The multiple-choice questions I asked actually didn’t need to be chosen. No one wants to be finished. We simply have no other way besides blocking them. Now that you know the result you want, everyone didn't waste time anymore, and a large Transmission Scroll was thrown out in an instant. A rays of light suddenly lit up in the Transmission Formation in Paris, and then a large group of people emerged from it, but half of them disappeared again without stopping. Those experts are impossible with Bodeburg’s Transmission Scroll, so what everyone threw out just now was the Town Back Scroll, so we were all sent to the nearest teleportation point, which is the teleportation point here in Paris, and then we are going to Bodeburg. The person passed it on again.

As soon as I appeared in Transmission Formation, I immediately caught the teleporter next to me and asked loudly: "Have you seen this girl?" I directly showed the 3D photo copied from Black Widow Come out, this thing is now a handful of us people, not for anything else, just for the convenience of asking people.

The mage I mentioned is just an ordinary teleportation NPC mage. I have a deterrent attribute to NPC, so that NPC gave up resistance very happily, but he couldn’t provide it. Too much help. How to say Paris is also the largest free port in Europe. Transmission Formation is not only many, but also large. In order to divert passengers, the multiple Transmission Formations in the great hall will automatically choose which one to accept and which is responsible for sending out according to the current idle situation, which means you can only guarantee the Transmission Formation to Paris, but you may not know which one comes from. The NPC I asked is only responsible for the Transmission Formation I am standing on. It is not clear whether other Transmission Formation has seen the younger sister of Black Widow. But this is not a problem, I quickly ran to the general controller of the teleportation hall. This master control can be said to be able to supervise the entry and exit of the entire Transmission Formation system, and it just so happens that the Transmission Formation is actually in charge of Light God Palace, which means that the Chief-In-Charge here must sell my face.

"Purple Moon President?" As soon as I saw the angel in charge of Transmission Formation, he stood up.

I walked directly to him and pressed him back to the seat, and then showed him the photo. "Help me check. Did you see this woman appearing in the teleportation hall in one minute recently?"

"Please wait a moment." This is a small favor in terms of my importance to the Light God Palace There was no need to ask for instructions. The angel gave the green light directly to open for me. After waiting for a few minutes, the angel shook the head: "Sorry, she didn't show up here. Can you be sure that the time range is correct?"

"Then don’t check, the time must be correct. "

Since the other party does not appear here, it means that she has no use of the Transmission Scroll to Paris. According to Black Widow, her younger sister only has two Transmission Scrolls. Except for Paris, only Bodeburg is left. Needless to say, those experts had already turned and ran towards Transmission Formation when they heard the angel say these words.

It was two 3 minutes later than the Gunslingers. But our group of people appeared in the Transmission Formation in Bodeburg, and at this time, there was just one person waiting for us. As soon as he saw us appearing he immediately shouted: "We have already found him, and the gunman asked me to leave you to inform you. Now come with me as soon as I can't stand it anymore."

"Lead the way "After a few simple words, we followed him and ran out. In fact, without him leading the way, we probably wouldn't get lost because the outside world was already in chaos. Bodeburg is just a small city, but a small city is also a city! Although there are not many players here, the insects are not only able to absorb the player's EXP. NPCs can also absorb them, but the way they absorb them is different. For NPCs with combat classes, they absorb EXP, but for free NPCs without battle strength, they absorb life force. At this moment, as soon as we rushed out of the teleportation hall, we saw more than a dozen corpses lying on the ground outside. The clothes should be free NPCs in the city.

"Damn, is there already a flood here?" asked a player who came with me.

The player who led us before said: "Although it hasn't reached the level of flooding, it's almost there. We better hurry up."

"Got it."< /p>

Everyone no longer cared about the corpses on the ground and quickly followed the player to the square in front. At this time, this place has basically become a large area of ​​ruins, and all around the ruins are many high level players blocking those insect. But what worries us is that there are still many people struggling in the venue, and these people are all crawling with insects.

"Listen well." I said to the people behind me: "Those who are less than the top 20 will go to the periphery to plug leaks. Those who are within the top 20 will join me in first All the creatures have been cleaned up, and the insects can’t be allowed to reproduce like this anymore! Okay, disperse."

"Understand." The people behind huffed and dispersed, and the people at the top followed me Rushed into the field. Our purpose is not to save people, but to kill. We must first eliminate the food of these insects and then gradually reduce the number of insects before we can hope to completely control them. If they are allowed to eat like this again, I believe it will not take long for battle strength to surpass our high level insects!

