"Who is it?" The sudden sound made me immediately alert.

The voice is not tense, on the contrary it is a very lazy feeling. "Does it matter who I am?"

"That's what I said." The reason why I didn't rush to ask is not that I really don't care, but that I have probably guessed who the owner of the voice is. Although I still want to actually see this guy who was carefully sealed by Tian Zhao, since he is willing to talk to me, it means that he has no malice towards me, at least on the surface it does not seem hostile. In contrast, I think it is the right thing to get the things in front of you first. "You just said that this is a pillar of seal built with the power of High God, do you know how to open it?"

"I want to open unless there is a seal key that is inevitable, or has something beyond High God Power, but it seems to me that you don’t have either."

"Are there other methods?"

"Of course."

"You can tell Me?"

"Very happy." The voice didn't ask for any benefits, but excitedly said: "In fact, the easiest way to turn on these things is not to resist them."

"Don't resist them?" I frowned thinking for a long time before suddenly reacting. "Ah, I understand."

"Yes, you are very smart. You can think of the answer so quickly."

I smiled and explained: "I just know better than others It’s just a little bit more, but I’m very surprised why you didn’t ask me for a benefit and told me how to turn on these things, and it sounds like you seem to be very happy."

"Yes, I do Very happy. Because I was sealed here by Tian Zhao, and these things are all Tian Zhao things. As long as these things are stolen by others, Tian Zhao will definitely be angry, and I will be happy."

"I understand, but since I have benefited from you, I will not forget. In return, I will study if I can release you after I get these things."

"I don't have much hope for this. The one you broke on it is just a very simple seal. It is much more complicated to seal mine. I think you probably won't be able to open it."

"That may not happen, I will try it anyway, even if I can't open the seal, remember the location here I can also find a helper to help."

"Okay, I hope you too Can release me. If I get free, I will repay you."

"it's a deal."

After saying that I saved this mysterious creature, I started to follow He said the method to solve those seals. Things are always speaking of which is simple and difficult to do. Although I also know what he means by not resisting the power of the seal, it is not that simple to do it. The so-called don’t resist is actually impossible, because the seal itself is a very strict energy system, it will reject all attributes that do not belong to itself, that is, unless I use the same power as it, it is basically impossible to enter Inside the seal, the transformation of this power is not so simple.

I started with the first pillar of light in front of me, and the voice prompts: "These eight pillars of seal borrow the regular power of Fire Element, so if you are not good at this aspect, Don't expect it."

"Fire Element is it?" I was a little relieved when I heard this answer. "It might take a little more work if anything else, but since it's Fire Element, it's much simpler." Along with my words, a black whirlwind rose from under my feet and instantly rolled over my whole body, a colorful pledge The suit scatters dazzling magical light.

"Oh...? You are actually two in one? It's really rare!" That voice seemed to be very curious about my Silver Moon Trumpet.

"This is nothing." As I said, I raised the sun rod in my hand. "Sun summon." Boom, I suddenly turned into a burning human-shaped Fireball, and at the same time, my hand had reached the beam of light, but this time the beam of light did not respond, let me put my hand in as if it didn't exist. .

After summon Sun Physique, I am equivalent to a Fire Element in the shape of a group of people. Under the rules of fire, this form is equivalent to a part of the rules, so I will not be rejected at all. Because this state cannot be maintained for long, I quickly pulled out the Japanese warrior armor inside and eliminated the sun summon state at the same time. There are still seven beams of light to break through in a while, it's always good to save some magic.

After canceling the sun summon, I started to research the equipment I just got. I didn’t expect this item to be unidentified. Thanks to my affiliated profession, there is a Grandmaster Level Appraisal Master, otherwise it’s not. Anxious to death. After the appraisal, the attributes of this equipment were immediately revealed.

This set is called the Yangui suit, which belongs to the special Japanese warrior equipment, and it is a full Divine Item suit like my dragon suit. The only difference is that it is not a growth type. Equipment, now it seems that the attribute is lower than the magic dragon suit, and the gap will continue to widen in the future. The magic dragon suit is a growth type equipment. As long as you wear it to participate in the battle, it will accumulate a special equipment-specific EXP, and then it will upgrade itself. Not only the basic attribute will continue to rise, but also some new additional attributes will appear from time to time. . However, even if this Japanese warrior armor is not as good as my magic dragon suit, its attributes are absolutely superb.

