"Hunger is the easiest way to kill these insects." Taya said: "The life of a harmonious insect comes from energy, and its own consumption is actually quite large, so As long as they are not allowed to eat, they will soon be starved to death. And this has an advantage, that is, although these insects are very exaggerated in the Early-Stage, other attributes can be said to be very bad , Even if you get a pair of pliers to clamp them, you can easily control these guys. In our time, during the war, the Kushin tribe threw the harmonious insects into the areas we didn’t pay attention to and let them reproduce. When we found out These guys have reproduced for many generations and it is quite difficult to control, so they are so terrible. The advantage of this hunger elimination method is that at the beginning, all the insects with the highest algebra are eliminated, and you eliminate a second-generation insect. Let the number of the entire insect swarm be reduced by half. If one generation of insects can be killed, the entire insect swarm would be wiped out."

Venus immediately followed: "It is indeed reasonable to say that it is here. The method that Purple Moon uses now is the most correct, but you must not let them run out! Can you block this place?"

"I'm afraid not!" Taya said, "I can only I can help you to delay their escape. Although the strength of harmonious insects is not strong, their mouthparts have the characteristic of ignoring all defenses. They can bite through any defense, so even if the defense wall is lowered, it is nothing more than blocking them. That’s all, if you want to trap them, you must have a special capture method for them. Before these guys grow up, they are really good at their mouths and defenses. As long as they start from the back and be careful not to be bitten, there will be no problem. "

When I heard this, I hurriedly said: "Anyway, you should lower the defensive wall and block it, but be careful if the insect passes by, raise the defensive wall. Don't block us. It’s behind."


With Taya and the others, one after another partitions began to appear on the wall in front of the passage, and these partitions were quickly closed. The insects, as Taya said, began to bite the walls of the passage, trying to get through. Originally, according to our idea, even if the insect can bite through the wall and get past the speed, it should not be too fast. If there is such a delay, it will definitely be caught up by eternity, but the problem is that we ignore the intelligence of the insect. These guys actually changed their strategy after spotting the wall that had landed in front of them. They didn't bite the separation walls, but instead began to make holes in the passage walls. The partition wall in the middle of the passage can be raised and lowered, but behind the passage wall are pipes and some conduction equipment, there is no organ defense at all, and it is simply not designed for people to walk in. When the insects enter, I and Venus I was dumbfounded. Except that the eternity turned into liquid and chased it in, we could only watch.

"This is awful!" I really don't know what to do when I look at the small hole in the wall where I can only put an arm through.

"What shall we do now?" Taya's voice came from the road indicator.

Venus suddenly said: "I suggest calling all the experts in the game as soon as possible to help."

"Call all the experts in the game?" I thought about it a bit, and then Said: "Okay. You are responsible for contacting people on your side, and I am responsible for contacting people on my side."

Since the insect is no longer trackable, Venus and I are standing here stupid. Waiting for simply is wasting time, it is better to take the opportunity to do something meaningful. The two of us left the ruins directly using Transmission Formation, and then notified the people of our own forces.

The offensive troops of the British and French coalition forces on the city wall of the Iron Cross in Germany are climbing the city wall frantically, and there are already many French and British players climbing on the city wall. At this time they are fighting Players of the German Iron Crusade struggled to kill, but at the moment when both sides were happily killing, the red, white and green magical fireworks suddenly flew from the rear of the British and French allied forces, and the NPC troops under the city wall started first. Turn around and run back. The players were playing well when they suddenly found that the NPCs around them were running away. They looked back in confusion one by one, only to find that all the flag bearers on the signal platform on their side were playing the same semaphore.

"Retreat? Why let us retreat? We have already attacked the city wall!" The Anglo-French coalition players at the forefront did not understand why such an order suddenly appeared, and the Germans also almost. All of the defensive artillery fired suddenly. It was not that the artillery was out of shells, but the city protection system was automatically shut down. Then there was an order from Ashford to order all combat units to withdraw from the city wall. The battlefield, which was still extremely tragic, suddenly cooled down, and the soldiers on both sides were called back to their camp with a question mark in their heads and full of anger.