I rushed to a pile of insects near the pile of insects, followed a sword stabbing to kill the players below, as long as the food left over from the insects is easy to handle. The job of slaughtering ordinary players was not a major event for us, but now there is a problem. At the moment when I stabbed my sword, a few insects took the initiative to face my sword edge and bumped into it. As a result, my eternity was hit by the insect and rubbed the body of the player who was thrown into the ground. . This change made me startled. The intelligence of these insects has evolved too fast, right? They have actually realized that food is the key to their survival, so these guys have actually begun to learn to actively protect the players who have been thrown by them.

The situation I encountered here is not an isolated situation. Almost all the players responsible for destroying the food sources in the field have encountered similar situations. The insects rely on their own defenses to take the initiative to hit our weapons and magic, the purpose We just don't let us lose their food, and the price they have to pay for this is only to be overturned, and our attack does not actually cause any harm to them.

"Ah!" I was worried here, and suddenly I heard a scream. Looking back, it turned out that a player ranked in the top 20 was thrown to the ground by a swarm of insects. These inserts now seem to understand how to distinguish between primary and secondary targets, and these guys have also learned sneak attacks and coordinated operations. Among our experts, we are beginning to be unable to resist.

"Yeyue." As soon as I stretched out my hand, Yeyue summon suddenly came out, and followed the protective goggles in front of Yeyue's eyes to bounce directly. After a piece of red light flashed, the insects on the field were still running around. Petrification is not effective for them, but my purpose is not them. I want Yeyue to petrify the food of the insects so that the insects can’t continue. Eaten. It just seems that the effect is not good now. The insect's body can block the petrified rays, so only a few exposed areas of the players who are being bitten are turned into stones, and insects can continue to eat as long as they don't bite the area where the stones are located. The petrochemical skills are equivalent here. It's totally useless.

As Yeyue and I were trying to rescue the high level player who was thrown down, two more people were thrown to the ground. The gun god yelled to me from a long distance: "Purple Moon, it won't work! The insect is getting more and more powerful! The general expert can't stand it anymore!"

"But just a few of us. Can't stop these insects!" Black Widow loudly shouted.

"Who can isolate this area?" I shouted to the people fighting in the square.

"I have." A Russian drought said while fighting: "We have a kind of energy barrier generator that can generate a spatial barrier. As long as the creatures that don’t know Spatial Teleportation don’t want to cross the barrier, But that thing consumes energy to start up. We don’t have so many magic crystals in our guild!"

"The magic crystal will be borrowed from the guild in France first, and everyone will share the cost evenly after the event is over! Someone! Do you have any comments?"




In the end everyone supported this approach , Or we will all be unlucky. The Russian player immediately sent a notice to the people in his guild. Although the thing was not small, it was directly dismantled and sent to France at no cost. In just twenty minutes, we have completed a spatial barrier covering the entire city, but the magic crystal consumed by this barrier per minute is calculated by tons, even if we are the bosses of the guild, let us see them one by one. The heart is frightening, is this stuff like burning money to play!

When the isolation barrier was established, we began to evacuate people one after another, but the people in the city were of all levels. In order to evacuate everyone, we lost a lot of people. And in the end, many people were left in the barrier by the insect. As long as the insect absorbs all those people, it will be enough for us to be busy for a while.

"What should I do now?" asked a player ranked twenty-odd. "Now it seems that the only three of you who are able to fight with ease in these insects are the only three of you. We went in and did not help. Are you planning to deal with these things by yourself or what?"

Guns God looked at me embarrassedly and I looked at Black Widow, and then said: "It seems that we can't refuse to refuse! Really, how could we run into such unlucky things?"

" It has a lot to do with me, even if it doesn't harm the players of the whole game, I have to go in!" Black Widow said guiltily. In any case, the matter was caused by her younger sister, or it can be said that it was caused by her indirectly.

Since these two have expressed their views, it is hard for me to step back. Besides, this kind of thing is really irreversible! "In this case, let the three of us go in! Your task is to help us respond outside. You have to transport the insects we caught, and help us replenish the imprisonment."

" This is okay."

After the matter was settled, the Gunners and Black Widow and I immediately entered the inside of the barrier. The consumption of this thing is too terrifying, and we really dare not waste time!

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