Because "Zero" is an international online game, its internal world settings are almost copied from the legendary world on Earth, as long as it exists in various countries in reality Legends with nations are all recognized here, so it's normal for witchcraft this thing to appear in the game. These guys are holding our dolls in front of them, and looking at them, it is clear that they are planning to use witchcraft and other things.

"Stop them."

"I really want to, but I want to say...I can't do it." Ling did all the struggling movements, but I was After noticing her situation, she also found that she had the same situation. But it doesn't mean that you can't move at all, at least the part above the shoulders is still able to move.

"It seems we are in trouble."

"Perhaps it is, but it's not that bad." Yeyue spoke while her eyepieces popped up automatically. After the rays of light flashed, there was a row of stone statues on the opposite side. "I think the problem is solved."

"Or it hasn't been completely solved yet." Yeyue's method is really good. Although I don't know what type of spell the other party uses, we are indeed frozen, and Yeyue’s petrified pupil just needs uncontrolled eyes to complete it, but the problem now is-the enemy has turned into a stone, but we still can’t move.

"Damn it!" Xiaochun suddenly said: "I just found a very serious problem."


"Although my My mouth can move, but I can't cast spells."

"It seems to be true!" Ling tried his abilities after receiving Xiaochun's reminder, but found that he really couldn't cast spells.

"Strange, you can't cast spells, why can my petrified pupil still work?"

The king replied: "Maybe because your petrified pupil is a race innate talent and not an acquired talent The ability to learn is not controlled."

"What shall we do now?"

"First find a way to leave here and then talk." Following my words, the gate of the earth is here. Suddenly appeared beside us, followed by Sgoth and Knight walked out of it with the bell sound. Because we couldn't move anymore, we had to ask Ringtone Knight to help carry us out.

Before I leave here, I asked Qilin warrior to search the entire place. We didn’t find any other creatures except the few guys who were petrified before. Anyway, this place will not disappear. More details The investigation can be done later. After confirming that there are no hostile creatures here, we teleported back to the coordinate Transmission Formation where I left outside before.

Before, I was fine when I went in, but when I came out, I was carried by someone. The angels outside were all taken aback when they saw me like this, but I did it before they asked. Said: "Here you guys help me explore first, I have a problem here, and I need to go back and find a way."

"Please rest assured, Your Highness Goddess will let us all listen to you, and we will try our best. Check it all here."

"Okay, thank you."

After talking to the angels, we started to return to Isengard, but we managed to get it before we went back. A big box put me in, as for the other creature familiars that were rooted, they had to be placed in the gate of the earth first. The reason why I want to sleep in the box is because I don't want to be seen by people in the meeting. It's not that I'm afraid of losing face, but that I don't want to cause a negative impact. We must know that our guild is now engaged in the largest war since its establishment, almost everywhere in the world. Although I am not on the front line, I am like a spiritual pillar in the guild. After all, as the first battle strength list in the game, My invincible image has a deterrent effect on any enemy. After all, so far I have said that no one can really stop who I want to kill. It is nothing more than the price I need to pay. But at this kind of moment, if people in our guild and other guilds know that something is wrong with me, it will be a big problem. Even if I don't have any problems, I won't necessarily join the war directly, but once the people in our guild know that I can't join the war, morale will inevitably drop drastically. Not participating in the war and not being able to participate in the war are two completely different meanings.

After I was secretly transported back to Isengard, the senior leaders of our guild soon learned about this, but because they are now directing battles on different battlefields, except because they have no specific responsibility But the more leisurely, on-time cauldron of rice came back, everyone else could only learn about my current situation through the crystal communicator.

"Boss, what did you do?" On time, the big pot of rice saw me stuck there like a model in a fashion store, unable to move, and immediately ran over and shouted exaggeratedly.

"Okay, don't make a big noise." Eagle's voice came from a crystal communication screen. "Purple Moon, what's your situation now? Have you tried to release it?"

"I tried all of my own methods, and none of them worked, but I think I have other methods. Don't worry about it now. , Taking care of your respective battlefields is the greatest support for me!"

"Don't worry about this." Asura purple clothed's voice said: "The battle on the American side is basically coming to an end."

"So fast?"

