Ghost Nobunaga's three plans are quite detailed and very feasible. In fact, the results are much smoother than they expected. Qilin warrior under the belt of these bell-tone Knights in Skygod

did have an overwhelming combat advantage over Tenzhao’s Tianyuan guards, but the quantitative advantage is not so easy to ignore. In particular, there is no insurmountable gap between the battle strengths of the two sides.

Qilin warrior only rushed about more than three hundred meters in the Tianyuan guard team, and then began to show a significant speed drop, even though the front with the help of impact, he just stepped on a large area of ​​the Tianyuan guard, no matter what< /p>

There are too many people, no matter how big the impact is, it will run out. A Qilin warrior was driving the beast that straddled it over a Tianyuan guard. Suddenly, a long spear slanted from the side to block the front paw of the beast. The Lin Beast immediately turned forward, and even the Qilin warrior with it rolled off the back of the Lin Beast and crashed into the crowd of Tianyuan guards.

The Qilin warrior also reacted well. He immediately jumped up when he rolled on the spot. The Tianyuan guard next to him quickly approached to take advantage, but the Qilin warrior quickly threw away his long weapon and pulled out his sword and raised his hand.

It was a sword that chopped down the guard of Tenhara, and the guard next to him immediately made up the knife, but the opponent grabbed his wrist as soon as he took the shot. Qilin warrior was about to kill the Tianyuan guard who was going to kill him.

Suddenly heard a beast roar behind him, looking back, his beast just flew past his back and a sneak attack was planned. The Tianyuan guard fell to the ground. The Lin Beast is not a war horse. This guy has a long fangs that is definitely not for eating grass. The fallen Heavenly Guardian wanted to struggle, but the Lin Beast moves much faster than him. Going up and pulling a big piece of meat from the neck of the Tianyuan guard

The blood sprayed instantly and the nearby people all became celebrities, but this beast suddenly heard a sound from behind Screaming, he didn't feel good instinctively, but when he looked back, he realized that his Knight had been cut down. The Qilin warrior's battle strength, which fell from the back of the beast, was affected to a certain extent, and the individual strength in the chaotic army could not be fully utilized, and the enemy was eventually succeeded. Lin Beast hair

The master was killed and immediately rushed up frantically. The Tianyuan guard who assassinated the Qilin warrior was thrown to the ground by Lin Beast before he had time to pull out the sword. The two creatures hugged each other and rolled out.

They were blocked by the crowd. The nearby Tianyuan guards slammed their weapons downwards even though they couldn’t see them. After all, the beast was just an animal. In terms of intelligence, it is far less than humanoid creatures. As a result, the Tianyuan guard who had killed his owner was stabbed to the ground by a random knife.

With the fall of this Qilin warrior, more Qilin warriors began to fall and were killed one by one. Of course, with the death of Qilin warrior, the Tianyuan guards are also consuming at a terrifying speed

. Skott saw the massive deaths of the Qilin warrior and was almost mad, flying around with a spear dance, and no one dared to approach within thirty feet.

Kanokazuo looked at the battlefield below and said proudly: "It seems that the situation is much better than we expected. At this speed, we have all the Qilin warrior of Purple Moon and we still have ten-twenty thousand left. Tianyuan Shou

When the time comes. When the time comes, use these Tianyuan guards to assist our high level familiars and players to drag Purple Moon’s familiars. Maybe you can kill one or two monsters ahead of time. Pamper."

"Yes, yes, this time, Purple Moon will definitely die." Guishou Nobunaga echoed excitedly.

Gulian Phoenix said calmly: "Don’t be too optimistic. Although Qilin warrior has a lot of casualties, have you seen the casualties of the ring tone Knight?"

"Ringtone Knight? Isn't there only twenty-one in total?"

"Only twenty-one?" Guren Phoenix glanced at Kanoichi with disdain. "If your Familiar has 950 Level 10, I would never say that there are only 21."

