In fact, when we passed through the maze at first, we felt weird, because the maze looks very big, but the way of passing is very simple. This is not to say that we have phantoms and sand leaves to make the path clear, but the maze itself is very simple, even if no one leads the way, as long as you are not someone who likes to trouble yourself, you can pass it all at once. . At that time, we were just wondering why the channel was so simple, but now we understand it thoroughly. It turns out we went the other way!

The previous maze was a one-way maze. Its function is simply not to prevent people from entering, but to prevent things from coming out. As the gate was blasted open, a red liquid with a strong bloody smell quickly mixed with the outside lake water, and the surrounding waters were rapidly turning red at a speed visible by naked eye, and as the red liquid spread, the gate was still Some fragments of Unknown Creature's limbs drifted out slowly. But this is not the point. The key problem is that through the red turbid liquid, we actually saw a few bright yellow pupils that looked like light bulbs. Although we cannot see exactly what the owner of those eyes looks like for the time being, the creatures that can survive in such an environment will definitely not be kind animals.

We didn’t have time to react before we found that the "yellow light bulb" over there suddenly disappeared. After less than two seconds, seven or eight pairs of the "yellow light bulb" suddenly reacted extremely quickly. The speed rushed in front of us. It is only then that we can completely see what these things are. The overall appearance of this creature is more like a dog, but it is only similar in structure, and basically has nothing to do with a dog in appearance. They have a black and shiny skeleton-like appearance, and ribs can be seen in the thoracic part, and it feels like the internal and external order of bones and muscles has been reversed. These guys have very well-developed limbs, their muscles are wrapped in a fence-like skeleton structure, their feet are long and huge, and their claws are extremely sharp. But compared to their big heads and long tails, their claws seem to be nothing. The heads of these guys are very similar to cat skulls. The huge incisors are completely exposed without any skin wraps. Because there is no skin, the eye sockets appear very large. Of course, the inlaid in the middle is the huge "yellow" we saw at first. Light bulb". In addition to their heads, these guys' nearly two-meter-long tails are also quite terrifying. The whip-like tails composed entirely of skeletons are covered with sharp barbs. I believe that as long as they are hooked, they can tear off a large piece of meat. Come, let alone the lance-like tip of the tail, which is simply a murder weapon. In addition to the above characteristics, these guys have a row of spikes on their backs that can be erected and put down at will, which looks quite scary.

The monster that rushed in front of us didn't stop. These guys didn't seem to have much intelligence, because they simply didn't weigh our battle strength and just rushed forward. Ling, who stood at the top, became the first target, but Ling was not so easy to deal with. The monster that rushed forward hit Ling's water barrier and was suddenly bounced out, but Ling was also knocked out.

The monster behind immediately rushed towards me after bypassing Ling. I didn’t react slowly. I violently turned away from the monster that I rushed to first, and then clamped the monster’s neck with one hand. The claw on the right arm slid out of the scabbard with a sound, and followed the right arm from bottom to top. The top one went straight through the monster's throat and into the opponent's body. The monster immediately started to struggle violently, but it couldn't get rid of being caught in my arm. Instead, it helped me avoid other monsters.

Following monsters rushed past us and slammed into the sand leaves and the king behind us. Sha Ye Ye is relatively simple, and it completely ignores the attacks of these guys by directly turning into a Nether Soul state. The king's handling method was fierce, and he cut off the head of the monster who rushed first with a single sword. The ghost and the ghost respectively hugged two monsters, and the two monsters that were hugged quickly dried up at a speed visible to naked eye and turned into a pile of broken bones scattered in the water. Yeyue was standing at the back, and when the monster rushed to her side, she immediately opened her mouth to bite her, but was rewarded with a sword by a monster. The tip of the sword pierced through the throat and pierced the brain, resulting in two monsters in an instant. .

"Isn't it very strong!" Yeyue said proudly.

"I think the problem is not these few." Ling Yi pointed to the inside of the door, and we discovered that there were more than N large yellow bulbs inside.

"Damn, the quantity is too big, return it first."

Facts have proved that my decision is correct. Although we retired quite quickly, the speed of these guys going forward is really unbearable. I had to switch to the silver moon form and Ling alternately bombarded the back passage with large magic to barely stop them from moving forward, but that’s how it gradually made them rush to the front, and we can’t even use magic if we get closer like this. .

