"Who let you in?" We heard such a sentence as soon as we crossed the illusion barrier, but what surprised me was that the voice was actually a female voice.

I looked towards the little fellow next to me in doubt. The little fellow seemed to understand what I meant, and immediately explained: "Our fantasy monsters are originally genderless, but this one is more special. He absorbed a Goddess. The power of this affects my own attributes, and as a result, there are many female characteristics."

I knew nodded, and then said to the cave: "I heard that you are the most powerful magic demon here. , I want a phantom to be my partner. I think you are very suitable."

"hmph, do you want to accept me as a pet?" This guy is not confused. "Since you brought my kind, the relevant information should be known. Are you so sure that you have passed the Heart Demon level?"

"How can you know if you don't try?"

"You really act recklessly! Do you know how the Goddess who was robbed of power by me was robbed of power by me?" Before I could answer the other party, he went on and said: "Just like you. She wanted to accept me as a demon, but she couldn't pass her own Heart Demon level. Instead, I took the opportunity to find her weakness and absorbed a lot of strength. How about? Do you think you are better than Goddess?"

"That's not necessarily." I am not exaggerating. "The power of Goddess is her strength, not her thoughts. Maybe a farmer can pass Heart Demon while a Goddess is defeated by Heart Demon. This is normal."

"It seems You are sure of your own heart, so I won’t say anything anymore. You won’t be reconciled if you don’t try again. Come now! Come in front of me."

I was invited to walk forward with the little fellow immediately, but unlike before, the little fellow next to me looked very scared. Seeing me looking at him suspiciously, the little fellow immediately explained to me: "It seems that I underestimated her. After so many years, her strength has not declined but has become more terrifying."

"How do you You know?"

"It's energy." Little fellow scared witless's replied: "I can feel that the illusion here has begun to materialize. As long as the barrier is breakthrough, she can have her own real illusion. . This time, if you can’t subdue her, don’t count on you in the future. Once you have a real environment, she can hide in her own fantasy world anytime and anywhere, and if you chase in, you will be restricted by the rules she made. You Do you think it’s possible to defeat her in such an environment?"

Although I didn’t figure out what the real illusion that little fellow said is, I can roughly understand that the illusion is like a god, and you can do whatever you want. Modifying the law is like the garden of the mother of the earth, where she can say that the sun never sets, or that the fish can fly. As long as she formulates the law, it will become the law of nature. If there is such a terrifying ability, then this phantom may not be considered a phantom, she is at least a Low God, anyway, Titans and they basically have similar abilities, but they are not as professional as her.

In thinking, we have turned a few small turns and entered the last section of the tunnel. This is not the opponent's room, but the entrance to another illusion. After we passed through a door rippling with water ripples, we felt that our eyes lit up, and we actually left the cave and went outside.

"Earth Garden?" The sight in front of me froze for a moment, because this is not an ordinary open space, but the back garden of the Mother of Earth.

"So this is called the Garden of the Earth?" A woman who was exactly the same as the Mother of the Earth came up from the front, but after hearing her words, she knew that she was not the Mother of the Earth at all, and the other party did not. Intend to conceal this. She stretched out her hand and drew a picture of the all around environment. "This is the most beautiful place I have ever read from your memory. It should be the most beautiful environment in your mind. But who is this woman I am transforming now? I didn't see her taking action in your mind. Records, but you seem to be afraid of her? Is she very strong?"

If it weren’t for the Earth’s Gate in another place to let our Qilin warriors pile black liquid crystal ore in it, I would now The gate of the earth stood in front of her to let her see what a real divine force garden is. Of course, the appearance here is exactly the same as the garden of the Mother of the Earth, but what she simulates is only the appearance, and she can't imitate the overwhelming divine force anyway.

"You are the strongest magic demon here?"

"Please call me Rebecca. (Try to pronounce the name in English instead of Chinglish)"< /p>

"Nice name. Did you make it yourself?"

"No, this was made by my last master."

"Your last Master?"

"He should have told you." Rebecca pointed to the shiver coldly little fellow. "It's the Goddess. Although she was robbed of her power by me, the recognition Master ceremony was completed for an instant, but unfortunately her Heart Demon turned back and won, so the ceremony still failed."

