"What does it mean to fight against you? I snatched my things from the Chinese. No matter how the Chinese things came from, it has nothing to do with me. This is the truth for you. Don't you understand?"

"Hmph, you mean you decided to fight me?" Nobunaga Onitaka glared at Matsumoto Masaka. "Okay, remember it for me, and I will let you know who is the boss in Japan now."

After Nobunaga Onisha left, Masaga Matsumoto ran to a deserted area immediately, and then He took out a strange bracelet from his body and brought it to his wrist. He touched the bracelet, and the bracelet immediately released a black crystal ball to envelop him. From the outside of the crystal ball, it seems that the inside of the crystal ball is dark and nothing can be seen. However, the crystal interior of the water crystal interior Masaka Matsumoto is standing in front of a light blue light ball suspended in the air, and this light ball is talking to Masaka Matsumoto. What is happening, and the light ball is constantly flashing as the voice changes, which looks very regular.

In fact, this ball of light is a spatial projection. Its body is the military god located in Isengard. As for the black ball of light outside, it is used to isolate the detection equipment, which is mainly to prevent Matsumoto. When Zhenghe contacted us, he was accidentally discovered by other Japanese players, so we tied the shielding device and the communication device together, and we even used the prayer altar to apply for a special task to fully integrate it. And miniaturized into the form of a bracelet.

Masaga Matsumoto is now reporting the reaction of Nobunaga Onitaka to the god of war, and the think tank of the guild and I of the god of war are listening together through the terminal device in different places. With his report. After Masaka Matsumoto's report, Rose said immediately: "You don't have to worry about this. Since you are going to be on the job again, conflicts with Nobunaga Oniji will be inevitable, but you still have to be as careful as possible during this time. "

Su Mei's voice suddenly came out from the ball of light. "I think it's better to let Song this Monarch lose a little bit."

"The reason? Please explain." Although the military god is a battlefield management computer, he is not a human after all. Maybe he is the macro control ability. Better than humans, but when it comes to innovation and tricks, he is no match for humans.

"We can publicize this matter, so that Song this Monarch can gain a little support, and then if Song this Monarch is persecuted by Nobunaga Onishu, then we can just make a fuss about it. .Matsumoto Masaka can come out as a suffering master, and then let Song this Monarch tell other Japanese players that those cities we occupy must not be robbed, and when those Japanese players ask why they can tell them Song this What happened to Monarch himself was to prove that Nobunaga Onihand did not allow others to control the cities he lost, so even if other Japanese players took the city back, he would not recognize the ownership of those people. This is equivalent to He pushed Onitou Nobunaga to the opposite of those Japanese players who wanted to regain lost ground."

"The probability calculation passed." Military god said very seriously: "Based on this suggestion, I can calculate three against us. Favorable results, firstly, it aroused the enthusiasm of Japanese players to regain lost ground, secondly, it severely damaged Nobunaga's position in the hearts of Japanese players, and thirdly, they received sympathy points for Song this Monarch indirectly, and Japanese players may no longer be there. Regardless of this Monarch’s previous mistakes, after all, the Japanese are sympathetic. Of course, this sympathy is only effective for their native people, but fortunately, this Monarch is still considered by them as their own. You made the mistake first, but they didn’t treat you as an enemy."

Although Matsumoto’s heart is not good, he has already defected to us now. Besides, he has even arrived in China as he is in reality. There is no retreat at all, so he can only self-hypnotize himself as a person abandoned by the Japanese, so he doesn't need to care about national concepts anymore. After comforting himself for a while, Masaka Matsumoto said: "I think Miss Suomi's statement is a bit exaggerated. I don't think I need to be bullied by Nobunaga Onitou. As long as he attacks me, even if I win him. The name of this Chinese accomplice is also set."

"That's what I said." Rose said, "If this is the case, the plan will remain the same. Please this Monarch, please do your best. If you can’t beat Nobunaga Onishou, Purple Moon will attack the city and interrupt your battle."

"Understand, I will prepare to deal with Nobunaga Onishou. ’S revenge.”