"Go away." Ye Yue suddenly shouted behind me, and Ling and I immediately dodge to both sides. Yeyue quickly rushed in front of the two of us, the goggles suddenly bounced, and after a flash of red light, the passage in front of her was tightly sealed by dense stone monsters. "Okay, I believe this can block it for a while, let's go out first. The place is too narrow and we can't use it at all!"

"But after going out, their quantitative advantages can also be expanded!" Ling Ling Objected.

"What should I do then?" The king is obviously not good at thinking. The heroic spirits are only good at fighting. Brains are not their specialty.

Sand Ye Zi said suddenly: "Can Brigitte come down and electrocute all these guys? Just now I felt that these things are more numerous, and the actual battle strength is not very strong. If Should it be possible to use water as a conductor for large-scale discharge?"

I shook the head. "Although Brigitte is Thor, it is not a nuclear power plant. Water will disperse the voltage. If the voltage is really discharged to the entire lake, the voltage will be shunted. The actual damage is definitely not enough to solve all these guys."

"Otherwise I call Princess down? Charm might be useful." Ye Yue suggested.

"I don’t have to say whether those things have IQ or not! Charm is less effective on creatures with lower intelligence, and it is more direct and violent."

"Then. You can only use the most earthy way!"

"What way?"

"Destroy directly." Yeyue rushed in as she shouted the last sentence. The monster group, I looked at the left and right and there was no suitable way, so I switched back to the Purple Moon form and rushed in with her. My demon from behind saw that I rushed in. Naturally, I could only rush with me.

Speaking of which these monstrous are almost a lot, but considering their actual battle strength, it seems that there is no advantage except more. As a few of us fought in the monster group, my summon creatures that can enter the water began to join in one after another, but this ghost place is only such a big space, no matter how many people there are, it can’t be spread out. In order to improve combat efficiency, we consciously put the monsters into the room where at first was launched. Although this place is not too big, it is at least much more spacious than the narrow passage. A large number of monsters poured in and were killed. The space was soon filled with corpses. Finally, we had to retreat to the lake. The monsters simply overturned the elevator-like pavilion. After the dense monsters poured out from the bottom of the lake It began to rush around in the entire Tianzhao Mansion, and the melee quickly spread throughout the mansion.

I held a monster in one hand and slammed hard, only hearing a click, the monster's neck was twisted directly, and it was hung softly around the neck as if it would fall off at any time. Just throwing away this monster, the monster next to him rushed up again, the right hand pierced eternally and quickly, and instantly penetrated the monster’s neck into the heart, but before I could pull the sword out, another monster came next. It’s too late to pull my hand here. I just used my left hand to support the monster’s chin and slam it upwards, then lifted my leg and hit the monster’s throat with a knee. The blade-shaped knee pad outside the knee of the magic dragon suit instantly penetrated through the monster’s chin. Neck, but the problem is that both my hands are stuck on the monster, and there is a third monster behind it. In desperation, I was a little bit on the ground with one leg, and the right hand and left leg took advantage of the strength to jump up. The monster jumped into the air and went under me. I fell from the top and rode on the back of the monster. With the force of the wrist, the jammed right hand was pulled out, followed by a sword pierced into the back of the monster, and backwards forcefully, a big hole almost divided the monster into two. Before the two monsters had time to pull out the left leg, the monster behind jumped up again and had no choice but to fight with one hand, but who knew that the ring of love suddenly rang at this time.

"Where did you go, husband?"

" damn monster...Damn, you still bite..."

"Husband, what are you doing?"

"My side is fighting with monsters!"

"Where are you fighting?" Rose's voice is obviously With curiosity. "The king of Chuang said that you were missing halfway, and we couldn't contact you anyway. The Iron Crusade on the German side and the British and French allied forces have been stunned, and the Korean side is also in a melee. At this critical moment, you are missing you! "

"I am not...Aiya...I am not missing! I was brought into Gao Tianyuan by Tian Zhao."

" Gao Tianyuan? What are you doing to God World in Japan?" "

"Didn’t you say that I was brought in? But don’t worry, Tian Zhao is not my opponent here. It turns out that the strength of their Japanese Divine Race here is to be discounted. I’m here. This side is actually better than Tianzhao. Just now I was copying Tianzhao’s lair, and who knew that a bunch of monsters suddenly appeared. This would be ridiculous! The Iron Crusade and South Korea should stand up first, and I’ll be done in a while I can go back. By the way, how did you get in touch with me? I tried the ring of love before, but it couldn’t be connected!"