I nodded, and then Cut directly to the topic. "That, as you said, I want you to be my favorite, do you think we should do some preparations first?" Rebecca looked calmly as if it was not her own business After a while, I said: "You want to give me strength for nothing. I certainly don't mind. I can even let you enter the Heart Demon illusion without fighting you. Then you want to start now?"

"This... wait a minute."

"Why? Are you afraid?"

"Can't you read my memory?"


"We are a phantom and not a spiritual body. What we can read is only insignificant memories. We can't read the really important things."

I nodded, and then summoned out Ling and Xiaochun also have a small dragon girl. Rebecca was surprised by the three monsters that suddenly appeared, and then looked at me in a puzzled manner and asked, "What are you summon doing? The Heart Demon environment tests your heart, not your strength. Your familiars You can’t enter the environment at all. In fact, you can’t even enter yourself. What really enters is your consciousness. You can still summon the familiars there, but it’s all your consciousness summon, just like dreaming. You dream. There will also be people you know, but they are only virtual people from your thoughts, and have nothing to do with actual people."

I nodded again to show that I understand, but my hands did not move. stop. "I know the principle of illusion. He told me all along the way. I just want to see your overall strength first. I need your strength to help me do something, but these things require a higher level of strength. If Your strength has not reached the level I need, then I must strengthen your strength first."

"Are you crazy?" Rebecca asked me in surprise: "You Knowing that the stronger my strength, the harder your illusion will be?"

"Of course I know, but what I need are capable men, not useless pets."

< p>"Well, I want to see if you can live with your own Heart Demon. I believe you will pay the price for your arrogance soon."

Actually, I don’t want to take the task It's so difficult, but the phantoms that the task is too simple will be a lot of times. I need a strong subordinate, so I had to work harder.

Ling and Xiaochun together with the small dragon girl made a huge magic array around Rebecca, and then they stood on the three corners of the magic array, followed by Rui appeared on the magic array. Beka's various data. This array was brought out by Ling from Dark God Palace. It was originally used to test the fusion effect of undead creatures. It was later changed to a high level version that can be tested by all attributes, but it is generally useless. Based on the test results, I made an evaluation. According to the calculation method of "Zero", the general comprehensive strength is relatively accurate, which means that the battle strength of people with equal comprehensive strength should be basically equal, but of course it is basically not absolute. I intend here that Rebecca can restrain my strength to a certain extent, and then subtract her restraint score, and then get the upper limit of my strength. Compared with the current attributes of Rebecca, her strength is far from the upper limit that I can bear.

"It seems that you are not as good as you think?" I said while comparing the data.

Rebecca was too lazy to answer my evaluation, anyway, she has now decided that I am an arrogant man. But her silence didn't last long, because I took out the same trick I used to deal with little fellow. "This is your favorite soul with fear and resentment. Take one first and let me see how much strength you can increase."

No arguing with me this time, Rebecca quickly In the envious eyes of the little fellow, he swallowed that soul, and began to increase with the value on the array. I looked at the attribute value shook the head: "It seems that the effect is not ideal! Hurry up and eat all of them." I pulled out more than a hundred souls in one breath, and the little fellow next to it saw it. The saliva is all down. Seeing that he was too pitiful, I lost two souls to him, anyway, this thing is worthless to me.

After swallowing nearly 700 souls in a row, Rebecca's strength finally reached the level I needed, but it was still a little short of my upper endurance limit. I actually wanted her to eat more, but the little fellow kept warning me that if Rebecca's strength surpassed him too much, he would be self-defeating if he couldn't wake me up in the Heart Demon illusion. According to a little fellow, if I can't clearly know that I'm in an illusion, then my probability of successfully passing will not exceed one third.

No way, although danger lurks within the riches and honour, I can't do too much. After I upgraded Rebecca’s strength, I began to connect with Rebecca. This process was originally difficult to complete. However, because Rebecca firmly believed that I would not pass the Heart Demon illusion, she not only didn’t treat me Any obstacles still actively establish a connection with me, so we quickly completed this more difficult process.

The moment the connection was established, I only felt my head dizzy, and then when I woke up, I found myself lying in a place I knew very well, but the things in front of me made me feel very Confuse? "Strange? Why do I always feel that I have forgotten something? What is it?"

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