To be honest, it would not be a good thing for me if such a suit of armor appeared in the hands of the Japanese, but it would be a different matter if I had mastered it. After studying the first set of armor, I successively took out the equipment in the remaining seven beams of light. These eight sets of equipment include two sets of Japanese warrior armor, two sets of ninja suits, three sets of ninja suits, and one set of equipment that is completely unclear. However, these eight sets are all Divine Item suits without exception, and that set It is not clear whether the type of equipment is actually a growth type full Divine Item set.

The worst attribute in this set of equipment is the three sets of Ninja equipment. Although it is a Divine Item, the attribute is only slightly stronger than the general equipment. It is really hard for the average player. For me, it’s similar to rubbish. As for the attributes of the two Japanese warrior armor and the two ninja suits, they are basically on the same level, and their performance is lower than that of my dragon suit, and they all have one of the biggest flaws. Their original weapons are far inferior to my eternity, so compared to speaking of which, the magic dragon suit is much more powerful. As for the last set of unknown equipment, it is rather strange.

The name of the attribute superscript of this last set of equipment is Emperor Guangming suit, but according to my understanding, Emperor Guangming actually refers to Tianzhao. Could it be said that this thing is Tianzhao's equipment? It seems that Tian Zhao didn't wear equipment when he played against Tian Zhao before. This can be understood as he considers Divine Physique disdain to fight us with equipment, but this time even his nest was taken, why did he still not wear equipment? ?

Although I can't figure out the reason, it does not affect my research on this equipment. There are so many parts in this set, and the coverage is almost the same as that of my magic dragon suit. The whole person is covered. Even the face is covered by a ghost mask, not even the eyes are exposed. It is simply a big sealed can. .

The overall appearance of the equipment is similar to the Japanese warrior armor, but the structure is slightly different. The main feature is that the edges and corners of the shape are relatively clear, and there is almost no curved structure. It seems to be spliced ​​by many diamond-shaped sections, and this set is bright The size of the Emperor Battle Armor is much larger than that of ordinary armor. It must be at least two meters tall to wear it. But in fact, the result of my experiment is that no matter how tall you are, as long as you wear this set of things. It seems to be able to automatically enlarge your body. You feel as if you are only wearing a very fitting armor, but others look like you have become a Little Giant with a height of more than two meters.

In addition to its tall appearance, this armor has two more obvious features. The first feature is that the appearance of this thing is actually silver white, and it also contains shiny silver dots. It feels like a platinum sculpture in the shape of a human. The second feature is that there are many strange gems on the Bright Emperor Battle Armor. These gems are inlaid on the protruding points of the armor. It seems a little out of harmony. It doesn't feel like an ornament. It's a pity that I am not a Japanese ninja or a Japanese warrior, so this set of the Emperor of Brightness Battle Armor can be worn but cannot display the special attributes.

When I roughly studied the equipment in front of me, I suddenly remembered a bigger problem-I didn’t bring space equipment. After I fell into this space, the Earth Gate and Fenglong Space could not be opened, and I usually use Fenglong Space, a loading tool comparable to a 10,000-ton giant ship, which simply does not use storage equipment, so there are those before Fenglong Space. None of the storage equipment was brought. The items on the weapon racks outside may not be necessary, but the eight additional sets of Divine Items in front of me must not be given up. This really makes me very depressed. The slanderous cat met fresh fish but didn't have a stomach to eat. It's really depressing that such an embarrassing thing can happen to me!

"Well...Is there space equipment for storing items?" There is a mysterious creature here, maybe he knows what space items are here.

Sure enough, the voice answered quickly. "Did you see a mural on the wall on your left?"

"I saw it. It seems to be a person holding a thing collecting monsters."

That The voice reminded: "Smash the thing in that person's hand hard, there will be a mechanism behind it, you can see me by pulling it. There are some things around me, some of which can be used as space equipment, although It’s not a special equipment. It’s okay to install it temporarily."

"many thanks." I quickly walked to the wall to look at the mural, and then I punched the man on the mural. I thought that the wall must be stiff, so I used a lot of strength, didn’t expect a punch but it felt like hitting a piece of paper, and my fist went through the wall in an instant. I should have inserted my entire arm into the wall. . "Damn, what kind of tofu project is this?"