"I asked the people at Celestial Court to help with the array to increase the output power , Didn't expect actually connected. Since you are busy, I won’t tell you, but when you come back, remember not to go to Germany or South Korea, go directly to Japan."

" Why are you going to Japan?” I was talking while stepping on a monster's head with one foot, and pinching the neck of another monster with my left hand. The right hand was also waving Eternity to fight the third monster. "Well, isn't Japan going to make a strategic transformation?"

"That's the strategic transformation. Masaka Matsumoto is ready, now I want you to cooperate and start with this big counterattack. Plan."

Because of the previous conversation with Matsumoto Masaka, he has officially become my subordinate. The plan at that time was to support Matsumoto Masaka to replace Nobunaga Onitou, and use Matsumoto Masaka to indirectly control Japan. Purpose. Before, we always thought of directly occupying Japan, but according to the later situation, it is not only too difficult to directly occupy Japan, but also the investment is amazingly high. It is calculated that the input and output are not proportional, so this method is actually nothing. Merit. It happened that Masaga Matsumoto, the leader of abandoned Japan, was frustrated and recruited by me, so we came up with a plan to use him to control Japan. However, Masaka Matsumoto fought with us for so long before Nobunaga Kisou made his fortune. At this moment, we dare not completely believe him. It would be even more troublesome if we can't control the fattening of Japan like the Americans. At that time, I arranged for Masaga Matsumoto to come directly to live in China, so that as long as his real people are under my control, we are not afraid of him messing around in the game. Anyway, so many girls from Sakura Club have come to China before, and I don’t care about raising one more professional player. Rose told me today that the start of the plan must be that Matsumoto's residence in China and other matters have been arranged, and now we can safely help him develop his influence in Japan.

Helping Matsumoto Masaka to develop this in Japan is a grand strategy, and it is very important to talk about it, but now we are copying Tenzhao’s home, this is already considered fat, it makes no sense, don’t do it. ! After thinking about it, I decided to wipe out this side first. Anyway, the grand strategy does not have to emphasize time. The more the grand strategy, the less important the details.

I was just planning how to help Masaka Matsumoto regain the position of leader of Japan, while fighting a lot of monsters. Just like this, I froze for more than eight hours, and my pet and I were all tired and almost unable to stand. The last monster finally fell under my feet. Looking at Tianzhao's mansion now, there is no good house except for the piles of debris. In the eight-hour melee, we killed at least 100,000 monsters, and the corpses covered the ground several layers.

I just sat directly on the top of the corpse mountain and panted, and the surrounding air was filled with a sour blood-reeking qi. A few of my Familiars died in the battle, and there were not a few Qilin warrior and Ringtone Knight left. Fortunately, we won in the end. Skott reluctantly climbed to my side and sat down, panting, and asked me: "Master, what did you find below? There are so many monster guards!"

I always thought the room below It was the place where these monsters were sealed. Now I think of it as soon as Skott said it. It's not that Tian Zhao has a bad brain, and it's okay to seal so many monsters, what are they doing under his yard? In this way, those monsters are not really things to be stored in the room, they should be just a defensive barrier. But thinking about it this way, the previous maze is a bit hard to explain. With the number of these monsters, the maze can be filled with numbers. It can be said that there is no need to exist. However, for us entering the room, the reverse maze does not have a blocking effect. Then set up such a maze in the passage to the end. What is it for? After much deliberation, there was still no reason to say so, I decided to go down and take a look. In the last room, we didn't actually go in. It was just that a hole was blasted out by the monster tide, and we didn't even see anything in it.

After taking a few pills to restore stamina, I took Yeyue with better physical strength and went underwater again. As for the other magic rushes, I haven't been relieved yet. The “elevator” used to launch the water before will have been knocked over, and now the launch channel has become a big hole, and it is much larger than before. In the process of crowding and rushing outwards, the monsters kept pulling the outer wall of the passage, which has actually widened the passage a lot. Ye Yue relies on a big tail in the water much faster than me. Needless to say, she has already started to clean the corpses in the passage. It took us a long time to get into the previous underwater passage through the gap between the monster's corpse, and then we crossed the passage and maze with the mechanism to reach the room where the monster appeared, but we were even more confused.

