Maybe my efficiency is pretty good, but Nuwa didn’t mean to embarrass me. "Although this information is not comprehensive enough, at least let us know the general direction, so as a reward, we will cancel your EXP decline. However, your experience will be locked before your mission is completed, although it will not decline. But it is also impossible to rise."

"Oh!" I am helplessly nodded. It's better than falling. But I still have to hurry up. Now our guild is participating in the war across the world, and once the battle is over, as the guild leader, I will naturally receive the guild leader’s compensatory experience bonus. This kind of EXP is liquidated all at once after the battle, and judging from the scale of this battle, the final EXP will be very impressive. If I still haven't completed the task when the experience is settled, it means that I haven't gained a bit of experience in this battle, so I still have to die?

After confirming the current situation, several High Gods encouraged me again, and then left the space of Mother Earth, and I had to leave here temporarily. There must be no way to go to the barracks of the Anglo-French Allied Forces now, and even if they are mixed in, it is estimated that there is no useful information. As for Venus... she hasn't been online yet! But what I want to worry about now is not nothing to do, but not knowing what to do. The guild is too big, and there are so many things to deal with that you can't even think of. Only when you are too busy, there is no time to do nothing, but now I don't plan to manage any battlefield, because people are naturally in charge of those places. As a high-level leader, the necessary ability is to learn how to hand over his work to his subordinates. If I really have to let me do everything by myself, even if I know the Avatar Technique, I can't be too busy.

Although I don’t plan to manage things on the battlefield, I still have to do something for the guild, but what I do is basic work. After several transfers using Transmission Formation, I arrived at the new continent base of our guild. This is our experiment and technology center. The Magic Crystal Power Research Institute and the Magic Machinery Research Division in Isenger have been moved here. side.

"Chairman." Chief-In-Charge of the Ministry of Science and Technology saw me appear and greeted me enthusiastically.

My casual nodded said hello, and then I looked at the busy researchers nearby. "Do you have researchers in machinery and magic crystals and energy systems?"

"There are definitely some, but how much do you need?"

"Give me a technology When the group comes out, you don’t need too many people, but you need to be elite. I want to analyze the thing that I got back from the Japanese."

"Oh, what do you mean by that?" Chief-In-Charge immediately remembered What I am talking about. "The design of the little thing you sent is very rough, but the key part of it is extremely complicated. We estimate that the other party used foreign technology. However, because you only brought back a sample, we dare not conduct destructive experiments. This has caused the progress of the experiment to be seriously affected."

"Take me to see."

"Please follow me."

We will soon I arrived at an independent experimental area. The equipment here is more professional than the previous research hall, because this is a special place for in-depth research, and the outside is just a place for classification and sample testing. Now the rocket-like thing I seized from the Japanese battleship is floating in the middle of my hall. A layer of light yellow light curtain surrounds it, and obviously it has been vacuumed inside, and it seems that multiple protection measures have been added.

"Which step is the analysis now?" Chief-In-Charge asked nearby researchers.

The researcher in charge of this project did not immediately answer our question, but asked others to activate a switch, and then saw that the windows all around the laboratory and the steel gates on the gate were lowered. Came down and finally closed the whole room completely. After the room was closed, the indoor lighting equipment automatically turned on, and then we felt that the body suddenly became a lot heavier. This is because the gravity dust removal array is activated in the room. This array can produce a gravitational effect 1.5 times the normal gravitational force, and the excess gravity can make the suspended solids in the air fall to the ground quickly, so as to achieve the effect of dust removal. Almost all of our high level laboratories are equipped with such equipment, so I am no stranger to it.

Along with the completion of the sealing and dust removal work, the researcher in charge of this project immediately ran back and instructed his staff to activate several devices, and then saw the yellow light in front of us with the sample wrapped in it. The screen flashed a few times and then disappeared. The Chief-In-Charge project took a glove from the researcher next to him and put it on his hand, and then he began to draw it in the air, while the sample not far away seemed to be caught in his hand. Generally, he moved by himself according to his actions. First of all, a ring of things like a sealing ring on the side of the thing was pulled up and back out, and then the shell of the back half of the thing that looked like a small missile was taken off, exposing the parts inside.

Without the protection of the outer shell, we can see the internal structure of the thing very intuitively. The Chief-In-Charge of the project explained to us: "As you can see, the second half of this thing is actually very simple." Under his sign, the staff next to him used a beam pointer to illuminate a part of the thing. superior. "The part you are seeing now is a propulsion device, and its principle is to jet airflow backwards to generate propulsion. This principle is very similar to a missile, but its airflow does not come from thermal work, but from this magic. Array. After analysis by the Ministry of Magic, this is just a low-level Wind Element array, which uses magic crystal energy as the power to generate strong winds. The structure can be said to be very simple. If we let our guild’s studio do it without increasing energy consumption Basically, it can provide at least three times the propulsion power, and because this array is not very stable when used, it is estimated that this thing will not necessarily follow a straight line when flying, so once the target distance is too far, it is likely to run off the track."

I nodded and asked: “I don’t need to explain the latter part. I can see such a simple thing at a glance. What I want to know is what secrets are hidden in the front part. I’m talking to the Japanese During the battle, the opponent took the wrong ammunition, and one of them missed their own battleship. Such a small thing actually blasted the main shield of the battleship into a big hole. If our shells are formidable in the same size power, then we can use a fast pilot ship to handle the entire Japanese fleet."