"Ringtone Knight has 950 Level 10?" Kano Kazuki Nobunaga so called almost at the same time.

"You don't know?" This time it was Guren Phoenix's turn, surprised.

Guishou Nobunaga explained: "Purple Moon’s pets are very strong, and the demon servants are not so brilliant in comparison!"

"That’s because you didn’t Leading soldiers and Purple Moon have been confronted head-on. Every time you meet Purple Moon, it’s a solo battle, and the people nearby are fighting in their own way. You have never fought in the form of a battlefield command.

, Otherwise you will know that the ring tones of Purple Moon Knight is not weaker than his demon. In fact, if I say that the battle strength is the strongest, it should be these ring tones.

It’s not possible to rely on personal strength. They can command frontline commanders who can charge and are sometimes more useful than high level players."

"You know so well that you have fought with Purple Moon. Fighting?" Kamano Kazuto asked.

Honglian Phoenix shook the head. "I know it's because I talked to Masaka Matsumoto."

" Masaka Matsumoto?" Nobunaga Onitou snorted very disdainfully: "What does that cowardly soft guy have to ask?"< /p>

"I don’t want to discuss with you about Song this Monarch. The problem now is Purple Moon’s ring tone Knight. I suggest you send someone down to kill the ring tone Knight, or wait a while. Twenty-one

A ringtone Knight can definitely spell out all of our Tianyuan guards."

"Is that exaggerated?"

"You don't believe it. Forget it."

"Okay, I will listen to you tentatively once."

Guishou Nobunaga's subordinates moved quickly, and in a short while, 21 high level people were mobilized. The player arrived in the battlefield. This time, Nobunaga Guishou and the others can appear in this Takatenhara, unlike me. I was brought in by accident, and they were helpers hired by Tensho. Naturally, I would let them as many as possible. Bring people. In fact, this time I came to Tianzhao almost brought all the experts in the meeting, because when

Chu Tianzhao said that everyone has a special reward for completing the task, so it is natural to bring more people Take advantage of it, so even at the time of the war, Nobunaga Onitou organized a large number of experts to enter the high heavens

to earn rewards.

Nobunaga on Ringtones Knight’s battle strength didn’t believe it at all. Although he listened to Guren Phoenix’s advice, he eventually only transferred 21 experts to join the battle. After all, Normally

Players of the same level below are better than NPCs. Twenty-one players are already considered strong and weak against twenty-one NPCs. Besides, Ringtone Knight has to deal with more than these two. Eleven people. But Guisou Letters

Long thinking about this, Guren Phoenix doesn’t quite agree, but Guisou Nobunaga has listened to her and sent players to join the battle. She can’t say anything, she can only pray for these. People are useful.

In fact, it's not just Nobunaga Guishou who has this kind of thought, or most of them have the same idea with Nobunaga Guishou except for Guren Phoenix. The twenty-one players rushed to the back of the battle formation and immediately divided. According to their thoughts, it should be no problem to match each other one by one, so simply didn't expect to fight one by one in one place.

Scott was playing happily with the guard of Tenhara, when suddenly a player with obviously different costume jumped over the guard of Tenhara and jumped out from behind the opponent. This guy is holding it up in the air

A big knife slashed in the air. According to his posture, he really wants to fall. As long as Skot is not blocked, he will definitely be split in half, but Skot sees Is it possible that someone will not respond when he wants to chop himself?

"Split." Skott suddenly yelled, and the Qilin warrior beside him took a big step back neatly, and a large vacant lot was vacated in the center of the venue. The player jumped and cut off

but fell into the Qilin warrior encirclement. Although the plan was a bit wrong, this guy is a high-level person after all, and he immediately found out that he lost a move. He turned around and wanted to run into the team of the guards of Amahara

, but Sgot was faster than him. "Wrapped formation." The two Qilin warriors suddenly interspersed between the guy and the Tianyuan guards, and then the two Qilin warriors pressed to the two sides, and instantly

the guy and the Tianyuan guard The guards separated two areas. At the same time, the Qilin warrior surrounding this guy quickly formed a three-layer circular enclosure.

