There is nothing wrong with my mind. Failure is really not a good thing, but this time is different, even though failure is still something to be happy about, because this small pain allows us to avoid a catastrophe. Compared with the huge fleet of the guild, the three battleships lost this time are just one hair from nine oxen. How worthwhile is it to exchange these three ships for the entire fleet of the Frost Rose Alliance? Let's imagine. If we did not find the Japanese vaporized magic crystal shells this time, as long as the Japanese attacked Isengard and designed a great decisive battle at sea, when our fleet was all gathered together to prepare for a decisive battle with the Japanese fleet, we suddenly discovered the Japanese fleet. With a weapon that can destroy one of our ships, what should we do at that time? Behind Isinger, can we escape? But if we don’t run away, can our battleship survive in the end? So I said that it’s very fortunate to be able to discover this secret weapon with three ships in advance. In fact, let alone three ships, even if the three squadrons were sunk this time, we should all burn the incense!

After thinking about the pros and cons of this battle, it's time to consider the island mission that suddenly appeared. Although our ship sank, I didn't plan to give up this mission. At least I can't let the Guishou Nobunaga get the attribute enhancement. Since our ship sank, all the magic crystals on the ship sank to the seabed. Although I don't care about this loss, I still feel distressed when I think of it, but I finally thought of a way to quickly make up the resources. Let our crew here wait for Sea Clan to come to the rescue, and I myself quickly dived under the remaining battleship of the Japanese and hung myself on the bottom of the boat with the eternally changing hook.

Although there will be players specializing in underwater battles on ships in naval battles, these players are not fish after all. Impossible stays in the sea, so no one notices me until the Japanese battleship reaches its destination. This stowaway who didn't buy a ticket.

The Japanese battleship did not dock directly. The island of this mission is obviously not a normal human settlement, so there is no port, let alone battleships, even the larger patrol boats may not be able to go up. .

Ghost Nobunaga and his men rowed ashore in a lifeboat. A large number of players and NPCs behind are busy unloading the magic crystal from the boat. Using this time, Guishou Nobunaga has already taken a few experts and walked into the island first.

Because there are people from Nobunaga Onitou here, I swam to a farther cliff edge before jumping out of the water. I easily climbed to the top of the cliff using the tools on the magic dragon suit. Standing on the top of this cliff does not allow you to see the entire island, because a large mountain blocks the line of sight. The entire island looks almost the size of Isengard, basically it can be regarded as a medium to large island. The vegetation coverage rate on the island is over 95%, and there are almost no other colors except green.

"The environment is very good. Rose vines, pioneers." Fenglong space unfolded, and two summon creatures appeared quickly. "The pioneers first go to the nearby area to detect if there are any dangerous things on the island, Rose Vine, you go and watch Nobunaga the ghosts, and tell me what is the case." After the two demons took their orders and left, I summoned out again. Whitecaps. "Try to use your nose to find our destination. According to the situation on this island, the NPC who posted the task just came to this place. You should be able to find some smells that don't belong here." Bailang nodded turned around and bounced twice. It was gone.

I started summon again after watching the demons leave, this time the sickle came out. "Go cooperate with the rose vine and arrange more spider webs on the road to stop the ghost hand Nobunaga from moving forward, but don't expose yourself, just give them a little more trouble." After the sickle left, I summoned the ghost lamp., The king, Sha Yezi, and Emenes. "Ghost lamp, your task is to cover the entire forest with evil miasma. Emiennes, you use your illusion skills to cooperate with Sha Yezi to gradually separate the people in the ghost hand Nobunaga's team. King. You are a strengthened hero, and the evil miasma will only affect you. There is a strengthening effect. You bring the ghosts, ghosts, etc., after Emenis and Sha Yezi separate the enemy, you will choose to kill alone. In the miasma, there is illusion cooperation. You should be fine one-on-one, right?"< /p>

"Of course." The king replied confidently, then turned around and ran out with Emenes and the others.

"Little demon."

"Singing Banshee Aimeida to be sent by the master." A little demon in gorgeous armor suddenly appeared in front of me. Since this demon pet has not been intensively cultivated since it was recovered, the relationship with me is not very deep and I am not good at cooperating with my companions. Generally, I dare not use her for important tasks. Today I am alone and can only give full play to it. Let's take a look at the independent combat capabilities of the familiars!

