At this time, the guild members outside the forest were nervously cleaning the trees outside the forest, and suddenly they saw a large insect jump out of the forest. Since members of our guild have all seen the video, everyone instantly recognized what this thing was. The quick-reacting player immediately pulled the people around him and began to hide back. The leaders of our guilds have already explained it when they released the mission. If you see the insect that runs out, don't touch it and let the magic puppet go on it. Even if you can't catch it, at least the magic puppet will not provide food for the insect. But when everyone was nervously preparing to escape, suddenly they saw the red light flashed in the forest. The outer circle of the forest suddenly fell down neatly, followed by a silhouette that flew out of the forest like lightning and hit it. insect on the way forward. Before the insect could react, the person who intercepted the insect threw a red metal ball first, and the metal ball suddenly burst in mid-air and turned into a large metal mesh. The insect tried to escape when it saw the metal net. Unfortunately, the net coverage area was so large that it couldn't get out in the end. After netting the insect, the metal net began to shrink rapidly and turned into a huge shackle to completely enclose the insect. It was not until this time that everyone could see who was flying out, but everyone was a little surprised now.

"Sister-in-law, you are too good!" Ashford suddenly ran out of the crowd and said.

"Why are you here?" Rose asked while replacing the eternal imprisonment with an ordinary imprisoning device.

Ashford blushed and scratched his head! "No way! Only experts can participate in this task of yours. My status is quite high, but it's a little bit about battle strength, so I'll do logistics for you here!"

"Your actions here can be slowed down a bit. The situation in the forest is now under control and should be over in a while. It seems that this crisis is over!"

" Really?"

"Of course." I took this sentence, and when Ashford’s gaze turned, I was walking out of the forest with an iron chain, and Behind me is a row of insects. these all are insects that have just been caught, and they have all been imprisoned. Speaking of which these insects are actually quite weak in addition to absorbing experience, rapid propagation and super defensive power. A simple steel lock can completely seal them. The cost of each of these things is not even less than the cost of our guild to produce this thing. Two crystal coins.

"Purple Moon, the president of our guild?" A player ran over and asked when he saw me coming out.

I glanced at him, and then said: "Who are you asking?"

"It's Black Widow?"

"Black Widow? She? Isn’t it a free body? Forget it, I don’t want to inquire about her anyway. She and the Gunner are intercepting insects inside! Just now a few ordinary players ran into the woods, and they were bitten by insects, and they reproduced like this How big is the insect? My wife and I came out to catch these insects. The other insects are in the Central Zone of the forest. The current situation has been controlled. It is only a matter of time to catch them. You must be careful not to let people in. Now, when ordinary players encounter these insects, they are simply giving them food!"

"Ordinary players?" After hearing this question, the player's expression immediately became very strange.

"Why is your face so ugly?"

The other party did not answer my question, but asked: "Um... I wonder if you saw a woman when you came out The mage is with the two warriors?"

"What? There are still people in the forest?" This is called Rose, because once a normal player enters the forest, it is equivalent to helping the insect breed, which is not a trivial matter.

The player sorry said: "She is the twin younger sister of Black Widow, Miss Black Widow is a combat profession, she is a mage profession, but her strength is much worse than her sister. But this This lady has a bad temper, and our eldest sister always protects her, and finally develops that kind of Eldest Young Lady temper. I told her just now that she can’t go in, but she was playing the Eldest Young Lady temper. We There is really no way to take her!"

"What?" I was surprised to hear the news, and then turned to ask Ashford: "They are afraid of her, why don't you stop her?"


Axiu Fude explained innocently: "This forest is so big, and I can't take care of everything. The entire defense line is contracted by the major guilds. I am only responsible for this side. In a small area, how can I know if they have anyone in there?"

"Really...!" I originally planned to scold them, but then I thought that they weren't under me, as if He didn't have any stance on other people's anger, only really strong suppressed it. "Forget it, I'll go in and bring her out again! What a mess!" Rose glanced at the player, and then asked: "How long has she been in?"

The player quickly replied: "It's about an hour or so!"

After hearing this, Rose just shook the head helplessly, then turned and followed me back into the forest again. Although this forest was originally relatively large, it has now shrunk a lot due to our battles and rapid deforestation in the periphery. There should not be much space left now, which has brought a lot to our search. benefit. But before we found the younger sister of Black Widow, we first ran into Gunslinger and Black Widow and they came head-on, and these people were still talking and laughing along the way, which didn't seem to be very anxious.

