The flat hillside is cluttered with a large amount of rubble. If no one told me that this place was once the entrance of a cave, I would definitely treat this place as a mess.

"What's the matter?"

The little fellow replied a little embarrassed: "I am not very clear about this, after all, I haven't been here for a long time. That guy has always been I’m not gregarious. Everyone will not come here. I don’t know exactly when this hole collapsed! But the grass is growing up here. I guess it’s not a short time!"

"Then. The guy inside?"

"It shouldn't die." The little fellow answered very positively. "Our phantoms are nihilistic creatures. Sunlight, air, water and food are all dispensable things for us. We are not as fragile as your main material creatures."

"Okay, Your mission ends here, let's go now." Hearing my forgiveness, the little fellow immediately turned around and ran, but he stopped abruptly after running not far. He seemed to hesitate for a while, but he finally asked me loudly: "Do you want to turn that guy into your favorite and take away?" I looked at the little fellow strangely. Maybe he understood what I meant, he continued loudly said: "For the sake of keeping your promise, I will send you a piece of information for free. Our phantom has no real entity, so if you really want to accept that guy as a demon pet Don’t expect to use a method that is as mentally retarded as a drop of blood. You must use your thoughts to wrap the thoughts of the phantoms, but I want to remind you that this process is very dangerous. If you can’t control your thoughts, you may be backlashed."

I was frowned, and after thinking about it, I asked: "Do you have something you want to get? I mean something other than fear."

I have a problem with little fellow I felt very confused, but after thinking about it, it replied: "Soul. We don’t need basic substances to sustain life, so ordinary things are meaningless to us, but we need energy and we want to be strong, except for fear. The most useful thing for us is the soul. Sometimes it is the soul with negative emotions. Of course, it is best to be the spirit of fear produced by creatures that are scared to death. It is simply the deliciousness of Supreme."

< p>I opened Fenglong Space, and then I found a sign with the word "Ghost" written on it. This thing was issued by Celestial Court, and it serves as King Yama's certificate. Anyway, I am now the 11th King Yama in China. It is not decent without Magical Artifact. Of course, this thing has some other uses besides identity certification. Although it is not very useful in fighting, some small functions are still very affordable, such as the current soul extraction ability. Yan Luo has the ability to arbitrarily interrogate the souls under his jurisdiction. Of course, the controlled will not be any very strong guy. I used this brand's simple search ability to search for it, and soon found some souls that met the requirements. Soon, a soul surrounded by fear and resentment was caught by me. As soon as the little fellow saw this soul, he immediately ran back, but he was frightened by my coercion and he only stopped in front of me in the end and did not dare to do too much.

"Did you see this?" I asked the little fellow.

The little fellow was immediately nodded desperately.

"Do you want it?"

Nodded again.

"Tell me something about the characteristics of your phantoms, especially the precautions when you mentioned the summon pet, and then it is yours."

Listen to me Then the little fellow nodded desperately and immediately began to say: "Of course this little thing is okay. First of all, you must use your own thoughts to integrate the power of the magical demon you want to summon when you are summoning, but this process is very dangerous. When you surround him, it also means that you let go of all your thoughts to him. At this time, he can disturb your thinking at will. So at this time, some things you usually worry about or fear will appear in your thoughts. , You will experience these scenes that you least want to see or fear the most like a dream. If you pass, then you can control the magic demon and make it your favorite. If you fail, then you have two One option. One is to force it to become your familiar at the cost of lowering its own level by 200 levels, and the other is to give up making it your familiar, but you only need to drop one hundred levels."

"Neither are good choices. I still think it is better to complete the terrifying dream."

