Considering the issue of position, I can only take the loss this time. I have no choice but to run back to the ruins and continue to explore the mission. The things here are more urgent and must be completed first, and there is another problem that Venus seems to be in this ruin, but this thing is too big to be found for a while. Speaking of it, I did borrow a lot of angels from Filindir to help, but compared to the size of the entire ruin, it was still not enough.

Because when I left, I told the angels that I would write down the doubts first, and then I will deal with them together when I come back, so now I am facing a lot of problems that the angels can’t solve. . Although I don't often come out to do errands, angels are angels after all, and they handle things in a relatively orderly manner. Despite the many things, they did not rush up to tell me in a swarm, but all reported to the leader of this operation, and the leader took a notebook and wrote it all down. I guess this guy is also a clerical job at Light God Palace, because he actually helped me arrange the order according to the priorities.

"Where do I need to see?"

"Please follow me." The angel first led me into the channel of one division, and then went to the side When we clicked on the wall, two stone gates immediately fell on both sides of the passage, closing the small passage where we were standing into a small space. The angel immediately explained after seeing my suspicious gaze: "This was accidentally discovered by my subordinates. Originally this was just an ordinary passage, but when the mechanism was activated, it would become an elevator." Accompanying him Explain that I have felt that the ground under my feet is rapidly descending, and after a while, the descent stopped and the walls on both sides rose again. "Please come with me." The angel continued to lead the way. After not far from following him, I met three angels guarding a gate.

"This is what you want me to see?"

"Yes." The angel explained, "This door is the end of the passage, but no matter what method is used, Turn it on, our destructive skill, formidable power, is quite impressive, but we still can’t leave any trace on this wall."

"Is there such a hard rock?" The angel's battle strength is Everyone knows that it is definitely not low, not to mention that the model angels I borrowed are not those pretending model angels. These are the elite troops of Light God Palace. The attack power is among the best among the angels, but such angels can even hit the door. No, this is too weird, right? "Let me see."

I walked to the door and touched the door first. This was to confirm whether the door was harder or was covered with protective magic. After all, most hard materials can be solved by eternity, and if there is protective magic, it is not something that can be solved with violence.

In the touch just now, I felt that the touch from my hand is that kind of cold and wet feeling. This feeling shows that the door I touched is not a magic barrier, otherwise there should be a magical reaction. That's right. "It seems that it is only relatively strong. Maybe your weapon is not as good as the material of this door, so it can't be destroyed."

"Maybe so!" The angels also agreed with me, and then Step aside so that I can violently break the door.

Originally, I expected to use eternity to easily cut this door, but I only heard a ding sound when I pierced it down with a sword. I slid with the tip of the sword, and I almost didn't hit the door with my head. "Damn, what kind of material is this made of?"

"It doesn't seem to be a matter of material." The angel who showed me the way said: "Even if the quality of our weapons is not good, at least we should be able to keep them. For some traces, I think it is spell-like things that are protecting this door."

I also nodded, and then snapped my fingers, and the Fenglong space suddenly opened. "Chili, use your mind to see if you can penetrate this door." After Chili appeared, she put her hand on the door, but she shook the head soon. "Can't wear it?"

The pepper is still shook the head. "I can't feel it."

"If you don't wear it, you can't wear it. What does it mean you can't feel it?"

"My mind touch After reaching the surface of the door, only a piece of nothing was found behind it. It felt as if the door was as thin as a piece of paper. No, this statement is not complete. It should be said that the door is only a two-dimensional existence, it simply has no thickness. , There is only one plane, my mind has already passed through the moment it touches it, but after passing through it, I only feel a piece of nothingness, as if there is nothing in a vacuum environment."

"Sand Ye Son, try it." Pepper’s thought power can only explore things with the power of tactile perception, and Sha Yezi is a Soul Body that can be realized after all, so if he wears the past, he should be able to feel the back thing.

Like Chili, Sha Yezi first touched the door, and then carefully got in, but it was completely different from the situation of Chili. After Sha Yezi entered the door, there was no news, even mine. The contact with the mind couldn't receive the signal, but the Sha Yezi's message displayed in the Familiar Status was still on, which showed that Sha Yezi did not hang up, but was isolated.