"Your task is to use your singing voice to disrupt the ghost hand Nobunaga team's reconnaissance methods and Emenis to create a comprehensive phantom space, it is best to focus on using your singing voice to interfere with their hearing, so the king's The battle will be more concealed."

"Understood." The little demon suddenly turned over and disappeared in front of me. She is a plant-evolved creature, so her ability in the forest will increase dramatically.

"Kitten." After the little demon left, I called out the ancestor orc kitten again. Although this little girl with cat ears and animal skins looks cute, she is actually a bloodthirsty violent creature. I don’t dare to summon her except for massacre or melee because her behavior is almost halfway. Out of control, there is absolutely no merit except for the super strong battle strength, but today's mission just needs her ability. "You go to the beach right away to stop those people from carrying the magic crystal."

"Can I kill them all?" The kitten asked me while licking his paw, like a little girl asking an adult Can you go out and play?

I am nodded. "Except for not chasing into the forest or destroying the magic crystal, you can kill it at will."

"Oh, the kitten understands."

Looking at this little fellow and leaving me again summon The small dragon female and grandma are out. "Aanna. You go to Atlanta to help us borrow a boat back. It doesn't need to be too big, just a few people. Small dragon girl, please sink those battleships."

< p>After agreeing to get down, Grandma immediately jumped into the sea and disappeared on the surface. The small dragon woman wrinkled and did not ask me: "Is it too much for me to have three boats? Although I am sure to get them all Shen, but if there is a battleship firing a cannon, won’t Guishou Nobunaga and the others know that something is wrong?"

"It’s okay, you just have to wait for a while before you do it. Wait for Guishou Nobunaga and they walk in. In the forest area, it’s not easy to figure it out again. Besides, if there is a little demon’s singing, they may not hear it even if it thunders."

"Then it's okay." The small dragon woman finished. Also jumped into the sea.

After finishing these arrangements, I opened the Fenglong Space again. "Bridges, Ivorite. You two followed the kitten to prevent her from killing her head for a while. After the movers are all gone, you will be responsible for collecting the scattered magic crystals, and then help me transport the magic crystals back."

"Understood." After Brigitte's answer, a golden thunder and lightning suddenly flashed around her, followed by bang and disappeared in place. Ivorite complained next to him: "Thunder Attribute is awesome! It's a pity that I won't teleport!"


"Yes." The newly recruited Victoria suddenly Appeared by my side.

"Since you are the Victory Goddess, then join me to march towards victory."

In fact, I recently studied the characteristics of Victoria and found that in addition to the combat capability, she actually also There are many hidden abilities that are not described in attributes, such as lucky diffraction. As long as she is standing by our side, as long as we encounter probability problems, we will usually get better results, which is tantamount to invisibly increasing our lucky value. In addition, Victoria also has a very hidden attribute, that is, as long as she is there, free forces without subjective tendencies will greatly increase the favorability of us. The most obvious point is that as long as Victoria is present, many active attacking monsters All became a passive attack state. Of course, compared to Victoria’s Wheel of Fate, these subsidiary attributes are not very impressive, but I don’t think it has too many benefits.

Because of the cooperation of many summon creatures, I quickly learned most of the island. First of all, the pioneers reported that the island is actually a volcanic island with a lot of lava under the ground, but it is strange that something seems to suppress the power of the lava. As a result, the volcano that should have erupted has been quiet. The situation reported by the rose vine shows that there is no sign of any animals on the island, and the way of Nobunaga on the island was actually blocked by forces other than us. Based on these circumstances, I can infer that the people on the island are obviously planning to filter the level of people who can exchange attributes. It shouldn't be to let many people get close to the core of the island, but it is strange that my familiars do not. It is weird to encounter any obstacles.

Anyway, I am going to the center of the island along the mark left by the white waves. Anyway, the outside affairs are taken care of by the familiars. I only need to find the NPC for that task.

I have to say that Bailang’s nose is really good. We found the core area of ​​the island almost in a straight line all the way, which is where the mountain I saw on the cliff was at first. The mountain does not seem to be very tall, and the mountain is covered with dense plants and almost no rocks are visible, but our goal is not on the mountain, but in the mountain. We followed the mark all the way to the foot of the mountain and ran into the white waves. He was facing two golems at the entrance of a cave.

