After several teleportations, I arrived at a German city near Iron Cross City, and then I found an Inn here and got in. "Zero" This game is not the same as ordinary games. There are not only restaurants but also Inns. Normally, it is useless to have Inn in the game, but it is different here. Because one of the basic functions of "Zero" is sleep assistance. In "Zero", if you are playing a normal game, your energy consumption rate is about four-fifths of the actual rate. Simply put, when playing "Zero", the interval between your two sleeps can be slightly longer. In addition, if you do not stay awake in the game, but sleep in the game, then you will get about three times the normal sleep effect. Generally speaking, a person's healthy sleep time is basically eight hours, but in "Zero", only two and a half hours to three hours of sleep can meet a person's normal sleep needs. Because of this efficiency, many players will choose to sleep in the game, and there are even many elderly people who don't like to play games. Because there are a lot of people who go to sleep in the game, and you can't lie down on the road or sleep in the forest where the monster runs around, so private houses and Inns have become a necessity. However, the price of private houses is high, and players who need to run around cannot buy a house in each city, so Inn has become a very common urban building under this premise. But I didn't come to sleep.

After closing the door, I released all the familiars who could keep their human form, and then I found a mess of clothes from the Fenglong space. Since I have never personally funded it, and the capacity of Fenglong Space is ridiculously large, I generally like to prepare some things that I can buy in Fenglong Space. Who knows when I can use it?

After digging out a lot of costumes, I also showed the Gate of the Earth to Summon, but Skott and the others just finished digging, and now they all look like briquettes. The companion of black liquid crystal this thing is a kind of black rock, the texture is similar to coal, but it will not burn. Since I have been mining black liquid crystals just now, now Ringtone Knight and Qilin warrior are all done in black.

"Adyna." I called Adyna immediately and knowingly created a huge stream of water, which immediately flushed all of Skeet and the others.

"Scott, pick three ringtones Knight to come out with you."

Scott nodded turned around and called three ringtones Knight to come out together, and then I closed it again The gate of the earth. Let Skye and the others find some relatively ordinary player equipment to put on, and then they also dressed Ling and Princess, of course Rebecca and Emines must follow. After finishing their costumes, I drove the other familiars back to the Phoenix Dragon Space, and then left the Inn.

Now, unless you are someone who is very familiar with me, no one can even recognize me. First of all, Skye is now in bright silver armor, which looks like a typical Paladin, and I also asked him to hang his helmet on the side of the horse. Although Skok is well-known as the demon servant who has been with me for the longest time, the armor of Ringtone Knight is fully covered, so not many people have really seen Skok's face. Of course, Skott is not riding his own mount now. Ringtone Knight has enhanced ghost horse mounts, but have you ever heard of Paladin riding a ghost horse? So now Sgoth is actually riding my pet, Koyuki. Although he doesn't participate in the war often, Xiaoxue is the silver-winged unicorn king after all, and the Paladin image of Pesgoth couldn't be more appropriate. One of the other three Ringtone Knights was disguised as an ordinary Dark Knight. It seemed that there was nothing special about them, and few people would pay attention to them anyway. Ling is still her mage, but changed to a gorgeous mage robe with a hood that can cover her face, and due to her deliberate behavior, a layer of black that is almost invisible is always burning around her. flame. Of course, this is just barely visible, not really invisible. Anyway, I felt that if her current image appeared in a gloomy place in the middle of the night, it would definitely scare the enemy to death. Princess is also a big change today. She used to be cute, but today she changed into a priest's robe to pretend to be holy. Anyway, she has no direct battle strength, and it is the least likely to be exposed by disguising as an auxiliary person. Both Eminis and Rebecca are relatively simple, both of whom are experts at changing images. Eminis directly invisible herself with the super high level skill "phantom", and Rebecca was even more outrageous. She directly transformed herself into a crow with scarlet pupils and squatted on Ling's shoulders to pretend to be a pet.

Although my subordinates all pretend to be good, the one who is most exposed here is actually me, because compared with them, I am the most well-known one. But I also have a ruthless trick. In order for my EXP to no longer fall down like water, I think I am going to spare it today. First I switched to the silver moon form, and then used the transformation skills attached to the oath suit to turn the oath suit into a very gorgeous female mage robe, and I also specially asked a few female monsters to help me shape it. Yes, my method of disguise is to pretend to be a woman. This trick is definitely more deceptive than ordinary disguise, and according to my knowledge of human behavior, beautiful women are more likely to make the other party give up their guard than men.

After completing this pile of disguise, we set out and walked towards the location of the British and French coalition forces. There are a lot of people coming and going along the way. The army is the most terrifying existence. The Anglo-French coalition forces with more than 100 million units piled outside the Iron Cross city. This consumption is not small. Therefore, the city I just appeared has become an important supply base. The roads between cities have become very busy. In addition, the player is not a soldier. Although he will organize an army for war, the discipline is definitely not comparable to a regular army, so many players will return to the nearest city to supply something when there is no mission, or simply send something first. Go out to practice leveling, and only come back to fight when it's their turn. Anyway, hundreds of millions of troops can't attack the city together, and only those tens of thousands of people can really fight the Iron Crusade every time they strike, and the people behind these people will definitely not be able to rush up after they die.

If players leave, there will be players returning. With the convoy of transporting supplies, the crowds on this road seem to be unusually large. And I am very good at grasping human psychology, so after we left the city, instead of hiding in hiding, we chatted with a French player who was going back to the squad.

After a simple chat, I got a lot of useful information from them. The most important thing is that I learned that the summon advanced patronage ability used by Venus is indeed a lot of people. A large-scale skill completed together, and I also know that the activation time of this skill is very long. But it is a pity that these people belong to the front-line troops directly participating in the war. They don't know much about the logistics department behind, so the deeper information is completely unclear.

