After explaining to the researchers to speed up the progress of the research, I ran back to Isengard to arrange the funding scheduling problem. As a result, I heard Rose Vine’s notice halfway through the arrangement. This guy Venus is really amazing, he went online within four hours after being offline. I let Rose Vine follow Venus all the way, and I quickly explained the rest of the matter, and then reached the place where Venus was offline through Transmission Formation. According to Rose Vine's contact signal, I have been chasing hundreds of miles before finally catching up with Venus. As soon as she went online, she ran for thousands of miles, and stopped all the way to a place I didn't know what it was called. What surprised me was that her subordinates were already waiting for her here. Obviously, they had made an appointment before going offline.

The place where we are now is probably in central France. The most significant geological feature nearby is a small hill, but there is a cave on this mountain, and the entrance of this cave is unknown It was carved by someone into a big mouth opened by a beast, and it looked quite terrifying.

I hurriedly followed along after seeing Venus and they entered the cave. As soon as I entered the cave, I felt a wave of heat spreading over the surface, and there was a smell of sulfur in the air. Don't think about it, this place must be connected to the lava pipe, otherwise it will be so hot.

Venus and the others did not stay in the passage but all the way down. I had to run down with them. As the depth increases, the cave becomes hotter and hotter, but the temperature is still within the tolerance range. After walking for a long time in the twisty passage, Venus and the others arrived at a place near the Lava River. In front of us is a lava river more than a hundred meters wide, and on the other side of the river is a large cliff with no place to stand. But I quickly noticed that there were many dark things like animal hearts growing on the cliff. Each of these things is the size of a human head, looks like a human heart, but has a texture similar to the leaves of plants.

The people of Venus stopped in front of the lava river, and then began to prepare tools. Now I can roughly guess that they are going to collect that kind of strange object, but I don't know what it is for. I really want to pick up a few of that stuff by myself and come back and study it, but this place is just such a road, I can't go there without being discovered, so I can only watch it here for the time being.

The movements of those people were very fast, and a long boom was quickly formed under their hands and feet. Several people put something similar to a support frame on the edge of the lava river, and then they put the boom with a telescopic boom on the support frame. One of the players in the crowd, Summon, had a demon familiar. It looked like a goblin or something, with green skin and an ugly shape. I really don’t know how anyone would accept such a demon.

The goblin was quickly placed on the shelf at the front of the boom, and then a person stood on the platform at the back of the boom and started shaking the handle on it. Following his movements, the boom began to extend gradually, and soon the goblin crossed the edge of the river and entered the top of the lava river. Although it is also near the Lava River, the directly above the Lava River is completely different from the bank on which we are standing. As soon as the line crosses the river bank, the temperature will jump up violently, and the temperature will get higher as you go to the center of the river. However, that goblin seemed to have released many kinds of fire-resistant and heat-resistant spells. Anyway, I didn't see any discomfort from him.

As the boom extended, a few people stood on the platform here. These people obviously played the role of counterweight here, without them, the boom that was pressing there would definitely be plunged headlong into the lava. No matter how much magic the goblin was applied to, unless he had the same high level armor as my dragon suit, he would definitely not even bubble up when he fell into the lava.

Just like in the magic forest before, these people are obviously not unfamiliar with this place. Not only do they have such professional tools, but they also seem to be quite proficient in operation techniques. Soon they The goblin was sent to the edge of the cliff on the other side of the river. Probably because of being soaked in lava for a long time, the temperature of the cliff on the opposite side is obviously much higher than here, and some parts of the rock on the cliff wall are even red. The magic on that goblin's body probably reached its endurance limit. The goblin began to writhe on the shelf uncomfortably, the temperature was too high, even under such protection, he was still hot enough to withstand it.

"Hold on, don't move!" The master of the goblin couldn't help shouting loudly. A lava river that is more than a hundred meters wide means that the boom is also stretched out more than a hundred meters long. Such a large moment is very terrifying. Although the support frame seems to be made of metal material, such a large span still makes it very difficult to deal with, and the high temperature generated by the flowing lava below also makes the metal much softer than normal. In this state, the slight struggle of the goblin will make the boom swing very difficult to deal with.

"Hurry up, the spell on the goblin is almost gone." Venus couldn't help but urged.

