The flame behind the flying bird suddenly exploded. Following us, we turned into a stream of light and shot away. The bang sounded crisply, and the flying crystal ball was finally in front of us. It collapsed, but Asuka reached its limit. I quickly took him back into the Phoenix Dragon space, and I was suddenly exposed to the air. What’s worse is that my current speed is still very exaggerated. I almost lost the protection of the Asuka and immediately on my body. Burned up. I didn’t expect such a situation before, so I was not ready to fly. The sudden wind pressure made my wings be pressed hard on my body and I couldn’t spread it out, and without the assistance of wings, I started immediately. Rolling frantically in the air.

At this time, the urban area of ​​Paris has entered dusk, and the sky is already quite dim. Against this background, in the sky, a burning fire suddenly appeared. The Fireball, dragging a long black smoke, rolled across the sky and flew towards the city. At first, everyone hadn’t noticed it because the altitude was still relatively high, but As the Fireball got lower and lower, the people below finally started to pay attention to this strange object.

The Fireball, which was pulling the black smoke, began to quickly slow down after entering the sky over the city, but his flight trajectory began to curve more and more, and it was obviously about to touch the ground. Some people with good judgment I immediately discovered that Fireball was heading towards the Light God Palace, and quickly called my friends to run towards the Light God Palace.

"What's that?" The guardian angel at the door of Light God Palace finally found the UFO in the sky, but in a moment, the Fireball had arrived in front of them, the angel that was found first He stretched his wings and flew up to meet the Fireball in the air, but when he flew up, he realized that he shouldn't be flying at all, because the speed of the thing was too fast. Although regretful, there is no time for him to find another way now. Almost as soon as he set his posture, Fireball slammed into his weapon, and the people below only saw sparks radiate all around in the air and exploded a cloud of mist, but the angel was with the core of Fireball. They smashed through the roof of the Light God Palace hall like a bomb and fell into the great hall. The angel and the core of the Fireball huddled in a ball and smashed through more than a dozen walls and countless instruments before hitting the ground with a bang, followed by the two violently bounced again and rolled towards the backyard. The guard at the door of the backyard immediately rushed to block this thing, but was knocked to the ground like a bowling pin. The angel who rolled into a ball jumped all the way into the back garden, pressed across the barrier of the flower pond, bounced again and flew over the flower bed and directly hit the Goddess sculpture in the center of the garden. There was a huge crack. After a few seconds, the whole sculpture suddenly began to tilt, and then fell to the ground and shattered. However, the angel has stopped at this time, but now he has died, but now everyone is not concerned about that. The angel, but the core that the angel catches. In fact, this core is me. The speed of Asuka just now was too exaggerated. I couldn’t slow him down in order to chase the ball. As a result, our speed went up wildly. Even though I didn’t have a speedometer, I estimated that the instant I got out of the bird was 30 times faster. Above the speed of sound, because the wind pressure is so big that it can cause a thousand points of blood loss per second on the fully armed me. You must know that even in a typhoon, there is no such terrifying wind pressure!

"Isn't this President Purple Moon?" A priest of light finally recognized me lying on the ground. At this moment, I was lying on the ground full of dirt and gravel, underneath me was a ravine that was half a meter deep and extending from the gate, and my body was still smoking.

"Purple Moon, what's the matter with you?" The surrounding angels asked not knowing what to do. Ordinarily, if ordinary people smash the Light God Palace like this, they must have been killed by the angels, but now I smashed this big hole, so the angels did not directly think of trouble with me. In their opinion, this loss is for Light God. Palace is a drizzle. In contrast, my identity is more than a hundred times more important than this building, so naturally I can’t ask me for an explanation. Instead, I should help me recover as soon as possible. After all, I am embarrassed as I am now. .

After waiting for a while, the priests and angels did not hear my answer, nor did they see me move. In fact, I have heard what they said, and I don't want to respond to them, but now I really can't move. The wind pressure just now brought my blood to a dying state, which means that I only have some blood skin now. If it weren’t for the guardian ring to mobilize life force from the familiar, I should have died by now. NS. Although Asuka's skill is fast enough, the damage is too great, almost a suicide skill, but if Asuka uses this speed to hit a target, as long as the thing is not a physical attack, it is estimated that it will be able to penetrate a hole. You must know that when I hit the building complex of Light God Palace, I had already decelerated for a long time under the action of air resistance, and the flying bird did not actually reach the speed limit in the end, if I really hit the extreme speed Going to the temple, I guess I shouldn’t be lying in the garden in the center of the temple now, but I should hit the entire temple mountain into a hole in the past and smash into the city ground behind the mountain, maybe even the Underground City will be pierced through. .