As long as Nobunaga took over from Masaka Matsumoto as the leader of Japanese players, I already knew that Nobunaga was not a think-tank leader like Masaka Matsumoto, he was more like He is a reckless man, although he is more resourceful than the average reckless man, he is absolutely incomparable with Masaga Matsumoto. If it was Matsumoto Masaka's situation like today, he would definitely endure it for the time being, but Oniji Nobunaga was not Matsumoto Masaka after all, he couldn't think of so much. Compared with Matsumoto Masaga Onitou Nobunaga, he pays more attention to immediate interests. It is also a victory. If Matsumoto Masaka wins, it must be a long-planned overall victory, and then he will win one after another, without giving the opponent any chance to make a comeback, but the ghost hand Nobunaga is different. His victory is simply a victory. It can be said that as long as he wins the battle in front of him, he will simply not think about what to do in the future battle. This is the biggest difference between a martial power leader and a think tank leader. So I am not afraid of losing to Nobunaga Onishu, anyway, his battle is one game, even if he loses one game, it doesn't mean much.

After discussing the matter with us, Masaka Matsumoto began to win over some of the old forces in Hirakawa Castle. He is no longer the leader of Japanese players, so he has a better position than Nobuhiro. Unfortunately, although people are high-level animals, they are still animals after all, so reason does not determine everything. People often decide the degree of affinity between others and themselves based on their own subjective judgments. Although Nobunaga Oni is the leader of Japanese players, the affinity of the leader is not very high compared to those around him. What Matsumoto Masaka needs to do now is to communicate more with these people. As long as he gets acquainted with everyone, then these people will at least not help Oni Shou Nobunaga beat him in the future battle for the city.

Actually, while Masaka Matsumoto was busy building a relationship, Nobunaga and I were not free, but we and Masaka Matsumoto were not the same thing. As the leader of a party, we have a lot more work than Masaga Matsumoto. At least we can't concentrate all our energy on the gains and losses of a city. Now Nobunaga and I are busy instructing to move ore to the ship.

Just a few minutes after I ended the call with Masaka Matsumoto, the military god sent me a message. According to the news from the guild's intelligence personnel lurking next to Nobunaga Onitou, Nobunaga's men had just received a news. There is a small island temporarily appearing in the offshore area of ​​Honshu Island, Japan facing the Pacific Ocean. There is a temporary task on this island where you can exchange a magic crystal for a personal attribute, and the upper limit is not counted. In other words, as long as you have enough magic crystals, even if you add your attributes to the sky, it doesn't matter to you. However, it is said that the NPCs on this island are not all magic crystals. He only accepts a limited number of magic crystals with the best quality. Although there are unlimited number of attribute points available on this island, but considering the special requirements of the magic crystals received, I guess that the person who really has the ability to apply attribute points is nothing more than the guild leader of each guild, and the number of points that can be brushed is about the same. Not too much, after all, high-end magic crystal is a scarce material that is priceless and not marketable. However, this time there is a system setting that allows the use of ordinary magic crystals to exchange high level magic crystals on the island and then use them as capital. However, this exchange process must be deducted for some intermediate fees, so it is still not possible to exchange too much. Otherwise, the cost will not be affordable. Of course, I did not go this time mainly to exchange attributes. Anyway, I am always system first. My main goal is to prevent Nobunaga Ghosts from redeeming attributes. In the long run, Nobunaga Kisou is a big trouble. It’s good for me not to let him convert to an attribute. From a closer look, Nobunaga Kisou will be troubled by Masaka Matsumoto when he returns. Long strength has improved, then Masaga Matsumoto is not easy to get mixed up.

It took us more than four hours to fill up the warehouse on the battleship, and then set sail from Fulcrum City, bypassing Honshu Island and heading towards the target location. Because Japan is not the center of sea warfare right now, so we don't have a few ships here. This time, only three medium-sized battleships were sent out for me. According to the plan, we can also converge to the seven battleships returning from Australia on the way. Two of the seven battleships are large-scale battleships. Once converged, our battle strength is still considerable.

On the Japanese side, Nobunaga Onishi is much more greedy than I am. It took this kid a full eight hours to gather six battleships before leaving the port, and is different from my three medium-sized battleships, Nobunaga Onishi There is a heavy battleship in the fleet, and the remaining five are medium-sized battleships but larger than our battleships. In this way, with the dream of surpassing me with attribute points, Nobunaga Onitaka finally set sail after we were four hours late, but he was not much behind us in the distance because of the distance.

In the turbulent sea, the heavy cruiser Shanghai Conch moved quickly towards the target at a standard speed. The medium cruiser of the Medal of the Night and the large destroyer Sea Dog followed the Conch from left to right. Since a large thunderstorm area was found ahead, we made a small modification to our course so that we can wipe the edge of the thunderstorm area and go around. However, although this is only the edge of the thunderstorm zone, the waves are still quite strong, and the three battleships sway in wind and rain like three leaves.

