"I have a defect?"

"Yes." Nobunaga Guishou triumphantly asked me: "As the number one in the global battle strength Ranking List, you actually even Don’t know about this?"

"I simply don’t know what you are talking about."

"Well, since you can’t think of it, then I’ll remind you. You small silver Moon is great, but you forget that the biggest flaw of your trumpet is your strongest."

"The strongest?"

"Your strongest The strong point is the powerful spell damage, and here is the arena. The biggest feature of the arena is its relatively small area. Do you think it is possible to defeat a melee professional like me in a duel on such a venue?"

"So that's what you said!" I smiled weirdly, and then threw the sun rod in my hand upwards, with a boom, the sun rod burst into countless fire snakes in the air, and followed these fire snakes flying in the air After a lap, they entangled each other and rushed down to my right hand. I stretched out my hand to pinch the head of the fire snake, and followed the fire snake to quickly go out at a speed visible to the naked eye, revealing a long crimson knuckle whip. The shape of this whip is rather peculiar. The grip is similar to the hilt of a sword. The whip body feels like a long spine, but it is made of a flaming, unknown substance. I held the whip in my hand as if there was life moving on the ground, and the compelling heat made Guishou Nobunaga no more proud. "Since you mentioned it, then I will tell you by the way. My trumpet... is actually a melee expert."

I moved almost at the same time as I finished speaking, red's whip No need to wave, suddenly he jumped up from the ground and shot directly at Guishou Nobunaga's neck. Nobunaga Guishou hurriedly blocked it with his sword. The soft whip was immediately wrapped around the blade when it was blocked by the blade, and the whole whip began to turn red rapidly, and even the blade with Nobunaga Guishou began to turn red. Although Guite Nobunaga is still more than a foot away from the blade, he is almost unable to stand up because of the compelling heat wave, but Onite Nobunaga does not intend to give up. He still gritted his teeth and grabbed the knife. I'm stronger than I am, and I'm not willing to lose the knife in my hand.

I looked at Guishou Nobunaga proudly and said: "Don’t hold on anymore, my whip can keep heating up at this speed until its surface reaches the temperature of the core of the sun, no matter what you take. What kind of weapon will be melted sooner or later."

"hmph! Sun core? What are you bragging about? If you had such a weapon, wouldn't you take it out sooner?"

" If you face a hundred unarmed enemies in a place as big as a basketball court, would you choose a miniature submachine gun with a smaller formidable power or a powerful anti-tank rocket launcher?"

Although I did not answer the ghosts head-on Nobunaga's words, but he has already heard what I mean. Although the Sun Rod is not as powerful as this whip, the Sun Rod is an all-attack Magical Artifact. Of course, the staff is more powerful in normal combat, but the whip is still easy to use when singled out. In fact, this is Guishou Nobunaga's own guess. The real situation is that the sun rod and this whip are simply the same thing. The sun rod is the weapon of Sun God, and the sun is a gaseous planet, so Sun God's weapon has similar characteristics, that is, the shape is not fixed. To put it bluntly, this thing can be deformed like eternity, but it is not like eternity. Whatever you want to change, it only has a few sets of fixed templates, and there are only a few changes.

Although Guishou Nobunaga doesn’t believe me, the temperature in his hands is indeed rising. Guizou Nobunaga probably thought that although I was bragging, I didn’t completely lie, so he also estimated that The temperature of the whip is not low, but it is not as exaggerated as the core of the sun. As the temperature gradually rose, Nobunaga Guishou began to realize that it was not worthwhile to work hard with me. He suddenly let go, and then violently pulled out a saber from behind.

The sudden loss of resistance made me drag the whip back. Of course, I also brought back Nobunaga's knife, but at this time the knife was obviously deformed. Nobunaga Onita took advantage of my unstable center of gravity because of my sudden loss of strength and rushed forward with a knife. Before he was about to rush in front of me, he suddenly jumped up and turned half a circle in the air and smashed it down with the power of the rotation. I could even see the tricky smile on Nobunaga's face, but his smile quickly closed. Got up because he also saw my smile.

"Flame——Storm." Countless half-moon-shaped flame knives were launched in the form of group jets. Nobunaga Ghost was knocked down by the dense flame knives only when the horizontal knives were blocked. Flew back. After falling to the ground, Guishou Nobunaga, who had rolled more than a dozen times in a row, suddenly jumped up, slapping the flames on his body as he watched me carefully to prevent me from launching a continuous attack.

