"Now I don't even know East, South, West, North, what do you want me to do?"

"But try one's luck, this is too ……!"

"Don’t worry, the game will not release impossible tasks, so don’t be afraid if you get lost, just go forward, and you will definitely encounter rewards or bosses in the end. There are rewards. Best, you won’t be finished if you meet a boss. I’m not an ordinary boss at all. If there’s a boss that can’t even beat me, then you can accept your fate!"

" I’m really an optimist!"

"I’m not an optimist but an activist. Instead of wasting my time trying to figure out a solution, I’d better get up and talk about it." I said as I walked to the nearest door. . It's just try one's luck, it doesn't make any difference where you go, and I don't even bother to think about it. The female archer hesitated a bit and followed, after all, it would be unwise to be separated from me at this time.

The structure of the passage here is exactly the same as the one we came here before, so most people simply can't remember those details. Of course, I can. There is an electronic chip in our Dragon Clan brain. If necessary, we can archive what we see at a photo level. Of course, the details can be preserved according to our ideas, but there is a prerequisite for this preservation, that is, I. It must be consciously and actively saved. Normally, the auxiliary chip in the brain will only make conceptual fuzzy memories of the environment, and will not actually record all the details. Otherwise, no matter how large the capacity of my brain is, there will be installations. A full day.

After walking a short distance along this passage, a wall suddenly blocked the way. Originally, we thought we had reached a dead end, and were about to walk back. Suddenly, a wall fell in the passage behind us, closing the place where we were standing into a sealed room like a small elevator. As soon as the room was closed, the ground shook violently, and the feeling of weightlessness reappeared. It was obvious that the room was falling again, and the depth of this drop was considerable, because the elevator had been in a weightless state for a long time before it began to slow down gradually. But new problems soon reappeared.

This ancient "elevator" did not stop after decelerating for a while. Instead, it descended at a very slow speed. The crack in the wall that followed all around suddenly began to seep into the electricity, but the speed It's relatively slow, and it will take a few minutes to fully fill this place. The female archer started to panic as soon as she noticed that the elevator was flooded, but after I passed a pendant with breathing function, she also fell silent. Most of the warrior helmets are equipped with underwater breathing function, and most non-warrior players will choose to buy water-proof pendants. Because some of the maps in "Zero" belong to the underwater environment, it is a headache to not have underwater combat capabilities.

With the protection of the body protection symbol, the female archer no longer fears the rise of the water level. Soon the elevator was completely filled with water, but the elevator was still descending. After more than ten minutes, the elevator suddenly shook, and then obviously stopped the descent, but it did not stop, but suddenly began to pan to the side. After sliding for a while, the small elevator finally stopped, and then the wall on one side suddenly rose up, revealing a short passage. I took the female archer's hand, then levitated and pushed hard against the wall in the opposite direction, and the whole person immediately jumped forward. After passing through the passage that was only a few meters long, my eyes suddenly opened up, but what I saw shocked me very much.

We are now at the exit of the passage, and on our left and right sides are five meters in a row of exactly the same exits, and they extend until my line of sight is out of sight. There is no end to the place. Above these exits is a wall that rises vertically, because the ceiling is not visible, so its height cannot be judged. Below this row of passages is a huge slope obliquely downward at a large angle of sixty degrees. This slope is almost more than three hundred meters long, and underneath the slope is a huge city, or the ruins of the city.

If you don’t consider the rock formations above us and the water around us, what’s behind us can be imagined as a dam, and the city underneath us is the city protected by the dam. The water and the depth we are in does not seem to be the same.

"So magnificent!"

"It is magnificent, but I am more concerned about what is this place!" I asked the female archer: "What level are you now? "

"Eight hundred and three."

I am nodded. "Not too low." In fact, from the perspective of ordinary players, the level of the female archer is not simply "not too low". Her level should be "not too low", just with me. Compared with the level, it can only be said that it is not too low.

"Put this on first." I threw over a set of special equipment, and the female archer looked at me in confusion and wondered why I suddenly gave her a set of equipment. I had no choice but to explain: "Now I am not sure whether this task is based on you or me, so you must not die until this point is determined, and I am not sure what dangers will be encountered later, so I will change it for you. Set up better equipment, at least have a better chance of survival. Don’t be too moved, this set of equipment is not a good thing to me."

