I haven’t finished talking here, the rays of light on the monster began to dim again, but when it finally stopped, it was still as bright as a spotlight. But what happened next was even more surprising. The light band on this guy actually started to gradually move forward from the tail section, and then a new light band appeared on the tip of the tail, so that one after another moving forward, it felt like a neon light that flashed automatically. With the appearance of these flashes, their speed of change began to increase gradually, and I began to feel dizzy in my head, and there was a feeling of turning over in my stomach, like motion sickness, and I always wanted to vomit.

"Damn, I remember what this is!" With the disgusting flash, I finally remembered what monster this was, and the monster waved ten times at this time. Six huge arms and legs wrapped around me. "There are nightmare squid in this kind of ghost place, and the damn thing is a mutant species!"

I have actually seen nightmare squid before, and the Japanese people are very depressed that our guild still owns a few A nightmare squid. What? You ask why we have nightmare squid Japanese people are depressed? Because these guys are just like battleship killers, so far none of the artificial floats built by players can defeat these guys alone, even the Fukushima in our guild and the Great White Shark super diving mother. The same is true for ships. The three nightmare squids owned by our guild are now in charge of protecting the port in Isengard, the other in Indonesia is responsible for the guild’s local maritime hegemony, and the other has been wandering around the Sea of ​​Japan, specifically responsible for intercepting the Japanese surface and water. Get off the ship and have outstanding combat exploits.

These huge guys, not counting the tentacles, the body is more than 50 meters long, and the tentacles are even more amazing. They have sharp barbs and powerful suction cups on their arms and feet, which can be firmly fixed on the surface of any object, and their suction cups also have a secretory gland that can secrete corrosive liquid. If they are attracted, they will eventually be melted out and sunk into the seabed. But these guys usually don't use these secretory glands. They prefer to use arrogant force to fold the steel-made battleship into an iron ball and drag it into the deep sea.

Normal nightmare squids have this kind of fast-changing ribbon. This ribbon can play a dizzy effect, make the enemy's thinking appear chaotic, and confuse the enemy, but A normal nightmare squid shouldn't be able to emit such a strong light, and it seems that this guy's stun effect is many times stronger than its peers. My Devil Dragon helmet has a mental immunity skill. Under such an attribute, it will be dizzy and nauseous. One can imagine how strong this guy's stun skill is.

Although I figured out the identity of this thing, I still don't know how to deal with it. This is underwater, and neither Knight nor Qilin warrior can help. Although tanks and red spines are large creatures, they will not swim. This mermaid, Awana, can swim, but she is not a battle-type creature, and she is basically powerless to face this kind of ocean overlord. Xiaofeng’s battle strength is strong enough, but I can’t summon Fire Phoenix underwater, right? Originally, my four giant dragon and small dragon girls were very suitable for dealing with this guy, but the problem is that now they are all not by my side, and I can’t use them anymore. Among the remaining familiars that can summon, only Rose Vine can barely count as the four large familiars, and they can also fight underwater, but they are not very useful, but now there is no other way.

"Rose vine."

The sudden appearance of rose vine was instantly tied to the tentacles of the mutant nightmare squid. The mutant nightmare squid was puzzled by the sudden appearance of the enemy. , But it is accustomed to dominating the king and hegemony here, and its sudden attack by the enemy aroused its ferocity, and it immediately fought with the rose vine. The battle strength of the rose vine itself is not high. In addition, the mutant nightmare squid is an invincible monster. The rose vine's vines are quickly torn off several, which can only barely limit the movement of the mutant nightmare squid. And according to this speed, rose vines will be maimed.

The remaining summon creatures in my familiars are basically humanoid creatures. At this point, it should be thanks to most of the humanoid creatures that I usually receive. In any case, the humanoid demon pets are generally not low, and the environmental adaptability is relatively good, at least there are few environments where they cannot participate in the war. But in the face of such a super-large creature, my humanoid familiar will also suffer a lot from fighting, especially in the nasty environment like underwater, a lot of magic cannot be used, which will greatly limit the battle of the humanoid familiar. strength.

"Ling, Xiaochun, Victoria, Yeyue, King, Jingjing, Lingling, come out and help."

My powerful monster immediately opened up the battle formation. The king rushed up with Jingjing, Lingling, and Ye Yue. They were all melee types and would not be able to use the combat capability unless they were attached. The huge golden compass appeared in front of Victoria in an instant, followed by a golden arrow aggregated from rays of light also formed in her hands. "Go-the arrow of destiny." After the light arrow shot through the compass, the rays of light suddenly exploded, followed by lightning and hit the huge mutant nightmare squid.

