Now I am not so much thinking about how to answer the companions in front of me, as I am asking myself, because these all are the projection of everyone in my heart. In fact, I have experienced scenes like this Heart Demon fantasy world, but it was not so intense at the time. Now this scene is not so much a Heart Demon fantasy as a self-reflection platform, as long as it passes, the heart will suddenly become clear, and many things that were previously unclear or unable to be decided will become easier.

I thought about it for a long time before I spoke. "My final decision is... to exterminate mankind." There was a sound of discussion around, but the voice was very small. My answer is quite terrifying, at least in reality it would be absolutely terrifying if I did this. "We are Dragon Clan, and we already have knowledge on this point. Then since we have confirmed that we do not belong to the human group, then human beings are alien to us. For an alien that cannot coexist peacefully, what any race does I think the decision will be the same."

"But would this be too cruel?" Xiaochun asked in a low voice. The current Xiaochun actually represents my own kindness.

"No. This is life and death, not moral ethics. The word cruelty is a concept based on a rational civilization with the rule of law, and the rule of law and reason are only under the premise that survival is guaranteed. Things that will appear. We can’t get the order wrong. The purpose of reason is to prevent us from doing things that we shouldn’t do because of our own impulse, but reason should be for human beings. Under the general direction of satisfying our own humanity Constrained by reason and not doing anything extraordinary, this is the function of reason. We have all overestimated ourselves before. Although we Dragon Clan have a much stronger reason than human beings, it only shows our self-control Stronger power does not mean that we have no humanity. Blindly suppressing our emotions, then we are not Dragon Clan but robots!"

In this brief moment, my heart suddenly became extremely relaxed. . The explanation just now was not so much explained to my demons, as it was explained to myself. After becoming Dragon Clan, I have been very distressed because I always thought that I was a human being and grew up in a human social environment. Suddenly I realized that my identity was not human, and my personality suddenly went from one extreme to the other after being rejected by humans. Excessive sensibility itself is irrational, and now I figured it out. What I really want to worry about is not what humans think of us, but what we think of ourselves. Only when you can face your own status, can you ask others to give yourself an accurate position. If you don't even know who you are, then others will naturally be more confused.

Just after I confirmed the thoughts in my mind, the surrounding scene suddenly changed, and then I saw Rebecca appearing in front of me, while the little fellow was lying on the side dying. As if it was about to hang up.

"This is considered passed?"

Rebecca's answer is simple. "From the moment you figured out that critical point, there is no weak spot in your heart, and it is the same if you continue to consume it."


"You succeeded." Rebecca replied helplessly and curiously asked: "Your world seems to be different from ours. What kind of world is that? It's strange!"

Rebecca is just a simulation consciousness anyway, and the world outside the game is completely unfamiliar to her. But now that she has become my favorite, she will walk out of this illusory world and become a real existence sooner or later, so I didn't intend to hide anything from her, but it's not the time to say it yet. "The world I live in is a material world, and it can only be regarded as an energy world, but you will not understand the difference before you really enter my world."

Becca looked at me suspiciously, then stretched out a hand. I looked at her suspiciously, and then she immediately reminded: "Give me a drop of blood."

"What are you doing?"

"After that illusion, it just means you passed me. The test, the real confirmation still needs your blood."

"Oh, so that's how it is." I hurriedly provided the blood in the way of recruiting monsters, because Rebecca passed me through After the test, she chose the voluntary mode to become a familiar, so her level was saved proudly. In fact, she was only more than 800 levels before, and my level is much higher than hers. She has to practice more if she wants to maintain a balance of strength with my demon pet.

Because the mutant fantasy demon is recognized as a humanoid pet, she also has two spots for the pet, but Purple Moon, a large, direct pet, is already full, and the humanoid is hanging under the humanoid pet. The two carrying amounts of the pet will be wasted again, so I had to turn Rebecca into a small demon familiar of Silver Moon. Anyway, whether it is in Purple Moon form or Silver Moon form, I can manipulate the two monsters at will. Pamper, so it doesn't matter which way you hang it. But this time I discovered a very strange phenomenon. The amount of pets carried by a person varies according to the charm value, but the charm value of Yinyue is as high as terrifying, and the permanent charm attribute was forced to increase later, so the amount of pets carried has always been displayed with three question marks. In other words, the carrying amount is not visible. At the beginning I thought Yinyue could be infinitely pampered, but this time I unexpectedly discovered that it is not. The moment I just hung the magic demon, I saw the question mark turned into a number, but the strange thing was that it turned out to be a negative number.