Although I said that, the female archer is still Can't help being excited for a long time. This set of equipment is really not a good thing for me, but it is different for her. It's like those royal family members in Europe don't take ordinary small diamond rings seriously, but would ordinary MMs not care about small diamond rings? I am numb to the good equipment, but she has never seen such good equipment as attribute. In fact, the things I gave her were not too bad. This set was originally a speed-type agile combat suit, but it was also suitable for archer. Although it lacks the auxiliary attributes needed by the archer to improve the hit rate, at least this thing. The agility attribute is quite high, so it will increase the hit rate. The most important thing is that this set of equipment has a very high defense. After all, it is a warrior equipment. According to the standards of an archer, she wears this at least the top three ordinary archers. At least it is basically impossible for others to think. But the archer class is destined not to be too advanced in the combat combination, as long as she pays attention to timely replenishment of blood, it is impossible for her to die.

With equipment protection, the safety of female archers is guaranteed. I grabbed her shoulders with both hands, spread my wings, and slowly flapped in the water. Although my wings are used for flying in the air, as long as the speed is full, the propulsion in the water is just as strong. With the help of wings, we slid across the slope at a very fast speed and reached the top of the ruins of the city below.

I couldn't see it from a distance just now, but I realized that the ruins weren't actually ruins when I got closer. The whole city can be said to be basically intact, at least it does not seem to have any sense of run-down, and because of the isolation of the air under the water, there is no oxidation effect. The only problem is that the ground of the city has been densely covered by a layer. Covered with aquatic plants. The underwater world in which this city is located seems to be completely closed, and the water in the entire environment hardly flows, and the water itself is very clear, so there is not much sediment, and because it is closed underground. The environment, so there is not enough sunshine as in ordinary lakes or oceans, so although there are many aquatic plants, they are all very small. But although it is a closed environment, it is not all darkness. In fact, I noticed when we first left the passage. There are many pillars evenly distributed like street lights on the streets of this city. On the top of each pillar are five luminous crystals. The blue rays of light emitted by these crystals is the only light source here, but this is a kind of cold light, which itself provides very little energy, so there are no large aquatic plants here, and without large aquatic plants, a large-scale food chain cannot be formed. Therefore, There are very few small fish and shrimps here.

"What a magical place!" The female archer exclaimed as she looked at the city below.

"Not magic, but weird."


"Don’t you think it’s too clean here?"

< p>"Clean?"

"Have you seen any aquatic animals for so long?"

"Isn't there any."

"So Large tracts of aquatic plants, even if they grow slowly due to only cold light, should at least give birth to some small fishes and shrimps, right? So will there be larger aquatic animals above the small fishes and shrimps? But have you seen any large-scale aquatic animals? Aquatic animals?"

"Do you mean...!"

"I mean something is bound to exist."

The female archer thought what I said was strange, but then he noticed that my face was facing one direction all the time, and her gaze turned away, and then she understood what I meant. A huge black shadow in the ruins not far away was slowly rising, and it seemed that this thing was at least the size of a blue whale.

"Ah! Run! There is a monster!"

"It is a good thing to have a monster." I said, suddenly let go of the female archer. "You go down and wait for me for a while. Be aware that there may be other monsters nearby. Be careful yourself." After saying that, I immediately waved my wings and started to rise, and activated a lighting spell. My goal now is to bring that guy to me. The female archer’s battle strength is definitely not the monster’s opponent, so it’s better to keep the distance so as not to affect her.

The fact that the monster will rise up already shows that it has found us, and now my lighting technique points the way for this guy. But after the dark shadow rose for a while, a strange change took place. Suddenly a lot of dark red areas appeared on its body, these areas just formed one after another circular pattern, and these patterns started to get brighter and brighter, and soon surpassed the brightness of my illumination technique, so that I couldn’t Do not adjust the goggles of the magic dragon suit to block the light to resist the glare.

"Damn, do you think you are the sun?"

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