"How far are we from that island?" Nobunaga Onitaka sat in the bridge and asked the captain next to him.

"There are still more than one hundred nautical miles. At this speed, we can see the island when we walk out of the storm zone in more than three hours."

Ghost letter Long nodded, and then said to himself: "Thanks to the big ships that I brought this time, I don’t know how much time it will take to go around the storm belt!"

The captain listened. At Nobunaga Onitou’s words immediately explained: “In fact, it’s not that our ship is big enough, but because our angle is not straight into the center of the storm, so we just pass by the edge of the storm zone, even a small battleship is not necessary. Detour."

"Oh? Is that so? So that's how it is! It seems that God helped us too."

Nobunaga Guishou is proud to announce With emotion, I suddenly heard the correspondent yell.

"The watchtower found the shadow of the ship."

"Report the details." The captain rushed to the correspondent's side and asked when he couldn't take over the ghost hand Nobunaga.

The correspondent first asked the lookout hand before reporting to the captain: "Found ship shadow three, bearing zero nine zero, heading zero, speed thirty-four. One cruiser, one large destroyer, and one medium cruiser."

"Chinese battleship?" The captain was obviously taken aback, but he didn't show any panic. "The order is centered on this ship, the left-wing battleship accelerates forward, and the right-wing battleship decelerates and retreats to form a one-line array. After the formation is completed, it will slowly approach the enemy ship at a constant speed of 35, and all gun positions will be ready for battle at Level 1." After this series of orders, the captain turned around and said to Nobunaga Demon: “Although the battle strength of the Frost Rose League’s battleship is higher than that of our same-level battleship, this time we take advantage of both the number of battleships and the tonnage of single ships. The three ships should be resolved soon."

Nobunaga is not as optimistic as the captain. Different status determines different ways of thinking. For the captain of a battleship and the commander of a squadron, what the Japanese player in front of him has to consider is only how to win a naval battle, but Nobunaga Onishe has to consider more.

"This may just be the Chinese squadron. Don’t be careless. We will leave as soon as the battle is over. We have to rush to the island on the bench between the large Chinese fleet’s discovery."


"Understood. Ah..." Boom, a sudden explosion accompanied by a violent shock directly shook the captain who was about to salute to the ground. Following Guishou Nobunaga, he saw the front A huge water column was erected very close to the rear of the Kirishima, and the Kirishima in front of it suddenly turned to the left and quickly left the formation.

As soon as the captain of the battleship Tianyou where Nobunaga was on the ground, he heard the correspondent report loudly: "The ship’s No. 3 turret was shot and has lost its function. The Kirishima ahead. The battleship reported that their rudder was damaged and they could no longer control their direction."

"Damn, how can the Chinese guns fire so accurately?" Guishou Nobunaga complained loudly.

The captain said calmly: "The range and accuracy of the guns of the battleship belonging to the Frost Rose League are far above our battleship, but it was just a calibration, otherwise there would be no more than two shots. !"

"But this is too accurate!"

"It doesn't matter, it should just be a coincidence. Although the Chinese guns are accurate, they have not yet reached the point where they can hit a hundred shots, especially It’s under this kind of thunderstorm now."

In fact, the captain’s judgment was quite accurate, because at this time the Conch’s bridge was also cheering loudly. I put down the telescope and said to the Captain of the Conch next to me: "Who fired the gun just now? This kid is really lucky! It seems that the rudder of the cruiser blown up, and he is spinning there now!" < /p>

The captain of the Conch said with a smile: "Although the results are good, I still have to scold him for a while. I don’t believe that he at first planned to hit someone’s tail rudder. He must have done it. Wrong. On the contrary, it was good at the beginning, and it hit the tail section turret of the most important battleship of the little devil. The three turrets that threaten us the most are now missing one."

While listening to the captain, I turned my head and looked towards the Japanese fleet, but as soon as I turned my head, I saw a few fireballs lit up on the Japanese battleship on the opposite side. "Lie down!" I screamed out quickly and pressed the Captain of the Conch beside me to the ground.