If Guishou Nobunaga saw these two golems, the first reaction would definitely be to go up and kill them, but I was shocked. "This is Jiaha's work." I confirmed the origin of this thing at first glance.

"Don't do it first." Now that you recognize the maker of this thing, you can easily think of the NPC on this island. Maybe it is the mysterious NPC Jiaha archmage that we have been looking for. It can be said that I have received quests about Jiaha since I first entered the game, but I have been following Jiaha's ass until now, and every time I can only find the relics left by him, I can never find him. People, even heard the message that he had hung up later, but didn't expect Jiaha, who I thought had hung up, appeared again. When I think about it, this guy is just playing with me. Every time when I am about to despair, he suddenly pops up to give me some hope, but when I am about to find him, he extinguishes his hope. It is really annoying. No way but nowhere to vent.

Since I found the clue today, there is no reason to let it go. I first calmed the white waves who were about to attack, and then walked to the entrance of the cave and took a closer look at the two golems. The two golems are now facing me in a guarded posture. They are obviously autonomous golems with a certain amount of intelligence. From the appearance, they are not much different from people wearing armor. The only difference is that they are too large. Generally, humans will not grow to such an exaggerated height, but I am not afraid of their size. According to the results of our guild research, the bigger the golem, the stronger it is. What really determines their battle strength is the control core and the power core. As long as these two things are good enough, you just use a small one. Making a golem from the mud can also knock down a large group of people, otherwise, even if you make the golem, it will be a waste.

"Are you the guards here?" I first asked aloud to determine if these two things have the ability to communicate.

Unexpectedly, these two golems really have the ability to communicate. "Yes."

The concise answer indicates that these two things are not very intelligent. It seems that their functions are limited to guards, but it is more convenient for me to play. "Well, we heard that someone on this island accepts magic crystal to exchange for attribute points, I don't know if it is here?"

After hearing my words, the two magic puppets suddenly put away their weapons and turned back straight. The standing posture said: "Show your magic crystal, you can pass if the level is enough." It turns out that these two guards are not completely guards. They also work as receptionists. Although all my magic crystals fell into the sea, Nobunaga Guishou helped me carry a piece of it. I contacted Ivorite and Brigitte through contact, and the two of them rushed over with the magic crystal gathered up. The enemies on the beach had been killed by the kittens, and now even a whole corpse was killed. Can't find it. A few minutes later, a yellow aperture suddenly appeared in the space in front of us. Following the golden lightning bang in the aperture, Brigitte suddenly appeared beside us with a large number of boxes and Inverite. To be honest, I didn’t know that Brigitte actually had the ability to move instantaneously. She seemed to be able to use the electric field to create an Independent Space and transfer it to any target space. In other words, she could not only move by herself, but also bring some of her around. Things play Space Jump together. Of course, this ability is also limited. At least she can't bring too many things, and the distance is also limited.

The two guards didn't seem to have much reaction to the sudden appearance of Brigitte, but they came up and opened the box and took a look before returning to their position to indicate that we can pass. I instructed Ivorite and Brigitte to put the magic crystal on the ribbon. Before entering the cave, I learned about the progress of the ghost hand Nobunaga through the rose vine and confirmed that they did not expect to be transferred out of the forest within a few hours. Only then entered the channel.

This rock passage does not seem to be excavated with mechanical tools, because the smooth surface is a little abnormal, it looks like a hole formed by an energy weapon directly penetrated, but I doubt how big it is. The launcher can launch such terrifying energy directly by making a large hole several miles deep in the mountain.

Following the entrance of the cave all the way down, when the smooth passage came to the end, we actually saw a space door, which means that the place we really want to go may not be on the island, here is nothing more than a It's just the entrance. Because there was no other way to go, we had to open the door and walk in. There is no special space behind the space gate, but a huge cave. The hole is about the size of a football field. The top, bottom, left and right are full of rocks. The top is more than 30 meters above the ground. In addition to the rock wall, there are more than a dozen irregularly shaped stone pillars supporting the roof of the cave. Look at the shape of those pillars. And the environment in the cave, here seems to have formed naturally.