"You seem to have just said that my shortcoming is that I am a mage-type character who is not good at melee combat. Why don't you remember that my specialty is magic?"

" You...!"

"Oh, yes, I forgot to have this." I suddenly raised hand, and the flaming soft whip immediately rolled back out of the bang, and a colored light that had just drilled out of the Transmission Passage The smash of the ball hit. The system hint then sounded.

"The lucky ball is hit, the lucky value determines that the player Yinyue has the attribute control. The random result of this attribute is: get the command of a Law Enforcer that has started to move on the field. Ding, because of the field For the Law Enforcer that hasn't started to move, the attribute is invalid."

"What a bad luck!" After I finished cursing, Nobunaga Guishou mentioned his throat and put his heart back. Just now I suddenly smashed a lucky ball and scared him to death, but fortunately, this attribute is invalid.

Slap. Nobunaga Guishou was in good spirits, and I didn't expect another lucky ball. These lucky balls are ejected suddenly from the Transmission Passage on the ground. Although they appear quite frequently, they are difficult to hit theoretically because they appear at different locations and speeds. Nobunaga Guishou doubts me why. Can hit lucky balls consecutively. But in fact, Nobunaga's suspicion is precisely the key. I have already told Guishou Nobunaga that the referee of this duel is the mascot of our guild. Although Jixiang Ruyi cannot directly interfere with the random attributes of the system, at least they can inform me of many things in advance, at least I can know which ones The hole is about to spout a lucky ball. As long as you are prepared, it is not too difficult to hit these little things.

This time the lucky ball was hit and the system hint immediately sounded again. "The lucky ball is hit, and the lucky value determines that the player Yinyue has the attribute control. The random result of the attribute is: the agility attribute is increased by 5%."

"hehe, it's a bit less, but Better than not." I loudly said: "Require the attribute to take effect on myself."

"The attribute is effective."

I played a few beautiful whips in front of me. Movement, although there is no obvious change in speed, at least I feel that playing with the whip has become much smoother. Whip this thing can be said to be a technical weapon. Weapons like sticks and swords can still be used even if you have not learned to pick them up before. It is nothing more than a skill, but if the whip is not good enough to draw yourself, it is normal. Now my agility has improved, the whip is flying up and down like a fire snake in my hand, and the ghost Nobunaga who is looking at it is shivering.

"Yeah!" After seeing my speed getting faster, Nobunaga Guishou suddenly speeded up and rushed over. He knew he couldn't wait any longer. If I continue to hit the lucky ball, it will kill him sooner or later. Although he didn't know that I could know the launch location of the lucky ball in advance from Jixiang Ruyi, he was certain that I had any way to find the launch point of the lucky ball, so he was sure that it would be his luck to wait any longer. As for the turntable game of dominance, he didn't even think about it. That thing calculates the probability based on the lucky value of both sides. My lucky value itself is more than three times higher than the ghost Nobunaga. In addition, the luck of the direct hit is multiplied by two, so I ended up on the probability wheel. The admiral gets more than 90% of the area, which means that if I hit the lucky ball, the probability of Nobunaga Onihand being able to get the right to dominate is less than one in ten. It's better not to let the attribute happen than to believe that you can meet that one-tenth probability of Nobunaga Oni Shou.

I took a step back without hesitation when I saw Nobunaga rushing over, and then I stepped on the air and fell into the Transmission Passage behind me. Nobunaga Guishou rushed to where I was standing but found that I had fallen. He immediately turned around and looked around, but after he turned around, I suddenly emerged from a hole next to the hole. This position is actually less than a meter away from the hole I just fell into. Nobunaga Guishou just turned his back to me because he looked back to where I appeared.

"Prominence jets." I suddenly restored the whip to the form of a staff, and then launched my super attacking skills against Nobunaga's back. The attack power of this magic is quite high. The only drawback is that it launches a ring instead of a straight line. Of course, I don’t have to worry about these issues when I launch it against the back of Nobunaga Oni.

"Ah!" "Ah!" Nobunaga screamed and was beaten out. With a plop, he fell into a Transmission Passage, and immediately ran out to the left and front after me. Nobunaga Onitaka emerged from the hole in front of me just before I stopped, but he only saw a large Fireball covering his head.

