment and successfully escaped the Fireball. "Shanshita, next to you." Masaka Matsumoto reminded again. The Japanese player named Yamashita immediately swooped in, not only saving a companion who was almost killed by Yeyue, but also dodge a Fireball that attacked him by the way. "Uchida, suppress that snake girl." The Japanese player who was called shot an arrow, and Yezuki Hengjian swept away the feather arrow, but at the same time she also lost the opportunity to attack. Under some guidance, he was forced to start confronting those players again and looking for fighters.

It seems that things are going well, but Masaga Matsumoto's purpose is not to guide Japanese players how to fight. Just when Oni Shou Nobunaga thought that Masaka Matsumoto was just guiding everyone to fight, Masaka Matsumoto suddenly shouted: "Sima, the blasting missile is attacking the angel with the sword."

Because Masaka is already in Matsumoto. He played for a long time under He's command, and these Japanese players have become accustomed to Matsumoto's command. Unlike the previous hesitation, as soon as Matsumoto Masakah called out an order, those people would immediately follow suit. This guy named Semir is a mage. He immediately began to gather magic power as soon as he listened to the attack command. As a result, when his magic missile was about to be released, Nobunaga Guishou suddenly appeared between him and Lingling. Semir realized that when his goal was blocked by Oniju Nobunaga, the magic could no longer stop. In a hurry, he reluctantly twisted his direction. At this time, Matsumoto Masaka also shouted, "Nobunaga will get out of the way!" /p>

As soon as I heard that Nobunaga Guishou hurried to the side, and since the magic missile had deviated from the direction, Lingling also fled the missile with Nobunaga Guishou, and the magic missile passed directly through Lingling’s previous station. A little bit to the side of the place is in the middle of a warrior who is fighting Yeyue. The warrior had fought Yeyue very fiercely, and he caught a trick behind his back. Although this kind of magic recognized the enemy and us, and did not deduct his blood, the sudden shock made him startled, and Yeyue Also took advantage of this opportunity to cut off half of his arm with a sword.

Matsumoto Masaga hurriedly commanded: "Yamamoto and Hirota blocked her, Kenshi must drag her good tooth back, and the priest pays attention to the treatment."

The two warriors, Yamamoto and Hirota quickly The top blocked Yeyue's attack, and the injured Fang was dragged out of the battlefield by Jianshi. Liang Fang clutched his broken arm while receiving the treatment from the priest, while angrily cursed: "Which idiot bombed me?"

The player who lost the spell immediately defended: "No, it's Nobunaga Guishou. Jun blocked my attack route, I reluctantly changed my direction in order not to hurt him, didn't expect to hit you!"

These people are all under Nobunaga Guishou. , As soon as I heard that the trouble was caused by Nobunaga, it is not easy to be held accountable. Hierarchy is still very strong in Japan. Although you have the right to quit, your boss is the boss before you quit. It is absolutely impossible to disobey. However, although on the surface it is impossible to disobey, these people still have some resentment in their hearts, but it is hard to tell.

This incident would have passed quickly, but under the deliberate manipulation of Masaka Matsumoto and I, things were not so simple.

Onitou Nobunaga was fighting Lingling, and did not pay attention to the situation around her. Under my command, the king and the second made a sudden effort to kill a Japanese player, and then killed another Japanese player who seemed unremarkable. Masaka Matsumoto kept communicating with me. At this time, he immediately shouted: "Luo Luo pay attention to your back!"

The Japanese player named Xiao Luo immediately moved forward as soon as he heard Matsumoto Masaka’s reminder. He jumped out and drew a sword stabbed by the king behind, but followed Matsumoto Masaka's shout again: "Beware of the left." The guy flashed to the right as soon as he heard it, and at the same time turned to see who was going to attack. For himself, he did see the enemy attacking him, but he couldn’t get away because he happened to collide with Nobunaga Onizu in the process of flashing to the right, and he was blocked by Nobunaga Onizu. The guy couldn't retreat enough as planned. The cat had three big openings in his stomach, blood and internal organs pattered oh la la, and the others immediately wilted. Nobunaga was hit by this collision. He was fighting with Lingling, but suddenly he was hit by the side and immediately lost his balance. As a result, Lingling didn’t take the opportunity to kill him, but he fell out. Another player was upside down. Masaga Matsumoto took the opportunity to pretend to be angrily shouting: "What the hell are you doing on Nobunaga Onito? Yangui, go and block the armor warrior. Nobunaga Oninote...Don't block him!"

The person who was thrown down by Nobunaga oni was using low-level magic to bombard Ling, but when he was thrown down, Ling's spell blew up the people behind, and then Matsumoto Masaka commanded to rescue the man who was driven away. Bored Xiao Luo’s player happened to be on the other side of Guishou Nobunaga. If he wanted to save Xiao Luo, he would naturally pass by Guishou Nobunaga. As Guishou Nobunaga was about to get up, he naturally blocked his way. Then just because he blocked this way, that Xiao Luo was immediately killed by the cat's supplementary stabbing. As soon as Matsumoto saw that Xiao Luo was dead, he immediately asked the rescuer to change to resist Ling's magic. As a result, when he turned around like this, the ghost hand Nobunaga who was going to make way for him turned into another block in his path. . The player named Yangui himself was impatient, and he had forgotten that Guishou Nobunaga was his boss when he was blocked and delayed.