"It's not a problem with the wall." The voice said, "Although I am sealed here, I want to try to leave this place all the time. The wall is I used my power to corrode for thousands of years to become like this. If you don’t show up again, give me another thousand years to open the wall in front of me."

"so that's how it is ." As I said, I took out a metal wire in the hole and pulled it out with force. I only heard a click. I thought the mechanism was about to open, but who knew it was the wire that was broken. "This...is it corroded a bit too much?"

"Sorry, I didn't expect it to corrode for a long time and even the activation device of the mechanism has become like this. In this case, it is still troublesome. Destroy the wall in front of you completely!"

"Say early!" With a whirlwind passing by, I have switched back to Purple Moon form. Slightly moved his hands and feet and did a simple preparatory exercise. "Brute force cracking is my strength." As I said, I already punched the wall. That wall has been corroded by the power of the guy inside. It has been like tofu dregs for so many years. The power of the Purple Moon form is not on the same level as the silver moon. A punch is not only the whole arm, but even half of my body. Inserted into the wall. Seeing that the wall was so soft, I didn’t need a punch. I shouted: "Half Moon." Oh la la, two and a half months, floated up from my back, and then whirled left and right and hit the wall. Only hearing a bang, accompanied by dirt flying, the wall in front of him finally fell apart and completely collapsed.

After the wall was shattered, the situation behind immediately caught my eye. Unlike the previous one, the environment here is like having just experienced a world war. Countless strange equipment was piled on the ground in a mess, and there were many remains of unknown creatures nearby, but only bones were left. The walls and pillars around the room were covered with scars of horror. One of the four-person pure steel pillars was inserted diagonally on the ground like a twist. Even the destruction king of me felt shocked.

"Why? Scared?" The familiar voice suddenly moved my attention to the center of the room.

I don’t know, I was shocked when I saw it. In the center of this huge room lies a huge bird-shaped creature, but the image of this guy is a little strange. At first glance, this guy looks like Phoenix. Red feathers, bird heads, colored tails, eagle claws, this is no different from ordinary Phoenix, but this guy has long nine heads, and the color still has nothing common with each other.

"Are you... a ghost car?" I hesitated and overturned my guess. "No, you are not a ghost car."

"oh?" The giant bird in front of me asked playfully: "How can you be sure that I am not a ghost car?"

"A ghost car Although there are nine heads just like you, one was beheaded in the scourge that year, and now there are only eight heads left. Besides, I have heard about the ghost car before. You are not that I heard about the ghost car. Could it be... …?" My eyes suddenly widened.

"You are right, I and the ghost car are of the same race."

"The ghost car is not a mutated Phoenix? Where is the same race?"

"Who told you that the ghost car belongs to Phoenix?"

"Of course...!" I wanted to tell all kinds of research materials on the Internet, but suddenly I remembered that those things are all human beings. Compiled, "Zero" is a game itself, of course, there is no need to copy all those things in the script. In this way, are the ghost cars in "Zero" a single family?

"Why didn't you say it?"

"Because I suddenly thought that even if you figure out your racial characteristics, it doesn't make much sense to me." I boldly walked towards the legend before me. The middle represents disasters and unknown fierce birds, but this guy in front of him has no power fluctuations. Could it be suppressed by the seal? Looking closely at this big guy, it seems that there is no spirit. The nine heads are upright, but the eyes are half-open and half-closed. It is said that the ghost car is separated by Phoenix Clan, even if the game script is changed. At least the basic settings are still there, so there should be surging strength of Raging Flames on the ghost body, but this will not even be able to see a fire star. "Rather than caring about your background, it is better to study how to get you out."

"Do you really want to let me out?"

"I have no grudges with you , Letting you out is finally a number of friends, besides, your biggest enemy Tian Zhao is also my enemy, even if you don’t help me, as long as you go to trouble with this old enemy, it’s good for me, so advantageous. Why don't you do things like this?"

"It makes sense."

Since I have reached an agreement, I will start to study the situation of the guy who is suspected of being a ghost car. In order to let me see his current situation, he struggled in the formation specially. Who knew that the empty space that seemed to be nothing at the moment of his struggle was suddenly covered with shiny red magic patterns, and at the same time the formation began. The electric arc flashed randomly, and the big bird that was shocked by electricity screamed.