"The key issue is here." The project Chief-In-Charge listened to my words and started. Quickly operating the sample, then he removed the warhead fairing and dropped the rear part of the propulsion part. The remaining part is only five to six inches long, about the size of a small vacuum flask. The outside of the remaining part is some frames and lines, and there are not many things. From the outside, you can see that there is a metal ball slightly larger than a ping-pong ball inside. The Chief-In-Charge project explained to us: "What we see now is the core of this thing. The messy things outside are actually just detonating devices. The reason why it is so big is entirely because of the other party's It’s caused by the level of production. With our guild’s existing technology, the same detonating device will only have about half its volume. Besides, we have a better detonating device. There is no need to use such ancient things." He finished After that, without waiting for me to ask questions, I quickly removed the frame of the accident surface, and then took out the metal ball from there. "Now the key questions are focused on this thing."

"What is this?" I was very curiously asked.

"This is actually a box." The Chief-In-Charge project easily opened the thing. It turned out that the thing was two metal hemispheres with a hollow in the middle, but now it’s inside. Nothing at all. "We have opened this thing before, and then we got this." With his gesture, a crystal ball flew in front of us. This crystal ball is completely transparent. It can be seen that it is hollow and contains a light green liquid, but it is not full.

"What is this?" I have no impression of this crystal ball.

The Chief-In-Charge project explained: "The crystal ball is a container made by ourselves, which is added later. The one that is actually taken out of this small steel ball is actually the kind of light green Liquid."

"So what exactly is this liquid?"

"At first we are also very strange. But after repeated research we finally got a pretty amazing conclusion ."

"What conclusion?"

"The light green liquid is the magic crystal."

"The magic crystal?"

"Yes. After liquefaction and adding some additives to the liquefied magic crystal mixed solution."

"Can magic crystal be liquefied?"

"It was not possible before, but now we What's in front of you is the finished product, so it is reasonable to exist. Obviously someone has the technology to liquefy the magic crystal."

I nodded continue to ask: "Then what is the additive you just mentioned?"

"This is not a pure liquefied magic crystal solution. We found some other additives in this liquid after sampling and testing."

"How do you know that it must be artificially added? Isn't it the residue after liquefaction?"

"Because these substances do not exist in the solid magic crystal, and the proportion of these impurities accounts for more than 30% of the proportion of the solution, a pure technical problem It will not produce so many impurities. In addition, these additives are not disordered substances. They act as stabilizers in the solution that accelerate volatilization and inhibit the explosion of liquefied magic crystals. For these reasons, we believe that these substances belong to Artificially added auxiliary components rather than simple impurities."

"putting it that way, you have already analyzed this thing, why do you still say it is difficult?"

"Although We have figured out the principle and basic structure of this thing, but there are still two fatal problems. First, we don’t know the specific method of magic crystal liquefaction. What we know now is only magic crystal can liquefy, but for The specific liquefaction method is unknown. Secondly, this auxiliary additive is obviously a mixture of multiple substances, and its composition is quite complicated. We do not know the specific addition ratio and the influence of various components on the final effect. The success rate of randomly configuring additives is infinitely close to zero, so we don’t know how to obtain this additive."

After listening to the report of the project Chief-In-Charge, I couldn’t help but frown. . "Is there a way to overcome these two problems?"

Project Chief-In-Charge replied: "Any technology can be researched. The problem lies in time. A few months or a few months. The technology that can be researched in 1 year is even more valuable, but if it takes hundreds of years to study the same thing, it is basically useless and wasted. So if we really want to study these two technologies, we must definitely All can be studied, but the question is how much money and time it will take."

"So can you estimate the approximate consumption?"

Project Chief-In- Charge looked at the Chief-In-Charge here, and then the Chief-In-Charge turned around and said: "Our current budget here is 100 million crystal coins per month, if...!"

Before I finished talking about the project Chief-In-Charge, I directly interrupted him and said, “Don’t transfer your 100 million crystal coins here.” After I finished speaking, I came over and said to the Chief-In-Charge of this project: “In the future. I use 100 million crystal coins for your research every month. You tell me how long it will take you to produce results with such funding support?"

The Chief-In- project Charge was very excited when he heard what I said, but after seeing my expression, he calmed down and analyzed: "In fact, we have been doing liquefaction magic crystal technology before. All substances in this world have melting points, so theoretically As long as the temperature is high enough, the magic crystal can be liquefied, but the problem is that the magic crystal is almost like a bomb when the energy is sufficient. Heating the magic crystal is similar to using fire to bake explosives, so liquefaction has always been a major difficulty. But we We have mastered the research direction. The liquefied magic crystal in this crystal ball has given us a lot of enlightenment. At present, we have determined the research direction on the magic crystal liquefaction technology at low temperature, and it is obvious that the other party uses some kind of Catalyst acceleration In this process, what we are short of now is to find out what the Catalyst is, so with such financial support, I estimate that the results will be available in at most three weeks. However, compared with the liquefaction of the magic crystal, the real difficulty lies in the kind of additives. On. First of all, we must figure out which of the ingredients have specific effects, so that we can find substances according to the required ingredients to study how to produce this additive. According to the design of that small missile, the other party’s technology is worse than ours. , The reason why they can liquefy the magic crystal and research the additive may not be their own technology, so we infer that the additive itself may not be perfect, so it is not a good way to imitate it as it is. But the specific analysis of the effects of various substances is itself It’s a big project, it’s not enough just to have money, but there must be enough manpower."

I just turned around and faced here. Chief-In-Charge said: "We have drawn the equivalent of twice the number of researchers from various departments to enrich this place. I will help you find the people you lack. "After saying this, I said to all the researchers here: "The production of the liquefied magic crystal bomb is up to you. Our guild needs this thing very much, so please everyone! "

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