"Let’s go through these thirty seconds first!"

In fact, the insects simply gave up the two of us before thirty seconds. The goal, and the reason is that Eternal has counterattacked at a super fast speed. After the backward insects have been wrapped into eternity, the remaining insects are aware of the seriousness of the problem. It seems that these guys have grown in this period of time not only in size and quantity, but also in their brain capacity. The first worm I saw before behaved like an idiot. It had to be confirmed repeatedly when it encountered a prey to be sure to bite. Now it has not only become responsive, but also learned some simple predictive abilities, at least they Knowing that it will be all wrapped up in eternity if it goes on like this, so these little fellows chose to escape.

"Very good, they seem to have run away." Venus only relaxed and said such a sentence after the insect was chased by eternity and escaped the encirclement of us.

However, Venus and I reacted completely differently. Compared to Venus' relaxed, I jumped straight up. "What a shit! As long as one of those things run out, once it finds other players to reproduce, you think about the consequences?"

"Damn it!" Venus also realized the problem. Seriously, quickly pulled me to catch up.

In fact, it’s useless for us to catch up. These small insects are basically invincible. They can't be slashed and cannot be touched. Apart from the eternal package, I really don’t know how to deal with them. Fortunately, the eternal speed is not slow. It has now become a large hollow ball rolling forward and chasing fast. Once it catches up with one, it will immediately separate a part and wrap it aside, while the main body is Will continue to chase the previous ones.

We don’t know the total number of insects that bred after biting crows before, but at least more than 300 ran away, and any one of them will be a huge disaster to escape, no matter how absolutely You can't let any of these things go out.

"Hello, can you hear me?" I yelled to the map indicator on my hand as I ran.

"I heard it." The technician at the Ruins Control Center immediately responded to my call.

"Is Taya over there?"

"Yes." Taya was the one who answered me directly.

"very good." I asked slightly happily: "Is there a weird insect on your spaceship?"

"A weird insect..." Taya's originally slow speech speed suddenly increased, and her voice rose directly by an octave. "You won't be in the sealing room? Don't touch that insect. If you let it run out, it will be the end of the world!"

"So unfortunately to inform you, today is the world Doom."


"The insect has run out, and it just gnawed a person, now it has become a bunch of insects."

"What?" Taya's voice was so sharp that it almost made my ears hurt, and even Venus beside her couldn't help being frowned.

"This is not the time to be surprised. How much do you know about the insect? Tell me all."

Taya paused for a while before saying: "That kind of insect is actually It is a weapon, a planet-class destruction weapon used by a super race that is countless times stronger than our race. However, this seed was later annihilated by us and several other seeds. This insect is the only one left. Something. The code name of this insect is harmonious insect and there is no other name. They have only one primary level individual, but this individual stores primary energy, and its energy is many times more powerful than your Spiritual God here."

"Beyond Spiritual God? Are you referring to the mountain god or the Low God?"

"High God, Low God?" Obviously Taya doesn't know about High God and Low God thing.

"Can you give me an example? How many of our Gods on Earth do you know? Just find one I’ve heard of."

"For example The Goddess of freedom on the American continent is that kind of god."

"Oh!" I breathed a sigh of relief. "Fortunately, that is Low God."

"Anyway, the power of that thing is about many times that of the Low God you said, and because its power is concentrated on the unique characteristic of defense, So this thing is almost invincible."

"I have tried this." No wonder Eternal can't cut it. Imagine if Titans’s power is doubled several times and then all are concentrated to defend an area as large as a small insect. This degree of defense is indeed beyond imagination, and it is normal to not be able to cut it. "In addition to these things, what other characteristics?"

"There is also the breeding characteristics. At the beginning, the Kushin people made this thing as a super weapon. After it is dropped on a planet, they will automatically find it. And swallow the energy value of a creature whose energy value is higher than a certain standard, and then force this creature to undergo energy degradation."

It seems that the energy degradation mentioned by Taya should refer to the level reduction. "Um, do you mean that as long as there is a certain level of living things, it can absorb it, and can reproduce by absorbing this energy?"