"Okay, don't move, let me see if there is any way to penetrate from the outside."

"You don't need to try, this seal is limited Anything can come in without hindrance, but it’s hard to get out anymore."

"That’s it!" I held my chin in contemplation, and then asked, "The one below this Is the seal just one layer on the ground or the whole below?"

"I don’t know. I was stunned and brought in."

"Then I will Come and try it."

Actually, my idea is very simple. Since this seal cannot be broken for the time being, it's better to move the entire ground along with the seal formation. This method is not brutal, but the truth that I have summed up through many practices. In the mission levels of "Zero", I always like to recommend players to use abnormal means of breakthrough. That is to say, the most stupid way is to do things in accordance with the general handling method. Smart people will think of crooked ways. For example, when encountering a locked door, most people will think about looking for the key, and the smarter ones will hit the door directly, and the smarter ones will just hit the wall directly without leaving the door. The seal in front of me is similar. It is impossible to open it without certain strength, but it is impossible to remove it entirely. At least this method is much simpler than opening the seal directly.

I didn’t have a familiar with me, and I had to do everything myself. It took a lot of effort to dig a not too deep hole in the ground, but I couldn’t go down after digging a foot deep. , The bottom seems to be protected by a layer of energy seal, there is no way to start.

"It seems that the guy who set up the seal is not completely a fool!"

"If I had a simple seal, I would have run out a long time ago, how can I wait until now?"

"It's okay, we can't use simple methods and just use stupid methods. By the way, where is the space equipment you mentioned before? I will put away the pile of things outside first."

" Right next to the corpse at your feet is the bottle gourd."

When I heard the ghost car, I immediately lowered my head and looked down at my feet. As expected, a bottle gourd was caught by a corpse. I bend over to pick up the bottle gourd, who knows that the corpse immediately turned into a pile of powder when I touched the corpse. "What's the matter with these people?" I asked, pointing to the corpse underground.

The ghost car said sadly: "Part of it is my friends. They chased me here in an attempt to rescue me. Who knows that the guards here are too strong. As a result, there was a melee between the two sides. In the end, both sides fought. An army was wiped out."

"Your friends are too bad." I said casually.

The ghost car was very angry at what I said, and immediately questioned me: "How can you say that? They are all high level Demon, and their power is not below you. If they don't use it well, you are a shit. !"

"High level Demon? The power is above me?" I looked at the corpses all over again in confusion. "But Tianzhao's subordinates are very weak. Your friend actually played a perish together with this kind of rubbish character. That's also amazing? Even if I deal with Tianzhao's subordinates, they have swept more than a dozen by one!"

"Who told you that these are Tian Zhao's men?"


"Of course."

"But you Didn’t you mean that you were sealed here by Tian Zhao?"

"Yes, I was sealed here by Tian Zhao, but those who died here were not Tian Zhao’s men. If so Tian Zhao’s men died here in battle, do you think he would not clean up his own corpses and let their remains rot here?"

"That’s true, but if it’s not Tian Zhao’s people, these people Who are they?"

"Speaking of which, you should know that they are from God World."

"God World? Which God World?"

< p>"How many God Worlds are there in Central Plains?"

"Nonsense, there are too many God Worlds midway, and who knows what level of God World you are talking about?"

The ghost car was very surprised and asked: "Is there a lot of God World out of Central Plains after I was sealed?"

I hook the head. "I don't know what you are talking about. Anyway, there are many God Worlds I know. The Hongmeng realm where Hongjun Sect Lord lives can be counted as one, and the Laojun Mansion of Supreme Taoist can also be counted as one. Of course, Both of these are relatively small. The Celestial Court is also considered one."

"Celestial Court?" The ghost car looked thoughtful and said: "Maybe the Celestial Court in your mouth is what I call God World. , But when I was sealed, there was no Celestial Court, but Yunxiao Divine Mansion was right."

"Damn, when did you get caught in? The Celestial Court hasn't been established yet. Is it? That seems to be the Primordial era, right?"

"I don’t know how you call that era. Anyway, I haven’t said so much before I was sealed. I have been in the world since I was sealed. Isolated, I naturally don’t know what happened outside."