The player's mission is to kill the ring tone Knight, which is Skott. Qilin warrior is not his goal. After finding himself surrounded by miscellaneous soldiers, the guy immediately started looking for a place to go to Skott.< /p>

Here, I looked around for a week and almost didn't get pissed off. I saw that Skod didn't know when he rode on a giant monster and was commanding Qilin warrior to surround him. The guy immediately rushed towards Sige

with a hot head, but the encirclement has already formed. How can it be so easy to rush out?

"Stabbing gun." Scot ordered the Qilin warrior in the front row to stab the scythe gun in his hand at the same time. The player's skills are really good. Teng Kong unexpectedly wanted to jump over the gun array, who knew he had just jumped up and Skye shouted again: "Air defense." Hula, the gun arrays in the second two rows are all erected diagonally upwards. I got up, and all the hooks of the hooks turned

to the top, and formed a sword formation in front of the guy. As long as you don’t believe that you were hooked, don’t expect to come out again.

The guy wasn't nervous until he hit one of the guns with a single blow, and with the help of the rebound force he actually jumped back, but it was a pity that his luck finally ran out this time. Just when he bounced back into the formation

Sgett suddenly shouted: "hook his feet."

Two hook guns suddenly turned up. I hooked the guy’s ankle and pulled back violently. The guy had nowhere to take advantage of it in the air. The ankle was suddenly caught and his body immediately lost his balance

and fell back. , But two teams of Qilin warriors have already rushed out of the encirclement on the opposite side. Two of the Qilin warriors have also raised their scythe guns and hung them on his shoulders. The four scythes just cut this one.

< p>The guy dragged it down from the air and slammed it on the ground. The guy with the powerful impact instantly filled his eyes with Venus and buzzing in his ears. He had no reaction ability at all. The Qilin warrior next to him immediately rushed

He planned to use a sword to solve this guy, but he recovered very quickly. As soon as the side effect of the shock disappeared, he found that the four fast swords had reached his vital point. At this time, he couldn't keep any more

skills, loudly roared, a red halo suddenly exploded and pushed all the nearby Qilin warrior out.

After shaking Qilin warrior off, the guy suddenly stood up again with a shot of the ground. However, two hooks swept from behind him at a weird speed at the same time, hitting his knees, and instantly gave him Kneeling

to the ground. He was about to struggle and dropped two hooks on his head. Both of his hands lifted and held the barrel of the hooks to prevent the spear attack. However, at this time, eight shots were stretched from all directions at the same time

At the same time, the hook and sickle hooked his neck with the horizontal hook and sickle. At this time, he knew that he had completely capsized the gutter, but it was useless to know.

"Fin." Skott commanded eight hooks and sickles at the same time to retreat and cut off the guy’s neck instantly. A head was picked up for half a day, and blood spurted out like a fountain. Headed

The corpse knelt on the ground and shook a few times before falling down with a plop.

Wow. On the city wall, the ghost hands Nobunaga and Kanoichi, who were loosely leaning on the city wall, jumped up at the same time. They also saw the process of the player being killed just now. Speaking of which is long, actually just now.

It took only ten seconds for the guy to jump in front of Skyt to be killed, especially from the time when the guy took off in the battlefield to the sudden turn of the situation. It takes only a few seconds to kill. Such a clean and neat Killing Formation can be said that none of the three leaders here has seen it. If Masaga Matsumoto was here, he must have known it, but he is already quite bad in Japan now, otherwise

will not consider cooperating with me, as the three of here. Guishou Nobunaga is a reckless man, who is useless except for being able to fight. Kano Ichibe is just a doghead military advisor, with a lot of bad ideas, not much useful

. Honglian Phoenix is ​​usually a mysterious woman, but on the whole, one is that her influence is too low, and the other is that she also has personality defects. It is hopeless to be a qualified leader.