The little fellow immediately said: "Actually, it is not difficult to complete this dream. The key is to enter After the dream, the branch related to your dreaming is blocked, which means that you will forget that you are dreaming, which will make you think of the dream as reality. So in this case, your judgment and everything will become very dangerous. , If you have any serious shadows or loopholes in your mind, you will be in great trouble, but it is generally good for your own psychology to break through. But you don’t have to worry. If you are willing to give me a soul like that, I can open a protection for you at the cost of permanently sacrificing a small part of my strength, so that after you are dragged into that dream, you can remember that you are dreaming, and you will retain your normal strength. I know that usually most people will become their state in reality when they complete this summon dream. In that case, it is difficult for you to complete the dream."

I nodded. "Deal. What else do you know useful to me? Keep talking."

When I agreed, the little fellow immediately said harder: "The other thing to pay attention to is to conquer the phantom You must defeat the phantom demon before you become a familiar. This is not difficult for you, but you'd better be afraid of him. The more you hurt the phantom demon's self-confidence, the weaker the dreams he creates when you conquer the phantom demon. Weak. But I have to remind you that what you want to conquer is not a normal phantom, so even if you complete the task of damaging the opponent’s confidence, the final dream will be very difficult.” After a pause, the little fellow continued, “The thing to pay attention to is That's it, but there are some helpful news for you. First of all, this soul. Just like the soul with fear and resentment you provided to me, it is simply the best. This kind of soul is just like us Like Shiquan Dabu Pills, one can greatly increase your strength, but there is a prerequisite: the soul-absorbing phantom will not listen to control, and your control over a phantom is constant."

"Wait, I didn't understand this paragraph."

" are not a magic demon, it’s not so good to explain to you, anyway, you remember that if the magic Demon Transformation becomes a demon pet If you swallow the spirit of fear, you will lose loyalty, and the lost loyalty cannot be made up. If you don’t want your familiar betrayal, don’t let him swallow the spirit of fear."

"That What should I do if I want to improve his strength?"

"It's very simple. Give him the Spirit of Fear before catching him. The more he eats, the stronger. But you have to master this level. Ok. If you eat too much, it becomes too powerful. You can’t harvest the familiar but it’s your own problem."

"Then what happens after I receive the familiar?"

" After receiving the pet, the only way to provide the power of the magic pet is the power of fear. Find more expert battles so that your magic pet can absorb the opponent's power. Basically, the more power he absorbs from the opponent, the stronger ."

I nodded, and then asked: "Is there anything else?"

The little fellow thought for a long time before hooking the head. "That's all I know. But you seem to have a lot of that kind of souls. If you are willing to pay ten of them, I can go in with you as your mercenary. Although I am not as good as that guy, there is a The magical demon helps you suppress the strength of that guy, but it is very useful for you. Especially when you are ready to accept him as a demon pet. When you wrap his thoughts with your thoughts, you will enter the dream together, and he will be transformed into a dream. Subject, you will enter the dream. With me by your side, I can also help you protect the law, and I can assist in tampering with your dreams, and try to reduce the difficulty for you."

"Deal." These souls It doesn't make any sense to me, it's simply too cost-effective to exchange for help from the other party. Of course, a little fellow has the same thoughts as me now. After all, it is useless to me, but it does not mean that it is useless to him. Knowing that this time, he has acquired twelve higher fear spirits, which is much stronger than his devouring the fear of those people.

After discussing the transaction, I was planning to enter the hole. I suddenly thought of a question. "That's right, ask another question. What is the use of the smoking thing you ate after you became a snake?"

"Oh, if you don't tell me, I have forgotten it." The little fellow immediately Explained: "I don't know what it is called. Anyway, it is a big supplement for us, and you can feed him after you receive the familiar, which can strengthen his void form and enhance his special ability. The only downside is that there will be a short-term loss of strength after eating that thing, but it can be recovered in ten minutes."

"Then if I give the guy inside first eat this thing later. Is it a bit cheaper to fight him?" I asked, taking out two red "briquettes".

"Do you have any more?" The little fellow was obviously greedy for this thing, but after thinking about it for a while, he gave up. All creatures that involve souls and dreams are not low in intelligence, and the little fellow in front of him naturally knows that I will not give this to him. "What you said should work. You can feed him the Spirit of Fear first to increase his strength to a little more than the limit you can bear, and then give him this food to lower his strength, so that you can get It's a stronger familiar, and it doesn't have any side effects."