Boom...boom...continuous explosions one after another, the Conch stabilized after a violent sway. When we got up, only a few tall water columns were falling back. I nervously ran to the side of the ship and looked back and forth. Fortunately, I didn’t see the fire. The correspondent’s report made me feel a little relieved. . Little Japan’s naval guns are really much worse than ours. Although we tested more than a dozen rounds at a time, only one of our Conch was hit and missed because it hit the thickest part of the armor.

"Aren't the small Japanese guns so good?" said a very young player inside the bridge.

"The guns that are not Japanese are not good, but the distance is too far. We will not be able to withstand such shelling when we get closer." The captain of the Conch ordered: "Attention to the fleet, keep and The distance between the Japanese, don’t let them narrow the distance, our firepower dominates at this distance."

The helmsman immediately reported: "But the captain, our right is In the storm zone, if the Japanese approached, we would retreat again and again and we would be forced into the storm!"

"I forgot this!"

Look at the captain Then consider what to do. I directly opened the mouth and said: "Don't worry about the Japanese, we speed up, as long as we can get ashore before Nobunaga Onitaka, we don't have to worry about anything."

" "The captain immediately ordered the fleet to accelerate out of the battle after hearing this, but the Japanese were not stupid, and they drove fast to catch up with us as soon as we accelerated. Originally, the Japanese ship could not run our battleship in a normal state, but the problem is that it is not in a normal state. The storm makes the hull very difficult to deal with, and the waves also hinder the navigation of the battleship. In this case, the bigger the ship, the cheaper it will be. Since we are relatively closer to the center of the storm than the Japanese, and we are not dominant in tonnage, the speed is actually a little slower than the Japanese. As a result, not only did we fail to get rid of the Japanese fleet but made them more and more close. It's near.

"Damn, I was chased by them." The captain of the Conch was very depressed and put down the telescope to the correspondent ordered: "Order all gun positions to concentrate fire on the battleship at the forefront of the Japanese fleet, unless the target sinks or sinks. Lose the ability to chase, otherwise do not stop shooting. After completing the target, immediately transfer the target to the second-ranked ship."


With this command, both sides on the sea The battleship started a shelling battle in motion. Although the battleships of Little Japan can run faster than us in this weather condition, they are not much faster than us. Although the distance is getting closer, the speed is unusually slow. Although our battleships are small in number, our guns are powerful. With the advantage of long range and high accuracy, they blasted the leading Japanese battleship all the way. For a time, the leading battleship was constantly on fire, and it hit ten in less than 3 minutes. Three shells.

"Report, The Wave has requested a change of formation position. They are almost unable to withstand it." The correspondent on the battleship where Nobunaga Guizhou was reporting to the captain and Nobunaga Guizou.

The captain glanced at Guishou Nobunaga hoping that he could give some advice, but Guishou Nobunaga said nothing this time. As a result, the captain had to brace oneself ordered: "Let them hold on. The Chinese just hope to use this tactic to force us to stop chasing. Once we change the formation position, it is equivalent to increasing the distance of a ship with them. We now have to get an extra shell for every one meter we chase, the length of this ship But it’s not something we can walk through at will and let them hold on."

Although this order is harsher for the battleship at the head, it is the truth after all. Besides, the Japanese are not afraid of death. The Wave Breaking still accepted the order to chase forward under the gunfire, but sometimes the will is not omnipotent. Accompanied by a loud explosion sound, the bow of the Breaking Wave suddenly jumped upwards, followed by the whole ship and slammed back into the water. The bow plunged into the water and never floated again, while the second half of the hull fell into the water. Cocked Lao Gao, the battleship behind can even see its high-speed rotation propellers flying in the air.

"Report, communication from the Breaking Wave."


"The ammunition depot under the No. 2 turret of our ship was detonated by artillery shells. Now There is no way to save it. I hope Zhu Jun will continue to work hard and we will take one step first."

Along with the low atmosphere in the Japanese fleet, our battleship was full of cheers, but this atmosphere did not last long. Everyone in the Conch’s bridge was cheering. Suddenly the battleship shook violently, and then began to tilt to the left. The huge battleship turned sideways at a large angle like a high-speed motorbike, turning towards the direction of the Japanese fleet. Rushed over.

"Not good, the rudder was shot!"

The captain rushed to the position of the correspondent and commanded loudly: "Report the loss."

The correspondent only contacted and reported: "A rudder and B1 rudder were completely damaged, and now they have entered the left full rudder position, and B2 rudder is basically normal. The second propeller is deformed and can no longer work, and the watertight compartment D267 is slightly flooded. The hull structure is basically normal."

