"Black Widow, the spear god."

"What are you doing?"

"Close to me, don’t spread out. We The strength may be pretty good in other places, but we must be careful here. Our battle strength alone cannot guarantee to deal with these insects alone."

"I know." The gun god said immediately. He put his gun horizontally in front of him, and then grabbed the head of the gun with one hand and the tail of the gun, raised his foot and kicked in the middle of the gun body, only to hear a click. The middle of the gun body was automatically separated into two parts, and the gun god was in the gun. The body was folded for a while, turning the two gun bodies into two things similar to crab tongs, respectively, and put them on the two hands.

"What are you?"

The gun god explained with a smile: "hehe, is it only you have hidden strength? This is my true strength. You are Didn't you think I was a sniper-type long-range attacker? Tell you, it's not like that at all. I'm not a long-range attacker." The gun god suddenly waved his hands and put out a pretty handsome POSS. "Actually, I am a high-level gun fighter who can fight in close quarters."

"Since you are ready to fight hard, then I can't hide anything!" Black Widow finished the sentence. Then suddenly she threw the two swords in her hand into an unknown space that suddenly opened, and then she pulled out two alien weapons from that space. At first glance, this thing looks like a T-shaped ruler. Its back is similar to a wide-bladed sword, except that the tip has a horizontal blade. Both sides can be used as a sickle, and there are many serrated blades on the surface. It looks like two big saws.

"What are you doing?" I asked in surprise.

"hehe. These two things are called the blade of life. At the cost of burning the owner's life value, there is no stronghold one cannot overcome super destructive power. As long as my life value is enough, theory This thing can split the Alps. And... I am actually not a simple warrior, but..." At this point, she suddenly hit the pair of alien weapons again, and the six heavy sword suddenly moved from The pair of weapons bounced out, but these things did not fall to the ground. Instead, they hovered over Black Widow's head and formed a circle with the tip of the sword facing the hilt. As the Black Widow moves, these swords will actually rotate around her, and as long as the Black Widow increases the speed of movement, these things will turn into a rotating sword wheel, and there is almost no hole in sight from the outside. "Sword God. This is my true strength. The two life blades can be combined with the six Demon Suppression Swords. It can be broken down into what it is now, or it can be called two Divine Swords. There is nothing to kill below High God. Things."

After watching Black Widow's performance, the Gunslinger turned his attention to me again. "We are all showing family property, Purple Moon, don't you tell me this is your limit state?"

I laughed but didn't activate any skills. "My limit state is indeed more than that, but that state is different from yours. I can't maintain it for too long. It is a desperate tactic. Once used, it will end soon. But just as its limit is huge, it is formidable. Power is definitely not smaller than your skills. I will use that skill if I encounter a desperate moment, but once I enter that state, I hope you will not cooperate with me anymore, but leave me immediately, and it is best to run out This barrier area, because my battle method in that state will be very scary, I'm afraid it will hurt you if I don’t control it well."

"It’s such an exaggeration, when the time comes, I have to take a look. What kind of skill is that awesome."

After the three of us finished talking, we started to advance into the city. Now the rest of the city besides the three of us are players and NPCs who are being eaten by insects. . These insects are rapidly multiplying with the help of these people's lives and EXP, but because of their experience, they did not rashly expand their numbers, but preferentially evolve a small group of super insects.

"It seems that the insects don't plan to wait and die!" The gun god said, looking at the insects in front of them. These things are all big guys with a length of more than three meters, each of them looks like a car, and you can see that they already have extraordinary battle strength.

"No matter what they are going to do, just cut it." When Black Widow was talking, people had already shot out. We only saw a rays of light flash by, followed by a few insects flying up. , Suddenly in midair, a green light flashed, and a large spot of light splashed out. At the same time, the gun god and I felt that our EXP was leaping upward.

"Damn, is she really hacking?"

We at first thought that Black Widow said that her weapon is High God and that there is nothing indestructible under High God. However, it just seems that things are not fake now, because the EXP we get obviously comes from those light spots, and the light spots will fly out only after the insect is eliminated.

Although we all got the EXP supplement, after the Black Widow landed, we staggered and almost didn't stop. Following me and the Gunslinger suddenly appeared by her side and supported her. Black Widow looked at us, then suddenly coughed up a mouthful of blood. The gun god said: "Please, is this just the beginning? Do you have to work so hard?"