There is nothing in the room where the monster gushes out. We searched the entire room, and the area of ​​the room is not as big as an ordinary classroom. There were no other passages in the room, nor were there such things as secret barriers. There was nothing left except the hundreds of blank scrolls on the ground.

Because those scrolls are the only item in the room, Yeyue and I studied these scrolls carefully, but the conclusion is that these scrolls are not magic scrolls at all, because the regular magic scrolls will disappear completely after use. It will not become a blank scroll, otherwise the materials for the magic scroll will not be so expensive. After observing, Ye Yue and I are more inclined to use these scrolls as painting scrolls, but it is not clear why they are here. In addition, we have a doubt. The dead monster outside spreads the entire Tianzhao Mansion on several floors, but this room is less than the size of a classroom. How did so many monsters fit into such a small room at the time?

Yeyue and I couldn’t find the reason below, and the pets above were also waiting anxiously. Sha Yezi and Ling ran down first, but this question is too strange. We have been studying together for a long time. Did not think of a reason. Everyone was sitting in a daze by the lake, but Bailang suddenly said, "I think differently, these scrolls are one of the treasures we are looking for."

"How do you know?" I asked Bailang curiously. Although Bailang is also intelligent, he is not a pet in human form after all. In terms of intelligence, he is much worse than Ling. Ling didn't understand that it didn't make sense, but he thought about it first!

Bailang did not explain at all, but directly unfolded one of the scrolls and spread it on the ground, then pressed one end of the scroll with his paws, and then dripped a drop of blood from the ground next to the scroll. superior. We watched the blood drip on the scroll but suddenly seeped in. After about two seconds, traces of dried blood appeared on the paper, like blood spots drawn on paper.

"This thing is a magic scroll?" Ling picked up the scroll in surprise and looked at it over and over for a long time. "Weird, obviously there is no magic wave!" Bai Lang replied directly: "Don't ask me the reason, I just happened to find the trick, and you haven't finished reading it yet." The paw touched the scroll slightly, and a large swarm of blood spewed out on the scroll with a bang, which almost chilled us all.

Ling Daoshi reacted quickly, and she immediately realized the purpose of this thing. "It can increase the number of absorbed things and then release them?"

Ye Yue followed: "That means the monsters we killed before may only be copied with this thing. Someone used this thing to absorb it. A monster was released, and then more were released."

White Wave shook the head. "I don't know how the previous monster came from, but this thing can indeed replicate what it has absorbed, but it needs to be injected with magic power when it absorbs. Anyway, you can understand it by yourself."

The scrolls are good. A few of them, when we heard what Bailang said, we immediately took one of them to experiment. After everyone had finished the experiment, we summarized our findings, and found that the function of this thing is not as terrifying as we thought before. First of all, this thing can be copied, but the copy is limited to living objects, such as the blood dripped by the white waves and the monsters that ran out before. It can't do anything about other inanimate things. In addition, as long as you hold the reel, when something suitable for copying touches the surface of the reel, the reel will prompt you whether to store it. If you want to store it, the reel will prompt you to enter the magic power, and the magic power to enter and exit and the target to be stored. The power level is related. But here is one thing that is pretty good, that is, providing magic power must not be done by humans, and objects such as magic crystals can also be used as a source of magic power. Once the previous storage process is completed, the scroll will ask you if you want to copy the creatures inside. This process is not free, but requires constant input of magic. As long as you choose to copy, the scroll will wait for you to input magic power. Once the input magic power can copy a creature, a creature will be generated in the scroll immediately, and the speed of the creation is completely determined by your input speed. It can take a few months to slowly input the magic power of a creature, or it can take a second to suddenly pour it in enough to replicate the magic power of hundreds of creatures. Anyway, as long as the magic power is enough, the scroll will continue to replicate. The mana consumed when copying a creature is less than when storing a creature before. It is only about half of the first absorbed sample. However, based on the player’s personal mana value, it is estimated that even the creature that was just killed by us is copied. There won't be too many, but if this thing is connected to the urban power system, then...hehehehe, anyway, it is not a problem to form a Legion. Of course, the magic of the urban power system is not free of money, but it is definitely cheaper than buying soldiers directly. In addition, this thing has an attribute that we are more excited about, that is, it can not only store a sample. The release and absorption of this thing can be adjusted at any time, and there are up to three types of absorption samples, which means that you can first absorb three kinds of organisms for use in different environments, and then selectively release when needed. .