"Fortunately, the injury is not serious." The captain said to me: "Our guild’s battleship is equipped with side thrusters on the bow, even if the rudder wheel is completely malfunctioning. You can still control the direction, but the turning radius will be increased."

"Then you have to thank me." I smiled and said to the captain: "This side thrust engine was originally what I asked for All the battleships of this guild have to be installed. It seems that the effect is not bad, but our speed can’t be improved. Isn’t the Japanese battleship coming closer and closer?"

"There is no way. Now, the deformed rudder will increase our resistance, and now there is a set of propellers that are deformed, and the speed must not go up."

I nodded. "Then try to find a way to kill more battleships before the enemy approaches."

"We are now at the maximum firepower output. It seems that unless the special formation from Australia can arrive in time, Otherwise, we might have no hope of running away."

"That's it!" I hesitated for a while and then said: "Anyway, you try to kill as many Japanese battleships as possible, and I will meet Japan after you get closer. The human fleet conducts special attacks."

"Special attack? President, we are not a battleship, we don’t have special guns?"

"What do you want that thing for? I'm not a magic puppet. , Are you still planning to put me in the cannon and hit the Japanese battleship?"

"That's true, but I still hope that the president would better not go there by himself."

"Why?" I felt very strange looking at the captain's serious face.

The captain said seriously: "We are the navy after all. As long as the battleship is still there, it is our shame to let passengers like you, President, do it by themselves!"

"All said Environment affects personality, it seems to be really good." I muttered a little bit and then said to the captain: "Then I will try not to take action, but this task is very important. I can't just follow you just because of your face. Do it, if the situation does not support it, I will still take action."

"Thank you, Chairman."

After getting my permission, the captain’s enthusiasm was unprecedentedly high, and the orders were like running water. It seemed that the messenger was so busy that there was no time to look up. The battle on the sea has gradually become more intense due to the captain’s long enthusiasm. Of course, the gradual closer distance is also one of the key factors.

Because our side always concentrates firepower on the Japanese battleship at the top of the row, the battleships at the back of the Japanese fleet are basically unscathed, but the total number of battleships is only four. Compared to the total number of Japanese battleships, this battle loss ratio is indeed quite serious, but considering the number of both sides, we still suffer. Due to the fact that my naval gun has finally begun to enter the best range in recent days, our artillery has no advantage at this distance. Anyway, there is no deviation, no matter how precise it is, it doesn’t make much sense. As for the formidable power. Anyway, it can shoot through the deck. As for how many layers can be penetrated, it doesn't actually make much sense.

Onitou Nobunaga was sitting on his battleship and shouting loudly to let the Captain of the Godsou speed up to rush up, but the captain of the Godsou never stopped the words of Nobunaga, he was very calm. Commanding the remaining four battleships were divided into two teams and outflanked from both sides. Due to the very difficult to deal with the speed reduction of the Conch, they were quickly caught in the middle by their four battleships. Although Nobunaga realized that the captain hadn't listened to his orders, he knew that he couldn't make trouble at this time, so he didn't say anything but urged to attack the Conch.

Seeing that the Japanese battleship aimed its muzzle at the Conch, the seamen on our side became anxious. The Sea Dog even tried to rush up to help us block the shells, but the battleship was swaying in the waves. It's so powerful that it can't make it up in a short period of time.

The captain of the Conch also discovered the Sea Dog’s intentions. He directly grabbed the correspondent’s crystal communicator and shouted: "Sea Dog, I order you to go back and stay in formation. Don’t do stupid things. ."

"But the Conch has been shot the most, and if it is shot, it will sink!"

"It is also my Conch that sinks, and if you rush up, we will sink together. Go down, stay in your place for me."


"No, but this is an order." The microphone returned to the correspondent and ordered: "Attention, the fleet, after the Japanese battleship salvos, the whole fleet turns to 280 and concentrates firepower on the Nakajima on the left front."

"Huh?" The correspondent. Obviously he was taken aback by this order, but after a glance at the captain, he still issued the order.

The preparations for the Japanese battleship were very fast. In about ten seconds, all the battleship’s muzzles were aimed at the Conch, and then the Japanese battleship guns on the left and right were suddenly lit up at the same time. After getting up, the Conch shook suddenly after less than five seconds. The whole ship shook violently as if it was about to disperse. At the same time, we heard huge explosions and metal distortions, which seemed to be the main structure of the hull. Was destroyed.

