My answer is actually very simple. I directly played the recordings taken when Venus and I saw those insects. The tragic situation of the victim, the crow just happened to be Help everyone understand the seriousness of the matter. Although the crow has become famous for a short time, it is after all the top ten characters in the battle strength list. For the average player, it is the peak-level battle strength. However, under the attack of the insects, he has actually become a low-level player that even ordinary players are like. Players, such a thing is a huge shock to everyone.

I waited for the clip to pause for a while before I continued to say: "I believe everyone has seen the picture just now. Don’t doubt the authenticity of the content, because I brought you some specimens. "I snapped my fingers as I said, and then the guards outside immediately carried in a huge box, which was carried directly into the center of the conference hall, where there was just a small open space. After the guards carried the box in, they did not put it on the ground, but poured out the contents. Just listen to oh la la with a sound of countless large and small metal insects piled up on the ground, a full height of more than one meter. "What everyone sees now is the insect that I temporarily control. The layer that wraps the insect is the split body of my weapon after eternal melting. The reason why I use eternity to wrap is because the defense of these guys is so hard. To the point of being indestructible, at least my attack power is temporarily incapable of it, so I have to use this method to temporarily close their actions. In order to give everyone an intuitive understanding of their destructive power, I will rank first in the battle strength list. The second gun god and the third Black Widow assisted me in the test. Representatives of the large guilds or regional powers present here will be able to conduct on-site supervision."

After I finished speaking, the venue we were in immediately Shan, followed by all the personnel suddenly appeared on a vast grassland, but the tables, chairs and benches under everyone's feet were still there, but the room was gone. Seeing the people around me a little panic, I quickly explained. "The conference hall of our guild itself is built on the Transmission Formation. Don’t panic. This is a secret place controlled by our guild. Although I can’t tell you its specific location, it’s absolutely safe. Please do not panic. Don’t worry. The reason why I sent everyone here is so that everyone can test the characteristics of these insects. This place has absolute protection field protection, so I’m not afraid of the insects running away."

All those present are a region's Overlord, I After a brief explanation, everyone calmed down and followed me to show them those insects. First of all, I controlled the eternal release of the heads of these insects, but other places were still wrapped, so that the insects could only move their heads but could not escape.

"Okay, now everyone can come over and get an insect for testing. These guys' mouthparts can bite through my dragon armor. According to my test, it seems that there is nothing but my eternity. What can stop them from gnawing, if you don’t believe it, please test it as soon as possible."

Although I am the number one player in the world, after all, there are quite a few hostile forces here, so they will naturally not believe me easily. So many people actually took an insect and tried it with their own armor, but everyone was surprised to find that the armor they were proud of was almost the same as the window paper in front of these insects. You can wear it with one bite. And in this process, some people directly let the insect bite the armor on their arm because of their stupidity. As a result, they not only bit through the armor, but also got a strong bite. The EXP dropped Level 1 in an instant.

" level!"

"Aiya, why are you so careless!" I deliberately pretended to be nervous and said, "The clip I showed you before Didn’t I say here? These things will absorb our EXP, how can we directly let them bite their own armor!" The insect tests here are people who don’t believe me, and these people are basically my hostile Forces, so I am too happy that they have fallen out of rank.

These people were going to go crazy after hearing what I said, but they endured it when they thought that the surrounding environment was doing a live broadcast. After all, I did show them the episode of sucking the crow EXP before. In the video, it's no wonder that people are bitten now, but they seem to be petty.

"It has now been proved that these things ignore the attributes of defense. Next, please take a look at the reproduction ability of these things." As I operated, a nearly transparent cubic confined space suddenly appeared in front of me. "What you see is the temporary shielding layer I applied to the system. This thing is invincible, so you can rest assured that you will not be bitten." After finishing speaking, he controlled Eternal to release an insect and threw it in. In that space. As soon as the little thing was free, it started to wander around inside, looking quite ferocious. Following me, let the NPC guard throw a swamp hunting lizard into that space. "The thing you see now is called swamp hunting lizards, a very common devil beast, distributed in most countries in the world. As a devil beast with more than 830 levels, the attack power of this thing is not Outstanding, but the defense is very scary, and it has toxin damage, which is very tricky. The reason why I chose this creature as an experimental creature is mainly to show you the results of ordinary players encountering this insect. Because of this The battle strength of this lizard is just between ordinary players and high-end players."

As my voice fell, the isolation board in the center of the shielding area in front of me suddenly disappeared, and the insect immediately pounced on The swamp hunting lizard, the result is surprising is that the swamp hunting lizard has no response to it. In fact, the swamp hunting lizard didn't take this little point seriously. From its point of view, this thing was not considered a threat. However, when the harmful insect came into contact with the swamp hunting lizard, the swamp hunting lizard knew it was wrong. The harmful insect just landed on the swamp hunting lizard and immediately bit it down. The swamp hunting lizard's hard protective scales were bitten through without any effect at all. Following the swamp hunting lizard, it immediately jumped up like a cramp.

Venus took over for me and said at this time: "According to the crow, the moment I was bitten by this kind of insect, I would feel bone pain. Although they only absorbed EXP, it would not damage the health, but was The person who bites will feel extreme pain, and your physical strength will continue to decline. If you cannot break free quickly, once your physical strength is exhausted, you will be unable to resist because of fatigue. This will be very troublesome."