There is no other exit in this cave except the door of the space where we enter, but because there are many luminous crystals hanging on the ceiling of the cave, there is plenty of light. After we entered here, a steel demon nearly three meters high suddenly walked out from behind a rock pillar, judging from the sound of his footsteps on the ground, this guy weighs at least two or three tons. Unlike the golem that runs purely by magic, the structure of the magic puppet is more like a robot. They have rotating joints and a transmission system. Of course, the magic puppet is still a magic product, so the power is still supported by magic, but the structure It is more complicated than the Golem, and the function is relatively powerful. Generally speaking, the production level of golems depends on the magician's own magic and skills, so golems cannot be copied in large quantities, because there are not too many high-level mages who understand the principle of golems. The difference between the magic puppet and the golem is that it can be mass-produced. The motion structure and main support system of the magic puppet can even be processed by free NPCs who don’t have any magic and don’t understand magic. Anyone can produce magic puppets as long as they have processing equipment. As long as the main body is completed and the core is produced by a high level mage, the high level magic puppets can be assembled. The magic puppets of our guild are basically made in this way, and the actual use effect is quite good. Since the core of the magic puppet is actually a semi-mechanical and semi-magical product, the requirements for the wizard itself are not high, and the cores made by different wizards have no effect on the battle strength of the magic puppet as long as the design is the same. This attribute determines the right For us, the use value of the golem is much greater than that of the golem. After all, no matter how strong it is, it will not produce much energy. Moreover, the battle strength of the golem itself is not necessarily higher than that of the golem.

The external structure of the magic puppet in front of me looks very compact, but from the seams of the steel plate on its body, it can be seen that this guy is not as simple as it seems on the surface. Our guild's own magic puppet technology is quite high, so I know the key points of magic puppet design very well. Generally speaking, parts that can be stamped and formed at one time are best not to be spliced, because the one-time forming will definitely be more reliable than the subsequent ones. Nowadays, many outer armors of this magic puppet can be formed at one time, but there are many more seams. , Which means that they must have been redesigned. The conclusion I can speculate is that there must be something deformable under these seams, otherwise there is no need to leave these obvious gaps.

As I observed this magic puppet, he had walked within five meters in front of us and stopped there. "Are you here to exchange magic crystals?" the magic puppet asked in a low voice.

I am nodded. "Are you a level to test us?" The fool also knows that the magic puppet impossible is a quest NPC.

The magic puppet answered very directly: "Yes. But you can choose not to challenge me."

"Ah? Can you still not challenge?"

"Yes. I am the master recently completed a new construct creature, and the master wants to test my actual combat ability. If you are willing to help the master test my battle strength, no matter you win or lose, you can enjoy a 10% discount on subsequent attribute exchanges. If you beat me, you can also get an experimental machine of the same model as me as a reward."

"That means that no matter whether you win or lose, it will be good. Why don't you agree with such a good condition? I decided to challenge you. "As I said that, I asked Inverite and Brigitte to put down the magic crystal and walk over, but the magic puppet actually screamed.


"What's wrong? Don't you want to test your battle strength?"

"The test can't be a pure melee, I must first Test the combat capability in the one-to-one situation and then test the combat capability in the one-to-many situation. If the two results meet the requirements, test the many-to-one and many-to-many combat."

" Wouldn’t it be necessary to play four games?"

"Don’t worry, there is a corresponding reward for each game. The first game is one-on-one between you and me. If you win, you don’t have to test the many-on-one battle. , Because if I can't even beat you and a few more enemies, there is no need to test."


"After you win the first game, you can Get a magic puppet of the same model as me as a reward. If you fail, you can only get a 10% discount. If you don’t compare the second game, you can directly get the reward of the second game. The latter is the same. If you fail all rounds, you can get a 10% discount for each round, which means you can get a 40% discount after testing four rounds."

"Haha, what are you waiting for, let's start now? "

"Please stand to the starting position, where the cross is, and then wait until I say to start."

Instruct the familiars to pull over, and then I stand At the position, the magic puppet also stood up and immediately announced the start. The locations of our two stations are actually the two ends of this cave, so the distance is just the largest. In the test at first, the magic puppet rushed towards me quickly. The magic puppet was still the most suitable for close combat, but it happened that I was not used to long-range combat, so I took the initiative to meet it.