"Well, because the three largest guilds in the United States implemented the strategy of participating in the battle without actually sending troops, so the ones who really participated The U.S. guilds are all small, and our main force is almost done without sending them."

The current three major guilds in the United States are the holy gun league of the gun gods and the rainbow of Usina. Alliance and Terry’s Sea King Palace. Terry and I have the best relationship here, but I haven’t figured out how this guy feels good about me, but this guy really has nothing to say to me, although he doesn’t know how to do things in principle. Let me, but some similar assistance or forbearance between friends makes him almost leaning towards me one-sidedly. It is normal for him not to participate in this battle. In contrast, Yusina is a woman who has to do more for profit. Usually disguised as a weak woman, in fact, the actual battle strength of her Rainbow Alliance may be higher than Terry's Sea King Palace. She didn't participate in the war this time, I guess it was probably because Gunman and Terry didn't do anything. She habitually chose to look at the limelight before starting. As for the current nation’s first guild of the Holy Lance League... I can only say that the gun god is really a cunning fox. He knows the Japanese plan of action, but he also sees the risks of this kind of battle, so he uses the United States. The old way people used in World War II-first watch you fight, and when you are finished, I will come out and find a dying player to clean up the mess and divide the victory. The benefits of this method are obvious, the least effort is the most rewarding, the smart person's choice. Based on the above judgments, as long as we win this battle, the good spear god will lead people to fight the Japanese, and if the Japanese plan succeeds, we will be the one who is unlucky.

This part of the news about the situation in the United States is basically clear to the senior level of our guild, so everyone has no doubts. Only Rose sighs: "If Koreans are half as smart as Americans, I will worry about it! "

"What's the matter with you?" Several other executives of the guild asked together.

"Rebel, rebel and rebel. Except for absolutely pro-China guilds like Park Eun’s Celestial Alliance and so few absolutely pro-Japanese guilds, most Korean guilds have almost no position. It can be said that all decisions are changed day by day. In the morning, they applied for reinforcements with us. When our reinforcements arrived in the afternoon, they were helping the enemy beat us. I don’t know what they think in their heads."< /p>

The eagle sighed: "putting it that way is better on the Japanese side. The enemies are very fanatical, and they don’t play tricks. They just face-to-face with us. Although the casualties are relatively high, they played very hard. Fun."

"Hey hey hey, I'm not here to listen to your conference call." I interrupted everyone. "Now go to your own business! I have to find a way to defrost myself, or else I will become a model president!"

"You are not a model president but a model president !"

"If you are free, please get me to Korea to help." I really want to kick the big pot of rice, but it's a pity that I can't move it now.

After everyone cut contact, I started to figure out a way to resume action, and the method I used was actually very simple. According to the general idea, since those guys who are about the same length as Lich can anchor us, they should also be able to restore us to normal. Of course, the premise is that we have to restore them to normal first.

Because I thought of using them before, we brought these guys back when we came back. Anyway, these guys are now a bunch of sculptures, and they can't resist.

First of all, we found a magical experimental field. This place is sturdy enough. If economy is not considered, this place is definitely more suitable for prisoners than prisons. After I got here, I asked Qilin warrior and Ringtone Knight to surround us and those guys in the third and outer third, and then I got some saliva from Yeyue. Yeyue's saliva is the only antidote that can relieve petrification, but fortunately, you don't need to eat it, just dip it.

For the sake of safety, we did not restore everyone at once. The other party had a total of seven people. We only selected one target and placed him in a separate place. The other sculptures were viewed by my Qilin warrior. Now, and in order to guard against the unexpected, I simply put all the remaining sculptures inside the gate of the earth, and the gate of the earth stood there so open. The gate of the earth is protected by the divine force of the mother of the earth, no matter how strong the opponent is, it is absolutely impossible to grab something from the gate of the earth, even if the door is open.

After everything is ready, a ringtone Knight put the stick with Yeyue's saliva on the sculpture at my sign, the white stone on that guy's body immediately disappeared, and this guy is At the moment of resuming action, he suddenly pulled up three or four meters, but hit the top protective cover of the magic experimental field head-on. This shield is specially used to protect magic, so it has an interception effect on any energy and matter, even if you don't have a physical body, don't expect to pass through it easily.

"Okay, calm down, how about let's talk?"

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