Yes, just as I can know the spray path of the lucky ball in advance, I can actually know the connection point of the Transmission Passage. Jixiang Ruyi can tell me the connection status of each channel at any time, and I can choose the channel according to my needs. These channels speaking of which are randomly selected outlets. In fact, they do not change all the time. In fact, they are always fixed. Only when a person passes through the channel, the channel that is passed will be exchanged with other channels. Connection, it looks as if the connection point of the channel is different every time, but the change is not big at all. Because I knew the location of Oni Te Nobunaga's appearance in advance, I blocked Oni Te Nobunaga's entrance in the first step.

The Guishou Nobunaga, who was smashed back into the hole again, didn't emerge from the other hole but hung up. As soon as the scene around us turned around, I returned to the battlefield where I was standing before. The duel space will automatically disappear after one side of the battle is killed. Nobunaga oni was injured by me before. Later, he directly suffered all the formidable power of the prominence. The last Sun Fireball was in the middle of the head, and he would never kill my battle. It's time to change the position for the strength list.

"Oh, it turns out that this is the antidote!" After popping out of the duel space, there was a small bottle in my hand. It seems that this is our bet before entering-the puppet bead's solution medicine.

Although Yinyue’s trumpet is also very difficult to deal with, but I rarely use this account, so I always feel not used to it. Since I get the medicine for understanding, it’s better to get back to deal with as soon as possible. After switching to the Purple Moon form, I quickly opened the bottle and poured it into my mouth, but nothing came out of the bottle. Just when I was surprised, my mouth suddenly became hot. A ball of light flew out of my mouth and went directly into the mouth of the bottle, and then the cap automatically flew back to the bottle, killing the ball of light. Is sealed inside. After working on it for a long time, this bottle was not used for antidote but for recycling puppet beads.

I got the puppet beads and I was about to throw this bottle away. Suddenly I remembered that since Kano Ichi could use this to manipulate others, I don’t know if I can use it. Anyway, take it back to the researchers in the meeting. It doesn't hurt to analyze it.

After putting away the bottle, I looked up again and looked towards the Guishou Nobunaga and the others. The dueling field has a feature, that is, the dead can be resurrected at the place where they enter the duel space, without being teleported to return to the living hall, of course, the level will still drop, unless it is a friendship game that is discussed in advance.

The duel has been out for so long. The outside battle has ended. The battle between Qilin warrior and Tianbara guards has basically been determined. There are very few Tianbara guards with limited strength. Qilin warrior suffered more than half of the casualties, but Overall, it still has an absolute advantage, and now is the final stage.

Since Onihand Nobunaga was just defeated by me in the duel, and I have restored the Purple Moon form, these Japanese players no longer have any illusions about attacking me, so they are all struggling. Back up and prepare to open the distance first and then run collectively, but I won't let them go so easily.

"Do you want to leave so soon?"

Nobunaga Onihand glanced at his hand, and then pretended to answer my words, but suddenly Turning around and shouting: "Run separately."

The reaction speed of those Japanese players was quite fast, but it was a bit slow compared to me. Numerous vines suddenly broke out of the ground and entangled them all. Although a few people quickly drew out their weapons and slashed at the vines that entangled them, the branches of the rose vine were so tough that they only chopped off after all that was necessary. It was just a few, but because of this delay, more canes were entangled.

"Where else do you want to run?"

"hmph, although I can't beat you, it doesn't cost much to leave!" Nobunaga Guishou finished Suddenly he dropped a smoke bomb and followed Rose Vine to report that Nobunaga Guisou was gone, but even though Nobunaga Guisou ran away, none of his subordinates and Kano Ichibe ran away.

"hehe." With a wicked smile, I turned to Kano Kazuto and the rest of the Japanese players. "Since Guisou Nobuh is running for a long time, I have to use you instead, don't you mind?"

"What are you going to do?" Kanoichi asked with some fear. He knows that the good things in my hand are not much less than him, and of course it is not a good thing to use them on themselves.

I snapped my fingers, and the Phoenix Dragon Space opened immediately, and a stone platform was bounced out and hit the ground with a bang. "Do you still know?"

"Divine Stage? How come you have this thing?" This thing was originally snatched from Kano Ichito and Kisou Nobunaga. At that time, Kisoubu Long wanted to suck out all of my attribute values ​​for his own use, but later I even gave it to the table. However, the table itself was not a finished product at that time. I took it back and let the researchers in the conference work on it for a long time before studying it clearly. Now this is the finished product that has been analyzed and processed by the elite researchers of our guild, but so far I haven't done the actual test yet, I brought this one just to find time to try the formidable power.

