It’s hard to get those sets of Divine Items from the bottle gourd. The wine in the room has already passed the knees. Fortunately, the guild’s water system is well repaired. But this room is probably half a month, and the smell of wine can't be lost!

After the familiars came back, I contacted Rose again. She said that Matsumoto’s affairs had been arranged. As a result, it took me so long to come out and I didn’t know if they had no problem. As soon as the communication was connected, Rose's voice rang, but it was not a voice but a gasp. "Husband, how did you contact me? Aiya..." In the ring of love, Rose's panicked side flung away and attacked. Following the picture, there was another chaos. It was obvious that Rose was in battle.

"Why did you even participate in the war?" Of course, my surprise was not unreasonable. Frost is also the world's number one guild anyway. With such a powerful strength, even the Chief Manager has to take part in the battle himself. This is definitely not normal. You must know that Rose is a clerical post in the guild. Although someone like me is a chairman, it is mainly a military post, so it is not surprising that I need to take action by Rose.

While fighting, Rose explained to me: "The Japanese launched a sneak attack plan against Isengard, I am resisting it!"

"sneak attack Aixin Are they crazy? Haven’t lost enough?"

"We are fighting in Europe, America, and Asia at the same time. There are too many battlefields, so the Japanese think that our headquarters is probably There weren’t many people, so they wanted to try if they could take the opportunity to get to Isengard to take advantage, and this time they were not ordinary people, they were all elite Japanese players, and their strengths were all above the average, almost as good as ours. The elite group that will meet."

"Then I will go back and help immediately."

"Don’t worry, don’t worry about it now, although we really don’t have many people left here, But Isinger is Isinger after all, not everyone can take a bite. Are you done with everything at hand now?"

"Almost all right. What are you doing? Where do I need to fight the fire? Is it?"

"That's not necessary, but if possible, you'd better go to Yokogawa in Japan."

"What are you going to do?"

" Masaka Matsumoto is over there. Our people have investigated that Japanese strategic materials need to be transported from there. You take the people to snatch the things, and then pretend to be defeated by Masaka Matsumoto, who rushed there later, and then transfer the things to In the hands of Masaka Matsumoto, even if we get the first batch of materials needed for Matsumoto Masaga’s development, it will also help Masaka Matsumoto increase some prestige in Japan."

"This kind of trivial matter is unnecessary. Worry, I will do it right away."

After cutting off the communication, I quickly put away the summon creature and went straight to Yokogawa. This place is actually not well-known in Japan. The main reason for choosing this place is that it is concealed enough. Not only is the nearby terrain extremely complicated, but it is also far away from the city. Even if the Japanese discover problems, it is estimated that there will be no time for reinforcements. Besides, war is relative after all. We have to take care of the Japanese in multiple battlefields at the same time. Although they have also brought in many allies, after all, they still have to participate in the war, so there is actually nothing left in Japan. How many people are there. Now we are actually the same on both sides, everyone is empty in the back, they take the opportunity to engage our nest, of course we can't dislike it.

It may be because I came out a bit late, and when I got there, the two sides had already started fighting. Rose had already sent some people to grab the supplies, but because there were too few people, she sent me over because she was afraid that it would not be enough. Since the strength of the two parties is similar, and the sudden appearance of my support, the robbery went very smoothly. The enemy was wiped out in just a few minutes. As for the supplies, I handed over to the guild. Those players from who were going to be transported back to the city occupied by my guild, but I pretended to leave and ran far away and then turned around to monitor the team from a distance.

In fact, the players in this team knew the whole plan in advance, so they also knew that I was in the vicinity. They walked with that batch of things and they heard a sudden commotion in the surrounding woods. Following a large number of Japanese players who were dressed like farmers, they jumped out of the woods and rushed towards our guild with their tattered weapons. Players.

These weirdly dressed followers are actually followers gathered by Masaka Matsumoto after returning to Japan. Of course, a small part of them are the helpers we sent to him. But these people have one characteristic in common, that is, they are poor. Masaga Matsumoto has been extremely unsatisfactory in Japan during this period, otherwise he would not be successfully bought by us. Although we have a super-funded backing that is comparable to an ATM to support him, if he, the leader of abandonment, suddenly gets so many funds to return to Japan in a high profile, this will inevitably arouse some people's suspicion, so we are here to conceal others. Early-Stage only gave him a small amount of start-up funds. The money was just enough for Masaka Matsumoto to set up his guild. As for the followers who followed him, most of them were his iron supporter back then. Being able to follow him in this kind of adversity is a real tribulation brother. Of course, it’s very good if the brothers in trouble can follow him without money or profit. I hope that their sponsorship funds are impossible. Like a farmer.

