"hahahaha!" The guy laughed wildly. "Novice Village? Do you think it's terrifying? I only have one hundred and eight Level 10 left now. What's the difference if you return to Novice Village?"

In fact, this guy is also very normal. "Zero" is a game with a 1000-level upper limit. The biggest difference from previous games with only 40 or 100 levels as the upper limit is that its level is actually set quite loose, the first two As long as you know the correct method, an expert can even complete the process in three days, and this is still on the premise that no one is required. If there is an expert to take you to level up, as long as you plan everything well, and then step on to do tasks and practice a level along the way, then as long as 24 hours of continuous splits are enough to rise to level 200. In the past, when I first entered the game, the reason why the upgrade was slow was because at that time everyone didn’t understand the game and had to explore everything on their own. In addition, the fidelity of "Zero" was too high. Many people came in and felt this for the first time. The game environment has been delayed for more than ten hours in vain, and now the game has been in operation for so long, everyone in the environment has used it, and the best route for tasks has been found by idle and boring players. Under the chain of these tasks, you can do tasks in a circle to ensure that you upgrade quickly. Of course, this speed only includes before the 200th level. After the 200th level, most of the tasks that players receive are non-fixed tasks. Generally, they are temporary tasks generated by the system for each player. If you receive it, others will not be able to receive it. , So there is no way to talk about mission clues.

Because the upgrade before the 200th level has become so simple, this guy doesn’t care if I kill him back to the Novice Village, and he is very excited now that he has dropped so many levels at once. There is a kind of broken jar in it, and naturally there is no response to my threat.

After knowing that this guy won’t be threatened by me, I didn’t plan to waste time on him. I turned on the PK mode again, slapped him to the ground with a palm, and followed the rose to the ground angrily. The white soul that got up threw another flare over, and as a result, even the white soul disappeared.

The death of a player in "Zero" will not be directly returned to the city to resurrect like normal games, but a soul will be transformed first. This soul can decide whether to teleport back to the city without the scroll of returning to the city. After returning to the city, it will not be resurrected immediately, but will go to the resurrection hall to find the resurrection mage. After the resurrection mage uses the resurrection on the player's soul, the player can be resurrected, but this process also has the probability of failure. If the spell succeeds, the player will resurrect and drop Level 1 after the spell is completed. If it fails, it will still resurrect, but the player will drop two levels. In this process, the skill level of the resurrection mage has the greatest influence on the success rate of the resurrection. Generally speaking, the basic resurrection success rate of NPC resurrection mages is relatively high. The success rate of low-level NPC resurrection mages is generally around 50%, and the high level can reach before 80% to 90%. The initial success rate of resurrection mages among players is only Less than 30%, but in the end you can practice until it is infinitely close to 100%.

Rose itself is the resurrection mage profession, which means that she can actually use the resurrection technique, but she just used another kind of spell-punishment. This spell is only effective for the soul of the player after death. It will not be effective if it is directly thrown on a living person. Once hit by this spell, the player will immediately lose two levels, and the failure rate will increase by 20% the next time it is resurrected. In other words, if hit by this spell, you will at least pay the price of Level 3 for the death, and it is very likely that you will drop Level 4 directly.

After leaving the place where the player was, I immediately opened the wormhole on my body, and countless Spirit Armor worms swarmed out from the wormhole. I need scouts now, and I must confirm whether any insects have left during the previous period. If any of them really escape, they must be intercepted. The defense line made up of experts like the one we blocked the insert before is nothing. Once these guys run into the middle of ordinary players, it will be a disaster.

I was not idle when my beetles searched the nearby area, but looked for bones everywhere in the forest. As the high level powerhouse of the evil system, I am very good at this simple and practical method of communicating with the undead. Although the guy just refused to cooperate, there is not necessarily only one dead person nearby. Just finding the corpses of other players or the souls of some NPC creatures can help me confirm the situation in the nearby area for a period of time.

The effort pays off. After ten minutes of chaos, I finally found a human skeleton in a pile of grass. This is the corpse of a player after death. After the player is resurrected, the corpse will be temporarily given soul by the system until the corpse is completely refreshed. Of course, some undead gathering places have the ability to transform corpses, so the player's corpse will not be brushed off in that place, but will become a zombie and wander around. This forest is obviously not a gathering place for the undead, and this corpse is almost on the verge of refreshing, thanks to the timely discovery of it.