"Damn, this is really evil!"

"Purple Moon, should we go back and find some special equipment to destroy this door?"

"Forget it, you probably won’t be able to use it with your stuff. Let me figure it out!"

The Light God Palace is already a strength after the previous light and dark wars and the subsequent separation of families. Great injury, and almost lost all kinds of magic equipment, now it is basically a dream to count on them to produce something good. This is not to say that Light God Palace doesn’t have any good things, but that they don’t dare to be as lavish as before with strength great injury. Naturally, they will be more stingy with their babies. I think that Filindir will find a way to rip me off. , I won't do that kind of idiot!

Since this door is so weird, you can't force it through, you must use some special means to help. As for the special methods, the first thing I thought of was High God. The biggest advantage of High God is that it doesn’t entangle our interests, so you can trust them without reservation and don’t hide any secrets from them. Anyway, they are absolutely neutral and will not take the initiative to help you or take the initiative to harm you. Of course It’s not impossible to want them to help, but you have to have the right way, just like the help I have used before.

The help I need right now is purely knowledge-based, and High God generally will not refuse this kind of help. I summoned the door of the earth in the passage, and then ran directly to the temple of the earth mother to meet the earth mother. As soon as I entered the great hall, before I had time to call the Mother of the Earth, I saw four light balls appearing in front of me. After doing it for a long time, these guys are more anxious than me.

"Did you get the detailed information about the summon ceremony?" Vulcan came up and cut directly into the subject.

"Eh...Actually, I came to the Mother of the Earth to ask some questions this time. I just ran into some trouble."

"The trouble? It's in the process of performing the task. Is it troublesome? If so, we don't mind helping a little bit."

It's still High God generous! Actually took the initiative to help! "That, it can be regarded as task-related! It is the woman who summoned the high-level servant of the gods. She has now run into a ruin, but this ruin is relatively large, and I can't find her where. I just met in the ruins. A door, but it can’t be opened.” Then I narrated the situation of the door in one breath, and then asked: “Can you help me open the door? And my pet is still trapped in it. Inside, I don’t know if you can get it out for me?"

Nuwa’s voice took over from Vulcan and said: "Listen to your description, you should be in the shadow space."

"Shadow space?"

"This is a very profound magic application technique. Now there is no way to talk to you too much. Anyway, you only need to know that the state of that space in reality is a two-dimensional existence. There is nothing special about that door. Even if you remove the door as a whole, you can only enter the room facing the Sect after entering, not inside the door."

"Behind the door, in the door?" I His IQ is not low, and I immediately figured it out when Nuwa mentioned it. "Do you mean that the door is equivalent to an independent space? Although the door looks very thin, it actually has a huge space inside, and the actual High Level of the door is removed, and the other side of the door is still there. Did you enter this space?"

"Positive solution."

"Then my demon...?"

"She probably entered Inside the space. Because you said she is a ghost, and the incorporeal undead creature itself is an energy creature and does not have multi-dimensional attributes, so the Formation on the door did not respond to her, causing her to directly penetrate the world inside the door. This is also the case. The reason why your contact with her was interrupted, because you are already not in a world."

"Then how do I enter that door?"

"In fact, the method It’s also very simple."

"What can be done?"

"As long as you walk to the door and paste yourself up, then close your eyes. Don’t push forward, but imagine You are lying on the surface of the water. Adjust the direction of gravity in your consciousness to face the door instead of the ground. With the strength of your magic power, your willpower should be able to directly shield your three-dimensional attributes and pull you into space. . But I suggest you leave a powerful Transmission Formation outside as coordinates before entering. It is estimated that it will be more difficult than entering."

"Many thanks for your advice, I will go back and try."

After bidding farewell to the bosses, I went back to the passage and placed the Transmission Formation, and then stuck it on the door according to Nuwa's method. Originally I thought this method would be more difficult. After all, I had to concentrate my will, but who knew that just after thinking about it, I suddenly felt that the direction of gravity had really changed, and then I threw into the door with a plop.

"Damn, it's so easy to come in!"

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