In addition to establishing the prestige of Matsumoto Masaga, another purpose of this robbery was to provide financial support for Matsumoto Masaga in disguise. Although this drape originally belonged to Nobunaga and the others, since it was robbed by us, it is ours. After being "robbed" by Masaka Matsumoto, it is naturally Masaka Matsumoto’s spoils of war. Speaking of which is down. Each hand has a different meaning.

I rode Yekage to observe the battlefield in the distance, and saw Matsumoto Masaka’s men rushing to our team like wolves, and then Matsumoto Masaka’s first sword cut us down. A player in the guild, accompanied by a white light, immediately hung up. In this battle, the players in the guild will hang up once according to the plan. Rose has already told them that when they come back, they will give them some rewards and send them to level up, so sacrifice Level 1 to contribute to the guild. No one objected, anyway, this is a game, and death does not mean that it is completely over.

Seeing that Masaga Matsumoto cut down the first person, the other Japanese players were immediately inspired and rushed up, while the players in our guild pretended to be flustered by them first. Few people, the remaining people began to show their true ability, pretending to have just reacted, and began to resist. After "fighting" a few people from Matsumoto Masaka, they were finally wiped out because they had lost too much first.

After grabbing the supplies, Masaga Matsumoto immediately calmed down the obviously over-excited Japanese players, and then began to direct them to bring all the supplies and start transferring. Most of those Japanese players have followed Masaka Matsumoto during the previous Black Dragon club flourishing period. Many of them have actually played against people in our guild, so they also know how fast the battlefield response of our guild is. These veterans immediately echoed Matsumoto's meaning and reminded everyone to move quickly. Even if other players had no experience, they knew it was true, so the retreat changed very quietly and quickly.

I appeared on the battlefield immediately after these people evacuated, and then followed Matsumoto Masaga and the others from a distance. According to the previous plan, this robbery was not that simple. Just transferring these things from Onito Nobunaga's hands to Matsumoto's hands didn't do much. On the one hand, Nobunaga on the one hand does not care much about this material, on the other hand, the publicity effect produced by too few people participating is not satisfactory, so we also planned some other things.

Matsumoto Masaga led the team along the road, and soon reached the nearest city controlled by the Japanese. In order to increase the effect of the next action, Masaga Matsumoto specially provokes something here and announces the fact that they have snatched the supplies from us through the narratives of his men. After completing this strategic deployment, Masaga Matsumoto left the city with the team from the other side of the city.

After Masaka Matsumoto left, it was my turn to leave the factory. The previously "killed" members of the guild and some newly added personnel quickly rushed to where I was and began to assemble, and at the same time I released all my summon creatures. I am a sign in this place in Japan. As long as I participate in the battle, the morale of Japanese players will drop a lot, and as the number of wins in the battles I participate in increases, the morale of Japanese players is still there. Constantly falling.

Our plan this time is actually very simple. The main work is actually the same as the previous "hands down" activity, except that it was down to equipment before, and this time to down to the city. The content of the script this time is that we pursuers followed the "robber" Matsumoto Masaga to the Hirakawa Castle in front of us. However, the "fugitive" Matsumoto Masaga had already left the city when we chased Hirakawa, and "No "Knowing the truth", we launched a retaliatory attack on the city and successfully occupied the city. At this time, the "heroic" Masaka Matsumoto heard about this incident and immediately led his men to gather Hirakawa Castle. The skirmishers who came out returned to attack the city and eventually "retaken" the city.

The specific script is probably like this, but speaking of which is another matter simply. If our performance this time has elements of fraud, then not only will it not bring any benefit to Masaka Matsumoto in the end, it may cause a loss of his reputation. If the Japanese players know that Masaga Matsumoto is actually working for us, then all our investment will be wiped out.

If you want to make this plan look like it really makes no one find any weak spot, the 1st Step of this battle must be cautious. The key point of this script is that we occupy the city and let Matsumoto Masaka regain it. There is a major problem here, that is, since our strength can take down the city, how can we let the relatively weak Matsumoto Masaka regain it? As long as this key point is handled properly, then the plan this time will not be too problematic, but if it is not handled properly, then the trouble will be big.

