Just one second before we thought Princess was about to suffer misfortune, Ghost God, who was in the forefront, suddenly swooped and then prostrate oneself in admiration, lying in front of Princess, others Ghost God also lay in front of Princess one after another.

"Beautiful lady, do you have any instructions?" Ghost God's words and previous behavior made us a little dumbfounded. This seems to be a little different from our thinking. Looking at the starry eyes of those guys, it is clear that they are deeply charmed.

"The mental resistance of these guys is too bad, right?" Yeyue looked at these deeply enchanted Ghost God with an incredulous expression.

I walked over and kicked the Ghost God at the front, but this guy didn’t react at all as if he didn’t feel it. Obviously he was overly charmed, so he didn’t even have a basic nerve reflex. It's all gone.

"Princess, ask them what's going on here."

Princess nodded then pointed to the Ghost God in front of me who had just been kicked and asked: "Tell me What happened to me?"

The Ghost God replied with a puzzled look: "I'm sorry, beautiful lady, I don't understand what you mean."

"I I’m asking you why there are so many Ghost Gods here. Japan is not like this before?"

"Japan? Miss, did you remember wrong? Of course, I definitely don’t doubt your memory, just You may be mistaken for some other reason. This is not Japan at all." The Ghost God looked at Princess obsessively and replied.

"Not Japan?" We all froze for a while.

Ye Yue immediately pushed Princess. "Ask him where this is."

"Where is this?"

"This is Shuoshui Village."

"I'm not talking about this village. I am I’m asking about this land, what’s the name of this large piece of land under our feet?"

"Oh, this is Gao Tianyuan."

"Japanese God World?" Now we are all stupid. NS. We haven't heard of the name Gao Tianyuan, but this is too strange. It is said that Gao Tianyuan should be the official God World in Japan, which is equivalent to the Celestial Court in China. Before this, I always thought that Gao Tianyuan was an independent God World. Now it seems that I was completely wrong. This Gao Tianyuan is clearly the high level space that comes with the Eight Pheasant Mirror.

"Are you sure this is Gao Tianyuan?" Princess asked again.

"Of course." The Ghost God replied with certainty: "I have lived here since I was born. Everyone knows it is called Gao Tianyuan."

"Then what are you doing? What about the Japanese Divine Race?"

"Japanese? Divine Race?" The Ghost God froze for a moment, and then said with some doubts: "We are the Ghost God family, as for this Divine Race I don’t know if it is the abbreviation for us. As for the Japanese...what is that? I have never heard of it anyway."

"You don’t know the Japanese?" I was surprised by the game. I asked it directly, but Charm is Princess's skill. After I asked, the big guy didn't respond at all. In the end, Princess asked him again before answering the question.

"The Japanese people should be from a place called Japan, but what is the person? I also don’t know where this place is Japan."

" You don't know what a person is?" Even Princess herself was surprised this time.

The Ghost God shook his huge head. "I'm sorry, I really don't know what a person is!"

"A person is..." Princess turned and raised her hands and looked among us for a while, wondering who it was. It seems that none of my familiars and I belong to Human Race. In the end, she could only point to Chili, anyway, after Sea Clan landed ashore, it was not much different from a person. "It looks like this, but only the appearance is the same. She is Sea Clan, which is still different from humans. But the appearance is like this."

"Oh, it turns out that this is a human!" The Ghost God one Staring at Amina with a strange look, she looked up and down for a long time. "It looks like Lord Tianzhao."

"Lord Tianzhao? Do you know Tianzhao?"

"Of course." The Ghost God said seriously. "Lord Tianzhao is our great master here. The entire land of Gaotianyuan belongs to the Great Master Tianzhao. By the way, there are often people appearing there."

"You see Has anyone ever been to Tianzhao’s place?"

"I haven’t seen it before, but I’ve heard other Ghost God talk about it. It’s said that those humans are very rich and they will give a lot of good things to them. The Great Lord Tianzhao, and then the Great Lord will take his own hands to help humans fight."

My familiars and I knew what was going on when we heard it. Obviously, it is not someone else who is looking for Tianzhao, it must be Nobunaga the ghosts. As for the so-called Tianzhao fighting for humans, it is natural to fight us. In this way, the God World in Japan is not much different from China, but Celestial Court is more face-saving, so a little respect can get the benefits. On the contrary, the Japanese side must pay actual benefits. However, thanks to the Japanese side who must pay the benefits to invite the Spiritual God to come into the world, otherwise it is clear that every battle will appear, I will not be played to death?

"Ask them if they know Tianzhao's residence?"

Being charmed is true, but it does not mean that there is a problem with intelligence. Although those Ghost Gods are directly controlled by Princess, their intelligence is still there. When I see my rumors like this, I no longer wait for Princess to ask questions and just replied: "We know."

"Just know." I nodded said to Princess: "Leave one to lead the way, and the other memories will be erased."

"Small meaning." Princess snapped his fingers, and then the Ghost Gods ran back to themselves. The place where we worked before continued to work, but the Ghost God who had been talking to us before was still there. Princess pointed to this Ghost God and said: "He will show us the way. Other Ghost Gods have entered a semi-hypnotic state. They will wake up in an hour, but they will not remember that we have been there, and they will not be Only Ghost God’s departure is doubtful."

"OK, let’s set off now."