After a brief communication with the corpse, we confirmed that several insects did not participate in the bite of the player and left early. According to the content of the soul description given temporarily on the corpse, There should be more than ten or less than twenty insects that left, and they are all relatively large, the largest two of which are between 1.8 to 1.9 meters in length, and the smallest one is not too small to 1.5 meters. These insects have basically lost the ability to fly, and can only jump forward, and according to the undead, their speed is quite fast.

After asking the whereabouts of the insect, I gave the undead a handful of crystal powder as a reward, and then Rose and I immediately caught up. Because of the specific direction, I concentrated the search scope of the insects into a small area. As the search range of seeds is reduced, the search density naturally increases. Soon those insects were discovered. It turned out that these guys didn't run away, but found a big tree, dug a hole under the tree and hid in. Although this incident is strange, it also proves Rose and I's previous guesses. These insects should have evolved high level wisdom. Before and other insects rushed to take the initiative to evacuate, and now they are not in a hurry to escape and find a place to hide. This is a manifestation of wisdom. At least the at first insect is definitely not at this level of intelligence.

My insect found those big insects and didn’t immediately jump on it, but ran back quickly. Because those big insects can absorb the EXP of any creature and use it as food to reproduce, so the strength is lower than A certain level of creatures rushing up can only increase their strength. But unfortunately, the alertness of these insects was higher than I thought. Although the Spirit Armor worm ran back in time, it alarmed the insects. They quickly got out of the tree hole and started to escape. But this time they did something that I admired very much.

These guys will actually run away instead of gathering together and running in one direction. A total of fourteen beetles fleeing in different directions with a nearly ninety degree fan, and Rose and I are two people. All of my familiars who are suitable to participate in the pursuit are helping the Gunners at the ruins. The summon thing I am carrying is simply not useful. I was dumbfounded when I watched more than a dozen beetles run away separately. Which side should I chase after?

Although Rose is also a little crazy, she reacts much faster than me. "Don't think about it, start from the outermost part, your side and my side, if you catch one, focus on the middle. As long as they don't temporarily change their direction, we should still hope to catch them all before they leave the forest. "

I nodded immediately jumped out. The insect in front saw me catching up and immediately turned left and right in an attempt to delay my speed with the help of trees. "hmph, how many trees want to block me?" I jumped up suddenly, followed by a fierce swing of my sword in midair, and a red rays of light instantly swept across a large piece of land in front of me. After a two-second pause, the trees within 200 meters in front of me made a zhi zhi rattling sound at the same time, and then fell forward together. The jungle, which was originally full of trees, instantly created an open space that was disordered and in a mess.

If it were those small insects in the past, they would definitely disappear in such a place in an instant. The dense branches and leaves on the fallen trees overlap each other to form a thick isolation layer on the ground after falling to the ground. Under this isolation layer are all large and small gaps. If it were the previous small insects, it would be fine. Drilling through these gaps, but now the insect has grown too large. The fallen tree not only can't provide cover for it, but also makes it difficult for the insect, which is too large and loses the ability to fly.

"Where are you going." I shook the Eternal Sword forward, and the body of the whip sword was instantly out of touch and swept a huge arc. When the tip of the sword swept across the insect It instantly turned into a big cage and put it in.

After catching an insect, fix it with the holder on the body, and then quickly change the direction to chase the next one. Due to previous experience, Rose and I were both very fast, and soon the two of us merged together.

"Is this the last one?" Rose said as he looked at the insect running wild in front of him.

I looked up and looked ahead. Although I can't see it for the time being, the rumbling sound in my ears has told me that we are approaching the edge of the forest. When we came before, the logging teams of our guilds were cutting trees on the periphery of the forest. What I hear now is the sound of the large logging machines of our guild. Hearing this sound means that we are not far from the crowd. It would be troublesome if the insect in front of us rushed into the crowd. "Zoom in."

"It's too late." Rose glanced ahead, then winked at me, and I instantly understood what she meant. Rose accelerated the first two steps and then jumped up violently. At the same time, she bent her legs in the air and hugged them into a ball. I rushed up and punched out. Rose's legs straightened suddenly, and the soles of her feet were just stepping on my fists. The impact of my punch and the reaction force of her own kick accelerated and flew out like a cannonball.

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