"You... get out of the way!" He pulled Guishou Nobunaga aside, and then rushed towards Ling. Just as he was pushed away, Nobunaga was trying to stabilize his body. Another person moved to him under the pressure of the white waves under my command and the dispatch of Masaka Matsumoto. As a result, Nobunaga was as it should be by rights. The player hit someone again, and the player unfortunately died because of Nobunaga's accidental collision.

At this time, Masaka Matsumoto immediately pretended to be anxious and silent, and shouted: "Nobunaga Ghost, you idiot, don’t stand there and make trouble, you see. What have you rushed to our own battle sequence?"

In fact, during the delay of Nobunaga Onitou just now, my familiar fell one after another. Individuals, and these are all main attackers, which is tantamount to crippling the main force of the Japanese in an instant. In fact, the sudden death of so many people in these few seconds was mainly caused by the cooperation between Masaka Matsumoto and I. Masaka Matsumoto deliberately created a battle interval. In addition, I made the familiar no longer converge his fighting skills at that moment, but did my best. Attack, that's why it killed so many people in an instant. However, because we are doing very concealed, these players can't see anything. They just felt that Nobunaga Onitou had knocked down a lot of people in succession, and also interfered with a few people's execution of Masaka Matsumoto's orders, which resulted in so many casualties. That is to say, Nobunaga should be blamed for this. People think that Nobunaga's expressions are all wrong, but Nobunaga is their boss after all, at least no one has said anything yet.

In fact, the most depressing thing now is Nobunaga Guishou, and he didn't expect this kind of thing to happen. Since he himself was fighting all the time, he didn’t notice that Masaka and Matsumoto were messing up with Ben. He felt as if he had been taken over by the mold star. Unfortunately, there is nothing to say. Seeing those people look at him, he was also helpless. He wanted to explain but didn’t know how to explain. He felt completely innocent, but he didn’t know what went wrong. He felt that he usually cooperated well with others. ? Why is it like I have been added to the team today?

Onitou Nobunaga is thinking about it. Masaka Matsumoto’s frame is here again. Several players were assigned to the vicinity of Onitou Nobunaga. Then they were assigned the commands to attack and dodge. As a result, I ran into Nobunaga Guishou who was still standing stupidly wondering what's wrong with him. Because of the previous events, these people who participated in the war had already had a lot of dissatisfaction with Nobunaga Guishou, and now they actually met him standing there like an idiot in the way, can you say they can't be angry? So these people began to push Nobunaga Guishou like a scarecrow, and the words in their mouths were not polite.

"Get out of the way!"

"Don't get in the way!"

"What do I rely on you to do?"

"No Please stay away from the battle, okay?"

The ghost hand Nobunaga, who had been extremely depressed just now, finally broke out. Nobunaga Oni is not a person with a castle. He was in the position because the Japanese players were stunned in the battle with us. Therefore, he needed a leader with a hero or a rash. Nobunaga was pushed out, but now he is said to be like this, how could he, a brash man, bear it?

"You are all fucking up against the gods, right?"

It doesn't matter that Nobunaga Onitou's roar, the surrounding Japanese players are all taken aback. If based on the Japanese behavior and social ethos, Nobunaga Onitaka would be so angry that he could really scold these people. It's just that Matsumoto and I were actually wearing a pair of trousers. Yes, so this situation is impossible. At the time when the Japanese were stupefied, I had directed the Familiars to kill dozens of people in a row. Although there were a lot of Japanese, we killed seven or eight experts before, and the remaining people were barely due to the number. We once again drew a tie with us who deliberately suppressed our strength, but now we have been killed by dozens of sub-experts who were barely able to compete with us, and the situation was immediately unstoppable.

Taking advantage of the screams of these people’s deaths to bring others back to reality, Masaka Matsumoto pointed at the ghost souvenir through the crystal bubble and cursed, “What the hell are you? Is the Chinese man or Japanese? Go home and send it nerves. Our warrior is working hard with the Chinese man. Does your grandmother want to help the Chinese man and we can't do it?"

"I...I... !" Oni Shou Nobunaga, who was about to make a fuss, was robbed by Masaga Matsumoto and immediately couldn't take it. The emotions of the surrounding Japanese players who were almost suppressed by Nobunaga Onishu became even higher when Masaka Matsumoto took the lead, and their dissatisfaction with Nobunaga Onishun immediately became apparent. It's boiling.

Seeing this situation, I didn’t do anything anymore. Instead, I commanded the demons to stop and watch the jokes. At this time, I can’t interrupt their brewing emotions. Maybe I can help Matsumoto today. Zhenghe got a bunch of new boys, and they were still relatively strong ones. But looking at the current situation, someone must take the lead. I am now beginning to regret that I have not been with Nobunaga Onishou and I have settled in there. Otherwise, as long as one or two people take the lead, most of the people here can break away from Nobunaga’s guild and join Matsumoto Masaka, so The key now is whether someone can take the lead.

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