"What do you want to talk about?" the female voice asked hesitantly.

"Actually, I was not hostile to you, but you suddenly attacked us, and now my body is still unable to move, so I have to bring you back to relieve our state. In fact, even if you made us like this, I did not hate you. After all, the situation was quite special at the time, and it was normal to have a bit of misunderstanding. The reason why I tortured your father just now was because he put on a foul air from the very beginning. Treating us as mortal enemies and totally unwilling to cooperate with our work, so I had to use some violent methods. After all, even if there is no enmity, I don’t want to stay there forever!"

" Do you just want us to relieve your fixation technique?"

"I originally thought so, but now I still have some questions I want to know. Don’t worry, I only need you to answer the questions, for you It shouldn't be too difficult, right?"

The other party was nodded. "As long as it is not a question that cannot be said, I promise to answer you."

I also nodded to express the deal. "So, do we need to remove our hold-down technique first?"

"You need those avatars to release the hold-down book."

"Stand-in dolls? You? Are you talking about this?" I took out the exact same sculpture of myself.

"Yes. This is actually a stand-in puppet. We used them to replace this world's perception of you, which is to replace your existence. For this world, time flows. And when the doll replaces your body, the flow of time will act on these stand-in dolls, and your real body will enter absolute still time because of the loss of existence."

Although this girl is not very good at narration, I still understand what she means. Basically, this stand-in doll is an item borrowed from Law Power. It can obscure the judgment of the entire world rule, so that the world rule recognizes that the doll is our ontology, and our own ontology is equivalent to being sealed in a time segment. middle. Because this time slice is still, we are also still in this time slice, or it can be said that our body is not immobile but immobile at present, because you are not moving in a single time slice. Both thinking and movement exist in coherent time. We only exist at one point on the time axis, so naturally we won't move.

Although it seems that the other party will not fool us silly, but in order to guard against the unexpected, I still ask her to remove Yeyue’s status from the safety point first, at least Yeyue will hang She dropped the level all by herself at a time. If I had to drop most of the demons along with it, it would not be a good deal. After getting Yeyue's doll, the other party simply patted the doll's head, and the doll immediately turned into a little starlight and dissipated into the air. As the doll dissipated, Ye Yue suddenly regained her freedom.

After we got one, the rest was much faster. Our dolls were handed over one by one, and soon we were all liberated. After my body recovered, I immediately returned to my body and reused the large Purple Moon.

"Very well, since you have done the first thing, let's talk about the second thing. First of all, I want to know what your race is called."

"We are dark spirits, from the negative energy world, our dark spirits are travellers of time, and often shuttle between time and space."

"What? Time travellers?"

"This explanation is very complicated, because you are living in the river of time, so you may not understand this concept."

"Then can you explain it briefly?"


"To make an analogy. Assuming time is a river, it will flow. The upstream of the river represents the past, and the downstream is the future. And this world you live in can be understood as a drop of water in this river. If we Freeze this river and cut a thin slice from it, then you will find that the horizontal slices of this river are actually made up of countless drops of water, and each drop of water is a world. Suppose it represents the world you are in. That drop of water is also in this slice, so the world represented by these other droplets in the same slice as you are your parallel spaces. These parallel spaces have similar flow directions to you but do not intersect, and you are all independent. Now put the drop of water that represents your world back into the river, and let the river continue to flow, then you will see the landscape on the river bank during the flow, and these landscapes are all kinds of things that happen in your world. However, because the position of each drop of water in the river is different, the landscape seen by each drop of water is also different. This is the difference of events in parallel time. Of course, although there will be differences, they are generally not too big. After all You are all in the same river. Because you are just a drop of water in this river, you are irresistibly bound to follow the river to rush downstream. This is the flow of time, and the reason why our race is called space-time travellers is Because we can jump from one drop of water to another, and not only can we move laterally between the same time slice, but we can also jump upstream or downstream at will."

"putting it that Way You should be a very good race, but why did you become the current virtue?"

"Because of the war of time and space, that is a very long story. The cause of the incident is..."< /p>

"Stop. Let's make a long story short!"

"To put it simply, there are more races that can travel time, but then everyone discovered that time travel is actually digging their own graves. Although you may get some benefits in a short period of time, there will be unintended consequences in the end. Therefore, some races advocate the prohibition of time travel, while others refuse to give up their immediate interests. In the end, those who disagree with each other fought, but no one fell well. . Generally, more than 30 races that can shuttle are all extinct, and only a few races like ours have a small number of survivors. The people are scattered in all time and space. However, our battlefield is not without positive significance. At least we have finally closed the door of time and space. Now even if a race develops similar technology, don’t expect to wear it again, because the time and space channel is basically a garbage dump, war. The violent energy left over in the channel has been sweeping back and forth in the passage, and anyone who enters will be finished. "

"This is the race against you? "I took out the bone I found in the ruins before.

"No. "The answer was unexpected. "This is your native race. We were attacked by them only after we got here." According to our previous power, this low-powered race cannot do anything to us at all, but as you know, we are only a small group of people who have been separated. The original advantage no longer exists. Even this race almost makes us. It's all over. In fact, when we first arrived here, we had more than 3,000 people. Later, we encountered a very aggressive race in seabed. As a result, hundreds of people were killed and injured. Later, we moved to land and encountered another aggressive race. Although later this race was not as good as the seabed race, they were a lot of people. In the end we wiped out all their power, but our race also only a dozen people left. Afterwards, due to energy shortages, several of us died one after another. What you see now is our only remaining companion! "

"So the place where I found you before is actually your battleship?" "

"No. The Sith is a resident mothership, equivalent to a mobile city. The regular battleship is much smaller than it. If you want, there should be a few unscheduled battleships in the Sith. We can give it to you. Anyway, we can't drive those things with so many people. "

"OK, take me there now. "I can't wait to open this treasure. I really made a profit this time. Originally, I just suspected that this ruin was a mobile fortress that moved. I really didn't expect it to be a city-class mothership, and this guy actually had it inside. There is also a battleship hidden, so there may be many other things in it. If these things can be brought back for research and research, the results are absolutely incredible.

"That... ! "Different from my excitement, the other party is trembling now. "May I release my companion first?" "

"I didn't intend to imprison you, and I could even provide you with shelter, but your father's attitude is really...your other companions are not the same as him, are they? "

"Father's personality has always been relatively irritable, and he is a person from the era of great prosperity. He is very unacceptable to living in your place, so that he is very hostile to all the races here. "

I can understand the meaning of little girl. His father is equivalent to the high and the others group in the big cities of the developed countries. A remote mountainous area in the country, and was bullied by certain local villagers. Naturally, I felt unbalanced, so I became cynical and took hostile eyes to everyone in this village.

< p>"If this is the case, then so be it! I will send your father and your companions to a place completely isolated from the world. Of course, that place is much more spacious than where you live now. When you get there, you can live freely. As for you, you are responsible for taking us to familiarize yourself with the relics of your spaceship. After completion, you can choose to stay and work for me or live with your father and them. If you stay for me to work, I will use what you want to pay your salary, and you have the right to leave at any time. It doesn't matter if you don't work for me, but you will be self-reliant when you get there. Okay, tell me your decision now? "

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