I noticed the little fellow staring at the thing in my hand while talking, and then suddenly I got an idea. "What do you phantoms think about being a pet?"

"Views?" The little fellow stared at me blankly: "What can we think? It's nothing more than finding a strong one. Master to take refuge in it?"

"So you are not disgusted with being a pet?"

"Disgusted? Why dislike it?"

Eh ...This is the so-called misunderstanding of thinking. The thoughts of these creatures are completely different from the thoughts of human beings! We feel that devil beasts have lost their freedom, so we think that devil beasts are unwilling to be devil beasts. Although this is the true idea of ​​most devil beasts, in fact, there are still a few creatures who are not only not disgusted with being beasts, but also yearn for being devil beasts. The Phantom Show belongs to a group of this individual group, but compared to the precious share of the Familiar and this kind of troublesome dream mission, I don't think the Phantom Familiar is very suitable for being a Familiar. My idea is to let the magic demon be our guild guardian beast. There are currently five guardian beasts in our guild. Fenglong provides us with a large portable storage space. The steel claw can be used as a meat shield type combat creature, and occasionally as a lower mount for transportation, and it has super strong battle strength underwater. Long spear's flying ability and super high speed give our guild players a terrifying maneuverability. Hairball, I don't use this kind of little fellow for a long time. Besides being cute, it doesn't seem to have much practical value, but it is very useful to deceive a small MM. Shusi, this is the guardian creature sent by Monster Race, the strength is messy, and there are all types. The guardian tree division of my large Purple Moon has the ability to absorb the magic power and health of the enemy and replenish me and my summon creatures, while the small silver moon has the ability to hypnotize a large area, create illusions and mental charm. Although this phantom and my Silver Moon’s guardian beast abilities are a bit duplicated, the guardian tree divisions of our guild do not all have the same ability. For most branch members, this phantom’s transforming enemy is afraid of destroying the opponent’s information. Ability is still very important. As for myself, I still plan to have a Phantom Familiar, because I need to use Phantom’s special strength in many occasions, and the guardian beast that cannot be upgraded with the player is not very useful for me. I must have a powerful Phantom Familiar to send it. Useful. After thinking of this, I immediately said to the little fellow: "Are you willing to let you be the guardian beast of our guild?"

"Guardian beast? What is that for? Is it the same as a demon pet?" "

"Guardian beasts are more free than magical pets, and they are not a lifelong system. Guardian beasts belong to the guild, not individuals. Our guild assigns a player to fight together as a partner, so if If you don’t like your partner, you can change. If you don’t want to partner with our members, you can also become the city guardian beast. Anyway, the guardian beasts don’t necessarily have to go out. Some of them will stay in the city and fight independently. How? Isn't the demon pet cool?"

"But being a demon pet can get the benefits from the owner!"

Halo, there are actually such greedy creatures. "Guild Guardian is the same! And there are not so many restrictions."

"That’s not bad. I am willing to be the Guardian of the Guild. As for the other magic monsters, you have to ask them yourself. Among us Without a leader, I can’t help others decide their future."

"This is very simple. After we come out for a while, you gather everyone together and we ask, I hope that the guild guards will follow me. Can you stay if you don’t want to."

The little fellow immediately nodded and said: "This method is good, and I guess most people will go with you." At this point, the little fellow suddenly got a little bit twisted. Asked: "That...Although you may have a magical demon familiar, you should also have a guardian beast partner?"

"Of course. What's wrong?"

"Can I be your partner?"

"Of course I can. Anyway, I also want to have a fantasy partner."

"Haha, can I enjoy it in the future?" Unlimited fearful spirits?"

Dizzy, it turns out that this guy made this idea. I thought that the charm of free personality could even fascinate magical demons! Really, happy for nothing!

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