The two skills of Masaka Matsumoto and Nobunaga Onite were activated at the same time, and it was one after the other. I was caught in the middle. The ghost Nobunaga who was lying on the ground instantly turned into an evil ghost with a height of more than two meters and his whole body red. At the same time, he stretched his hands forward to catch my attack while Matsumoto Masaka's ultimate move arrived at the same time. Seeing the tricks on both sides, I also have to get serious.

"Eternity-Void Storm."

As soon as I contacted Nobunaga Onihand, a huge sphere with a diameter of more than three meters suddenly appeared centered on me. Not only I and Nobunaga Onitou, but also Masaka Matsumoto were wrapped up together. The people outside only saw a huge white ball of light suddenly flashed, and then they saw the three of us reappear in the same place, but the scene was a bit surprising.

Guishou Nobunaga, who had turned into a ghost before being wrapped in the ball of light, no longer exists, although everyone knows that the mess of red objects on the ground must be Nobunaga. But now those things can no longer be called Nobunaga Onitou. However, compared to the shredded Oniji Nobunaga, it was the other two that surprised the Japanese players even more. All Japanese players only saw Masaga Matsumoto holding the Toyo sword that Oniji Nobunaga threw to him before, maintaining the assassination action, with both hands lying on the hilt, and several arcs flashed on the blade from time to time, as for the tip of the blade. It has completely disappeared in my body, and it is clear that it is in the middle of the heart.

"You...!" I deliberately put on an expression of disbelief and turned and pointed at Masaka Matsumoto. After walking two steps forward, suddenly my legs bent and fell to the ground, but I still used One hand supported the ground, and at the same time he squirted blood, and then fell to the ground with a plop.

The people on the entire square were all frozen and staring at me who fell to the ground, as if wishing to see me stand up together again, but I never moved again. It took five minutes for one of the Japanese players to suddenly mutter to himself: "Purple Moon is killed!" At first he said quietly, but then he increased the volume a little and said again: "Purple Moon Was killed, Purple Moon was killed, Purple Moon was killed by the loose this Monarch!..." As his repeated volume started to grow louder and louder, people nearby gradually woke up, and then all the Japanese cheered. Up.

Two Japanese players who didn’t know each other were actually holding each other excitedly and shouting that I was killed. It seemed like a holiday, and the court was squatting on the ground and "playing dead". I dare not act. People are pretending to be dead right now, and if they move, aren't they all busy before? Of course, I didn't count as suspended animation just now. Masaga Matsumoto's knife really hit the heart, and I was really surprised that Masaga Matsumoto stabbed through my defenses. It seems that Masaga Matsumoto still has two brushes. But his lethality is nothing more than that. The killer move just now is that his attack power is very high, and the other is that I deliberately failed to defend against his attack and concentrated on attacking Nobunaga Oniji so that Matsumoto Masaka can hit the spot. If it is a normal battle, I would not He will take that trick with one life for another. Besides, I am not really dead now. The knife did kill me once, but I have the demon familiar Xiaofeng. Phoenix’s special attribute is infinite resurrection, which means that as long as Xiaofeng can’t be completely wiped out, she can be resurrected repeatedly, and since I got Xiaofeng’s familiar, my favorites and I have all been resurrected incompletely. The attribute. This attribute allows us to be resurrected again with half health and half mana after being killed by the enemy. Of course, this attribute cannot be used continuously, which means that if it is killed again, we will really die and lose the level. In the current situation, I have just undergone an incomplete resurrection, but I didn't get up immediately, but continued to lie there to put the corpse. After all, now "Zero" will not refresh the body, if I get up or disappear in place, others will doubt it. Of course, the incomplete resurrection will not let me drop but it is considered dead once, so the previous contract is still in effect. Now the system has determined that the game is over and the winner is Masaga Matsumoto.

After the celebration over there for a while, several Japanese players suddenly remembered something, and then rushed to me, who was on the ground. Although I felt someone approaching, I didn’t dare to move. Fortunately, my demons are still there.

"What are you going to do?" Actually, you don't need to ask me to know what they want to do, nothing more than corpse abuse or something. Japanese players have now divided me into eating meat. Of course, I won’t let it go easily when I see my "corpse" lying there, but even if I pass away, my familiar is not that easy to deal with. Several people who attempted to rob them were immediately brought down by Ye Yue, and those who wanted to come up to help were blown away by Ling's magic.

Even though Masaga Matsumoto directly pierced my heart, he didn’t panic because he didn’t receive a prompt to kill me at all, so he knew that I wasn’t dead, even though he didn’t know. How I lied to the system and the agreement to make the system believe that they won, but this is not the point. Now that I have created the conditions, he will naturally try his best to perform for the greatest benefit.

