When I heard the name of this skill, I found that something was wrong, but unfortunately I still shouted a little slower. The surrounding environment suddenly darkened suddenly, whether it was the luminous crystals or the light on the mutant nightmare squid, they all became completely black as if they had been absorbed by something. When the surrounding was plunged into darkness, we all suddenly saw a dazzling light spot on the top of Ling's wand, and then we saw a dazzling jet of light flashing violently, and the squid in front of us was instantly blasted into A pile of flesh and blood residue. However, the problem now is not what happened to the squid, but the light.

The one she just released was an absolute big move, but the problem is that she now has an attribute with three times the attack power on her body, and the formidable power is not ordinary. After shooting through the squid, the light still banged directly on the "dam" that was exactly the same as here on the opposite side of the city, followed by the general loud noises and terrifying explosions of mountains burst and ground split. The incompressibility of water perfectly transmitted the impact of the explosion. The entire city collapsed under the shock wave. The ceiling of this underground cave was also disintegrating. Large chunks of rock as big as a three-unit sixth layer residential building came from the cave. Falling to the ground, a large amount of silt was stirred up, and the water in the entire cave was completely muddy.

"Oops! It's a big game!" Ling also noticed that the situation was wrong after playing the skill, but the spell had been released, and now he couldn't take it back even if he wanted to.


"Yes." The beautiful mermaid appeared instantly.

"Go down and bring that archer up, and the others will advance to Fenglong Space."

"Understand." The demons responded quickly. The demon pets quickly returned to the Phoenix Dragon space, and Amina also pulled the female arrow up. I asked Amina to take her to follow me quickly, and then swam up to the top of the cave together.

Since the entire roof of the cave is collapsing, there are so many rocks falling from the top. Anana and I can only rely on the ultra-high underwater speed to dodge these giant rocks. We actually encountered For the rock that I can't hide, I release a large spell and blow it up into small pieces that can be carried hard. But our dodge like this did not receive very good results. Soon, with a loud noise, a piece of rock equivalent to the size of a golf course suddenly fell off our head.

"Eternal-Divine Lightning." A beam of light shot out from the tip of my sword, and instantly penetrated the rock, and then the rock fell apart on top of our heads. But the problem is that the split rock is still too big.

"Be careful, master!" Anana's reminder made me get out of a larger rock, but another rock about the size of a refrigerator hit my head directly. Although the falling speed of the underwater rock is not very fast, it is still very painful to be hit by such a big rock, but the worse is still to come. I was taken by the big rock and sank a few meters down before crawling out from under the rock, but before I could float up, I was completely covered by a larger rock. As soon as possible, I tried many ways to climb out, and finally crushed the rock, but more rocks were smashed on the rock, so that I didn’t have time to destroy it, and I was finally carried all the way to the ground by a large amount of rubble. superior. It took me a lot of effort to crawl out of the pile of rubble, but before I could make any response, a huge skyscraper-like boulder above my head was smashed down. Granda and the female archer can only watch me being smashed underneath, but they can't help at all.

"How could this be?" The female archer cried out in surprise.

In contrast, Adyna is much calmer. "It doesn't matter, the master is not dead yet." After all, she is my demon familiar, and it is naturally clearest whether the master is dead or not. In fact, I am really fine now, because I have activated the Absolute Barrier skill. At present, my whole person is surrounded by a huge transparent light curtain, and the rocks outside that light curtain are crushed and crushed. Can it cause any harm to me? I am invincible before the absolute barrier disappears. of.

"Master." Aanna's mental contact was suddenly connected.

"I'm fine."

"Then what shall we do next? The vibration outside has basically stopped."

"Wait for me to come out first. "Although I don't have a good helper to deal with the big squid, it is not difficult to lift the stone away, because besides the demon pet, I still have a spirit control to use. "Vajra, come out and help."

Although Vajra, the gorilla, has nothing to do with great strength and amazing brute force, he is really good in terms of strength. I waited under the rock for a while before the rock above my head began to loosen up, a large number of small pieces of rubble fell down, and at the same time the largest rock above my head was suddenly lifted up.

"Master." Anana rushed to me first, and Vajra stopped immediately.