In the center of the cave, the two of us made a strong fight as soon as they touched. I activated the werewolf form and activated the collision skill, but I was easily hit by the golem. It turns out that hitting steel with the body is definitely not a good idea, but fortunately, my defensive metamorphosis hasn't been hurt.

The magic puppet took advantage of it and immediately took advantage of the victory and pursued it. When it rushed up, it hit me with a punch. Just now I have learned that this magic puppet has at least three times the output of our guild magic puppet. It is definitely not a good thing to forcibly hold his fist, so I quickly squatted over and took advantage of that one. The magic puppet hadn't turned around and waved Eternal and chopped off his back, but the magic puppet did something that surprised me very much. He actually turned his upper body and stretched out his hand to catch my top-down sword, and then took advantage of the opportunity of my sword to be seized, he slammed his other hand back, and followed his elbow. The steel plate suddenly opened four openings, and then listened to the bang of the four openings at the same time spraying back more than a meter of flame. I instantly understood the purpose of that thing, but unfortunately it was too late. The rocket propulsion combined with the power of the magic puppet itself made it slam a punch that I had never expected before. The propulsion generated by the four jets is already terrifying enough, plus this magic puppet is three times the original one. The powerful kinetic energy generated by the output of the guild puppet is unimaginable. I just felt a sudden surge in my stomach, and flew out following the other person. Outside the field, my magic puppet's gaze swished along my flight path to the other end of the field. With a bang, I was embedded in the rock more than one meter deep. A large spider-web-shaped crack appeared on the rock wall near me, and then suddenly oh la la all fell off, but I was still stuck in the rock. middle.

The power of the punch just now is too terrifying. The abdomen armor of the magic dragon suit was actually punched out of a huge fist-shaped depression. With the repair ability of the magic dragon suit, I was blown away. After that, the destructive power can still be maintained for such a long time.

Actually, I can’t be completely blamed for that trick just now. I didn’t expect that the upper body of this magic puppet can actually rotate 360 ​​degrees on the lower half of the body, because this is the same as the previous magic puppet. The above is an ability that has never appeared before. Secondly, I seriously underestimated the reaction speed of this magic puppet. At the speed of my previous move, no more than ten people could follow in this game, but the magic puppet actually caught it, and it was him that was even more outrageous. He can actually pinch the side of the Eternal Sword. If he directly blocks Eternal with his hand, of course I can cut his hand off, but what he pinches is the Eternal side instead of a cutting edge. Eternal can't cut things with the side no matter how sharp it is, right? And the third point is that the formidable power of the magic puppet's rocket punch is too terrifying, how I didn't expect to be hit to the edge of the field with a punch.

After a punch blasted me, the magic puppet clucked something like a fist helmet on the fist of the puppet, and then he moved his fingers before retracting his hand. When I was blasted into the air just now, I didn't even see when he put a helmet in front of his fist, but he was also an Iron Fist anyway, and it was the same for me with or without a helmet. After moving his arm, the magic puppet immediately walked over to me. At the same time, his lower body also turned around to maintain the same direction as the upper body, and the jet port behind his elbow was automatically closed and retracted into the arm. Obviously this thing It is also very fragile and will not be exposed at ordinary times.

When I saw the magic puppet coming towards me, I quickly struggled, and soon the rocks around me were broken and I was able to get out of the rock wall. reached out and beckoned, the eternity I just lost flew back and returned to my hands. This time I learned how to behave. It's not a good idea to fight melee with the magic puppet who is good at melee. With a move of my wrist, the eternal oh la la turned into the form of a whip sword, and then I danced eternity in the air with a big circle and slashed forward and horizontally. The elastic eternal whip sword immediately stretched out due to inertia. The front turned into a huge half arc and swept out. The magic puppet saw Eternity approaching and did not hide. His knowledge reached out again to grasp Eternity, but this time he suffered a great loss.

Hum... With a bang, half of the magic puppet's palm fell on the ground. Until this moment, the magic puppet still didn't react. He looked at the sparks of his palm in confusion, and then suddenly did something depressing me. He suddenly used his right hand to grab the damaged left hand for a turn, and then the left hand fell off, and then he drew a heavy sword from behind, pointed the hilt of the sword at the left hand without the palm and inserted it in, just listen. With a click, the metal structure automatically locked, and after volleying twice to confirm that the connection was tight, the guy rushed towards me again. This is the advantage of the magic puppet, ignoring the damage, as long as it does not lose its function, the damage is the same to them, these guys don't know what pain and weakness are.

