"What did you say?"

"Ancient Atlantian language." Adina repeated: "It's what we used in Atlantis before A kind of language, very old, even in our Mermaid Race, not many people can understand it."

"So complicated?"

"It's not complicated , But not universal. This ancient Atlantian language was the language used when our Mermaid Race just started. At that time, our Mermaid Race was still very weak. Later, as our Mermaid Race continued to grow, some of them were used by us. The races that conquered or voluntarily defected brought some new phrases and words. In addition, we later established alliances with Black Octopus and Turtle Clan. After the language of the three tribes interfered with each other, it came into being. Now we use them. The new Atlantis language, which can basically be regarded as the lingua franca of seabed, at least 80% of seabed races use our Atlantian language, while the ancient Atlantis is because it is Mermaid Race Those who can speak the old language are limited to a small number of historians or Great Family of Mermaid Race. The average mermaid has directly learned the New Atlantian language, while the mother tongue is gradually forgotten."

"№◎§※&……" The metal octopus in front of us suddenly made a strange sound again.

I turned my head and looked towards Adyna. "What is he talking about?"

"He said that I really belonged to Mermaid Race, but it is strange that they just used honorifics."


"The parliamentary system currently used by Mermaid Race emerged after the integration of multiple races. Initially, we implemented a monarchy system. At that time, the inferior races had to use Mermaid Race when they saw Mermaid Race. Honorific words."

"That means they are inferior races?"

"Even now, I don’t dare to talk nonsense! They have been scattered for so many years, and ghosts still know them. Do you still admit that you are a lower-level race?"

I nodded and said to Amina: "We will talk about specific things later, you first explain to them that the hole was not deliberately created by us. And also ask what is the relationship between the thing we killed just now and them."

After listening to my order, Grandma explained it to the thing, and it took a long time before turning around. He came over to me and said, "They attacked us because they thought we attacked them deliberately, but now they say they can forgive our behavior. The big squid we killed just now was the monster that invaded them, and it was also here. Their city, later that thing ran in without knowing how, and then they were forced to evacuate to the city on the other side of the isolation gate, which was closed by them. They were very happy to hear that we had killed this thing and wanted to thank them. We."

I am nodded, it seems that this is a relatively easy race. "Did you ask them why they speak ancient Atlantian?"

After a while, Anna said to me: "He said that they have always used this language. But he still Said that their Elder might know. He said that he wants us to meet them Elder. The Elder in their place previously said to look for Mermaid Race, so..."

"I understand. This race should have been before. You are a vassal or companion race of Mermaid Race. It’s okay to see you."


Under the translation of Anna and that creature, we talked to them. As the city advances, some relevant information is exchanged, but most of the time we are answering their questions. This race seems to have been in a closed state for this period of time. They know almost nothing about the outside world, so they don’t understand many common sense things at all. However, I also found a problem during the conversation, and that’s good. It seems to be an auxiliary race. The so-called auxiliary race is the kind of race that lacks the ability to survive independently and needs to depend on a race with strong battle strength to exist. Of course, the auxiliary race is not a completely useless race, otherwise the strong war race will not raise a parasite-like race in vain?

During the conversation, we unconsciously reached the center of the city, where there is a huge square, and in the center of the square is a huge bread-shaped building. But what surprised us most was not the bread-shaped building, but the creatures nearby. I originally thought that these metal octopuses were the body of this race, but found out that I was completely wrong. These metal octopuses are simply something similar to combat weapons, and they are actually semi-mechanized combat weapons, but the body of this race is much smaller than this thing.