What does it mean to carry a negative value? A positive number means the number to carry, and zero means no. Should a negative number be deducted from the favorite? But does Yinyue have its own favorite? Is there something wrong with the system?

If you don't know it, just ignore it. Anyway, the number of magic familiars is not full, and it won't affect my normal use for the time being. Taking Rebecca all the way back, by the way, I introduced her to her demons and summon creatures. Perhaps because of her long-term seclusion, Rebecca seems to be very untalkative and always speaks coldly, but now she is my demon. She used to be free and can play with her personality, but now she has to face my demon. Spoil the big family. According to Rebecca's own words, I am the kind of master she fears most, because not only I am always pestering her, but also so many companions of demon pets. Her favorite quiet environment is probably forever here. Don't expect it.

After leaving Rebecca’s cave, the little fellow called all the magical monsters in the forest for a meeting, and the whole process took less than ten minutes to end. The phantoms unanimously approved my proposal and all joined our guild to become the new breed of guardian beasts of the guild. However, the agreement is only 1st Step. The specific moving matters still need to be handled by the people of our guild. Anyway, this will naturally be handled by a notification. I will directly take the little fellow and Rebecca and leave first. Rebecca is my demon, and naturally follows me, and the little fellow agreed with me in advance to be my special guardian beast. Originally, my trumpet Yinyue could also bring a phantom, but now I am going to chase Venus and the others, there is no time to choose a phantom for the time being. If it weren't for Rebecca's ability to be important to my future actions, I wouldn't waste time collecting Familiars at this time! In order to make Rebecca become my favorite, I was delayed for almost twelve hours before and after, and my heart was broken when the EXP fell!

After leaving this land, I chased it all the way out. Although Venus and the others have been away for more than twelve hours, is the image of Venus really inquisitive? Just like a world-class car passing by on the road, if someone asks you if you have seen a Santana of what color passing by, you must not remember it, but if someone asks if you have an extended Hummer driving by your side You will definitely remember it. The beautiful appearance of Venus is the most distinctive banner. I found their whereabouts after a simple inquiry along the way, but what makes me more depressed than not finding it is that I found it but I can't do anything about it. As for why I can't do anything, this is because-Venus is offline! The reason is simple, but I am helpless! I’m Dragon Clan and I don’t need to sleep. Others are ordinary persons. Even a full-time player can’t say that I’m not offline 24 hours a day!

"What should I do now?" Rebecca was forced to say all the way by my demons along the way. Her lips seemed to be a lot cleaner than before. It seems that speaking also needs practice.

"Since the other party is not online, it's useless for us to wait here." Ling suggested: "Why don't we do something else first, just leave someone here and wait for them to go online."

"Then what are we going to do?" Xiaochun asked.

Ling thought for a while and suddenly said excitedly: "Yes. To investigate the mysterious summon method does not necessarily have to follow Venus? Although she is the executor of the summoning Technique, but She is not necessarily the only insider? We can start from elsewhere to check the specific content of this summon ability, ah?"

"Yes! Summon High Servant comes to the world with such a strong ability absolutely It won't be done by one person. I think there should be a lot of people participating. Even if these people don't know the whole process, they should at least know a general idea?" Yeyue also agreed with Ling's opinion.

"Agree for..."

Under the consensus of everyone, we decided to go elsewhere to find clues for the time being, and the work left here was handed over to Rose Vine. Is there anything better than the tolerance of plants? Besides, Venus and their offline location is not in the city, and most of the rose vines lurking under the ground are the most suitable areas for this kind of lush vegetation and soft soil.

Explain that Rose Vine immediately contacted us as soon as I found out that Venus was online. After that, I took other familiars and transferred back to Germany. If you want to find out who else knows about this summon, you must first return to the camp of the Anglo-French Allied Forces. At the beginning, Venus controlled the high-ranking samurai and flew out from behind their camp, which means that someone nearby should have seen this. In the process, as long as I get in, I should be able to get some relevant information. After all, my penetration technology is professional.

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