Because this thing was originally made by Kano Kazuo, the several Japanese people here all knew the purpose of this thing when they heard the name, but they all struggled more violently. Just kidding, this thing is a super abnormal tool that can suck up all EXP and attributes. Once killed by a person, it will lose one or two levels. Even if you are unlucky enough to explode the equipment, it is not a major irreversible problem. If this thing sucks up, not only will the character be scrapped, but even the equipment will not be preserved. So far, the equipment in "Zero" basically has attribute requirements, which means that people with too low attribute values ​​can't equip anything. This table absorbs the attribute but does not lower the level, but after the attribute is low, the equipment will automatically leave because it does not meet the equipment requirements. This separation is not like the death explosion equipment and calculates the probability. It is a 100% occurrence rate, because the system People with insufficient attributes will not be allowed to equip demanding equipment.

"Let go of me, let me go." Kanoichi was struggling desperately hoping that I could put him down, but I would not pity my enemy. Rose Vine slowly put Kano Kazuo on the table, and I flipped through a book as thick as a dictionary from Fenglong Space.

"What is this?" Ling leaned over and looked at what I took out curiously.

I replied casually while flipping through the book: "Instructions."


"Well, this damn thing is too complicated to operate. I can’t take the operator with me, so I have to ask for this manual. Now let me see, 1st Step should put the sacrifice on the table, pay attention to the sacrifice must be alive. Second Step ......Huh?"

Ling snatched my calligraphy: "I'll read it, you can do it."


"The next step should be from the top of the table Put the magic crystal into the hole."

"The hole? This hole?"

"Yes, that's it." Ling turned to me to see the illustrations in the book. "That's it, put three magic crystals in, and then close the filling port."

"Well, what's the next step?"


Ling Zheng was about to recite the next steps, and the Kanye household suddenly called out: "Stop...stop. Pause!"

I stood up and gave Kanye a slap. "What's your ghost name?"

"I want to redeem my body. I will give you good things, can you let me go?"

"Redemption?" I and Ling looked at each other After a glance, Ling immediately opened his mouth and asked: "Tell me what good stuff you have? As long as the price is right, nothing can't be discussed." To keep his name, he had to bow down once, and besides, he was not a tough character at first. "I have magic crystals, many magic crystals, I use magic crystals to redeem myself."

"che, what am I to be a baby!" I immediately pretended to be disappointed and returned to the front of the stone platform . "Ling, what's the next step?"

"The next step...!"

Ling hasn’t started to recite Kanoichi and then rushed to shout: "Don’t...don’t , Stop, I have something else, which is sure to satisfy you. Let’s do it. I have a random wish fruit here, and I will use it to exchange myself with you."

"Random wish fruit?" I have heard of wish fruit before, but this is the first time I have heard of random wish fruit. "What is the difference between this random wish fruit and the general wish fruit?"

Kano Kazuke wanted to get out of the current situation, he immediately replied when I asked: "The difficulty of the task and the gains of the general wish fruit The rewards are basically the same, which means that if you get a very simple task, you can only make some simple small wishes after you complete the task and obtain the fruit of the wish, otherwise the fruit will not take effect. But the random wish fruit is a kind of try one's luck. The difficulty of the task has nothing to do with the strength of the fruit. You may be assigned to a super simple task that a 100-level player can complete in a few minutes, but you will get a wish that can be made in an instant. One thousand level super fruit may also obtain a task that requires the power of a large guild to be barely completed, but only gives you a wish worth one crystal coin. In short, this kind of fruit is completely irregular, tasks and fruits Intensity has nothing to do with it."

"Then why don't you use it yourself?"

"I want to use it too, but there are always lumps in my heart. At the beginning, I invested in this fruit. It’s very big, but it’s hard to get the fruit, but I’m always worried. What if this is just an ordinary fruit!"

"I think I can understand your feelings about gains and losses. Playing the treasure box game is almost the same. On the one hand, I want to open the treasure box to see what I got. On the other hand, I am worried about what to do if there is only a broken bottle in it."

"Yes, yes, that’s the feeling . But I really can’t make up my mind, so I’ve kept it till now. If it were you, there would be no problems. I took it to redeem it, and you took it for nothing anyway. In this case, no matter what you wish to fail, it shouldn’t. t be is too lost. In case this fruit has a strong ability, you might make a comparison."