Similar to Deguo, on American soil, the battle outside the starting point suddenly stopped, but the battle itself was not fierce, so it stopped and stopped smoothly. . Although there was a melee in South Korea, it was basically carried out in the same way as small troops fight. Therefore, the two sides immediately lost their voices when they received a ceasefire order. Therefore, the troops were withdrawn to their respective cities, and the city’s sights were almost changed. No man's land.

The intensity of the battle on the Japanese side is similar to that on the European side. The two sides are fighting fiercely. Suddenly all the Chinese players have received the order to retreat, and the Japanese players are chasing excitedly. Ten seconds later, he received an order to stop. Although I don't know why they gave up such a good opportunity, the Japanese players resolutely implemented the order and all evacuated the battlefield.

These evacuated players in the world shrank in the cities where their forces belonged, and then they all received the same order, that is, to open the system channel to receive system broadcasts. Many players are somewhat unfathomable mystery to this command, but after all, it is the command of their respective guilds, so everyone still opened the system channel, and immediately felt that they appeared in a huge and gorgeous conference hall. This time the system broadcast was displayed in an immersive manner, but everyone received the same viewing angle, and their viewing had practically no effect on the Conference Hall itself.

"Isn't this the headquarters hall of our guild?" said a high level member of the Frost Rose League.

"Have you seen?" the person next to him asked.

"Well, the last time I went to send something to the president, I happened to be here."

"That's weird, why do we suddenly let us see these things? "

"The ghost knows why!"

When many players were discussing spiritedly, suddenly a person appeared on the screen, and almost no players in the world did not know this person. Yes, because this person is me. As the president of the Frost Rose League and the first in the battle strength list, at least half of the combat professionals in the game know me, and the people watching the announcement at the moment basically know me. After all, these people are all involved in this. The people of World War II are not the people of our guild or the guild of our guilds, or the people of our opposing side, and people from both sides should at least know me.

As I appeared, another person walked into the picture immediately, and this person was well-known.

"Gun God? How is he with Purple Moon?" An American player asked in confusion, and most other American players basically wanted to know the answer to his question.

Following behind the gun god came in is a woman wearing a black shiny tight armor, but no one knows what she looks like, because this woman’s helmet has a mask, so it’s completely Can't see her face. But even though she can't see her face, many people know her, because this woman is called Black Widow, the fourth in the original battle strength version. However, because the crow was bitten so badly by the harmful insect, the level 500 is not enough now, and its strength is naturally falling out of the battle strength list, let alone the top ten, I am afraid that the top 100,000 will not see him. The name is gone, so Black Widow has actually become the new third on the battle strength list.

The top three on the battle strength list are here, and those who watch the broadcast are naturally curious. It is said that the relationship between the gun god and me is half-hostile and half-cooperative, and Black Widow is a free man without a guild. It is a bit strange for the three of us to sit together. However, before everyone slowed down, a more powerful character appeared again.

"Guishou Nobunaga? How could he grow up with us?" The players of the Frost Rose Alliance cried out in confusion, and the Japanese players were actually calling similar questions.

There were three Japanese players who entered the field with Nobunaga Oni Shou, one of them was Guren Phoenix, the other two were Masaga Matsumoto and a lesser-known youngster. After that, many people walked into this conference hall. Players who watched the broadcast found that most of these people were familiar faces, not the leaders of some large-scale guilds with exaggerated strength, or the top figures of the Ranking List such as the battle strength list. . Because this conference hall was very large and adopted the layout of the stands of the Colosseum, it was filled with thousands of people. Almost none of these people is not a star, so to speak. Among the billions of players in the world who play "Zero", these people can directly control more than 60% of them, and indirect control is even more terrifying.

"What is this going to do? World player seminar?" Some players all began to guess what so many representatives of various forces gathered together to do.

In fact, not only the people watching the broadcast, but even more than half of the thousands of people in the conference hall did not know what happened. This conference hall is circular, and there are actually only twenty seats in the most central circle. In fact, only these twenty people have known the cause of the matter. The latter were all invited by these twenty people. Although these thousands of people belonged to different forces, the force of these twenty people was just enough to convene all these thousands of people.

When everyone is seated, I said, "I believe everyone is very curious why they are gathered here, so I will answer for you now."

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