With the help of chaotic shift time, we quickly got into the enemy’s spell camp. There are a lot of wizards here, and almost all of them appear in the form of spell teams. Our team just happens to look like a spell team, so we can get into the enemy's team without being noticed.

Using our strong public relations capabilities, we quickly got acquainted with several groups of people nearby, and then we learned some information about the summon method by simply inquiring. Because the people here are from the spell camp, they know more than ordinary players, and when Venus activated the skill, some of them saw the activation of the spell with their own eyes. But I didn't intend to get much useful information from them, because they are just bystanders, and at best they know more than the average person. I need to find people who know the details.

Relying on the information provided by these people, we continued to move, and soon we arrived near a small camp in the camp. Ordinarily, we are now all in the Anglo-French military camp, and the French long-range firepower camp we are now in is itself an independent camp, but even so, we still found a small, completely isolated from the outside world in the center of the camp. area. This area Foreign Domain has a simple fence, and there are many NPC guards standing outside the fence. At the entrance of this area, a whole team of dragoons are stationed.

"It seems that it is not easy to get in!" Ling stood whispered beside me.

"Perhaps we can use the Camouflage Technique?" Emenes suggested.

Ling shook the head. "I don't think it's that easy. Did you see the red robe mage standing at the door? That guy really opened his vision spell. Although it may not break your disguise as the god of illusions, at least you can find that you have used illusions. What is the skill concealed, do you think the other party will come up and ask about our identity?"

Before Eminis explained, I said first: "Ling is right, and this place The area is small, and the people inside might know each other. We strangers who suddenly appear there may be recognized immediately!"

"What should I do?"

"In two steps." I explained my plan to everyone, and they all agreed to my plan. In fact, this plan is very simple. It is nothing more than the old-fashioned bribery method plus a lured the tiger away from the mountain.

Boom. The ground near the camp suddenly burst open, and a mechanical gorilla made of metal jumped out from under the soil. This guy is of course Vajra, one of my controlling spirits. Although this big guy is relatively single-purpose, his defense and offensive power are both abnormal, and it's perfect for making trouble. Along with Vajra's appearance, my four dragon pets also burrowed out of the ground, followed by groups of Qilin warriors. I just let the trailblazers open a tunnel under the ground, and then put the summon creatures directly into the tunnel, and now let them get out near that special camp, and then madly attack the camp.

The crowd around us immediately became confused. Since this is a mage camp, although the damage output is dozens of times higher than that of a normal camp, there is a lack of warrior professionals. The fragile wizard was killed by my Qilin warrior in the blink of an eye, but the other party's reaction was not slow. A group of warriors guarding the camp quickly surrounded them, and the surrounding wizards calmed down and started preparing for a spell attack. Just when they thought the situation was under control, suddenly a strong light shot out from the enclosed biota, instantly evaporating all living and inanimate objects in a straight line.

"Magic Light Cannon?" Although this is a long-range attack camp of the French system, at least they are also considered as long-range attackers. They are quite familiar with the Magic Light Cannon, one of the main weapons of the mechanical long-range attack force. . Of course, I’m impossible to carry the magic light cannon with me, but the transmitter on the tank guy’s back can be switched between magic light beam and magic light energy bomb, so in fact, he can also put on a magic light. Cannon.

The Qilin warrior immediately launched a counterattack when they did not react after the sudden beam of light. The opposing cavalry quickly filled the gap caused by the magic light, but the battle strength of the Qilin warrior was too strong. Every Knight will always be attacked by three Qilin warriors at the same time, and when those high-level Knights block such an attack, they will often hang up immediately with staring eyes and unwillingly. As for the reason...look. Look at Qilin warrior stepping over the bloody riding beast at the corner of his mouth.

Since Qilin warrior is not used to the battle method that can hurt people with both the Qilin warrior and the mount, those Knights are obviously higher than Qilin warrior, but they really suffer a lot when they fight. It's almost a breakthrough. As for the later wizards, once these high level combat creatures enter the wizard group, it is basically not much different from tiger entering a flock of sheep.