"Vajra, you go back first, Anna, you take her and follow me."

After some arrangements, Anna followed me and swam to the middle waters, and then towards The big hole that Ling blasted before swam past. Although Ling’s behavior just now was dangerous enough, it was really frustrating. Although the super level attack just now almost buried us all alive, it opened a big hole in the opposite wall, and Before I was hit by the boulder, I seemed to see something flashing in the cave. Of course, I am not a giant dragon who is interested in all flashing things, but generally the ones that can flash are at least some valuable items, so I have to check it out anyway.

After crossing the entire waters, we reached the vicinity of the big hole. Through the big hole on the wall, we can see that behind the wall is a beautiful city, and unlike here, the city is actually There are people inhabited, but now the city is in chaos. As for the reason... it seems to be because of the blast we just did!

Because of the obstacle of the stone wall, the damage to the city here is much less than that of the abandoned city here. There are only a limited number of small rubbles in that city, but even if the number is small, many buildings have been destroyed, and what's worse is this big hole on our side. The rock at the entrance of the cave really collapsed, smashing a large area like a factory underneath.

We were watching here, and suddenly we saw a lot of luminous green objects rising in the opposite city, and then these things began to rush towards this side at a terrifying speed, and soon these things The appearance is completely presented in front of us.

These things rushing towards us are not too big, at least not much larger than human bodies. These things all have a uniform shape, that is, a drop-shaped body and sixteen whips-like metal tentacles. Overall, these things look like metal octopuses.

After these things came over, they didn't make any stop. One of the four red crystals on the head of the metal octopus at the front suddenly lit up, and a red ray quickly shot out. Because the speed of the beam was too fast, I couldn't get out of it when I saw it. I could only watch the beam hit me. But... invalid. It really has no effect at all. After the beam hit me, I was forced to deduct a little basic damage, without any other effects. However, things are not that simple. Immediately following the a beam of light, the other three crystals on the metal octopus also lit up, and then the four crystals began to flash alternately, and as long as which crystal lit up, a beam of light would be emitted from that crystal. . If it was just this metal octopus, it was nothing. The problem was that there were thousands of metal octopuses behind. These guys projected a large number of ray attacks on our side with a very terrifying density. I hurriedly hid to the edge of the hole.

Almost at the same time I flashed to the edge of the hole, the metal octopuses rushed out of the hole like a flood, and then these things circled in front of us and came back, obviously intending Attack again. Anna suddenly swam to my side and said to me: "We should get out of here quickly, these things look very unfriendly!"

"The question is how do we get out now?"

We didn't expect the method, those metal octopuses have already rushed in front of us, and Amina threw the female archer in her hand into the hole of the big hole and let her stay by herself, and then took it out His own weapons were ready to fight, but when the metal octopuses rushed in front of us, a miracle happened suddenly.

The metal octopus at the front of the menacing group of metal octopuses suddenly stopped suddenly, and the metal octopuses behind obviously didn’t expect the metal octopuses led by the team to stop suddenly, and the result was a patter. The la la crashed into a pile, but these things looked pretty solid, so there was no damage. Since we don't know the situation, Aanna and I didn't use this opportunity to fight back. After all, we didn't intend to fight these things.

Those metal octopuses quickly formed a team and shot a huge fan in front of us, and they all stopped five meters away from us and did not move forward. After a pause of tens of seconds, one of the metal octopuses suddenly moved, but its speed was very slow, far less than the previous assault speed. Even if he didn't say anything, we could guess that he wanted to communicate with us. Originally, I was still worried that these things were very cruel. They didn't expect that they would actually stop and intend to communicate with us, so that they might not have to fight with them today.

The metal octopus stopped when it was two meters away from us, and then rotated a direction to aim the tentacle at us. It used one of its fingers to point at Anna, and Anna pointed at himself in surprise. The metal octopus immediately made an extremely harsh sound, but the sound felt like a popping sound, and soon It disappeared, and then a strange but regular sound began to sound from the metal octopus. It sounded like a language, but I didn't understand it.

"Ancient Atlantian?" Adina said in surprise with her mouth open.

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