In fact, the Japanese are also very satisfied with the effect of the shelling. At least the large rows of holes on the left and right sides of the Conch look exaggerated, and everyone can see the speed of the Conch. Obviously slowed down, and obviously has basically lost motivation.

The captain got up from his position and immediately ordered to the correspondent: "Report the loss."

"The ship was shot in multiple places and the engine room was damaged. Only the No. 1 turbine can run at half speed, the power mechanism inside the ship is damaged, and the turret steering mechanism is basically out of order at present. Both the No. 1 and No. 2 turrets can only fire up ahead, but the No. 3 turret is still operating normally. The cabin was damaged and there was slight water ingress. The damaged pipe was being dealt with. The main keel of the hull was slightly deformed, which would not affect navigation for the time being, but it must be a great cultivator as soon as possible. "The captain laughed and ordered: "Then, as originally planned, the fleet will salvo the Nakajima in the front left and turn to 280."

"Understand, shoot the Nakajima and turn around. Twenty-eight zero."

After receiving the order, the captains on the Sea Dog and Medal shouted loudly: "Shoot the guns and fire them. Give me concentrated fire on the Nakajima."

The close-range volley of the three battleships was quite terrifying. The Nakajima was even worse than its previous companions. The right side of the entire hull was blasted out of a row of holes almost instantly, and the sea was moving from between the rolling steel plates. The craziness poured into the hull, and the right chord of the entire ship tilted to be level with the sea almost instantly.

The Japanese were taken aback by this sudden attack, but after they saw that our battleship was accelerating towards the Nakajima, they understood that we were planning to break through the encirclement from here, but they were originally There are not many more battleships than us, and now there is one more crippled ship, even if I want to do something, I feel a little bit powerless.

The Conch dragged the injured body and followed the Seal and the Medal to rush towards the Nakajima, but the Nakajima was unable to move because of the loss of power and could only "guard" in his own position desperately The shooting was expected to bring more people to bury, but unfortunately their hull was too crooked and the shooting was greatly affected, except that the Conch was unfortunately hit by another shot. No one actually encountered it.

The Captain of the Conch shouted loudly: "Let the Medal leave the formation, speed up and rush to break the Nakajima."

"What?" Medal Seeing this command, the captain immediately shouted with excitement: "haha, it’s time to make contributions! Order the engine room to activate all emergency power, run as fast as you can, and concentrate firepower on all the gun positions you can reach. I hit the middle section of Nakajima."

Because the Conch decelerated, the Japanese quickly discovered the crazily accelerated medal number. Their firepower quickly concentrated, but because the distance between the two sides itself was not far, In addition, the Medal launched emergency power, so the Japanese had time to launch two rounds before the Medal rushed to the vicinity of the Nakajima, and more than half of the shells went into the sea. After all, the Nakajima was too far away. The speed of the medal number is too fast and it is not easy to aim.

Just as the Medal was about to collide with the Nakajima, the former main gun of the Conch suddenly fired again, and all three magical shells hit the middle of the Nakajima. Three large holes were exploded in the middle section of the Nakajima hull and the upper island bridge structure, and the middle section of the hull made a distorted sound due to excessive force. The captain of the Nakajima was shaken to the ground. Before he got up, the observer standing at the window screamed loudly. Following the captain, he felt that he was flying, or the ship was flying. After the Nakajima was thrown more than a foot high from the water, the main girder of the hull could no longer withstand the huge force and broke into two pieces. Without the support of the main structure, the steel plate of the hull was easily torn like fingers. The whole ship was bent to a strange angle from the middle and then suddenly disconnected. Following the medal number, it rushed past the broken place and split into two. The half of the hull squeezed to the sides from separately. When the Medal rushed past, the vortex in the stern accelerated the sinking of the Nakajima, and it took more than a minute before and after.

Only surging bubbles and a lot of floats remained on the sea. Thing out.

The crew on the Medal was about to celebrate, and suddenly heard a loud explosion sound coming from behind. Many people who had nothing to do rushed to the side of the ship and looked back, only to see the Conch. The bow of the ship was raised and tall, and the stern was billowing with smoke, which was obviously hit hard.

On the Conch, I said to the captain: "You can't play like this anymore. You have tried your best. I don't want to delay business. Now I order the Sea Dog and the Medal to slow down 1/4

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