Taking advantage of the opportunity of the enemy being attracted to one side of the camp to encircle the Qilin warrior, a few of us went around to the other side of the camp and successfully got in. The inside of this small camp is still very messy, but there is actually an area pulled up by a curtain, which is not visible from the outside. Obviously, the seemingly ordinary fence actually has a phantom effect. Before, when I was outside, I clearly saw that the camp was in Pingchuan, but I didn’t expect to cross the fence and the environment in Lima was different.

"Hey, you guys." We were pulled over by a player as soon as we appeared in the camp. Probably because it was too messy, this person didn't even look at us and pulled us to a tent full of various things. "Move those materials away. Miss Venus will use it next time for the high-level deity of summon."

Fuck, what does it mean to have someone give a pillow if you want to sleep? That's it. I'm still thinking about how to inquire about Venus' summon ability. We didn't expect someone asked us to help move materials. Where can I find such a good thing? A few of us hurried up to help carry these items. Of course, we recorded the specific content of these items by the way. In addition, we also found a handwritten note on one of the tables. The so-called manuscript notes refer to what the player writes with a pen in the game. Because "Zero" has a fairly complete electronic memo function, it is rare for players to record content directly on paper in the game. Even if they want to send a message, they usually use recording magic to directly analyze the video. However, there is a situation when players must use a pen. This situation is when you need to write something to the NPC. NPCs are not players, they can't see the video signal you share, and magic images can't record everything, so you need to write at this time. The thing in front of me is the record of such a manuscript, but the title on its cover made me almost choked to death by my own saliva!

"Summoning Technique general outline?" Damn, what would I have done so hard to track Venus when I knew there was this thing? Isn't this just causing trouble for yourself?

"Why are you still standing there?" The person who asked us to help found out that I hadn't done anything but turned around with a book, and immediately started a fire.

I have no plans to respond to this guy's call. Randomly raised his hand and opened five fingers to him, and then the rays of light flashed on the palm of my hand. Boom, with an explosion, the guy who was yelling at me flew out of the tent, and even the tent was blown away. I have just turned over this book roughly, the purpose of course is to confirm whether this notebook is complete. The result is very satisfying. The densely packed words written on this book are all words, and there are a lot of legends, and I turned to something similar to the epilogue on the last few pages, so I made sure that this book is complete. Now that the things are in hand, there is no need to hide them. Now it’s more important to return to life as soon as possible. If this EXP falls like this, I will almost collapse!

Quickly recovered all the summon creatures and called Asuka and stepped up. The screams of the English and French players behind were directly left behind by Asuka's speed. After rushing out of the enemy camp like lightning, I immediately summoned out of the gate of the earth and plunged in.

"I found it, I found it, I found the summon method." I held the notebook aloft and screamed while running towards the great hall of the mother of the earth.

It seems that the High Gods are more anxious than me. They appeared in front of me as soon as I finished shouting, and didn't even want to waste time waiting for me to run into the hall. The notebook in my hand was suddenly lifted by a force, and I didn't compete with that force, so I let it fly to the middle of the four water balls. Suddenly there was another blue vortex in the air, and then the notebook flew in front of the vortex and began to flip slowly. That vortex probably played a role similar to eyes. The four water balls before could only hear and talk, but they couldn’t see. That’s why they opened another vortex that could see things. I guess these High Gods didn’t read those notes seriously, because the text on this thing is very small, there are at least a few thousand words on a page. The book was flipped from beginning to end at a relatively fast speed, and it took less than half an hour before and after.

"This task can only be counted as you have completed one task." Nuwa's voice suddenly rang after flipping through the notes, and the note flew back to my hand.


"Because the content recorded on this thing is not detailed enough." Nuwa's voice is still relatively calm. Part of the problem is solved. Sure enough, along with my guess, Nuwa himself said: "The content recorded above is just a principle, but fortunately this has made us understand a lot. We will go back to fix these vulnerabilities soon, and they will think about it later. The Supreme Samurai Summon will not be so easy. But because the above content is not detailed enough, we can't completely eliminate the possibility of being summoned, but it can increase the difficulty of their summon. So your mission can't be considered as complete."

"Huh? What should I do now?"

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