"So it’s the Celestial Court people who helped Tianzhao seal you?" I asked as I walked to the outside room and started using that. Bottle gourd install those equipment. This thing feels similar to the purple golden bottle gourd in Journey to the West, but it is used to hold things, but originally it seems to be used for wine in a Divine Immortal. Once the lid is opened, it will burst. Alcohol smell, it hasn't deteriorated at all after such a long time. But I don't have any other equipment to hold things now, so I have to take this bottle gourd and dress it up first.

I am here while listening to the description of the ghost car while filling the bottle gourd. "Actually, Tianzhao really sealed me at the beginning, but Celestial Court was also looking for me at the time, and they found it here. After that, my friend just came to rescue me. The two sides were originally hostile, although they both came to me. , But the purpose is different. Once we met, we fought, and instead made Tian Zhao reap the benefits of the fishing urn. At that time, if the two parties only came to any one of them, I would not be here now!"

< p>"You are really unlucky!" I packed up my equipment and walked back to the big room here, and by the way, I started to check the things scattered on the ground beside the corpse, let alone, there are really good things. I was very surprised to pick up a blue bead from the ground. This thing is about the size of a ping-pong ball. Its appearance is as smooth as a mirror. It feels a bit pierced when held in the hand, but there are no burrs on the surface. It feels as if it is being continuously shocked by a low-voltage current. While looking at the attribute of this thing, I asked: "Since Tian Zhao took advantage of Zuo's profit, why didn't he also take away the things dropped here?"

"Because I am here. "The ghost car's answer is rather strange.

"Aren’t you sealed?"

"Yes, but my weapon is still outside the seal formation. Although my friend failed to rescue me, he got the seal Relaxing a bit, I can seep out a small amount of power. Although this power is not enough to directly injure people, I can manipulate my weapons to attack. Tianzhao can't deal with my weapons at all, so I dare not come over and pick up these things. In the end He can only close this place completely and don't care about it anymore."

"What you said is not entirely correct, at least Tian Zhao will always fly around here, but it just doesn't come down." I said He raised the ball in his hand. "By the way, what is this? Why can't I use it?"

"It is a thunder bead, which is sealed and can only be opened with the master's mana."

"Its owner is dead. Doesn't this thing become waste?"

"That won't be enough. You can change the owner as long as you use the secret spell undo seal."

"But I don't know the secret spell!"

"But I know!"

When I heard the ghost car, I immediately begged him to tell me, and the ghost car was also generous Told me. I only saw the attribute of this thing after a simple secret spell was turned on and recognizing the Master. The equipment level actually shows that this item is a Divine Item. The method of use is to directly input a little magic power and then throw it out to hit people. It is a super simple thing. However, the attributes of this thing are too simple, except for the method of use and the level.

Since the attribute is not clear, the easiest way is to try it directly. I immediately started to input magic power, and found that this thing can indeed be activated with just a little magic power. I just entered five points of magic power and it was saturated. Knowing that Level 1 newcomers have 20 points of basic magic power. Five points of magic power is basically one hair from nine oxen to people of this level. But unlike the ultra-low consumption, the thunder bead immediately lit up with a dazzling blue light after I input the magic power, and at the same time, the surface immediately flashed with a dazzling blue arc, which looked amazing. Now that this thing is activated, of course I want to throw it out and try the formidable power immediately, but the ghost car screamed as soon as it saw my movements. "Don't throw it."

Unfortunately, he shouted too slowly. In fact, it was only one or two seconds before and after I input the magic power to when I threw the thing out. Of course, others couldn't stop shouting at this speed. As soon as the ghost car saw that I had thrown the thing out, it immediately yelled to me: "Run, use your fastest speed."

"Huh?" Although I didn't fully understand why I should run , But since the ghost car said that I decided to run first, at worst I will come back later, but I didn’t even run a few steps and the ball had already landed, and then I saw a blue light curtain burst out instantly, but The light curtain was not a shock wave, at least it was not a physical shock wave. My body didn't feel any power, but the things that followed could actually be felt.