Listening to Kano Kazuto's words, I really started to get excited. Generally speaking, the fruit of wish is indeed a very useful thing. At least it is more useful than the wishing altar of our guild. Of course, the wishing altar can be used repeatedly. This advantage is incomparable. However, satisfaction falls into satisfaction, and I don't intend to end there.

"The wish fruit is indeed good, but your random wish fruit is far worse. What if you can only get something very simple?"

"You can't blame me for this! Besides, maybe you can get a strong wish?" Kano Kazuke is still trying hard to persuade us to accept his redemption conditions.

"In this way, if you add any additional conditions, we will consider releasing you." I stated the final conditions.

"With conditions?" Kanoichi thought for a while and then suddenly said: "By the way, I still have an evolutionary fruit."

"Damn, you count the monkeys. Yeah? How come you carry so many fruits with you." I also know the evolution of fruits. Different from the wish fruit, this thing is for the pet. The function is to give the pet an opportunity to evolve. However, the specific evolution mode is messy on the Internet. Many people think that eating the fruit of evolution can evolve randomly. In fact, it really affects it. The evolution direction is not the fruit itself, but the first enemy to fight after eating the fruit. To put it simply, it is adaptive evolution. When the pet eats the fruit and engages with the enemy, the pet will then perform targeted evolution based on the enemy's battle method. For example, if a demon familiar encounters a super fast enemy after eating the fruit, the evolution direction of the demon familiar may be overwhelming killing skills or super speed, because only by evolving these things can it hope to eliminate the enemy. Of course, the above is the evolutionary direction of defeating the enemy. If defeated, the evolutionary direction may be super defense or some other targeted defense direction. In short, the evolutionary direction of the fruits of evolution depends entirely on the characteristics of the enemy who fought for the first time after eating the fruits. Of course, the basic evolutionary direction of equal-order evolution will take effect regardless of whether the enemy is engaged or not.

There is no need to think about it this time. Even if we continue to blackmail, it is estimated that Kano Kazuo will not give us other benefits. After all, he is not a fool, and he will give whatever he wants.

"In that case, we agree to your request."

Kino Kazuke immediately relaxed as soon as we agreed, and then we signed the system guarantee agreement and followed Kano Kazho Give things to us, and we will release him according to our words. Anyway, there is system guarantee that according to the agreement, he will not attack us within a day, and we cannot do anything to him. Other people who had the role model of Kano Ichihu also demanded redemption, but after all, I can see that not everyone has what I can see, so in the end, it was nothing more than two lucky people who could run away with Kano Ichihu. I left all the rest.

Speaking of which attribute absorption array actually has a great disadvantage. The first is that this thing can only absorb people with hostile energy to the user, and the absorption status depends on the degree of hostility. For example, if I had a quarrel with an unknown player because of something, and followed me to tie him to this table, at this time, I can suck a little attribute from him at most, and if I want to suck more, it is basically impossible. of. And if it is an existence that resembles a mortal enemy like Nobunaga Guishou, then I can basically suck out from him about half of the attribute points that are equivalent to his own. Assuming that Nobunaga Oni's power points are three thousand, then I can absorb at least one thousand and five to add to my power, and other attributes can also absorb about half of the value. However, these few redemption failures have nothing to do with me at all. They are nothing more than the main members of the hostile guild. Basically, they have not played against me very much. The degree of hostility is relatively not too high. As a result, it took a long time. Jin absorbed them all once and then absorbed more than one hundred attributes of each kind, but it is better than nothing. Besides, these attributes may be nothing compared to a dozen people, but for me, the full attribute bonus of more than 100 points is not very low. At least my strength and agility can directly feel a significant improvement. .

For those who have absorbed attributes, it is impossible for me to absorb them before I fight them again, so I just kill them all, and I have absorbed their attributes and let them drop Level 1. This time I also No loss. In any case, at least it proves that the attribute absorbing array is still effective, but the restriction conditions are a little troublesome.

