"Let’s find them separately." I commanded loudly: "Everyone informs their guilds to block the perimeter of the forest for me, and I must not let an insect go away. "

Everyone immediately began to notify their subordinates to strengthen the blockade, but there was only one exception, and that was Black Widow. I thought about it or walked to the whispered side of Black Widow: "You also inform your own people to take care, and you must never let the insect run away."

"I...! "Just as Black Widow said a word, her younger sister suddenly came around and pointed at me and shouted: "I haven't finished talking to you yet! You...!"

I just reached out and opened her. The hand pointing to me. "Since you are dissatisfied with my behavior just now, it means that you are not a mentally retarded person, then please do something that conforms to your identity."

"What do you mean?"

"The meaning is very simple, as long as you are willing to understand it." I didn't care about her after I said, turned to Rose and said: "Let's go to the ruins and use the monitor to search the ruins again!"

Rose nodded followed me back to the interior of the ruins again, and the experts outside also began to search separately. If the task cannot be finished, it means that there is definitely an insect still active here, and everyone here knows what the consequences will be if the insect runs out, so no one dare to care.

speaking of which our experts have a lot of benefits in the game, that is to say, once the insects spread, it is us who lose the most. No one dares to slack in the slightest when it concerns their own personal interests.

The search was carried out for about three hours, and the sky was completely dark. To make matters worse, there were large black clouds in the sky, and it was about to rain. Visibility is of course very low on rainy nights. Although I am not afraid of the darkness, those outside who are responsible for interception are not sure. Although our guild has added a large number of golems and golems to assist in defense, the number of personnel is still not so sufficient. In many places, there is only one person for several meters. Such a defense line can be said to be really only

It's just playing a warning role!

"Anything to find?" Black Widow walked to the control room where Rose and I were in a tired look and found a step to sit down and asked quietly.

"No." Rose said while staring at a display crystal: "The surveillance equipment inside the ruins is incomplete, and there are many dead spots in the ruins, and no problems are found in the areas where there are pictures. We will go until dawn tomorrow. The giant mosquito outpost of the meeting should be able to start a full search."

The giant mosquito outpost is also a large mobile fortress anyway, and Transmission Formation is not convenient for sending such a large mosquito outpost. Thing, if it is forcibly transmitted, it may cause unexpected losses if it is not said to be dangerous, so it can only wait for it to fly over. Previously, the giant mosquito outpost had been serving as the battlefield reconnaissance and command center of our guild in Japan. Now we have to bypass half of the Earth and fly from Japan to France. This distance is a little bit far, and we can get there tomorrow morning. Coming soon. But when the giant mosquito outpost arrives, the insect will no longer have a hiding place. There are a large amount of scouting mosquitoes on the giant mosquito post. These small things are not lifeform and cannot be absorbed by the insects. Therefore, it can be said that they are not afraid of these insects at all. With the reconnaissance capability of the giant mosquito outpost, it only takes one day to screen the forest and the interior of the ruins.

When the time comes, even if the insect is cunning, don’t even think about running away.

Because most players cannot stay offline 24 hours a day like me, so at night I let those experts go to rest, each of them left someone who knows himself waiting for me News, these people know the calls of these experts, and once the bugs appear, they can call them offline to notify those experts that they are online.

In this way, we spent a quiet night in intense surveillance and search, but the sun in the morning of the second day failed to shine on the earth. There is still a dark cloud above us. The light rain last night turned into heavy rain in the morning. Although it is not an exaggeration

, it has already caused a lot of impact on our search.

In the early morning, we began to wait outside for the giant mosquito outpost to arrive, but we waited until noon of the second day until we finally saw the giant mosquito outpost wobbly appearing in the sky. . When the giant mosquito post landed in front of us, we found that half of the wings of the giant mosquito post were burnt in darkness, and there was a large hole with a diameter of more than half a meter in the back part.

"How did this happen?" I pointed to the scorched black area and asked the operator of the giant mosquito outpost.

"I ran into a group of mental disorders halfway, and saw our giant mosquito outpost flying over their city. We insisted on saying that we were going to attack them, and then they started to attack us, if it weren’t for giant mosquitoes. The outpost flew almost to be beaten down."

"Where is the bastard so domineering?"

"Where else can it be, of course it is from India!"< /p>


"Yes! That group of people are almost like lunatics. If we are not in a hurry, we must fix them all!"