"Yes. After absorbing energy, they will Forced reproduction is carried out due to energy overload, and the mode of reproduction is carried out in a one-to-two way. Newly born individuals will surpass the original mother in all characteristics such as size, intelligence, strength, and speed. Sufficient food will be copied indefinitely."

"That means this thing will be more and more in number and stronger from generation to generation, and it will be copied indefinitely until the planet surface Eat up all the creatures that can be found?" Venus couldn't help but intervened and asked.

"Yes, that's why they are called planet destruction weapons."

"So is there any way to destroy these things?" This is currently my biggest concern.

Taya thought for a while before saying: "Of course there are ways to eliminate them. There is no truly invincible thing in this world. There are two ways to eliminate them. The first is to far exceed The ultimate attack power of their defense destroys their defense at one time and kills them."

"But you just said that these insects have a stronger defensive power than gods, how can one strike certain kill?" Venus asked anxiously: "Purple Moon's attack power is not effective. What level of attack is needed to destroy their defense? Besides, what is the use of breaking the defense? These things multiply so fast, even if they can be killed. What's the use of one or two that can’t keep up with their reproduction speed?"

"Actually, it’s not as difficult as you think." Taya said: "The defensive energy of a harmful insect is only for the body surface. And the only thing they won’t increase from generation to generation during reproduction is defensive power."

"What do you mean?"

"The defensive energy of harmful insects will continue to increase when they eat. When its value of breakthrough is more than twice the original total, it will die and produce two offspring at the same time. Although the total energy of these two new entities will be higher than the previous generation in terms of defense, due to the size of the next generation entity As a result, the body surface area will increase accordingly, which causes the defensive power allocated to all parts of the body to actually decrease."

"Huh?" Venus obviously did not understand. Taya means.

I helplessly explained: "For example, consider the defensive energy of a harmonious insect as a soldier, and the body of an insect as a country, and soldiers are used to protect the country. Suppose first Insect’s defensive power equivalent to 10,000 soldiers. When it eats, the number of soldiers will increase. When the total number of soldiers increases to more than twice the original amount, the insect kingdom will be divided into more than 20,000 soldiers. Two new countries. In this way, the two newly divided countries can each get more than 10,000 soldiers, which seems to be stronger than the original individual defensive power, but because of the land area of ​​the two newly divided countries They are all larger than the original country, so the soldiers actually assigned to the border have become sparse. This has caused a decline in defense."

"I see." Venus called out immediately. "You mean that as long as this reproduction continues, once it reaches a certain generation, its defensive power will be reduced enough to allow us to break the defense, right?"

"Almost! Anyway, these harmful insects The defensive power will be inferior to one generation. As long as you multiply a few more generations, the final offspring will definitely become a very low-defense existence, but while the defense is reduced, the size and strength of these offspring will continue to increase, so it is not It’s said that the more you reproduce, the weaker you are."

I immediately asked for proof: "That means that a balance must be found, right?"

"Yes." Taya affirmed "You must find one The balance point, and as long as you can break the defense, the sooner this balance point is, the better, because the more you get there, the more insects will be, and individuals with super strong battle strength are not so easy to deal with even if the defensive power is low."< /p>

Venus said in pain: "God! Do you have any other way? These things reproduce in a way of one transformation, two transformations, two transformations, and there will be more than a thousand after ten generations. If they won’t be killed by us until more than a hundred generations later, don’t we have to deal with countless insects?"

"This...we used the huge might of war weapons to reach the thirtieth. Only one generation can kill these guys. With the attack power of President Purple Moon, there will be no hope until the 170th generation!"

"One hundred and seventieth generation? I even count the number. If you don’t come out, how can you fight this? Even if these things are reproduced to that generation, all these things will become ants. It depends on Purple Moon alone to kill for several decades, right?"

I heard this The number is also numb, because I and Venus are different. She can't figure out how much two is equal to one hundred and seventy, but I can figure it out, and knowing this specific number makes me even more depressed. "Is there any other way to kill these things?"

"Yes." Taya's words like the gospel let us relax.

"Come on. What is the way?"

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