"Why did you come out?"

"What can't you do if you can't figure it out?" The gun god walked over and shook a fixer in his hand. "This is the last one, and now all the insects are here."

"Eh...I don't think things are over."

My words make everyone smile instantly Chilled down.

"What's the situation?"

I looked towards Black Widow, she looked around in confusion, confirmed that I was looking at her before she couldn't help asking: "Look What am I doing?"

"You have a wayward younger sister, don't you?"

"en. What's the matter?"

"She entered here before A forest, and I haven't gone out until now."

"What?" Black Widow became anxious as soon as the younger sister came in.

Different from the anxiety of Black Widow, the gun god is relatively calmer. "How long has she been in?"

"The person who put her in said that it has been more than an hour." After I said Rose, I added: "The area of ​​this forest is even lost, more than one. It’s time to find her way when she is young, especially now that the forest area is shrinking so severely. In other words, she probably encountered something."

After hearing this, the gunman asked Black Widow immediately: "You What is the strength of the younger sister?"

"Although her personality is a bit proud, her strength is still okay. It is slightly stronger than the average player. Of course, it is a bit worse than the high level player."


After listening, the gun god immediately asked me again: "Did she come in alone?"

"No. I heard that there are two warriors together."

< p>"That's her suitor." Black Widow said: "Although they are all second-rate players, they are equipped with good equipment. Common things impossible can hurt the combination of the three of them."

Rose followed the analysis. "We made such a big movement inside and outside the forest, even if there is a powerful monster, it should have been alarmed long ago, and this is simply not a high level monster area, so they are unlikely to be attacked by the native creatures here, so the only thing Maybe...!"

"Then it will be troublesome!" The gunman looked at me as if asking me what to do.

"Then there is no way. Everyone spread out and searched in a carpet. No matter who finds the target, try to make a little movement. It is best to have the skills with loud noise and strong light. We only need to find Once the situation is met, we will immediately converge to that place."

"Okay, let’s do it."

Although this is not a smart way, we have nothing else to do now. NS. In any case, we must first find the younger sister of Black Widow. Besides, in case she and her followers are attacked, based on the total EXP of three people, once they are sucked up, we will have to face several times. Thousands of insects!

After discussing our respective directions, we spread out and searched in one direction, and then we searched the entire forest like this. Two hours later, we returned to the place where we separated before, and everyone stood there. Look at me, I think you will be dumbfounded if you post each other. In the end, Black Widow couldn't help it. "Which one of you found?"

Everyone shook their heads together.

The gun god dragged his chin and frowned there and said, "How could it be there? There are our guild's teleportation detectors outside the forest. Although it does not affect the teleportation, we can definitely know if someone uses the Transmission Scroll. And I asked before, no one has used Transmission Scroll here during this period of time, and there is no line that will see your younger sister leave, so she should be still here, but we have searched all over here, why Will it be there?"

"No...we didn't search it all." Rose's sudden voice gathered everyone's eyes together. "We did not search the interior of the ruins."

Everyone reacted to the rose. The insect came out of the ruins, and we always thought that the younger sister of Black Widow was attacked by the insect, so we naturally ignored it. In general, even if the younger sister of Black Widow is stupid, she should at least know that we are intercepting the insect outside the ruins. Even if she goes the wrong way, it is impossible to run into the ruins. But even if it doesn't make sense in theory, now I can only believe in this probability. After all, we have ruled out all other probabilities, so no matter how unreasonable it seems, the remaining one must be the correct result.

"What should I do now? Then search for the ruins?" asked a person next to the gun god. "We are all leaders of various forces. One minute is hundreds of thousands, which is less, because your stupid younger sister is all trapped here now. How do you say you are responsible?"

< p>"What do you mean?" Black Widow's name is Black Widow. It can be seen that she is not a good believer. As soon as she heard this player's words, she immediately got up and wanted to go up and do something with others. The guy over there is not easy to bully, and he took the initiative to greet him, relying on his own accountability. When the others saw that the two men were about to fight, they hurried to fight. I, the gun god, and the rose now can only stand by and shake our heads! Insect started fighting before he found his own person. What will happen to the next mission?

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