"You have already lost the bet, get out of Hirakawa City right away. This is where we Japanese are, and the Chinese pigs are going to roll." Matsumoto's performance is called a devotion to righteousness that inspires Reverence, the Japanese players behind have been irritated by me for a day or two. Now looking at Matsumoto's glorious image, he almost worships him as a god.

The players on our side also knew our plan, so they put a bunch of ruthless words together, and finally took my "corpse" on the ground and left Pingchuan City in embarrassment. To be safe, I waited until they brought me back to the guild headquarters office in Fulcrum City before jumping off the stretcher.

"It's done?" Rose saw me jumping up and asked casually.

"Of course. Your husband can make mistakes when I go out?"

"Just blow it." The rose clicked on my forehead.

I grabbed Rose’s hand and kissed it, and then asked, "How about Korea and Europe?"

"Don’t worry about Ashford for now. Both sides have a large number of people, and they are still in a tug of war. Even if the hundreds of millions of troops led by the Anglo-French alliance stand still and let Ashford kill them, they will probably die in a week. We have our reinforcements here at Ford, and their strength is not much less than that of the Anglo-French alliance, so basically don’t expect results in half a month."

"This is really a large-scale war!"


"Speaking of large-scale, in fact, South Korea looks a bit bigger. The sphere of influence in South Korea can be described as chaotic. The cities in a region are pro-Japanese and pro-China. We don't even know who is who, just at the meeting where you played the double reed with Masaka Matsumoto, our guild accidentally injured a small guild in China. Now Da Guofan and Bingling are apologizing to others over there! "

"Is there any movement in the US?"

Rose slightly frowned said: "To speak of which, in fact, it is the American side that worries me the most. The gun gods organize There were a lot of people, but after the assembly, they kept holding on and didn’t know what they were doing. Our spies took a lot of effort to get in, but they are still in a daze with a large number of American players in the team over there. I really want to do it now. Open the head of the gun god and see what he is thinking!"

"Don't worry about this, because the Americans are there anyway and they won't disappear. We don't have to worry about them. The enemy will not move. Am I not moving!"

While we are discussing the global situation in Fulcrum City, Pingchuan City is undergoing order restoration work. In the previous battle, we had already destroyed the public facilities in the city, and now we must restore it immediately, because whether it is the undercover Masaka Matsumoto or the newly resurrected Oni Shou Nobunaga who knows nothing about it, I definitely won’t. Let it go.

Onitou Nobunaga was standing on a high platform at this moment and shouting to the Japanese players below: "Purple Moon has suffered a lot from us. With his careful eye, he will definitely not let it go. Now there is a system agreement restriction, so he can’t come back today for revenge, but I know he will definitely retaliate tomorrow morning, so we must..."

Matsumoto Masaka suddenly squeezed into Nobunaga Oni Shou He grabbed his position and continued: "So we must unite and face the next revenge. Although Purple Moon is very strong, everyone has seen it. As long as there is an expert like us, there is still hope to kill. His, but Purple Moon will definitely not only be himself when he comes tomorrow. In fact, in addition to battle strength, Purple Moon's true terrifying point lies in his guild. The Frost Rose League has a lot of troops, but fortunately Most of them are now dragged on the European battlefield and South Korea, so we still hope to hold Pingchuan Castle. Do you have the confidence to work with Purple Moon with me?"

The image of Masaka Matsumoto, the Emperor of Light Battle Armor, was extremely heroic. In addition, he just "killed" me once in front of these people. Now it is naturally a supporter to say these provocative words. Nobunaga Onitou tried to grab it a few times but was squeezed to the point of change, but this was too much for him to do in front of the public, so he could only rush around and watch the popularity all be met by Masaga Matsumoto. Pulled away but can't do anything.

As soon as the half-hour mobilization meeting was over, Nobunaga Onitou took Matsumoto Masaga aside.

"What did you mean just now?"

"What do you mean?" Matsumoto Masaga, a consultant.

Nobunaga Guishou was so angry that he couldn't find a good-sounding reason. "Okay, let's not talk about this. What about the batch of supplies I was robbed in the morning?"

"Part of it was divided, and some of it was put away."

"What? Why do you divide my things?"

"What is your thing?" Masaka Matsumoto said: "Your things were snatched by Purple Moon. If I don't snatch it, then These things should be regarded as Purple Moon things now, but if I snatch them back, then the things I grabbed Purple Moon are naturally mine. Don’t you understand this truth?"

After hearing this, Nobunaga Onita understood that Masaka Matsumoto was going to leave these supplies. He immediately stared at Masaga Matsumoto and asked, "Are you really going to fight against me?"

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