"What attribute did you draw?" I asked immediately.

Victoria replied with an embarrassing look: "I got angry!"

"Damn, isn't it that bad, right?" Victoria's Wheel of Fate is a super big move. , But this uncertainty is really a headache. Although she can specify that two of the eight attributes will never appear, and can control and increase the probability of beneficial attributes or harmful attributes, she cannot specify which attribute actually appears. For example, now, we have unfortunately won the angry attribute. The effect of the anger attribute is to reduce the target's health and defensive power by 50%, and double the endurance consumption, while gaining more than three times the normal value of attack power and agility, and double the probability of failure to release various skills, but the formidable power becomes normal after release Triple the value.

On the surface, it seems that this anger has seriously weakened the opponent's survivability, but considering the surge of attack power and agility, this is undoubtedly a nightmare for us now. Although this attribute also comes with the disadvantage of increasing the skill failure rate, the problem is that the nightmare squid simply has no formal skills. People rely on strength to eat, and skill failure is meaningless to it.

"That...Master...!" Victoria asked somewhat sorry: "Do I need to use Wheel of Fate with my companions?"

I looked at the The situation was ultimately nodded. "Use it as soon as possible!" Although I knew I was out of luck today, I had nothing else to do. Due to the sharp increase in attack power and agility, the king who just rushed up was beaten back. The current nightmare squid is as terrifying as doping, and my familiars can't rely on it at all!

Victoria launches Wheel of Fate again, but this time the goal is the king. "Go-the arrow of destiny." This time, before I asked the result, Victoria reported excitedly: "Master, I won the joy." This time it was lucky. The effect of the attribute of joy is to increase the total attribute by 20%. Although it is not as exaggerated as the increase of the anger attribute, but fortunately there are no side effects. If you fight a protracted battle, this attribute is still cheaper.

After winning once, Victoria successively released the arrow of destiny to the remaining melee familiars, but the results were both good and bad. The king has a birth attribute, but this attribute is to resurrect the dead. The king is not dead yet, so there is no effect. Jingjing was in anger, and Lingling was in sorrow. Although the anger in Jingjing can be regarded as a beneficial attribute, it is better to use it on Jingjing than the harmful attribute of sadness. What? You want to know why beneficial attributes are not as good as harmful attributes? What is Jingjing's profession? She is the Divine Shield Angel, which is the professional shield. However, the anger attribute increases the attack power and agility she does not need. The shield player only needs to be able to carry it. What do they want to attack? There is also agility. Her task is to help her companions block attacks. Can she avoid it no matter how quick she is? Moreover, the angry attribute will severely weaken her health and defensive power, but these two attributes are still her most important attributes, now it is good, it is horrible to lose half of it, and it is not as good as the full attribute reduction by 100. Twenty-fifths of sorrow is better.

Seeing this result, Victoria herself is sorry, and I can only sigh that I must have gone out today without reading the almanac, but the next battle has to go on, I can only let her continue to give Xiaochun and Ling Also make up, anyway, if you have more debts, you don't have to worry about more lice and itching. What's great is to take two more unhappy attributes. Fortunately, this time I don't know if my character broke out or I started to transfer. Victoria's two serve are all good attributes. Ling unexpectedly also got the angry attribute. She is a dark Goddess, that is, a dark mage-type character. The battle depends on skills. Defense and life force can basically be ignored. Although there is a bad effect of doubling the skill failure rate, Ling's skill success rate is as high as 9%. At 19.99, doubling the probability of failure is still negligible, but the triple damage attribute is real. With Ling’s magic formidable power, triple damage can definitely kill the mutation that only half of the defense and life are left. Nightmare squid. In contrast, the joy attribute that Xiaochun drew can be ignored, anyway, the full attribute improvement has no practical significance to her. Originally, I didn't intend to make her an attacker. It doesn't matter if the attribute is improved or not.

"Ling, it's up to you!" The melee pet in front was being played by the squid. The four people and the rose vines could only barely hold the squid, and finally won. You have to rely on Ling.

Ling cast a relieved look at me and started singing incantion. "Absolute darkness... I am here to order you in the name of Goddess of darkness to destroy everything in front of you. The forbidden technique-darkness is extinct."

"Hey! Don't!"


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