My words were obviously not accepted by the other party. Of course, it does not rule out the possibility that he did not understand this at all. Anyway, the guy did not cooperate with me, but suddenly screamed at me. come over.

"Forbidden." Around a yellow light flashed, the area I was in was suddenly surrounded by a cylindrical yellow halo. The guy hit him but flew back. This is a magic experimental field, not a duel field. The experimenter must enjoy absolute security. Therefore, I can manipulate all the power of the experimental field to fight against the target I hope to fight. The source of these powers is the urban pipeline, which means The backing of this experimental field is Isinger's energy core. With the energy output of Isinger’s super core, even if the guy in front of you is Erlang Shen or Titans, he can only be obedient to me here, even more how this guy will definitely not reach that level. However, the guy in front of him clearly did not intend to give up.

The guy hit the energy shield and bounced back into the air again, but instead of rushing over this time, he suddenly let out a harsh scream, everyone on the field tolerated I couldn't help covering my ears, and the worst thing was that I and Ye Yue and the others were frozen. Because we couldn't move under our necks, we couldn't cover them even if we wanted to. In fact, even if we cover it, it is useless, because the guy is not screaming at all, he is screaming in the soul, a spell-like ability that can directly affect your soul, and can directly damage the target regardless of most obstacles. Of course, this skill also has shortcomings, such as whether we are foe or foe.

"OK, you provoke me! Start, Heavenly Master lock soul formation." Originally, this skill requires some actions, but I can't move it now, but my goal is not someone else, so It doesn't matter if you can't move. A huge array suddenly appeared under my feet, followed by white light flashed on my body, and another identical me fell out of my body. "Huh, I'm free now!"

Seeing that an individual suddenly emerged from my body, the guy who had been attacking me stopped unexpectedly. Obviously he was surprised why I was supposed to be frozen. Suddenly moved. In fact, their spell is very successful. I am still standing there, or my body is still standing there. Now only my soul can move. The Angel Soul Locking Array was originally used to block the spirit creatures, and it also has a somewhat suppressive effect on all soul creatures. The effect depends on the strength gap between our two sides. But I personally think that the most useful function of this skill is Golden Cicada shelling. Because of the existence of the phantom, I can take my soul out of the body and let the phantom temporarily replace me to manage the body. Anyway, he is a soul that can be substantive.

While the other party hadn’t slowed down, my soul suddenly raised a hand: "Replacement." A whirlwind swept over my soul and followed my trumpet Yinyue to the venue. middle. When I was rooted before, the first thing I thought about was to change the silver moon trumpet, but because the body was completely unable to move, even the change of the number was blocked. But it's different now. My tuba and trumpet share only the soul, and the body is completely independent. Now that I separate the soul from it, I can naturally summon the trumpet body.

After discovering that I suddenly changed my person, the other party became more confused, but I didn't have much leisure time for him to think about the problem. As my fingers swayed quietly, a white cover suddenly appeared around the guy's body. When he found the mask, the guy immediately ran into the mask and tried to get out of the scope of the mask. Although he didn't know the purpose of the mask, the guy instinctively knew that this thing was not good for him. But he thought of my mask too simple. The moment he hit the mask, the mask suddenly lit up with a dazzling bright light, and then we heard the guy's heart-piercing scream. This time it was not a howling of the soul but a real scream, it seems that my power hurt him a lot.

When I was Purple Moon before, I did little harm to him. This was mainly because I was blocked from action as soon as we met, and I didn’t understand his characteristics at first, so I naturally suffered a bit. I have roughly understood the characteristics of this guy just a few times before, so now I changed into Yinyue and immediately showed extraordinary lethality.

Obviously, although this guy is not an undead creature, it is not even a normal material creature. Of course, this guy is not a simple incorporeal creature. Although Yeyue’s petrified pupil claims that even souls can be petrified, the actual situation is that the spirit transformation is Yeyue’s special skill, which requires active casting. Her gaze can only petrify physical substances. Will petrify soul-type creatures. The guy in front of him seemed to be a kind of creature between the matter and the incorporeal, or that their existence was unstable. However, although I know that these guys are semi-incorporeal, I found that their characteristics are closer to undead creatures, because when these guys hit the energy shield in the experimental area not only did not cause energy collision, but also absorbed part of the energy from the energy shield. The ability to absorb energy from the energy shield shows that these guys are made of negative energy, and undead creatures are the most typical negative energy creatures. The main feature of negative energy creatures is that they can be neutralized by light elements, so just now I used the holy light spell type mask to cause unimaginable damage to that guy with just one collision.