The metal octopus that led us opened a hole from below after reaching the entrance of the bread building, and then the creatures inside got out and took us to a group of locals at the entrance of the building. In front of creatures. The shape of the creature that led us is very funny. First of all, this guy is only about half a meter tall in total, and half of his height is occupied by the head that accounts for more than half of his weight. Under this head, which is a circle larger than a basketball, is a cylindrical body less than five centimeters long that can be pinched with one hand. In the lower part of the body, there are 16 arms and legs as thick as human fingers, but their arms and legs are much shorter than octopuses and squids, and the tips of these arms and legs actually have three bifurcations. The same as a small paw. In fact, this figure alone is not very funny, the key is the eyes of these guys. These blue-skinned little fellows all have big green eyes the size of an apple, and they have only a few small holes in their noses and ears, and only a small slit in their mouths. Imagine such a big bald head with such big eyes. How strange is that?

The little fellows obviously didn't pay much attention to my scrutiny gaze, because they were busy looking at Amina. After repeatedly confirming the race of Anana, the local races standing at the gate led us to the interior of the building, but the way of entering was rather depressing. Although the gate of this building is quite big compared to this race, it is bigger than a dog hole for us. Fortunately, the inside of the building seems to be the same place as a gymnasium, except for the outer ring of stands. The outer and middle are basically empty.

After standing in the center of the square, most of the little things retreated, leaving only a few who looked older at first glance. After all the young creatures quit, an old creature began to communicate with Adina. During the period, Adina pointed to me as if she was talking about me, and then the creatures discussed it. After a while, they seemed to discuss the result. One of the creatures left here quickly, and after a while he ran back, followed by a group of his kind, and they brought back a large machine, but I didn't know what this was for.

The creature swam to my shop and pointed to the machine and said something, but I didn't understand it at all, and Amina quickly explained: "He wants you to go left to that thing."< /p>

"Sit up? How do you sit?"

Amina asked the Old Guy for a while before she said to me: "It's the platform, you don't have to sit on it, you can stand on it , As long as it’s on top of this instrument."

"Oh." I turned around and looked at the thing, then opened my wings and swam to the top of the thing, retracting my wings and standing firmly Waiting for their next arrangement above the instrument.

"How? Can you understand us now?" Surprisingly, when the creature made a sound again in front of me, I actually understood what he meant.

I quickly nodded to show that I understand. "This thing is a translator?"

"No, it's not a translator, but a consciousness connector. We are actually using will directly to communicate. You can find that I can even directly transmit images to You. How? Did you see the image I transferred?"

I nodded again. "How did you get this thing?"

"We made it ourselves."

"Huh?" This answer really surprised me. "You made it yourself?"

"Yes. Our Sigma Sea Clan is best at studying the mysteries of nature. This thing looks very simple, but in fact it is to combine the various laws that exist in nature Combine it according to our hope to make it have a magical effect."

Amina also proved by the side: "I heard from Elder in our clan that our Mermaid Race did have a very It’s difficult to deal with the vassal race. Atlantis’ technology is mostly based on their research, but later we were separated from them due to the attack of the Great White Shark. After that, Atlantis’s technological progress almost Entered a state of stagnation. It is the best we can do to ensure that technology does not regress."

"so that's how it is!" speaking of which Atlantis things There is indeed a feeling of broken technology. Many of their things are very technical, but their research and development capabilities are very weak, and it feels like they are not their own technology. The Mermaid Race engineers in Atlantis are really just engineers. They only have a thorough understanding of the existing technology, and they can repair, build, and even make a certain degree of modification but cannot innovate.

"Master." Anana said suddenly: "Elder said just now that he wants to return to Atlantis. Should we consider merging the two races as soon as possible? Because of the long-term closure, They are running out of resources. They have started rationing food since last month. If we find them later, they will starve to death here!"

"The migration is definitely okay. "How can I give up on a race with such a strong R&D capability? "But I have a better suggestion." I saw that they all cast their sights on and said, "The conditions here are very good. As long as you build a large-scale Transmission Passage and carry out some transformation, I think you can completely All the technical departments on the Trantis side have migrated. Anyway, what you lack is just a variety of materials. It is so concealed here, and safety is absolutely guaranteed. As long as the material channel is established, isn’t it better than outside?"

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