Actually, killing a player is not difficult for Skotts at all, but they are now in the battlefield, so the Ringtone Knights prefer to use the power of the group to deal with the enemy. Since the guy who attacked Sige

the remaining 20 players have also been killed. Their vision in the battlefield is not as wide as the ghosts of Nobunaga on the city wall. I couldn't see that they were being killed one by one, so they could only walk right into a trap one by one and none of them escaped.

"What should I do now? Should I continue to send people?" On seeing this situation, Nobunaga believed Guren Phoenix's words, but he began to hesitate.

Guren Phoenix asked Nobunaga Guishou strangely. "Does this have to be asked?"

"Should I continue to send people?"


"But you also saw that before Those players will be brought down as soon as they face each other. If there is a big loss for the other players, I am afraid that there will be not enough people to contain the Purple Moon pets. You also know that the Purple Moon pets are definitely not three. The two of them were trapped."

"Don't take advantage of the ringtone Knight to solve all of them now. You didn't even have a chance to fight Purple Moon. What about the siege?"

" Okay, I understand." Nobunaga Guishou waved back, and a player ran to him. Nobunaga asked the player to attach his ear and whispered a few words, and then the guy ran away immediately

I went out, and there were more than ten more players below. Although there are not many people this time, there is an obvious difference between these people and the previous group that they did not spread out but formed a small

type combination toward one of the ringtones. Knight killed it.

The first encounter with this squad-killing ringtone, Knight was taken aback, and then he did something that surprised everyone. I saw him suddenly shouting at those players: "Block it."

Then he turned around and ran.

Although the Qilin warrior is not as powerful as the ring tone Knight, even high level players can't say that it is like cutting melons and vegetables to deal with the Qilin warrior. Now the ring tone Knight turns around and runs, Qilin warrior

The gap was immediately filled, and the players watched the ring tone Knight run away but didn't know whether to chase it or not. They were also standing on the city wall before. He

we all saw the process of their companions being killed. If they chase the ring tone Knight, they will definitely fall into the circle of Qilin warrior, as long as They can be interspersed and divided by a few deformations in the battle formation, and once their combination is taken apart

everyone knows what the consequences will be.

Because of a difficult decision, one of the players looked back on the city wall, and it turned out that Nobunaga Guishou was staring here. Seeing that the player below turned back, Nobunaga Guishou immediately pointed forward, and that player immediately nodded and then turned around to greet the other players. "Chasing."

After hunting the squad and getting the instructions, he no longer considers other probabilities, but sullen his head to chase the escaped ringtone Knight. However, the situation makes them feel a little abnormal, because of the Qilin in front. Wu

The soldiers obviously didn’t really intend to stop them. According to Qilin warrior’s battle strength, their advancement should be very difficult, but the Qilin warrior in front of them always touches them, not at all. Zang

Fighting, the result was that they easily caught up with the escaped ringtone Knight.

"Your tactical quality is still not as good as Purple Moon's ringtone Knight!" Honglian Phoenix sighed on the city wall.

"How do you know?"

"Look at what Ringtone Knight is doing!" Guren Phoenix reminded disdainfully.

Guishou Nobunaga was reminded by Guren Phoenix and immediately turned to look at the location of Ringtone Knight, only to find that Ringtone Knight, who was originally scattered around to conduct operations, was mixed together at some point< /p>

, what makes him even more depressed is that there is still a slick beauty standing in the middle of Lingyin Knight. Nobunaga, the ghost of Yeyue, knows. He also knows how strong Yeyue’s battle strength is. Now that I see this posture, I don’t need to think about it to know what’s going on. It’s a pity that he It's useless to know, the players below obviously don't know, because they are still running to where the ring tone Knight is.

