"Don’t fight anymore." I stepped forward and pushed the Black Widow and the player who was about to fight on both sides, but both of them were still trying to struggle. Put me in the eyes. In a fit of anger, I changed from pushing to grasping, pinching the necks of the two people and dragging them toward the center with their strength, and then slamming their heads together violently. After a loud bang, I followed the rebounding force and threw the two people to the two sides. Although both sides were wearing helmets, the strength was definitely not small. Even the people watching the excitement couldn't help but shrink their necks. . After teaching these two people, I immediately said sternly to the player who was picking things up: "You tell me to be honest, everyone like this is a high-end existence on the battle strength list, not the ordinary players around you, so I hope you I can maintain a minimum of respect for all of us." After teaching this guy, I turned to Black Widow and said sharply, "So are you. How you take care of your younger sister is your business. I can't control this, but now she has It threatens the interests of all our players. You must take full responsibility for the matter this time. Now you have to make a system guarantee and calculate the compensation based on the actual loss caused by your younger sister after the matter is over. We do not take advantage of you, we You can lose as much as you lose, and we don’t even need a copper plate for the excess."

Black Widow also knew that this matter was irresponsible, so he didn't fight with me, just faintly nodded. In fact, the collision just now was very powerful. Both of them were trying to rush toward each other, but because I was blocking them, they couldn’t rush together. Just now, I suddenly withdrew and followed them. The force pulled them together, and the two of them couldn't react for a while, and they ran into each other. In this process, the strength they endure is actually High Level, which is the sum of the strength of the three of us, so even if the armor of the two of them is not Mortal Grade, the injury is not light.

Because of Black Widow nodded, and now everyone supports my decision, the other troublemaker can't say anything. After reorganizing and reorganizing the team, we quickly entered the interior of the ruins. Of course, we were impossible to run around in such a large place, mainly relying on the monitoring equipment inside the ruins. Although the equipment is aging due to too long time, most of the monitoring in the ruins can actually work. What we are looking for now is not the insect but the younger sister of Black Widow, because no matter how smart the insect evolves, it is impossible to get rid of the basic attribute of the need for food, so as long as they feel safe, they will not give up eating, and the only thing in front of them There are only three people who are suitable for food.

After contacting Taya and I, we quickly confirmed the location of Black Widow’s younger sister. Although there is no surveillance camera that can capture her and her two followers, according to the control room personnel, they saw them on one of the surveillance cameras a few minutes ago. What we need to do now is to reach that surveillance camera as soon as possible. Corresponding location. Thanks to the help of the communicator, we quickly found the place, but when we arrived, we saw a big hole in the wall.

One of the assassin players among us stepped forward to look at the entrance of the hole, then reached out and touched the broken wall and said, "The hole was dug out by humans. It shouldn’t be done by the insect, and the site was also There are no signs of fighting, it seems that they were not attacked by the insect."

"But what's the matter with this hole?" another person asked.

The assassin shook the head: "I can only judge the course of things based on the existing traces. As for why the other party had a hole, you probably have to ask a psychologist."


"Why is it necessary to ask a psychologist?" A player said, "They must have gotten lost here, and finally decided not to follow the road, and just drew a straight path to leave here. But Black Miss Widow, is your younger sister equipped with a powerful weapon? Seeing that this hole is not something simple to penetrate!"

Black Widow nodded confirmed that person’s guess: "She There is a special item, although it is not a weapon, but it can open holes in any wall. The only limitation is that the diameter of the hole and the thickness and hardness of the damaged wall will increase the magic value required to open the hole."

Another person asked: "But if they want to take a straight road to leave, why did they turn only so far?" In fact, the hole we found is behind a big hole. The rows of holes are almost in a straight line. These holes pass through one wall after another and extend along a roughly straight line, but there is a perfect wall within our sight. According to their intention to leave the hole, it seems that they shouldn't give up halfway. Then the only possibility is..."Did they meet insect after they got there?"