"I'm doing my best." The man who operated the boom couldn't help complaining: "The temperature of the lava river seems to be much higher than last time. It is very difficult to deal with the shaking of the boom!"< /p>

"I don't want to know your difficulties, I just want to see the lava fruit in my hands." Venus's nearly unreasonable request made the guy have to shut up and continue to work. Nas fans too!

Although the shaking has been intensifying, the goblin finally got a fruit, and then the people here began to recover the boom, but at this time everyone suddenly heard a boom , A large piece of lava burst suddenly in the lava river, and a group of black hu hu things jumped up from the orange red lava and hit the boom with a bang and hung on it. The sudden increase in weight caused the boom to sink sharply. Fortunately, people nearby quickly jumped up and pressed the boom here, otherwise the fruit that was finally picked and the goblin would definitely fall into the lava. Among.

"What the hell?" Several players desperately hugged the boom here and pressed down while complaining loudly.

After the people slowed down, they turned their eyes to the thing hanging on the boom, and saw that it was something that looked like a crocodile and a toad. The body of this guy looks like a giant toad on the whole. His hind legs are very long and he is good at jumping at first glance. However, this guy’s head is not flat like a toad, but like a crocodile’s head, not only in a triangle shape, And there are many sharp teeth. The monster's skin is black, and the surface is very rough, looking like a rock. Everyone knows nothing about this strange creature. In fact, no one here except me knows the monster hanging on the boom. Of course, I won't tell them what it is.

Actually, this thing is not terrifying. It is called lava toad, which is a low-level special devil beast. On battle strength alone, this guy can at best draw a tie with the 600-level player, but in fact, the 600-level player has no chance of defeating him, because these guys only live in lava. And the most common trick they use when fighting with players is to bite you and drag them into the lava. Even my magic dragon suit can only hold on for a while in the lava. How can ordinary players survive?

Although I know these things, Venus and others do not know that this thing is not powerful. However, because they didn't know the attribute of this thing, they correctly speculated about the harm of this thing, but the harm was not the extraordinary strength of the monster they imagined, but... this thing lives in groups.

oh la la oh la la ... Suddenly one after another burst of lava pillars in the lava, followed by dozens of lava toads flying out of the lava and hung on the boom. Originally, a toad had already allowed most people on Venus to hang on the boom and barely stabilized the boom. Now dozens of them came up at once, and the boom was no longer able to bear such a weight and squeaked down. . The goblin at the front end of the boom and the fruit in its hand fell into the lava together with Venus' screams, leaving nothing but a burst of flames that suddenly rose.

Those lava toads bent their booms and not finished, they started to rush towards the river bank along the booms. When Venus's men looked at the situation, they were also bachelor, and they all jumped off the boom. No one pressed it, and the boom immediately tipped into the lava because the center of gravity leaned forward. Unfortunately, the fastest toad had jumped to the shore and bit a player's leg in one bite. When the player slipped his feet, the lava toad was pulled into the lava, and nothing was left after the blast of flames.

"Quickly retreat!" Venus's shout seemed to be late. A large number of lava toads jumped onto the shore, and then they heard a chaotic shout, and many people were pulled off the lava . These battle strengths are indeed not strong, but the trick of pulling people down into the lava is a hundred-for-all, as long as you are not able to take a bath in the lava, don't even think about doing it with them.

Seeing that more and more Lava Toads jumped ashore, Venus's men began to run around in a panic. Although there was only one road when we came here before, the bank of the lava river was the meeting point of multiple channels. Now this chaos, many people don't know which hole they came in from, so a large group of people is almost divided into a dozen squads and ran to many different passages. The most outrageous thing is that the number of people running to the correct passage where I am hiding is actually the fewest. It seems that most people have found the wrong way.

Seeing someone running over, I leaned against the wall and quickly activated Emmenes' Camouflage Technique. In a panic, these people didn't have time to pay attention to the situation around me, and ran past me with a huff. I was about to exhale when I suddenly noticed a very bad situation. I was actually surrounded.

"Damn it!" At this critical moment, I actually forgot that Lava Toad has no eyesight. These guys don't have eyes at all. Naturally, they don't rely on visible light to distinguish targets. Naturally, optical Illusion Techniques such as Camouflage Technique are all ineffective for them.

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