"Hey, master, are you coming in too?" I heard Sha Yezi's voice before I got up from the ground, and then I found that the place I was picking seemed not right. Although this ruin is very large, the internal environment is generally the same. The ground and walls made up of large damp rocks are everywhere, and there are a large number of bryophytes. In short, it gives people a kind of tropical rain forest. It feels like a damp and old building that has been in disrepair, but the situation is different now. Since I fell in, the ground has become very dry, and the texture of the ground has changed from a rock full of rugged cracks to a substance that feels like artificial rubber. If this material is not brushed to the ground in a liquid form like paint, it must be integrally formed. Anyway, I didn't see any splicing seams.

When Sha Yezi saw me on the ground and studied it, he immediately explained: "The ground here is all made of this kind of material. I just experimented with myself after realizing it, and it seems that there is still a very good one. Elastic."

"Hey, it really is!" I tried to press down hard with my fingers, but it really fell into the ground a little bit, although this thing is still quite hard overall. , But it does have a certain degree of flexibility. After getting up from the ground, my attention naturally left the ground, but following me I found the special removal of the wall. The walls here are all made of a metal-like material, and the silver white surface looks very modern, but... "This is what you just left?"

"No." Sha Yezi Pointing to the same scar on the wall in front of the passage, he said: "There are traces of battle everywhere here, and there are still some bones in the front room, but the soul has disappeared, and I can't get much from those bones. Information."

This mysterious place is simply a mystery with a mystery. I haven't finished exploring the huge ruins outside. Here we have created an ultra-thin space, and the environment here doesn't look like something from the age of magic at all, but rather like the internal structure of a spaceship. It can be said that this place is the crystallization of scientific and technological civilization, so why are all the scars on the walls caused by cold weapons fighting? Even if you don't consider the super mystery of the type of civilization here, the traces of battle here and the bones that Sha Yezi said are enough to cause headaches.

"How much did you explore before?"

"Only a small part. It's not much smaller than the ruins outside. There are fork roads everywhere. I'm afraid of getting lost, so I didn't dare to walk too much. It’s just that I can’t go back anymore. I think we’re probably trapped here."

"No, I already know how to get out. Let’s explore here first, and wait for exploration. I'll take you out again when I finish here. As for now...Ling, Xiaochun, Yeyue, King, Bailang, Darts, come out and explore the way together."

As we move forward, the passage will soon end. Along the way, there are huge incisions of horrible to see everywhere. Look at the traces of metal rewinding on the surface of the passage. It is obviously a trace caused by a heavy weapon like an axe. At the end of the passage, we saw a little bit on the door entering the room. Like traces of shoe prints. The host's enemy here obviously broke in when they attacked, because the door we saw when we arrived here was actually in the room, and it was lying on the wall opposite the door frame, and it was very deformed.

"It looks like a very large-scale battle has gone through here!" Xiaochun sighed.

The king reached out and touched the crack in the metal. "This is not a new injury. There is obvious rust in the section. The time should not be short."

"This is the skeleton you are talking about?" Ling stretched his hand and grabbed a skull from the bottom, but this It is not the skull of a humanoid creature. Although many humanoid creatures have obvious differences in appearance, the shape of the skull is not very different in appearance. This is obviously not a humanoid creature, and even whether it belongs to a mammal has yet to be confirmed, because this skull looks a lot like that of a reptile. The long and narrow upper and lower jaws are connected with thick and sharp teeth, the relatively small brain capacity and the thick nasal passages all show that this is a savage creature, at least they are very powerful and not high in intelligence. However, although the skull of this thing does not look like a humanoid creature, its lower limbs are quite similar to humans. This guy has an upright body, his arm bone structure is similar to that of a human, but there are only four fingers on each hand, and the fingertips have very long claws. The structure of this guy's torso is so human that it doesn't make much difference, the difference is just a little thicker, but this guy's lower limbs are very special. This thing has four legs, the structure is similar to the leg bones of a large reptile, it is relatively short and very strong.

"It doesn't look like a normal creature," the king said.

"It should be said that it is not like the creatures we are used to." Yeyue swam to the side of another bone and said: "It seems that the bones here are all of this kind of creature."

After listening, Ling looked at the other bones, and then said: "It seems that the owner here won the final victory, but their casualties are also very heavy."