A huge electric arc passed through my whole body in an instant. The powerful electricity made my whole body twitch violently, my muscles instantly stiffened, and my whole body fell down like a stick. Following this 1st Strike, the dense arc began to sweep the entire space frantically, the walls and roof collapsed in the terrifying energy Central Plains, and even the seal array that sealed the ghost car flickered violently.

In fact, what I have seen ends here, and the reason is naturally that I died. I hadn't been killed for a long time, and I was killed in a complete state, and it was still a type of accidental injury. It is conceivable that if I was hit directly, there would be consequences.

When I regained consciousness again, I was already standing in a resurrection hall, holding the bottle gourd in temporary equipment in my hand. The sudden scene change made me stunned for a while, and then I was awakened by a riot, because I just discovered that I was resurrected in a Japanese city, and no Japanese players in front of me didn't know me. Suddenly I found out that this Great Demon is not messy? Almost all the surrounding Japanese players instinctively drew out their weapons, and at this time, my contact with the familiars suddenly and completely recovered. The spiritual calls of the familiars kept ringing for an instant, and I consciously turned the teleportation ring and disappeared. In the resurrection hall. At this time, it is better not to conflict with these Japanese. I am not here to find someone to fight. I have to figure out the situation first.

The coordinates just transmitted are Fulcrum City. As soon as I got out of Transmission Formation, I immediately connected to the communication of the Familiar. Ling was the first to speak. "Master, how did you get killed?" Familiars and their masters can sense each other, so if Ling and the others can communicate with me, it means they can sense my position. Of course they won't ask me where I am.

I didn’t answer Ling’s question but instead asked: "Where are you all? Did Xiaochun and Yeying find it?"

"Everyone has gathered, now we They are all rushing to your side, and we will be there in a while."

"Have you seen Tianzhao?"

"I don’t know, we will be there after you are trapped. I lost the feeling with you, because we are sure that we can’t help you by staying in the same place, so we all left that place and returned to Tianzhao Mansion. We found the well and returned to the normal world here."

"I see. Come back first."


After cutting off the communication, I was very depressed and walked to the guild's residence in Fulcrum City and found it casually. After closing the door in the room, I began to organize the things in the bottle gourd, waiting for the return of the familiars by the way. speaking of which is really depressing. I didn't want to understand what was going on until just now.

The thunder bead that I threw out just now is most likely to be a one-time piece of equipment, so I blew myself back. Generally speaking, the equipment in "Zero" will have basic attribute marks, but the thunder bead just now has only an instruction and level mark, which shows that it is not a general equipment at all but a typical one-off equipment. The reason why I was hit is because I didn't expect it to be a one-time item. After all, Divine Item level equipment that can only be used once is too rare. There are a lot of disposable equipment in "Zero", but they are basically low-level items such as feather arrows. I have never heard of a disposable Divine Item before. However, since generally speaking one-off equipment can only be used once, it is generally higher in attributes than equipment of the same level. It is like a sword and detonating crystal in white equipment. The attack power of the long sword of white equipment is generally not more than 500, and the highest one has only been heard of more than 700, but the basic damage of the detonating crystal of the same white equipment level is almost 3,000. This comparison can be seen once. The formidable power of sex equipment. The thunder bead just now is a super grenade. It is a Divine Item level thing, plus it is a one-time equipment, so the formidable power far exceeds the general Divine Item. As a result, I seriously underestimated its formidable. power, and finally killed himself together. I knew that it was a one-time Divine Item, so I wouldn't be willing to throw it away! You know that the current black market price of Divine Item level equipment has copied nearly 10 million crystal coins. This is still rubbish in the Divine Item. Like my dragon suit, this level does not have more than one billion crystal coins. Don't even think about touching it. But when I thought that I just threw out nearly ten million crystals and killed myself once, I felt depressed and wanted to vomit blood.

"Fortunately, you are still here." I packed my mind and muttered to the bottle gourd in my hand. Think about it, it’s better to take things out and transfer them to Fenglong Space. How to say this bottle gourd is not a thing for equipment. Don’t make any problems and it will be troublesome. According to the method described by the ghost car, I turned the bottle gourd upside down and read the incantion, and then slammed the bottle cork. Who knew that the equipment did not come out but first sprayed out a strong alcoholic liquid before I reacted. The liquid level in the room is below my ankle. "Damn, is this thing the equipment of Dionysus?"

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