The guy obviously didn’t learn his lesson after being injured by the light energy once. He hit the shield again, then flashed again and screamed again, just tossing back and forth seven or eight times. He finally stopped. At this time, it was obvious that this guy's body was much thinner than before. This guy is a negative energy creature, and he will neutralize when he hits the light shield. In this neutralization process, he will consume the same amount of light energy and negative energy as me, but what he consumes is his own body, and what I consume is only magic power, especially in this experimental field, my magic power is Connected to the experimental field, unless he can consume the entire energy of Isengard, he will not be able to defeat me.

"Can you calm down now?" I was standing on the ground opposite that guy, and he was already at the same height as me. He didn't land at this height voluntarily, but was forced down by me. The mask beside him was made by me, of course I can control it, and I just dropped the mask to the ground, and he had to follow it obediently if he didn't want to touch the mask.

The guy didn't seem to hear my question at all, maybe he didn't want to answer at all, but I can't be sure. "Sha Yezi, try whispering with your soul."

A kind of depressive, whispering that seems to be in your ears and as if far away from you suddenly rang. If most people hear this at night The voice probably stood up all over the body, because the voice was really scary. But this is indeed the most common communication method for Soul Spirit Creature and undead creatures. However, the soul whispering is actually forcibly binding the temptation and mind control abilities, so using the soul whisper to a creature whose will is much lower than yours is basically tantamount to directly manipulating his mind.

"No, no response at all." Sha Yezi shook the head helplessly.

"Is there no way to communicate at all?" I said deliberately to myself. "In that case, it's useless to keep him." After I said, I stretched out my hand and held it, and the aperture surrounding the guy immediately began to shrink, and the guy was also nervously swimming in the mask, but no matter what he did. When you swim, the aperture is just that big, and it's still shrinking, he finally hit that level of aperture.

"ahhh! The screams rang out as always, but this time it was more intense. At the same time, I ordered Qilin warrior to restore two of the remaining "sculptures" to normal. This is the case. I used to seldom use the means of torturing companions to achieve the effect of forcing a confession, because I think it is the most inhuman behavior, but now it seems that these guys seem to be stones in the pit, and there is no way to get them if you don’t have a bit of fierce predictions. .

As soon as the two newly recovered guys appeared, I wrapped them in a light shield. The two guys immediately screamed nervously and tried to see their companions howling miserably. Breaking through the barrier, but after they hit a few times, they realized like their companions that this thing is not what they can break through.

Just when I thought these guys are the tenth of the toughest things that are rather die than submit , One of the two targets I had just released suddenly called to me. "Why do you do this to us?" "

When I heard the other person’s mouth, my hand loosened, the mask immediately restored its original volume, and the guy’s screams immediately became smaller. "I thought you all It's dumb! "

"No, we can communicate. "

"Taya! "The guy who was tortured by me screamed when he heard his companion talking. Obviously he didn't want his companion to speak.

"Father, I can't watch you die! "Didn't expect it was a girl who was talking to me, but the tones of this race were all trembling, and it sounded like they were coming from the depths of a long tunnel, and for a while, I couldn't hear men and women at all. .

"I don’t want you to talk to the enemy even if I die. "

"Hey, the dying father, I really want to know when we became enemies?" "I asked irritably. This guy is just a pig's brain, and he directly defines the person who meets for the first time as an enemy. If this kind of character that makes him a random enemy is the commonality of their race, then it deserves it. This genocide is extinct.

"hmph!" The guy didn't bother to answer my question at all, and responded directly with a nasal sound.

"Yueyue. "The smart Yeyue immediately petrified that guy again with the petrified pupil, and I walked to the girl who was talking. "It seems that there is only you here who is the most suitable for communication, so let's talk now? "

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