In order to cope with this critical issue, our 1st Step plan is to pretend not to attack the city but chase Matsumoto Masaga, so we didn't bring too much this time. As for the final occupation of the city, this is of course to be attributed to the emptiness of Pingchuan City’s defenses. We must know that the main force of our guild in Korea and some Korean players are fighting together with the Japanese and other Koreans, so most cities in Japan are relatively empty. This is our opportunity.

Because we have to pretend to be chasing Matsumoto Masaka who accidentally discovered that the city is unguarded, so we can’t use the declaration of war mode, we can only touch in and attack from the inside, although this will harm us The trustworthiness of the guild, but this loss can be quickly made up for, and there is no need to care about it.

Although it is a hostile state, the city NPC will not block the hostile forces at all without declaring war, unless the player in the city is reminded to respond. Although our team is very large, it still easily passed through the city gate and entered the interior of the city. I rode on the back of the night shadow and led the way in front of the team. Japanese players on both sides of the road wanted to speak out when they saw someone riding a horse in the city, but they were all stunned after a closer look. There are not many people who don’t know me in Japan, but there are definitely not too many people, and even fewer people can continue to scold me if nothing has happened after seeing me, because they will immediately run away or take out their weapons and me. Fight.

My purpose is not to ride Ye Ying to show off one's military strength in Pingchuan City. I have to find some trouble to find a way to make the battle happen so that the trick can continue. I was thinking about suddenly discovering that a small group of players were standing on the side of the road and watching something. They happened to block the road for more than half. This was a chance to challenge. I pressed Ye Ying's abdomen hard, and Ye Ying immediately lowered her head and rushed over.

The group of people gathered around looking at something, and suddenly heard the sound of horseshoes behind them. As soon as the person standing on the outside turned their heads, they saw a tall black figure hitting it head-on. Although this guy reacted quickly, after all, the road didn't have much width left. He really had nowhere to flash, and he was eventually turned over by Night Shadow. Because the collision was so sudden, the guy didn't see what it was that hit him. He was still struggling on the ground and wanted to get up and cursed.

"Baga! Are you impatient? How dare you ride a horse in the city?"

I won't get angry because of being scolded, what I want is this. Pulling the reins, Ye Ying suddenly stood up and dropped his head to stop. The ringtone Knight behind me stopped in place, and the battallion horse behind immediately braked to a halt. The guy who was hit discovered at this time that the person who hit him was not alone but with a team of horses. People like generally speaking are definitely not simple characters. He was secretly regretting that he shouldn't open his mouth and cursed but heard the exclamation from the side.

"Purple Moon?"

"Huh? What?" The guy sat on the ground and didn't realize what happened. When someone called my name, he took it in a daze. One sentence, but then he found me. "Purple Moon! you you..."

"What are you?" I used eternity to transform into a long spear and then put the tip of the gun on that guy's neck. "Say, did you see a convoy passing by here? The person leading the team should be Masaga Matsumoto."

The guy on the ground did not betray Masaga Matsumoto as I expected. Although Masaga Matsumoto has retired from the position of leader of Japanese players, he was once the leader after all, so most Japanese players knew him, but he no longer respects him now. However, disrespect means disrespect. It is an internal issue. Of course, they will choose to unanimously first threaten me as an "outsider". So even though he saw Matsumoto's team, he immediately replied: "No. I didn't see the team. As for Matsumoto's losing streak, that guy has long lost his leadership position. How do I know where he is? "

"hmph! Dare to lie? My people saw him enter the city with their own eyes."

The guy I was holding the gun against was about to fight against the one standing next to him. The savvy guy suddenly opened his mouth and said: "Don't embarrass him, Masaka Matsumoto has already left the other side of the city gate." In fact, this guy said that simply didn't give in to me. martial power and took the initiative to report Matsumoto's whereabouts. Although he was telling the truth, he didn't want me to chase Matsumoto's. This guy himself is a more savvy person, and he has also participated in battles with our guild before. He knows how weird our guild's tactics are, so he knows my level of intelligence very well. He deliberately said that Matsumoto's whereabouts was because he wanted me to complicate things. Of course, my intelligence knows that they are impossible to tell the truth, so when he tells the truth, he will be ignored by me and lead me astray. But on the one hand, this guy is only clever and can't think that I and Masaka Matsumoto are in the same group. Moreover, facing a top player like me, the strong coercion makes his lie not smooth enough, and his eyes flicker. Knowing to be lying.