We did not follow these people back to the barracks, but found an excuse to leave them halfway, and the reason was also the information we got from them. Although the British and French coalition forces belonged to many guilds, their management of the barracks was unusually organized. They stipulate that the players who leave must go to the designated recording points to report, and then they will have to cancel the report information when they come back, so as to prevent outsiders from entering the barracks, because both leaving and returning There are counts. But the players who made this rule obviously didn't deal with NPC very often.

Those players who are accustomed to chatting with each other in online games will still habitually ignore the role of NPCs after they come into contact with "Zero", but they do not know that the intelligent NPCs in "Zero" do not It's not just a gimmick, it's also one of the game elements. For example, like what we are doing now.

"Really? I did it." An NPC folklore took the gold coin I handed over and ran back to the transport team. Then he talked a few times with other folklore, and then that Several people said they wanted to go to the toilet, and then they ran out of the team.

After running over, these folk husbands took off their clothes to us, and then they each took the money and left directly, and the few of us once again mixed into the convoy in the form of Illusion Technique disguised as folk husbands. It is a waste to use combat NPCs for such a large-scale transport team. In contrast, NPC civilians are much more cost-effective. Therefore, except for a small number of armed combat NPC guards, transport teams are basically civilians. In such a team, the fighting NPCs don’t even know these folks, so even if a few folks are replaced, no fighting NPCs will notice. Of course, the premise is that you can't change people in front of them, and you must pretend to be a civilian husband afterwards. The fighting NPC just doesn't know the folks, and they are not fools. Of course you will be found out if you are too exaggerated.

After successfully pretending to be a Minfu and returning to the convoy, we continued to pull the cart under the leadership of the Minfu who first bought it, and then we easily entered the barracks through the cargo channel. hehe, didn't expect? Although those from the Anglo-French alliance made the camp checkpoints so strict, they didn't pay attention to the NPCs in the cargo passage. They habitually think that players in all NPC places are easy to expose, but they don't know that NPCs are actually much more foolish than players like them.

After entering the camp, the unloading begins, but at this time the escorting combat NPC will leave to guard those empty convoys preparing to go to the city to pull supplies, and there are no armed personnel in the cargo yard except for individual NPC supervisors. In fact, these overseers can't be regarded as armed personnel. They are at best elite-level civilians. Under my money offensive, the overseers in charge of our area quickly corrupted and asked him to arrange us in the material distribution team. The task of this kind of distribution squad is to distribute the goods in the yard to the various troops, but because it is inside the camp, this kind of squad is not supervised at all except under the leadership of an overseer. We simply corrupted an overseer who led the team through this overseer, and then was taken into the camp. We will change back to the original outfit after we randomly find a chance to leave this squad.

Now it can be said that as long as we don’t do damage in public, we will never be seen through. The Anglo-French coalition forces themselves are horribly large, and players belonging to different guilds basically know each other, and no one can even remember which guilds are in this alliance. Even if someone comes to check which guild you belong to, you can just report a guild name indiscriminately. As long as you don’t happen to report to the guild of the interrogator, your guild will generally not have a problem.

We just wandered around the enemy’s barracks like this, only to find that there were people everywhere like us, not many of us at all. Under my instruction, Skott walked directly to a player who looked like Chief-In-Charge in this area, and then deliberately asked in a very rude tone: "Hey buddy, who the fuck are you here? District? This stick! I won’t be able to find our guild after I left the camp!"

That guy may not have encountered a lost player like us for the first time, so he has nothing to do with it. The indifferent side continued to look at the fiercely fighting front line in the distance and said, "This is Camp No. 24 in Division E."

"Huh? No. 24 in Area E? What about our long-range firepower. What?"

It's probably because this question is rather outrageous, and the guy immediately screamed in surprise. "Damn, how did you run the firepower camp? We are here? The ones after the G number are all over there. You can find it by yourself! I suggest you ask the regional supervisors all the way, and don’t go to the front line for your ability to recognize the way. That's it!"

In this way, we found the general direction of the target in the guy's ridicule, and then used this method to not only get a lot of information for the past, but also actually found the long-range firepower camp. . There are filmed cannons here, but they are all on standby, and many of the cannons have obviously just been shipped and are still being assembled. A large number of engineering and technical players and professional combat players on the field are very busy.

From the information obtained along the way, we can see at a glance that this is the equipment fire camp, and the one we are looking for should actually be the spell fire camp. "Zero" is a mixed game in which both technology and magic can be developed, so the long-range firepower is divided into the gunpowder weapon of the science and technology department and the strategic magic of the magic department.

"Hey, what are you guys doing standing there?" A guy like Chief-In-Charge ran over and asked.

"We are from the spell fire camp."

"Damn, what are you doing here at the spell fire camp? We are all so busy here, you come back soon Your camp, don’t mess up here! Really!"

After that guy’s foul-mouthed left, we could easily find out the location of the spell fire camp, and then went straight through here. The Equipment Fire Camp went over there. In fact, the two firepower battalions are not close to each other. This is mainly because the technology weapons of the equipment firepower are relatively large, and the spell system needs a relatively quiet environment, and in order to prevent the entire long-range firepower system from being The enemy was carried away in a pot, so the two fire camps were separated.

When we found the spell fire camp, the sky was basically dark, and the city wall of Iron Cross City in the distance looked like a black line. At that time, the light spots that flashed a few times were rays of light caused by some large-scale magic or heavy artillery shell explosions, but because the distance was too far, we could not hear any sound here. The dark night has provided a lot of benefits to our infiltration plan. One of the more important ones is that the enemy's main commanders have all been offline. Now is the shift time and the most chaotic time. Hehe, let me see where it’s easier to find out information about that skill.

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