After hearing this analysis, all of us rushed into the hole and followed along. The one hundred-meter hurdle bounced through the openings to the back passage. The string of holes disappeared completely here, and there were no holes on the opposite wall, but there was a large piece of dried blood on the ground.

The assassin player stepped forward again and put a bit of blood on his finger and put it in front of his nose to smell it, then stood up and looked around, and then checked on the wall again before saying: "They are in The moment he came out of this hole, he was attacked by a monster. One person should have been injured, and the wound was deep. The blood stains extend in the direction they escaped. There are also traces of fighting here." He stood in a position and pointed upwards. In another direction, he said: "Someone should be standing in my position and firing powerful explosive magic in that direction, but the target dodges over, and here is the depression made by the dodge creature, and here is suddenly left behind. The scratches, and here. The marks on the wall over there are caused by the magic out of control."

"Putting it that way attacked them shouldn't be the insect." A person said.

I am nodded. "Insect will only absorb experience and will not cause the player to leave a large area of ​​blood. They should have encountered a devil beast that broke in by mistake!" Another person said: "I think they were devil beasted It’s not a bad thing to kill, it’s nothing more than to lose Level 1. It’s not a major event, right?"

"I'm afraid that they will encounter an insect during the escape."

" Don't crow mouth!"

"Don't say anything, it's true that you should catch up quickly." After the gun god finished speaking, everyone consciously followed along. Since they are all experts, they are excellent in all aspects, including the skills on the road. Anyway, the average player team is definitely not at our speed.

After chasing down the bloodstain for less than a hundred meters, we found the traces of the fight again, and we also saw a big hole not far ahead. When we ran to the edge of the hole, what we saw was a series of holes extending through the layers of walls all the way to the outside. The reason why it is outside is because we can directly see the forest outside from this string of holes.

"It seems that they have already gone out."

"Then let's chase out too!"

After everyone chased out the cave, let the assassin start Tracking, but I directly brought out the white waves summon without letting the assassin help. His technique is really good, but the speed is too slow, not as good as Bailang's nose. Following the smell, we quickly chased to a small clearing. In front of us, a disgusting creature with a length of more than three meters and a diameter of more than 1.5 meters, with countless legs underneath, is roaring at the three people in front of us. Two of the three are warriors, one of them is almost dead, and the other warrior drags his arm backwards and pulls him back. Next to the two warriors is a long and beautiful female mage, but now she looks a little embarrassed, but she doesn't seem to be hurt.

The three people didn't notice us because they were blocked by the monster. Instead, it was the monster who discovered us. The monster turned around as soon as it sensed our presence, but it was greeted by a stream of light, and then the ugly monster turned into two halves and fell down. This thing is called a slime monster. It is a very disgusting crawler. The level is not very high, but the battle strength is very strong. The average player is rarely willing to provoke this thing. After all, the input and output are not proportional, and this guy is really disgusting. NS.

Seeing that the monster suddenly hangs up, the three people over there finally noticed our situation. As soon as the two warriors saw the Black Widow standing behind the monster, they immediately lay down and panted violently. It seems that the two warriors were very tired before. After seeing us, the female mage didn't have any relaxed expressions, instead she turned from her previous embarrassment to an angry look.

"Sister! Why are you here?"

When I heard the younger sister’s complaint about Black Widow, he immediately stepped forward and explained it. sister when the daughter is taking care of. Originally, this kind of abnormal relationship was weird. In addition, Black Widow is still European, which makes it even more weird. Generally speaking, parents in Europe are not as exaggerated as the Chinese in raising their children. It cannot be said that there is no such thing as spoiling, but it is extremely rare after all, and this kind of spoiling appears in a twin who is only a few minutes away from birth. It's even stranger in between.