I'm worried that there is no reason to change the target, he just gave me this sentence. I immediately pretended to be misled and put the tip of the gun on his throat. "hmph? Would you be so good at telling me the truth? People like you are slick at first sight. Don't want to lead me to the wrong path. Come on, where did Masaka Matsumoto leave?"

< p>That guy is tough enough. At this time, it is clear that he is sacrificing himself to cover Masaka Matsumoto's escape. He raised his head and said heroically: "hmph, since you saw it through, I won’t say anything. That’s right, Masaka Matsumoto did not leave from the opposite city gate. They left by Transmission Formation, but I won't tell you where they are teleporting to."

"Damn." I sent the tip of the gun forward without the slightest hesitation, put this guy on the tip of the gun and slammed upwards Upon picking, the guy's body immediately flew to the wall next to it, bounced, and fell to the ground.

The Japanese players were angry when they saw me, and now I killed another person in front of them. This is a hornet's nest. The nearby Japanese players only knew that their city was relatively empty, so they endured not making any shots. It was not that you think you can kill me. Now whoever cares about the actual situation rushed up when they saw this situation.

"Well, you guys are hard enough to help Masaka Matsumoto escape, right? I will kill you all today, at the worst thing I don't want, I won't lose money if I grab your city."

Following my words, the battle broke out completely. Suddenly, the whole city started a melee. A large group of Japanese players and our guild players started street fighting in the city, because it is not regular. Siege warfare, so we have to occupy one house by house. It is useless to attack the core of the city in this raid mode, unless the entire city is controlled.

After the melee broke out, the basic situation was completely out of control. Street fighting is the most chaotic battle. My commander has no control at all. Fortunately, part of the battle team is my summon creature. They are so easy to control, anyway, I can remotely control them to complete a rough tactical deployment or something.

After the battle lasted for about forty minutes, the people in the city were almost killed by us. This city of Pingchuan was not a big city in the first place, and the defensive force was taken out. There are really not many people left. Besides, we are all elites, and these ordinary players can't stop us at all. s attack. Seeing that the battle was about to end, there was another change.

"Really didn't expect, I met again so soon!" Nobunaga Guishou suddenly ran out from the direction of the teleportation hall with a group of men.

Before in Gao Tianyuan, I just finished our fight with Nobunaga Guishou. We didn't expect to come out in less than three hours before we ran into it again. They all say that enemies on a narrow road are not wide. "Defeated, don't you run away with my tail clipped when you see me?" I just defeated the joint attack of Nobunaga and Guren Phoenix in Gao Tianyuan before. Of course, I can humiliate Nobunaga at will, anyway, the strength is there. Put it on, even if I say too much, he can't answer it.

The blood energy of Nobunaga Onishu who was scolded by me was surging, but I couldn’t reply. After all, it was true that I was defeated. I'm not afraid of me. Knowing that he couldn't please him, he stopped talking nonsense with me, and waved yelled: "Let's go together."

"Che, how many people do you have?" I also waved forward: "Get rid of it." They.” The players behind me and my summon creatures rushed up. Nobunaga Guishou believed that he was an expert and wanted to rush over to fight with me. As a result, the two players from our guild joined forces to block him as soon as he jumped halfway through. Down. I think Nobunaga Guishou couldn't get past if he wanted to fight me, and I shot him with an arrow from a distance, just to anger him.

In fact, it is not a coincidence that Nobunaga Guishou appeared here. Before, I only knew that the things we robbed belonged to Nobunaga Onishu, but there was something wrong with our intelligence. We all thought that what we robbed was a piece of equipment, but in fact it was just false news. The transportation team we robbed before actually carried a batch of pet eggs. You must know that the status of the familiar in "Zero" is much higher than that of the equipment. What's more, the eggs that are transported this time are all medium-high level familiars that are suitable for combat. Its value is really high and hard to estimate. However, since we didn’t really intend to grab the item, we really intended to hand it over to Matsumoto Masaka, so we didn’t even open it after grabbing the item, so that we and Matsumoto Masaka haven’t yet. Knowing that he actually grabbed a large number of magic eggs. But we don’t know that Nobunaga oni is impossible. Of course he couldn't sit still when he heard that such an important thing had been robbed, so he immediately rushed over with someone. He was sent here because someone reported to him that he saw a similar team in Pingchuan City. It was just that we didn't expect to meet us in this scene, so there was the current melee.