After confirming the function of the scroll, I was excited to put it away, and then I continued to turn over the ruins of Zhaofu Mansion. To be honest, Tian Zhao, the ghost house, is really not very good at cultivating. There are not a few valuable things in such a big place, so it took us so long to find a few scrolls for practical purposes. Of course, I wouldn’t believe that Tian Zhao has such a small family property. After all, how could a main god be so poor that even the idle Divine Immortal like the Arctic Star Monarch can’t match?

After a few hours of messing around, we still got nothing. Rose urged me again in the middle, and I was both anxious about it. Matsumoto Masaka really needs someone to deal with it, but it's really maddening that the food that is just right here can't be eaten. After doing it for a long time, I shook my mind. "Buy me explosives and blow up the entire Tianzhao Mansion. The ones that don't blow up are definitely treasures, and the ones that can be blown up are not worth looking for."

My trick is very good. It's so cruel. Anyway, time doesn't allow it. It's best to find something. I can't find it and I don't have time to delay. The remaining summon creatures began to take explosives from my Phoenix Dragon space. Fortunately, I have the habit of keeping various supplies in the Phoenix Dragon space, otherwise there is really no way.

It took us nearly an hour to pile up at least a dozen tons of explosives in various places in Tianzhao Mansion. After making sure that everything was done, I put away all the summon creatures and turned around and left. Following a small fire ball flashed out of the detonating crystal, the entire Tianzhao Mansion flew into the sky together. When I summon Chu Ling, I used a gale technique. The broken soil and broken tiles and the monster’s corpse were all blown out of the city by the wind. There was only a bare pit on the ground of Tianzhao Mansion, and the bottom of the pit was still left. Looking at the traces of the previous underwater maze, it's just that the water in the maze was blown away with the soil.

"This is really clean!"

"What is that?" Ling suddenly pointed to a place and asked me.

I followed Ling's direction and looked over. At the bottom of the big pit, there was an area in the labyrinth where only the underlying structure was bombed. It stood there intact. Originally, this area was just a dead end in the maze. For us who are looking for a passage, it is something that can’t be easily overlooked, but now that the vicinity is blown flat, only it is a crane in a flock of chickens. It is very prominent there.

"hehe, didn't expect really let us find it!"

The entire maze was blown up only to show that the composition of the maze is very ordinary, so this preserved part It must have been specially processed, and since it has been specially processed, it must have hidden some secrets.

I summon the pets and go down to the bottom of the pit to study the only remaining area. In fact, there is not much left in this place. At most, there is a passage of more than one meter long connected to half of the wall. From the gap of the explosion, this place is protected by a circular stand, because the damaged part is just spherical. the edge of. I entered this passage and researched it for a while, because the goal was relatively clear, so I quickly discovered the problem. It turned out that one of the corners of the dead end was an illusion. This place actually has a square hole, equivalent to half a door in size. Before Phantom and Sha Yezi had no entity, they didn't realize that this place was an illusion. Anyway, the wall just looked like an obstacle to them, and the real wall and the fake wall were the same for them. Of course, this hole does not lead to the back of the wall. If the hole is connected to the secret room, although the Phantom cannot see it, they will definitely find the secret room behind when they walk over. The key problem is that the hole is actually a space channel, unless you are from above. Go through, otherwise you can't find it at all, because behind the wall is still the other part of the maze instead of a secret room.

After confirming the space channel, I first put a candle bee in to find the way. After confirming the safety, I took a large number of demons and sneaked in. There is nothing complicated in it, that is, a room sealed on all sides, but there is a huge metal door facing the hole where we enter. This door is round with a diameter of about eight meters. It looks like the door of a bank vault. However, there are more than 30 passwords on the door, but the person looking at it is dizzy.

"Who will open the code lock?"

The demons shook their heads together.

"That's the old way." I directly started to dig out explosives from the Phoenix Dragon Space, but I was held down by Ling as soon as I took two of them.

"Here is the space built by divine force. Once the exploded formidable power exceeds its upper limit, the space will collapse. Tianzhao himself can find this channel entrance again by relying on memory, so we basically Don't think about it."

"What should I do?"