< p>"Okay, okay, let's talk about it later, can the giant mosquito outpost be able to start reconnaissance now?"

"The reconnaissance is used to detect mosquitoes. The outpost itself does not need to take off. We can do it now. Start. But why is it raining so suddenly here? In this way, the progress of reconnaissance will slow down!"

The rose said: "Then search inside the ruins first. Anyway, there is no rain leaking inside."

"Let’s do it!"

The reconnaissance speed of the giant mosquito outpost is much faster than we thought. It only took more than an hour to complete the search of 10% of the area inside the ruins. , You must know that this is not a simple search of aisles and rooms, but we have not even spared a thorough search of the ducts

space and ventilation ducts. If this workload is to use people to search at least half a month.

After noon, the experts began to go online one after another, but the rain outside was getting heavier. Now the area five meters away in the forest can hardly see people. The rain is like a waterfall flowing down. There are no gaps between the water droplets.

It is completely a curtain of water.

The gun god leaned against the wall at the entrance of the ruins and said, "Now this rain, even if we find insects, do you think we have hope to catch them?"


"I don't know." I answered simply.

"Then what shall we do?" The players behind began to become anxious.

Rose said: "Don't think about those difficulties. Anyway, if it doesn't rain, we have to catch the insect. Instead of thinking there will be trouble for a while, we should think more about how to deal with it."

"Do you think we don't want it? It's just now..."

"Found it!" A shout suddenly came from inside the passage. All the people who hulled and squatted at the exit to watch the rain scene jumped up, followed by a mess of footsteps, and everyone rushed to the monitoring room at the fastest speed.


"This monitor has just captured an insect, and has now notified the giant mosquito outpost that their scouting mosquitoes are surrounding it , Should be found soon." The player in charge of monitoring the crystal said.

"Good job." I slapped the guy with excitement, but the guy who was hurting too hard grinned. "Hehe, go back and send you a magic pet."

"Really? Thank you so much, the president!" The player immediately thanked me excitedly.

"Wait. To the widow, isn't that your younger sister?" A player suddenly noticed a woman walking past the screen, followed by two warriors, obviously Black Widow's younger sister.

The gazes of the gun god and I immediately moved to the face of Black Widow. "Why is she still here?"

"That...!" Black Widow seemed to have something unspeakable, but he squatted and didn't know what to say.

"Needless to say, you go and take her away right now. Forget it, let us all go together! Maybe we will fight again in a while!"

We A large group of people quickly arrived at the location corresponding to the monitor according to the map instructions, and not far after they followed the direction they saw at the time, they suddenly heard a scream from a woman. All of us felt a little hum, needless to say, it must be the second stupid younger sister of the black widow who ran into the insect. But Black Widow is the most anxious here. Her speed rose instantly, and we had to speed up to keep up, but it was still half a step slower than her. But this half of the step almost scared us to death.

When we ran into the scene of the incident, we saw that Black Widow ran into an insect that was about to attack her younger sister like lightning, and then she hugged the insect and rolled to the other side. Taking advantage of this opportunity, her younger sister hurriedly retreated to the wall, and then she did something that normal people would never expect. She actually tore open a Transmission Scroll.

My relatives are fighting monsters, and I am not that absolutely does not have battle strength. At this time, normal people should think of going up to help, but she threw a Transmission Scroll out. Intend to escape. But we don't care if she runs her. Without this

It's too much trouble for us to be happy. It's just that we want to think that her intelligence is actually abnormal to the point where a high level player of about 900 level does not know that the group Transmission Scroll cannot be used when there are enemies around. So we saw another

insect plunged into the aperture at the moment the Transmission Scroll was lit, and then disappeared with Black Widow and her younger sister. Except for Black Widow and the two Black Widow's younger sister's followers who were also pressed down by a group of insects, everyone else was instantly stupid.

It took more than ten seconds before one of us stammered and said: "She, she, she... she sent the insect away together!"

" Don't mess." Rose reacted first. "How many people will go and grab those insects. Black Widow, where do the scrolls your younger sister carry?"

"Paris and Bodeburg."

"Everyone Separately, the battle strength list goes to Paris for the odd numbers, and Bodeburg for the even numbers. After arriving, the cities will be blocked immediately. From now on, the two cities will only be allowed in and not out."

"But ……!"

"No, but! Either block it, or you all die together, you choose."

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