Because the Qilin warrior did not stop, the small group of players quickly caught up with the ringing tone Knight who was running away, but when they suddenly found out that there was a lot of space around, what they saw was not a ringing tone. Riding

The taxi is the twenty-one ringing Knight, of course, the most conspicuous thing is the beautiful snake in front of the ringing Knight.

"Why is it so slow? We have been waiting here for a long time." Ye Yue said as she slowly pulled out the six-handed snake sword of the waist sword.

Those players immediately understood the current situation when they heard this, but when they looked back, they found that there was an extra scythe formation behind them. Idiots also knew that they would never come in so easily if they wanted to go back.



The dozen or so players found that none of them ran away and drew out their weapons and rushed towards the ringing Knight in front. However, the ringing Knights did not move at all. Only Ye Yue moved. That's it. when. A

Sound of gold and iron, Yeyue’s snake sword held the Toyo sword of the first guy, and followed the other four snake swords and the needles of the sewing machine within one second of that guy’s I don’t know how many times I’ve said in and out of my stomach, that guy’s entire abdomen instantly turned into a pile of rotten meat, but the people around him didn’t plan to save him, but directly from Yeyue and this guy. Ran over.

"Ah!" The seven people who ran past Yeyue's right suddenly yelled at the same time. It turned out that they were hit by a big tail at the same time, and all the seven people were drawn and flew out. With this powerful one

Kick Yeyue quickly turned around and rushed to the seven people on the other side. The two who ran at the end looked back together and wanted to stop Yeyue. Who knew that when they turned around, they saw a pair of charming My eyes flashed, and after that, I lost my feeling completely.

Yeyue didn’t delay a second, she walked directly through the window between the two stone sculptures, and then put one hand on the shoulder of the person in front of him and pulled him to the ground. The guy didn’t have time to struggle. After being hit by seventeen or eighteen

sword, the remaining four Yeyue are no longer in a hurry to kill, because they have been worn by a row of long spears like lamb skewers.

Speaking of the seven people who were flew away, these seven are unlucky enough. Among them, the name Ninja was flew into the hook and sickle gun array because of her small size. Qilin warrior, you’re welcome, it’s a mess.

Poke, the last thing left is a pile of rotten meat. The other four slid forward after falling to the ground. One guy was stuck in his throat by two Qilin warriors with the tips of his guns, and the other was caught by a dozen after he got up.

The Qilin warrior was killed in a surprise attack. Only two people managed to get up and counterattack, but they didn’t last long. After all, Qilin warrior was all around, and the two of them were hard to fist.

, Was stabbed to death by random guns in a blink of an eye.

The fifteen-person squad didn’t enter the battle line for less than one minute and died again. On the city wall, Nobunaga almost didn’t vomit blood. Originally, he was worried that the number of pets that would hold me back would not be enough. , Now there are fifteen fewer people

then simply need to worry, because the number of people is definitely not enough.

It may be that the loss was too heavy, or it may have been suddenly opened up. In short, Nobunaga Ghost finally remembered that Guren Phoenix had said that he wanted to cooperate. Seeing Guren Phoenix’s disapproving expression, Nobunaga Guishou

I immediately asked angrily: "Didn’t you say that you want to cooperate? I have sent two waves of people, why are you still watching here? Lively?"

"Because I didn't bring my hands down at all."

"What? You have been playing with us, right?"

"Then That's not it." Honglian Phoenix said resolutely: "I'm different from you. I just quit recently, and there are not many people available at all. Not to mention this level of battle is a cannon for ordinary people.

Gray. But don’t worry. Although the ring tone Knight has a strong battle strength, it is only a demon servant after all. You can wait a while and let those ring tone Knight consume for a while, and then I will take action by myself."

" hmph, didn’t you say it earlier? It caused me to die so many capable men!"