Ye Yue suggested: "Or use your eternity to cut slowly?"

" The ghost knows how thick this thing is, and the divine force space is there, and the divine force blockade will definitely be there. I guess eternity will be immovable. Even if it can be broken, the time will not be acceptable to me."

"Or try sending it?"

"Who knows how thick this thing is? What if it gets stuck in the wall?"

"Maybe I You can try." Unexpectedly, Ivorite actually took over a job that everyone couldn't handle.

"Then you try." Anyway, there is no way to break the door quickly, just let Inverrit try first.

After getting my consent, Ivorite immediately asked Brigitte to help start unlocking. Brigitte and Inverite are both constructed creatures, which are magic mechanical lifeforms, and to put it bluntly, they are advanced magic puppets. Because of their super magic core, Brigitte and Inverite have a common feature, that is, they can be deformed to a certain extent.

Inverrit first asked Brigitte to decompose and reorganize her body into the form he designated. The re-constructed Brigitte became a huge disk with N multiple robotic arms. Zhuang structure followed Inverite to push Brigitte in this form to the front of the door, and then Brigitte used her mechanical arm to grab the code locks and return them to zero. After completing this step, Ivorite disintegrated and reassembled itself into a larger strange machine. In front of this machine, there is something like a horn close to the door, and then there are many bearings on the other side of the machine. The thing is inserted into the interface left by Brigitte's changing mechanical form.

"Ready, we are about to start."

"OK." Brigitte gave a reminder that the preparation was completed.

"Start." Following Inverite's prompt, Brigitte's first mechanical arm suddenly began to rotate slowly and faster and faster. Accompanied by the activation of the first robotic arm, the robotic arms began to rotate one after another, but we can clearly see that the speed of each robotic arm is different. After about a few minutes, all of Brigitte’s mechanical arms started to spin frantically. The first few password disks even started to smoke. We had to let Shuangxue use ice attribute spell to cool down, otherwise the password hasn’t been solved yet. If you don't open the turntable, it will be discarded first.

As time goes by, we gradually understand what Ivorite does. He seemed to use himself and Brigitte’s body to assemble a simple tester. The speed of each of Brigitte’s robotic arms was exactly ten times different. So he just had to wait for the slowest one to complete a full revolution. It is equivalent to trying all the password combinations. In the process, Ivorite has been monitoring the mechanical structure in the door. Once the password is correct, the corresponding magic sensor device will be activated in the door, although this time is very short. , But there will always be a magical reaction. As long as Ivorite detects this kind of fluctuation, he can be sure that the password just now is correct, so this process is quite simple, nothing more than waiting for more time.

Thirty-six password dials. Although each disk has only ten digits, this combination is very scary. Brigitte's speed is indeed very fast, but considering that the number multiple is too large, even though her first robotic arm is flying around in the same wind, it will take several hours to try out all the combinations, and what we can do The only thing is to pray that the code number is relatively small, otherwise there will be waiting!

Ling also became anxious watching Inverite and Brigitte's crazy password test. "We can't wait like this. If the structure of the code lock is special and the magic response cannot be detected, aren't we waiting for nothing? Let's just start brute force cracking now, maybe we can open it first?"

< p>"It makes sense." I said to Ivoryt: "You guys are busy first, we do ours, we will do both. There is always one way to open the door first."

In fact, Ling's method is also It's not a brilliant method, it's nothing more than violent opening of the door. We made a chisel with Eternity, and then started to dig down the wall tiles along the door. Sure enough, this wall was reinforced as I expected. It took me a lot of effort to get a brick as big as my fingernail, but progress is better than nothing.

Three hours later, I dug a large part of the edge of the door, and even the fixing screws of the door frame were exposed by me. There was still no result on Inverite's side, and Brigitte's turntable had only turned more than halfway. After more than an hour, Ivorite suddenly yelled: "Wait."

With a click, Brigitte’s turntable locked instantly, and then all the code disks began to slowly fall backwards. , After only a dozen seconds, it stopped again, and then watched Brigitte's robotic arm began to rotate forward and backward to test positions, and finally all stopped.

"The password is out." Ivorite and Brigitte replied after returning to their normal form.

"Yes, as expected, you are faster." I quickly stopped digging the wall, took Eternity back into the keyhole, and let Eternity deform and fill the keyhole according to the situation of the keyhole. After completing the co

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