After discussing the price, I started to wait at the entrance of the cave with the little fellow. As for why wait? Don't we need to clear out the cave entrance that has collapsed and blocked it?

My guardian steel claw temporarily acts as an excavator. Who said this guy is good at big holes! The entrance of the cave was cleared out after a while. It can be seen that it was not only a small area outside that collapsed, but the situation inside was also very bad, but compared to the entrance of the cave, the inside was barely passable. After retracting the steel claws, I began to push into the hole.

For me with dark vision, pitch-black caves are not a problem. The more troublesome are the gravel and narrow walls. I have to drill through this thing. Go in order to go deeper. It took more than half an hour and we only advanced less than 300 meters. This damn place is really unbearable.

"How deep is this ghost place?"

"I don't know. I've never been here before, so I'm the number one like you. I saw it this time!" The little fellow's explanation made me feel helpless, so I could only shut up and continued groping forward.

Thanks to the fact that my dragon suits have gloves, I’m in a place like this. If you are a general mage class, you have to be exhausted, and you might be scratched by broken rocks. Torn clothes. In contrast, the armor of the Devil Dragon suit is much cheaper, at least I can smash all the things in the way, and even if there is a bump, it will not cause much damage to the armor.

After advancing for about 30 meters, the cave became a bit more spacious. At least now, there is no need to crawl, as long as you bend your waist a little, you can walk normally. Because of the improvement of roads, our advancing speed has obviously increased a lot. After another half an hour we ran through the nearly two-kilometer-long tunnel in one breath, and suddenly a relatively wide area appeared in front of us.

"Wow! It's so beautiful!" Although the little fellow is a phantom, his aesthetics is similar to that of a human being.

What you see is a cave space almost the size of a small airport, but it's not all rocks. The road under our feet has become a lot of bifurcations, like the veins of leaves, extending regularly and irregularly. There is clear water between the road and the road, but I don’t know why the water is emitting. The emerald green light illuminates the entire cave like a dream, and it is very beautiful.

"Why is there still water here?"

"Probably an underground river." Little fellow speculated: "Isn't there a lake outside our forest? Maybe these two This place may be connected."

I was nodded, and then looked at the more than thirty openings opposite us and asked: "What do you do now? You have a way to make sure that the strip is correct The road?"

The little fellow immediately shook his head like a rattle. "I am a magic demon and not a bee seeker. Finding a way is not my strong point."

"Really, I have to rely on myself at the critical moment!" As soon as I stretched out my hand, a small black hole was in me. Unfolding in front of us, a large number of Spirit Armor insects swarmed out and scattered towards each cave. I turned to the little fellow and said, "Now wait for news here! We will know the general structure of this place in a while." /p>

The path-finding method of the ghost worm is very simple. Because they are in contact with me, we can roughly determine the location of each other through the perception ability, so that after these little fellows leave, my immobile center becomes the basic coordinates, and then I can be in according to the route they traveled. The brain quickly constructed a three-dimensional model of the cave. If one of the insects meets a dead end, it will be the end of the road. After all the insects have detected the route, I will have a map of the entire cave. Because the number of insects is amazing, even if there are more forks, I can divide them. This is equivalent to me going through every fork.

After waiting in the same place for a short while, a few ghost worms found a dead end, and then there were three groups that joined together after separation, and the other crews continued to explore downward. After a while, most of the insects encountered a dead end, and the remaining seven insects that did not meet the dead end all went around the same road. I took the shortest route according to the memory left in my brain, and then we quickly reached that huge meeting point. This place is a cave larger than the previous one, but it is not as beautiful as the previous one. This huge hole is circular, with a pool in the center that occupies nearly one third area. The dark green deep water is very strangely illuminated by a fluorescent plant growing on the roof of the cave, and there are many fork roads around the periphery of the pool, some of which are the way we came, and some of them are I don't know where it goes. I still dispatched the insects to find the way according to the old method, and I waited here with a little fellow, but an accident happened on my side when the insects were not far away.

I was discussing with a little fellow about how to deal with the strongest phantom after a while, and suddenly I listened to a loud explosion sound next to me, and dozens of water columns violently exploded in the pool. Since it’s such a big place here, neither the little fellow nor I ran away. We poured it all through, but fortunately, the little fellow can be atomized, and then the water will all fall down. I’m wearing The armor itself is also impermeable, so it doesn't matter.