"That's their idiot. I thought the first hack would be enough to solve the ring tone Knight, who knows themselves The division of troops not only gave up the good opportunity of sneak attack, but also reminded the enemy, otherwise the second wave would not be lured by the opponent to kill them together."

" Then it's up to you." Guishou Nobunaga spoke indifferently.

Gulian Phoenix didn't care about Guishou Nobunaga's words at all, but suddenly pressed on the wall in front of him directly over the city wall and jumped down. Compared with ordinary players, Honglian Phoenix’s movements are extremely sensitive. People

still in the air suddenly turned around and kicked a foot on the city wall, followed by the whole person and swept across the ground at the same time. Pressing her hands on the ground, she rolled forward and then stretched her limbs to bounce again.

When she touched the ground for the second time, she had already reached the outskirts of the battlefield. Without staying too much, according to previous memory, Honglian Phoenix took off directly on the back of the Tianyuan guard in front, and a few ups and downs arrived in the middle of the crowd.

Guishou Nobunaga looked at Guren Phoenix’s movements on the top of the city wall. At first, she thought she was acting well, but then she found that her movement direction was not normal, and what made him depressed was nearby. Actually

There were dozens of silhouettes shooting at the area where I was watching the battle at the back of the town at the same time.

"She wants to kill Purple Moon independently to take our credit." Kano Kazuke cried out and Guishou Nobunaga actually understood it himself. Tian Zhao summon, when they came, they really said that they would be rewarded with hair

, but everyone knows that those who kill me directly won’t get the same prizes as ordinary people. This time, Honglian Phoenix suddenly gave up the original plan. The plan to come directly to me is obviously to grab the credit with Nobunaga Oni Shou.

Now Guishou Nobunaga can fully understand why Guren Phoenix had proposed to let his people deal with Ringtone Knight before. That is simply not for the final victory, her purpose is simply hope


I hope to use the hand of Ringtone Knight to consume the strength of Nobunaga and Kano Ichibe. Anyway, it is not her subordinates who are killed. No matter where she is killed, it will only benefit her and no harm. As for now she said

To deal with Ringtone Knight is nothing more than taking this opportunity to cross the battlefield to deal with me, and even if this plan is discovered, there is no need to worry. Because once I meet Guren Phoenix, Knight and Qilin

warrior will definitely try to block the enemies who come afterwards. After all, they don’t want too many people to rush to my side at the same time, so even if the ghost So Nobunaga and Kano Kazuo reacted and wanted to rush over to grab merit.

It is not so easy. It can be said that this Guren Phoenix has neglected all the probabilities.

Guishou Nobunaga is sorting out his thoughts, and Guren Phoenix has already rushed to my side. In fact, she didn't bring her men in, but hid them all. This group of people hula one

All of them ran out, and the number was actually more than Nobunaga Onitou and Guardian Amahara. There are even more people together. But speaking of which is also normal. Onited Nobunaga and Kano Ichibe are somehow Japan’s leaders

Their forces are all on the front line to resist the attacks of our guild and the Koreans. Naturally, the troops that can be mobilized will be Restricted. Honglian Phoenix is ​​different. She doesn’t have any defensive responsibilities. She can bring out all the experts she can find. This is the difference between the government army and the local armed forces. The government army can never concentrate. In one place, after all, a big country can't ignore it


In fact, Guren Phoenix is ​​also very risky in doing this. Although Qilin warrior and Ringtone Knight will help her block the ghosts of Nobunaga and Kanoichi who came afterwards, the time will not be too long after all. She couldn't kill me during this period of time. Naturally, she might be robbed by Nobunaga and Kano Ichito. However, compared to the benefits of killing me, she decided to take a second risk.

I was standing outside the city and commanding the Qilin warrior on the battlefield against the Tianyuan guards. Suddenly I found that Honglian Phoenix came down from the city wall and rushed towards me. There were so many ambushes nearby. People,

Use your toes to think and know what they mean.

"hmph, beheading action? It's too simple to think about it!"