In Hirakawa Castle, due to the sudden intervention of Oni Shou Nobunaga, the original one-sided power comparison became evenly matched. As a result, the entire city battle became a messy and confused battle, and Matsumoto Masayoshi According to the plan, He has successively received a large number of NPCs and players who left Pingchuan City in advance. Originally, according to the plan, Masaka Matsumoto should gather some people back and counterattack, but because of the sudden appearance of Oniju Nobunaga here, the balance of strength has been balanced, so many people who should have escaped did not run, but stayed with us. The battle, which indirectly led to Matsumoto Masaka and confiscated many people. However, although there are fewer people, the plan is already set. Masaga Matsumoto has measured it for a long time and thinks that we should fight back according to the plan. Anyway, we don't really want to fight him. According to the plan, as long as he returned to attack, we would pretend to be invincible and retreat, so the amount of battle strength he brought back didn't really matter at all. Therefore, he didn't deliberately emphasize the number of people, but killed some people after he gathered.

As soon as Masaga Matsumoto entered the city, he found that something was wrong. He thought that I should have basically controlled the city for so long, but when I arrived at the city gate, I saw that my pet was fighting with a few Japanese players, and this pet was still Xiaofeng, whom Matsumoto was particularly familiar with. .

When Masaga Matsumoto was the leader of the Japanese players, he fought with Xiaofeng, so he recognized my Xiaofeng, and now he sees Xiaofeng attacking several players in the form of Phoenix. It was immediately known that the situation was not right, but he had already rushed back, and there were many Japanese players behind him. If he retreats at this time, those players will definitely doubt him, which is very important for him to regain his position as the leader of Japanese players in the future. It's not good, so he just rushed in, knowing that there was a problem.

As soon as Xiaofeng saw Matsumoto's people, he knew what was going on. As one of my main monsters, Xiaofeng is not stupid. After a little hesitation, she suddenly turned and killed Matsumoto Masaga.

At first, Masaga Matsumoto didn't realize why Xiaofeng had attacked him suddenly, but now that the arrow was on the line and had to send it out, he had no choice but to counterattack immediately. Xiaofeng first came up with a few big moves to clear the minions behind Matsumoto Masaka, and then deliberately rushed towards Matsumoto Masaka, then Matsumoto Brace Oneself launched a skill to attack, Xiaofeng pretended to make a mistake and deliberately ran into Matsumoto. Zhenghe's skills, and then he was slashed and immediately stumbled back into the air, turned his head and flew back in the direction where I was.

I also froze for a moment when I was notified by Xiaofeng, only then did I remember that the plan seemed to be out of control. Originally we planned to knock down the castle, and then let Matsumoto Masaka pretend to take the opportunity of taking advantage of the fact that we just occupied the city and snatch the city back, but now Nobunaga Oni is here. If I really occupy the city, it seems that this Pingchuan city is really meaningless to us, it won't be good if I ask for it, and it's a waste of human resources. But you have to give it to Japanese players. Now Oniju Nobunaga and Matsumoto Masaka are here. The city originally belonged to Matsumoto Masaka. Who do you think will go to if you take the city back?

"It's really tough now." I looked at Xiaofeng and asked, "How many people are there around Matsumoto Masaka?"

"About a thousand people, There are NPCs and players among them."

"You said that if I kill Nobunaga Demon and then pretend to be driven away by Masaga Matsumoto, is it too fake?"

"It seems to be a bit fake." Even though he is not a think tank-type demon familiar, Xiaofeng can still judge that this arrangement is a bit too fake.

After thinking about it for a long time, I decided to ask Rose first. Rose felt very difficult after hearing what I said, so I had to ask the god of war again, but the rigid computer of the god of war was madly simulating After a few minutes of calculation, he actually gave an ingenious idea.

"Huh...? Let me be killed by Masaga Matsumoto?"

"Yes." The answer from the god of war through the rose's ring of love was very positive. "The current situation is not that you can’t control the situation, but that the current Matsumoto Masaka’s prestige is too low compared to Oni Te Nobunaga. If the city is re-controlled by the Japanese, Matsumoto Masaka will definitely not be able to share anything, but if Masaka Matsumoto kills you in front of many Japanese people, and that can add a lot of popularity to Masaka Matsumoto."

"I understand this part. I am in Japan now. It is the number one expert under the Heavens in the wuxia novel. As long as someone can kill me, no matter how unknown he was before, he will immediately become the new number one expert under the Heavens after this process."