< p>Following Venus’s explanation, the swamp hunting lizard had already begun to show cramps, but at this time the insect suddenly banged and burst open. Two insects of a little smaller size began to appear from it. The corpse emerged and continued to bite the swamp hunting lizard, and then their size began to increase rapidly and eventually surpassed their mother. The two insects suddenly exploded after inhaling for a while, and two more insects emerged from each insect's body. As before, the newly-emerged insect continued to pounce on the swamp hunting lizard and began to bite. After the four insects had grown to exceed the size of the mother's body, I immediately let the eternity enter it, wrapped the four insects, and killed the swamp hunting lizard that was almost unable to move.

"The experiment can only end here. If I let everyone see my eternity, my eternity may not be enough. After all, the eternal subject is still chasing the fugitive insect, so there is not much. Eternal is used to wrap the insect here."

Although the experiment is very short, the people nearby can clearly understand it. Nobunaga, who had been unwilling to summon everyone to me suddenly before, also walked over to the facial expression grave and asked, "How many generations can this thing reproduce?" The people nearby became quiet when they heard this question. Also want to know the answer.

"There is no limit at all." My answer made everyone gasp. "These guys will keep splitting as long as they have enough food, and I don’t know if you can see clearly, these things will be bigger than the previous generations each time they reproduce. In fact, it is not only the size, but also all their attributes. These guys will continue to grow stronger with the increase in reproduction algebra. Now, as long as you can pay attention not to bite these little things, you can basically control them as long as you pinch its back with two fingers. Although not To kill them, but you can use this method to temporarily restrict their actions, and as long as the time is long, these guys will be starved to death due to excessive energy consumption. But as their reproduction number increases, I want to limit these The actions of the guys will become more and more difficult. According to reliable sources, these guys will have a height of more than three meters and a single battle strength close to my own after one hundred and fifty generations."

"Do you mean this is the end of the world?" A person I don't know loudly said: "If an insect in that ruin runs out, as long as it finds a devil beast, then we will never think again. Control them."

"This is exactly why I called everyone together." I signaled everyone to be quiet and said, "Once these things multiply to scale, then none of us can run away. Sooner or later, these things will absorb all of us into light boards, and we obviously don’t want to see that day."

Everyone was nodded together, and then a woman stood up and asked: "Then you call us What are we supposed to do? Even if we don’t want it, what can we do? Nothing seems to be able to control them at the moment except your eternity? Even you can’t break the defenses of these things, so we don’t expect it. How do you want us to help?"

"In fact, these things are not complete in the process of reproduction, but are stronger than one generation. As various attributes and overall strength rise, the defense of these insects is The only attribute that will decrease as the number of reproduction increases. But considering that their overall strength has actually been increasing, we must kill these guys at a key point that can break the defense, and find a way to The insects that have not reproduced are caught. In fact, it is not my eternal control to control these guys. Everyone will follow me back to the council hall and I will show it to everyone.” When everyone is back on their seats, we start the Transmission Formation again. Everyone teleported back to the conference hall. At this time, there was a stone platform more than a meter high in the center of the hall, and on the stone platform there was a metal device that resembled a spider with a belly upside down. I put the insect on the device so that the belly of the insect was facing the sky, and then clicked on the top of the device. The eight legs of the metal spider immediately contracted in the middle and pressed the insect on my belly, and followed me to direct the eternal from the insect. The body came out. The insect began to struggle violently as soon as it was free, but the struggle was in vain. This insect does not have a neck, and its head and body are directly connected, so its mouthparts actually don’t have much room for movement. Now it’s lying on its back, its stomach is pressed by eight metal legs, and it bites nothing at all. No, and the tiny legs and wings on its body actually don't have much strength at all, and it can't fight away at all. It simply can't run away except for kicking around.

"The thing you see now is temporarily produced by our guild. The raw material is only ordinary steel. In fact, with the current strength of this thing, ordinary wood is enough. Just make such a The shape doesn’t let its head bite something and it’s absolutely impossible to run away, and then as long as it is placed in a safe place for about a week, these guys can be starved to death."

"But this is after the catch. Management method, before catching it?" someone asked.

"This is also very simple." I continued: "As long as we are not alone, when the insect bites you, the people around you can grab the insect from behind and drag it down. In breeding Before enough generations, these guys have very low resistance ability. After catching them, they can be quickly handed over to the supporting staff to send them back to Isengard. Our guild will use this thing to imprison them in a unified manner. After a week, everything is It’s fine."

"This is also a way."

Everyone started talking for a while, and when they were about to discuss it, I said: "Of course, in addition to the above solutions My think tank also gave a backup plan."

"Backup plan?"

"Yes. The backup plan is actually very simple, that is, all of our players collectively Apply for a special space to lock all the insects in, and then we will fight with the insects inside. Of course, there are many problems with this plan. The first is the problem of people’s hearts. Although normal people don’t want to see these insects overflowing, we are in After all, this world is still living with a large number of abnormal people. Even things like self-abuse, which are completely incomprehensible to normal people, are liked by many people. Therefore, I estimate that the successful probability of a unified full server player for a national application will be very low. Of course, This is just a backup plan, and is the last resort in case we fail to control the reproduction of the insect. After all, the probability that the joint application of full server players will not be accepted will be very low. Okay, now tell me everyone’s opinion Right? If you don’t have any comments, please don’t move. If you have comments, please raise your hands. I hope everyone puts aside their own interests for a short time, because once these things come out, all of us will suffer. Let’s vote now. "After I finished speaking, I began to look around the audience. After waiting for almost one minute, there was no one who raised his hand. It seems that there is no fool here. "Well, since there is no objection, then we will immediately start to eliminate the harmful insects. One minute later, our danger will be many times greater."

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