"Damn, what is this?" Although we were startled by the water, we quickly noticed the monster in the pool. This is a monster that I have never seen before. Its size is about the size of a large villa. The whole body is flat and round like a crab's body, but there are dozens of thick tentacles growing under it without articulations. The whole body of this thing is dark green, the pits on the surface look very disgusting, and the whole body has a densely packed small mouth and a huge big mouth. All of these mouths have teeth in them, and all of them are abnormally sharp.

As soon as the disgusting monster came out, he crazily rolled his tentacles towards us. The little fellow reacted quickly enough and turned directly into a cloud of fog. The monster's tentacles swept back and forth on him several times and couldn't catch him at all, and eventually all rolled over to me.

"Half Moon."

Two and a half months quickly separated from the ring of commandments and then guarded my left and right. I thought those tentacles would be cut into segments by the flying half moon. Duan, didn't expect those tentacles actually turned a corner in midair and jumped up to the top of the cave. Obviously this guy noticed for half a month, and knew that he would be hurt by this thing, so he changed his strategy. However, this guy doesn't seem to have an eye-like organ. It is estimated that he found the target by vibration or something. Just half a month after the guy found out about me, he changed his strategy, and this guy was very cunning. He didn’t attack me but slammed the top of the cave with his tentacles. As a result, the rock on the top of the cave was smashed like rain. Down. Although Banyue was extremely sharp, it was absolutely impossible to be hit by a large rock and then fly again. As a result, Banyue was smashed under the rock while protecting me.

After discovering that the obstruction disappeared, the monster immediately rolled the tentacles over again. I lowered my head and dodge one of the tentacles, followed by jumping on the spot, and the body rolled three hundred and sixty degrees in the air and then flashed again. The other three tentacles. With one blow, the monster immediately called more tentacles to roll over, but this time he was out of luck.


With a boom, the huge body of the tank slammed into the hole. The monster's tentacles quickly wrapped the tank's body, but the tank was full of hard armor. Molluscs like this monster have nothing to do with him. The tank is not like I hate these disgusting things. He directly uses the forelimbs to assist in feeding to put the tentacles of his mouth into his mouth and eat. That monster didn't expect to encounter such a cruel one, and he actually started to swallow his body directly, and he hurriedly hid in fright. Unfortunately, the tentacle was dragged by the tank so hard that he couldn’t pull it back. All the Spirit Armor worms I discharged before that time also crawled back. I saw a black sea of ​​worms pounced on the monster, and the monster completely disappeared before our eyes in a rustling sound.

"Your pet is terrifying!" The little fellow floated back and said to me: "If you often let them go out like this to scare people, we can imitate this thing to scare people in the future."

"Although these little fellows are very strong, they are the strength of the group. Individuals are actually very weak, so you'd better not become theirs. Otherwise, it would be a shame to be trampled to death. ."

"Am I just nothing serious! By the way, have you found the way?"

"Yes, but we have to go another way first."



"That's why." Ten minutes later, he pointed to a large piece of shiny black crystal and answered the little fellow's question ten minutes ago.

My original intention was only to let the ghost bugs help me find the way. They didn't expect them to find me a natural black liquid crystal mine. Although the scope of this mine is small, the quality is surprisingly high. The giant magic array used in Isinger’s defense now requires a large piece of high-quality black liquid crystal as an energy conversion device. I didn’t expect to find it here.

"These things are useful to you?" Little fellows are special creatures. Although these black liquid crystals are like food for undead creatures, they are almost like garbage to them.

I briefly explained the purpose of this thing to a little fellow, and then opened the door of the earth directly in the mining area, and asked Qilin warrior to help me dig out all these black liquid crystals and install them into the door of the earth , I myself and the little fellow returned to the main road to the residence of the magical demon. Speaking of which this guy is also true. We have walked at least seven or eight kilometers deep from entering the hole to this place, and we haven't reached the end. I don't know what this guy thought, and even dug such a deep hole.

In the next few hours, my little fellow and I spent time exploring and advancing continuously. We ran for nearly 30 kilometers before and after we finally found the magical magic. clue. What we see now is an ordinary passage. The difference is that the picture of this passage will flicker twice from time to time. Obviously, this is an unstable illusion, and this means that the phantom is living in it. The little fellow and I looked at each other, and then we walked in together.

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