"Why do you say that?" I am curious how Ling came to such a conclusion.

"This is very simple. You can tell by reasoning. Obviously, this kind of large-scale ruins will not be built by this kind of brainless creature, because the intelligence of this thing will not be as high as that, so this The bones belong to the attacker. The loser on the battlefield has no time to deal with the corpse, so the one who handles the corpse must be the victor, and usually we will choose to deal with the corpse of our companion first. There is only the corpse of the attacker, this It means that the owner here has disposed of his own body. But this is their place. If they don’t suffer heavy losses after victory, they should also dispose of the enemy’s body after disposing of their own body. The reason why there are so many bones can only mean that they have no time to deal with the enemy's corpses. So I said that the owner here won the final victory, but they themselves suffered heavy casualties."

"I see you The inference may not be correct." Xiaochun suddenly said: "What if the attacking here is a multi-ethnic mixed formation? It's as if forces like Dark God Palace and Light God Palace will not only have one species, the builders and destroyers here. It is not necessarily a single race force. But I agree with your inference that these bones should belong to the offensive side, because if the defender fails, the offensive side will have enough time to deal with all the corpses, and there will be no only one race left. The corpse does not matter, and if the attacker fails, the inference will be the same as you said before."

"These things will be discussed later. I just want to know if there are any traces of life in this place. In addition, is this ghost a mobile fortress."

"I think your wish will be fulfilled soon." The king suddenly threw his sword out with a squeak. With a sound, the sword directly penetrated the ceiling above the head, and we heard a small scream, accompanied by the sound of a thing leaving quickly.

Yeyue quickly swam to the place where the king's sword pierced, and then used her tail to send her body to the ceiling. A few sword lights flashed past, and there was a big hole in the ceiling immediately above. Ye Yue stretched her head in and took a look, then grabbed the king's sword and retreated. "At least now we know that there is still life here, and that thing obviously has a certain intelligence. He should have been watching us just now."

The king took his sword from Yeyue and then dipped it with his finger. A bit of the blood on the blade stretched out into his mouth and tasted it. "This is a high-level intelligent creature. His soul strength surpasses ordinary angels and demons. It should have no weak intelligence."

The creature with lower intelligence, the weaker the soul, if this thing has more power than angels and Demons all have powerful souls, which at least shows that the intelligence level of this thing is not low. But there is one exception to the above situation, and that is humans. Human beings are a poor species with surprisingly high intelligence but weak souls. This is currently a special case. No creatures similar to humans have yet been discovered.

"Do you think it is the builder here?" Ye Yue asked. "The passage above looks like a ventilation duct. In such a complicated environment, the creatures here cannot use it to escape if they are not familiar with it."

The king followed: "That thing can avoid my sudden attack. The strength is not very high, but he did not dare to face us head-on, but chose to escape. This shows that their overall strength is not as good as ours, or not much higher, so they dare not confront it. I think since they are afraid of us, we did not You need to be too careful, you should be able to find that guy by rushing over."

"No." I said directly: "No matter what the situation is, you must be careful. Darts, you go in through the vent to track the enemy. , The other party is bleeding, take your nose It shouldn't be lost, right?"

The answer of the dart is that it turns into a stream of light and disappears in the vent, while we follow the passage below go ahead. Because the darts track the opponent's bloodstains in the ventilation duct, we can know which direction the opponent is heading, and if we encounter a fork or something, we just turn in the corresponding direction and won't be lost. Soon darts sent a signal to find the target, and I quickly activated the contact. Through the narration of the darts, we learned that there is more than one target. The target who overheared our conversation before was not seriously injured, and is now receiving treatment from a companion.

According to the coordinates provided by the darts, we quickly chased to the other side’s hiding place, but we ran into trouble after we rushed into the other side’s hiding place. The immediate target is a group of creatures wearing black cloaks floating in midair. They look like a group of big Lich. Of course, we don’t think these guys are really big Lich, because if these guys are really big Lich, then run It should be us. But the problem now is not the looks of the other person, but that they each hold a one-to-one ratio doll in their hands, but the appearance of these dolls is strange, because those dolls are actually mine and Yeyue and the others. Look like.

"Do these guys use witchcraft?"

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