After getting the Japanese players invited by Tian Zhao, the remaining NPCs are much simpler. Gao Tianyuan’s native Divine Race is all suppressed by divine force, and everyone’s battle strength is low and scary. Some of the famous gods in Japan are all weak like players of level 700 or 800, don’t talk about me, Qilin warrior Can compete with them one-on-one. I took the more than 3,000 Qilin warriors who were still alive after fighting with the guards of Amahara, and went all the way into the city. However, it was said that they were forced into the city. In fact, they were all our unilateral slaughters. All the NPCs here are rubbish except for those great gods. Those giant-like Ghost God clan battle strength players are only equivalent to three-four hundred level players, it's not surprising that the effect of using charm skills at first Princess is so exaggerated, it turned out to be caused by the level difference. In addition to Ghost God, the dominant demon gods, human gods, and spirit gods battle strength are somewhat uneven. Some strong ones can be equivalent to the level of more than 800 to 900 level players, and the lower ones are just like level 500 players. , The average battle strength is just over 700 levels. In the face of such a group of enemies, the Qilin warrior of 750 Level 10 has no level difference at all. In addition, the Qilin warrior is a regular army, and the cooperative combat is obviously better than the Divine Race of Gao Tianyuan.

According to what we knew before, we quickly found Tianzhao’s mansion. This place is basically the center of the city. The nearby buildings seem to be related to it, so it is very easy to find, but when you enter There was a little resistance. Although Tian Zhao's subordinates were restricted in Gao Tianyuan, after all, this was the residence of the local supreme god, so the defense was N times stronger than outside.

"Bold thief, Tianzhao Great God's residence also dared to trespass, you don't want to live?" The guard doesn't seem to know what's happening outside. They are the guards of Tianzhao Mansion, and the city defense is not in their turn. It seems that no one has time to inform them, so Divine Race here simply doesn't know what happened.

"We don't want to die, but we want you to die." Ling raised his hand to a dark blast, and with a bang, the two guards flew into the courtyard wall together with the gate tower. The loud noise instantly attracted a large number of guards. These people's clothes were obviously higher than those of the Tianyuan guards outside the city by more than one grade, and their battle strength also increased significantly. Seeing the fragments of the guard and the gate scattered on the ground, the people who followed immediately understood the current situation and rushed up directly without talking nonsense.

"Rush." ​​I gestured forward, and the ringtone Knight immediately rushed into the gate with Qilin warrior. Tian Zhao has a lot of guards, but after all, there are not as many people as mine, the difference between the strengths of the two sides is not big, and the number advantage has filled this gap. Tian Zhao's guards were quickly defeated and retreated. I took the demons and swaggered into the main hall facing the gate.

Almost all Japanese buildings are modeled on the architectural style of Tang Dynasty in China. Once you enter the main hall, there is a large screen. After going around, there is an indoor fountain, and then a small area of ​​the main hall. At the end of the main hall, there is a low chair facing the door. It seems that this is the throne of Tianzhao, but I am not interested in sitting on it now. Going through the great hall in three steps and two steps, we directly enter the inner courtyard behind the great hall. The space on this side is relatively large, with various pavilions and pavilions scattered around, interspersed with long bridges and water pavilions, it is a very artistic conception. Even if we have a hostile relationship with the Japanese, we cannot completely deny the advantages of the enemy, because we cannot see the advantages of the enemy and make a targeted defense against impossible. Blindly belittle the enemy and make ourselves arrogant. Of course, I am not here to visit now.

One-handed wave: "Spread it apart, find it separately, and move away all valuable and unclear things to me."

"Understand." I don’t know how many times my subordinates followed me in robbery. Now it’s called a quick job. A group of demons and the Qilin warrior, who are gradually idle, began to look for valuable things in each room. Of course this Value does not necessarily mean value. Some high-end equipment may not be sold at all, but they are especially suitable for individual players. Such things are actually valuable.

I didn’t bother when the familiars were searching. There happened to be a more exquisite room in front of me. It seemed that it used to be either Tian Zhao’s own house or a special VIP room, anyway. General room. After I walked over, I wanted to push the door open, but as soon as I touched the doorknob, I suddenly noticed a flash on the door. After that, I felt my hand numb. A huge impact threw me more than ten meters away in an instant, peng sound I fell directly into the lotus pond behind.

"Master? What's the matter?" Emmenes ran closer to him first.

"This broken room is actually guarded by Formation!" I crawled out of the pool and said, "Go and call Ling back. Let's blast this door open."

"Got it." Emiennes turned to call Ling, but I slipped my hand and fell into the pool. This damn lotus pond has the side wall so high, and the side walls are full of soil. When it gets wet, it turns into mud, and it's as slippery as oil! It must be very hard to climb up like this. I simply turned around and swam to the rockery in the middle of the lotus pond. The rockery is made of stone, and there are many places to borrow on the surface. As long as you climb up, you can jump back directly.

The pool itself is not very big. I quickly got to the rockery. I got out of the water with my hand on a protruding rock, and my foot was o

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