Looking at me for a long time, the angels planned to come up to see the nearest one without responding. "Ah!" As soon as one of the angels touched my mask, he screamed and put his hand back.

"What's the matter?" asked the angel next to him.

"It's hot!"

"Let's cool down first!" The priest suggested: "Who is going to get some water."

"Here." A few angels quickly used their helmets to scoop some water from the fountain next to me and pour it on my armor. As the water poured on me, everyone around me heard the sound of chi chi chi, and a white mist of water immediately rose up from my body. There happened to be a Wind Element spell among the people around me who could blow it with a gust of wind. Dispelled the water vapor.

An angel tentatively touched my helmet, and after making sure that it was not hot, he opened my face mask. If it weren’t for this face mask, I guess my face should have been burnt into a skeleton by now. Face up. With the opening of the mask, a cloud of white mist appeared in my helmet.

"Purple Moon, are you okay?" The angel knew my eyes were still moving and knew that I was not dead.

The Fenglong space suddenly opened next to me, and Xiaochun, Jingjing, and Lingling walked out of it. Those angels know that I have many familiars. This time I summon three angels again, so they didn't react much.

When Xiaochun came out, he immediately said to the angels: "You get some more water. The master is still very hot. He is seriously injured and cannot speak temporarily. We can communicate with him through spiritual contact. Let’s make room first. I’m going to use a large-scale healing technique."

"Oh, okay." When several angels saw the holy rays of light on Xiaochun’s body, they immediately recognized this as a The top angel of female Divine Grade, her tone immediately became extremely respectful. Although it is not their Goddess, it is the holy angel of Light Element after all. In terms of the class of angels, that is the existence of Royal Family Level 1. No matter which faction it is, you can't neglect it.

After the other angels went to get the water, Xiaochun immediately threw the staff into the sky and knelt in front of me like a prayer with his hands clasped. "Holy light... In the name of Supreme light, activate the light of reincarnation." The staff that was thrown into the sky suspended above my head and cast a beam of light directly onto my body, accompanied by a lot of The white spot of light fell into my body, and all of my attributes began to roll upwards like a stopwatch. Just now, Xiaochun’s trick is a super healing technique. As long as the death time is less than 30 seconds, the super divine technique that can pull you back from Death God is definitely a fuss. But at this time, the angels nearby But I don't think so. They absolutely couldn't let go of such a powerful healing technique. They immediately admired the angels who could use this super power, and Xiaochun became even greater in their impressions.

"Huh!" After I recovered, I opened my mouth and burst out a ring of smoke, and then said: "Damn Filendil, I want her to know who is leading the situation here!"< /p>

"I think it's better not to worry about this." Fenglong Space suddenly opened on its own, and Ling stood at the channel entrance and said to me.


"Because we don't have a stand."

After Ling said this, I thought about it a bit and reacted. If I found the Shadow Angels and killed them in a rage, this matter has been said to have passed, and as long as I don’t take the initiative to bring it up, Filindil can only swallow this matter. . But if I ask Filindil about the pursuit of the shadow, the question will turn against me instead. Because this is tantamount to telling Filindir clearly that I have something I want to keep her from knowing, and she can even know the location of what I want to hide from the angels I seconded. It's not good to be interested in that ruin, so more things will be involved, and things will become more and more complicated.

I want to understand this point and I quickly said to Lingling: "Lingling, you go to see Filindil, explain to her what I fell here, and say that I am chasing a monster. This is just a coincidence. After you talk to her, go directly to the ruins and meet us. I will take the others first, so that even if Filindil wants to ask me to ask clearly, it will be impossible."

"Understood. "Lingling turned to find Felendil, and I quickly took back the other familiars and greeted the angels nearby, and then flew away from the temple. Since we had been communicating with souls just now, the surrounding angels didn't hear what we said, but saw that I flew away from the temple as soon as I resumed action, as if in a hurry.

Although I can't trouble Filindil for this matter, I will remember that sooner or later I will make Filindil pay for it.

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