"It's just that these guys are so strong, my knife almost cuts me All of his life was sucked dry before cutting off the shells of those guys!"

"So do we want to cooperate." The gun god suddenly raised his hand and pointed at an insect with the thing on his hand, and followed Suddenly a green light beam shot out, and the insect flew with a bang. "En! It seems that the formidable power is a bit bigger!"

"This is not possible, we should still focus on arrests." I said that I threw Eternal directly out, and Eternal immediately became A big net fell, and a group of insects were covered in an instant. Gunman and I ran over to release the insects one by one and then set them up with a restraint device. Since the barrier must be closed at the moment of entering and exiting the barrier, we throw the imprisoned insects into my Phoenix Dragon space first, anyway, as long as we don't let them run away.

Using my method to process insects is a bit slower, but the effect is still good. After Black Widow activated the super mode, the battle strength has obviously increased by several orders of magnitude, but her sword is too dare to use it indiscriminately, although the insect that can be cut will suck up her own health. However, we have found an alternative use of this method, which is to use it at intervals. After cutting the insect, I will give Black Widow the medicine to restore the blood. After that, all my summon creatures who can heal skills will come out to help Black Widow blood back. As long as the Black Widow's health is full, you can chop another insect. The biggest advantage of this method is that the three of our experience bars will jump up a lot at the moment the insect dies. You must know that this upgrade speed is We almost didn't feel it after we passed the 100th level. Compared with ordinary players, the three of us are already over a thousand levels. Every section of this level requires astronomical experience. What is the EXP that can make our experience bar change significantly? Can we not be tempted by such a large amount of EXP?

In fact, there is another advantage of cutting insects, that is, as long as Black Widow cuts some insects continuously, we will upgrade, and all unfavorable states will be automatically eliminated at the moment of upgrade, and the attribute value will be filled up instantly. This is tantamount to giving us a limited use of super skills, at least many desperate tricks that will lose battle strength after using it once, we dare to use it once when the EXP is about to reach the top, because it will be upgraded as soon as it is used up. The battle strength that should have been lost will be restored as a result of the upgrade.

"Go away, my EXP is almost at full level!" After cutting more than a dozen insects in Black Widow, the gun god suddenly yelled, and then slammed to the front of us and put the weapon on both hands. merge together. The super gun suddenly turned into a tube with a length of seven or eight meters and a diameter of more than one meter, just like the deformed Vajra. It seems that the structure of this thing is very complicated, but now we have no time. I've studied this thing, because the textures on its surface that look like cracks are rapidly shining, and with the increase in the brightness of those textures, there is an increasingly sharp buzzing sound, and it gradually rises to the point of harshness. At this time, the gun god suddenly jumped on the thing and rode on something like a console, and then operated for a while. "Activate-Destroy the beam."

As if all the surrounding sounds suddenly disappeared in an instant, we can no longer hear any sound in our ears. Accompanied by this abnormal silence is a huge beam of more than one meter in diameter that shoots from the front end of the thing. The beam passes straight forward in a straight line and instantly passes through the entire city and disappeared, while on this line and Everything within ten meters of the route of this line disappeared instantly, leaving only the billowing heat wave except for the burning red ground and the sky full of light spots.

We haven't had time to sigh the formidable power of the gun god's blow, suddenly we saw those light spots swarming toward the three of us, and then rushed into our bodies. The upgraded rays of light were illuminated on the three of us at the same time. Obviously, those light spots were the insects that were killed on this line, but didn't expect EXP to be so much.

"Damn, I actually went up to more than two levels at once, and now it's 1,004 Level 17 and 33%! Just now I planned to use super skills! This is all right, You have to cut a lot of insects again to upgrade it!" Black Widow complained.

"I don't think I need it anymore!" My voice focused the attention of Black Widow and Gunman.

"You are about to come to life!"

I am nodded. "I only upgraded to more than Level 1, and now I am at 112, Level 13 and 97%. If I activate the super skill now, it will definitely be no problem when the skill is over to 1,224. Yes."

"Then what are you waiting for?"

"Wait for you guys to stay away! Don’t remember what I said before?"


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