"Yes. As long as this process is completed, Matsumoto Masaka’s prestige will immediately increase, so after you are killed, he will have the strength to compete with Onizu Nobunaga, as long as he proposes to obtain the city Someone will support him, and at this time you just have to pretend to be unwilling to attack this Hirakawa Castle again, when the time comes, just let Masaka Matsumoto and Nobunaga Onitou make a bet, let Masaka Matsumoto stimulate Nobunaga Oninote, Nobunaga Oninote will definitely be willing to bet with him who can save Hirakawa Castle under your hand, when the time comes, you just need to release the water again and there will be no problems."

"Listen It seems to be the case, but there are a lot of problems." I immediately questioned: "Although I can release water and let Matsumoto Masaka kill me once, Matsumoto Masaka's strength lies there, and I will fight again next time. The watering fool can also see that there is a fake ingredient in it, not to mention that the guy Nobunaga on the ground is confused sometimes, and others are not stupid."

"This is easy to handle." Military God once again Give me bad ideas. "Didn't you just get a bunch of Divine Item suits from Tensho?"

"Yes! What's wrong with this? Do you want me to give the suits to Matsumoto Masaga? Please, now Masaka Matsumoto is playing the role of a newcomer who started from scratch. What do you think Japanese players would think if he suddenly popped out of the full Divine Item suit?"

"Of course he didn’t come out suddenly, but if he was in front of everyone Did you grab it?"

"Huh? Grab it in front of everyone? Do you want to...wait, I understand."

"Just understand "The military god listened to my clarification and immediately asked: "Is there anything else I need to explain?"

"No, I know how to deal with this matter, you guys are busy with you, I I will handle it."

After cutting off the communication, I quickly adjusted the combat troops in the city. The chaotic troops gradually adjusted the control areas during the melee. We quickly gathered the scattered control areas together. Compressed all Japanese players to the other half of the city. In the process, Masaka Matsumoto and Nobunaga Onitou finally met. Although both sides were surprised that they would meet each other, after all, I am the "common enemy" for them now, so they still attacked me tacitly. People. In the end, Masaga Matsumoto and Nobunaga Oniteda finally met in the central plaza in the center of the city.

"My face is really great!" Watching Masaka Matsumoto and Nobunaga Onitou stand together, I deliberately said something to disturb the situation. "Didn't expect Japan’s two generations of leaders, old and new, have come together. Oni Te Nobunaga, are you going to ask Matsumoto Masaga for advice on how to survive after being driven down? Although you will sooner or later. Become the second of this Monarch, but you don’t have to be so active, right?"

Nobunaga Guishou didn’t bother to talk nonsense with me, didn’t answer my words, and said directly: "hmph, today you lead the team. I took the things from our guild first, and now the idea of ​​my city is coming up again. Tell you, although I am not your opponent alone, but this is Japan, my reinforcements will arrive in a while, this city you You can’t take it away. Listen to me and leave by yourself. When the time comes, you’ll have a hard time."

"haha, do you treat me as a normal player? The South Korean side is upset. , I don’t know how much force I put into it? Will my people go to Korea to play on their own?"

The question is very simple. How much force will our guild consume in Korea, the Japanese Naturally, equal battle strength should also be filled in equally, so that Japan is naturally a mess with empty military strength, so the reinforcements he said are simply nothing.

"In any case, I won't let you the city, you should leave quickly, so as not to make senseless sacrifices." Nobunaga Guishou just looked for the city if he didn't want to fight. But this is in line with my plan.

"Yes, I also think this battle is meaningless, but it's not because we can't grab the city. On the contrary, I think you will lose." Seeing Nobunaga oni is going to talk to me again I took the first step and continued: "But I also know that you will definitely not agree with my point of view now, but since we all feel that it is not worth it to let our men sacrifice for nothing, let's just fight it?"

Nobunaga Onihand has been a leader for such a long time now, and I have been dealing with me so many times. It is no longer as reckless as before. If he used to fight without scruple, but now he reacted immediately come over. "hmph, I won’t be fooled by you. I know I’m not your opponent, but we Japanese can beat you Chinese."

I didn’t want to stand up against Nobunaga Ghost. , But I still have to say something big. "If you don't dare to fight, you won't dare to fight. Why are there so many high-sounding reasons?" Guishou Nobunaga wanted to explain again, but I was interrupted first. "Okay, you don't need to explain it. The

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