The first person who rushed to my side was not Honglian Phoenix, but hers. A player, but he can only run to my side, because he just touched the area next to me

At the same time, he has become a pile of minced meat.

"What an idiot!" The sickle suddenly recovered from his invisibility. Before, he had been hiding by my side with the help of Emenis' skills. Just now that guy was in a high-speed state.

I hit the spider web made of sickle and was cut to pieces by my own power. The sharpness of the spider web of a thunder spider is no less sharp than that of a blade, and cutting an individual is similar to cutting tofu.

Seeing the companion recruited by Red Lotus Phoenix, he immediately stretched out his hand and waved, the others stopped one after another, followed by various strange skills, and the targets were directed at several of my familiars. Their

obviously means to draw my pet away, but it’s a pity that my pet is simply not an ordinary pet, and their intelligence is no less than that of humans, even more than that of most players. intelligence. This kind of

little trick is not seen at all, my familiars have used their own means to block the enemy's attack.

Those players found that the attack was invalid and immediately turned their heads and looked towards Honglian Phoenix and waited for her next instructions. The previous plan did not include such a reaction. Now these players themselves don’t know what to do.

What happened.

"Throw a flash bomb." Guren Phoenix yelled, and a little white ball appeared on top of our head, and then only a string of not very loud popping sounds was heard. In an instant, we were all around us. It becomes

a white world, no one can open his eyes in such a strong light, even the ghost hand Nobunaga on the head of the city in the distance is flashed to double The smoke and tears continued, but after the light dimmed

Everyone discovered something surprising.

Honglian Phoenix actually came in front of me.

"Go to hell." Guren Phoenix raised his hand with a stab. I fell aside and let her attack away, but Guren Phoenix obviously didn't expect a single slap to kill me. After forcing me to make a dodge

she immediately shouted to the outside: "All rushed over, his trumpet is a mage, and he has a chance to win when he is close."

Her subordinates were not slow, they took out a kind of red projectiles and slammed them under her feet. After a cloud of smoke exploded, they all disappeared in place and appeared beside me. The fastest guy

raised his hand with a sword and slashed it over. I bent back, the blade of the sword slashed against my face, and it was almost a hit. Guren Phoenix would naturally not let it go when she saw such a good opportunity.

She suddenly turned the knife in her hand over and then jumped up and slammed the tip of the knife against her, and she was doing a reclining posture. I got stuck. In everyone's eyes, I must not be able to hide, but

the mutation abruptly occurred just before the sword body was about to enter the body.

I suddenly stretched out my hand and grabbed Guren Phoenix’s wrist, followed by force to the side and down, her whole body was accelerated by me and fell down to the ground, but I was spinning with her power Flying into the air

Not only did she avoid her blade, but she also knocked the guy who planned to cut me to the ground. The guy next to me came up with an elbow hitting me in the face, but I caught his elbow

joint with my right hand, and then put my left hand on his shoulder, and slid behind him. Then the right hand slammed upwards, and with a click, the guy immediately screamed like a pig. While he was sore and loose

I suddenly retracted my hands and jumped up and patted his two ears vigorously. The guy only felt a loud noise, followed the whole person just feeling the sky spinning, and almost fainted on the spot, no

Although he did not fall, he still knelt to the ground. I quickly lifted my right leg and used the knee joint to wrap around his neck and clamp it hard. He immediately wanted to resist with his hands, but even if he was a warrior professional, he couldn’t use his arm.

The thigh, besides, he only has one arm to use. I pulled my leg back hard, a little, and his resistance immediately disappeared invisible with a click. When I let go of my leg, the guy fell down immediately

, but the people behind me also reacted. The guy stabbed with a sword, and I slightly tilted my head to let go of his sword. , Followed by grabbing his head-stabbed wrist and following his power forward

and threw him over me.

The action of falling over the shoulder does not require much effort, as long as the oppon

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