I saw the magic puppet rushing up again, and I quickly kicked the ground and spread my wings and flew up. Originally, I expected to take advantage of the air, but who knew that the magic puppet made another surprise to me? He stopped suddenly and opened an opening behind his right shoulder. Something that looked like a cannon protruded out of it and put it on his shoulder, and then the helmet of the magic puppet actually dropped a little. The ring crystal eyepiece was blocked in front of the eyes of the magic puppet, and then the small cannon was aimed at my side, and then the crystal behind the cannon suddenly lit up, and a beam of light shot towards me in an instant.

"Damn, it's a small magic light cannon!" I complained while flashing, and the roof of the cave behind me was blasted out of a large hole with a diameter of more than two meters and a lot of rocks. The patter oh la la smashed down, but fortunately there was no one below.

If the magic puppet is not hit by a single hit, it doesn't continue to shoot. It seems that the thing can't be fired continuously, or it will be too terrifying. But even though that thing can’t be fired continuously, it doesn’t mean that the magic puppet only has this long-range weapon. He suddenly raised his right arm and pointed at me. Then the upper armor of his right arm suddenly opened and a rectangular object popped out from it. There are five round holes in the front, and you can see that it is a barrel. I almost subconsciously blocked the Dragon Shield in front of me, and then I heard the ding ding dong dong on the shield. The weapon on this guy’s arm is not only a five-barreled weapon, but it can also shoot continuously. Judging from the intensity of the sound, it seems that the rate of fire is not much slower than that of a submachine gun, and the formidable power is also quite large. It's already numb, if he keeps shooting like this, I will have to be tortured to death by him. Fortunately, he fires physical ammunition, so I guess impossible is infinite ammunition, because physical ammunition always needs storage space.

Sure enough, after playing for a while, the magic puppet suddenly stopped, and then put away the smoking thing, and then his wrist flipped, and the peng sound was muffled, and a small round object came from His wrist flicked out and directly hit my dragon shield, followed by a bang, and my whole body was blown out of the air.

"cough cough are really willing to spend money! You threw the magic crystal to blow me up!" Yes, the thing that popped up just now is a magic crystal that has been simply processed, and it is still The medium-high level magic crystal with no low level has a blasting formidable power far surpassing ordinary gunpowder, otherwise I would not be blown down.

The magic puppet didn’t pick me up at all. He saw that after I fell down, he suddenly propped his arms to the ground to make the athlete start. Then a seam suddenly opened on his back, two At first glance, the rocket booster protruded from his back.

"Damn, come this trick again?" I am no stranger to this trick, because the kind of synthetic lifeform in our guild's laboratory will also be used when testing that synthetic lifeform. I also suffered a big loss because of this trick. How can I not be alert when I see something similar now.

Sure enough, the two things behind the devil suddenly spewed out a flame of several feet long, and then the devil suddenly started to rush towards me with an acceleration of more than twenty G. Based on the distance between us and his acceleration, when he rushes to my side, he can reach at least a few times the speed of sound. Is there a way to survive when a three-ton big guy hits me at the speed of sound? It seems that it's impossible to do no tricks.

"Discipline-Absolute Space." At the moment the skill was activated, the space within one meter around me was absoluteized, which means that the two basic constants of energy and time in this area are both absolute. It is absolutely unchangeable. Since any matter and any movement can be regarded as a manifestation of energy, the matter in this space should also be absolutely static. In fact, this skill actually creates a time mezzanine that is independent of normal time and allows the space near me to enter this mezzanine. This means that I am no longer in this space, and the connection point between this space and the real space automatically changes. It became a time barrier, and the magic puppet had to break through the time barrier if it wanted to crash in, and this was almost impossible. It is impossible to penetrate the time barrier by physical force, but it is definitely not possible to achieve the speed of sound.

With a bang, the magic puppet hit the absolute space I created and then stopped in an instant. The space I was in collapsed instantly, and the magic puppet fell apart completely with a oh la la. My absolute space collapse was not caused by the power of the magic puppet, but my skills could only last for such a short time. As for the magic puppet, it collapse

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