Although this situation is strange, we didn't say anything. After all, is it none of our business? We are only here to confirm whether the insect attacked them and reproduced here. Now that we have confirmed that they are okay, there is nothing to worry about. But we do not intend to intervene, but the other party does not seem to intend to let us go.

"I'm talking about you." Black Widow's younger sister actually crossed Black Widow and walked to our side, and she actually walked directly in front of me and stretched out a hand and almost put her finger on it On the tip of my nose. "Did you call me elder sister to help? Do you know how dangerous I was just now? If it weren't for you, how could I encounter such a disgusting monster? How do you say you are responsible? I don't care, just mine. But the injury is serious, you can handle it yourself. I warn you, if your compensation doesn't satisfy me...hmph! "At this point, she actually tapped my shoulder with her staff.

If someone dared to do this kind of action to me under normal circumstances, I would have kicked me directly, but now because the other person’s appearance is too abnormal, I don’t feel angry anymore. . I and the expert behind me were almost stunned by such a woman. Is this something normal people can say?

I didn't respond to her words. Instead, I slightly tilted my head around her, looked at the Black Widow behind her, and pointed my finger at my head. Even with different nationalities, this gesture was fully understood by everyone present, and the group of experts behind me also turned their eyes to Black Widow. Obviously, they also wanted to know the answer.

Before Black Widow could react, her younger sister broke out first. "You dare to say that I have a problem with my brain?" She said that her staff had been swung over. Black Widow quickly reached out to stop him, but the distance was too far to be too late, so he could only shake his hand at me desperately, meaning that I would not hit her. Although the woman in front of me is probably a mentally impaired person, the face of Black Widow still needs to be given, so I did not overreact, just reached out and caught the other's staff.

As soon as the girl saw that the staff was pinched by me, she struggled desperately to pull the staff out, but no matter how she shook my hand, it was completely motionless. This girl is a professional mage. No matter how strong she is, her strength points are impossible to increase as high as my warrior-type personnel. Besides, she is a second-rate personnel and doesn't have many points. Such a mage is naturally completely motionless no matter how he draws the wand held by my super warrior.

Black Widow finally ran over to hold the younger sister after I held the staff, and then she hurriedly thanked me in a low voice and pulled the younger sister aside, but her younger sister seemed to be right She didn't understand her reaction, and she yelled at Black Widow. The gun god came to me with sympathetic eyes and said, "Black Widow is a pretty good guy, but it's a pity that such a younger sister is...hey!"

"hmph, this kind of person The destruction of humanity is also a waste of food, and inferior creatures should not survive in this world." Nobunaga Guishou stood aside and announced his opinions loudly, obviously wanting to show off.

I turned my head back and cursed angrily: "I remember this seems to be the theory of the German *** during World War II. Why, now you Japanese are also starting to play the dominant race theory? But speaking of which After World War II, you and the U.S. Occupy Forces used crossbreeding and breeding to improve your race a lot!"

Ghost Nobunaga hasn’t had time to fight against the spear god."

First punched me: "Don't say that we American soldiers are stallions! If you want to quarrel with Nobunaga Oniji, just quarrel with him, don't you count us Americans as well?"

"You...I did it with you!" Although I brought the Americans with me in my words, they didn't suffer, so the gunman only cursed a few words in a joke, but the ghosts can be long. Can't sit still. My words are definitely more poisonous to him than poison.

"Yeah, you are going to turn your face with us right after the cooperation is over? Okay! Come on! I'm afraid you and I are not Purple Moon."

But someone over there suddenly shouted. "Don't make any noise! ​​The system mission can't end!"


"I just tried to apply for the termination of the temporary cooperation agreement we signed before, but the system hint mission Unfinished, don't let it be lifted!"

"What?" Almost everyone shouted together. The treaty we signed before was that before the insect was completely controlled, everyone must ensure that they cooperate with each other to capture the insect, but now the treaty cannot be lifted, which means that the insect is not fully controlled. "Is there any slippage?"

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