In fact, it’s still very inconvenient for so many of us to move, so I put the magic pet They were all put away, leaving only Princess to help me control this Ghost God. It is easy for creatures like us to attract the attention of others when they are active in this world, but there are many ways we can do it. Princess commanded the Ghost God to find a big basket to carry, and then Princess and I hid in the basket. Anyway, with the size of the Ghost God, even a simple blue is very big for us. Sitting in the basket dangling all the way to Tian Zhao's residence, we can easily observe the outside situation through the gaps in the basket.

According to our observations, there are a lot of Ghost Gods in this Gaotianyuan, but the strange thing is that they seem to be of low status. Not only are they worn out, but they also have to work on the ground. Compared to Ghost God, several other creatures living here are clearly dominant. There are three main types of these creatures, one of which is a god-like creature that resembles a human form. This creature looks exactly like a human being, and you can’t even tell the difference if you don’t use energy scanning. The dominant creatures in second are no different from humans, but they dress very differently as first. The first ruling creature likes to wear that ancient Japanese kimono, and the second ruling creature wears something like a kimono, but it always hangs some animal skins or bird feathers somewhere. Later we discovered that the second creature is actually a monster. Not those garbage monsters, but Great Demon monsters who have obtained Divine Physique. As for Third Type, the dominant creatures are just like ghosts. These guys are all translucent, and they only have the upper body, and they will quickly become thinner below the waist and finally disappear, and they are basically floating in the air, it seems that there is no weight.

Except that Ghost God is at the bottom of the society, there seems to be no obvious status difference between the three ruling creatures. Perhaps Ghost God is the weakest existence here. Such an environment.

In addition to the social environment, we also carefully observed the living environment here, and found that the situation here is basically the same as in ancient Japan. Ghost Gods all live in the wild, and they are very divided into households. In some places, there are villages similar to the ones we entered before. However, in some places with a more beautiful environment, there will be relatively large manors. These manors are surrounded by stone walls, and the conditions inside are not visible at all, but the tall buildings that exceed the walls and the decoration of the gates can tell that these places are still quite luxurious. In addition, there is actually a city besides the manor and farmers.

The city on Gaotianyuan is naturally impossible to have people. In fact, even Ghost God is rare in the city, and most of them are members of the three ruling classes. After taking our Ghost God to the outskirts of the city, we were blocked. Two Ghost Gods who looked very strong were blocking the way, and unlike the Ghost God controlled by Princess, the Ghost God who got in the way had a trap. Armor and weapons are not as desolate as this rural Ghost God.

"Stop. See clearly, this is a city, do you, a poor fellow, want to go in too?" Ghost God, who was in the way, yelled.

Princess directly used mind control to manipulate this Ghost God and asked, "Why don't you let me in?"

"Why?" The two Ghost Gods who were in the way looked at each other , And then suddenly laughed. After laughing for a while, one of the Ghost Gods picked up the sign hanging on his chest and shook it in front of the Ghost God we controlled. "Did you see it? Normally Ghost God is not allowed to enter the city of the great gods without the status token given by the great god, do you have it?"

"I don't have one, but I am responsible for escorting the great god into the city. "Because the observations along the way show that most of the creatures here are in human form, so we plan to take a risk and see if we can get in. Princess controlled the idiot Ghost God and asked him to put us on the ground and open the basket lid.

The two Ghost Gods who were blocking the way almost stared when they saw my Princess crawling out of the basket. Obviously they didn’t expect that there would be a ghost sitting in a rural Ghost God. In the basket. But these guys were surprised and surprised, but their reaction was not slow. The two Ghost Gods quickly bent over to salute us, and then immediately retreated to the sides of the road and no longer blocked our progress.

Princess turned around and said a few words to the Ghost God who brought us here, then the guy immediately turned around and ran towards the way he came. This is what we discussed. We have already inquired about Tian Zhao's residence. We have passed through this city and proceeded along the road. The next city is Tian Zhao's residence. We just experimented with the creatures directly exposed here, and the result did not attract any attention. It can be seen that the creatures here can't distinguish us outsiders at all. In addition, the creature like Ghost God is obviously discriminated against here, so that he can't get in many places with us. It's better to go by ourselves, so we sent the Ghost God who sent us to act on our own.

After entering the city, we discovered that there are actually a lot of Ghost Gods in the city, but they all seem to be doing hard work. At first glance, there were all kinds of floor shops everywhere in the city, but the size design was all designed according to human standards, and it was simply impossible to get in with the size of Ghost God. There seems to be no Ghost God to walk in the whole city except for the city gate and the main road.

"Be careful... Be careful..." With a hurried shout, the beast carriage whistled past us, but the car stopped quickly after passing us not far. The guy who drove the car quickly jumped out of the car, and then ran to us with a nervous look and asked carefully: "Did the two great gods meet? I'm so sorry, they are all that damn stupid cow, I really I didn’t mean to offend them, really!"

Frankly speaking, what happened just now is nothing at all in normal times. Others just run past us very quickly. It's a bit rude at best. It's good to stop and apologize, there is absolutely no need to be so humble. Japan’s God World is absolutely impossible to be a nation of gentlemen. I believe that this guy in front of us is so kind to us for reasons that we don’t know.

"It's okay, you don't need to care."

"The two adults are so tolerant, I wish you good luck someday." The guy was very polite after receiving our answer. Retreated to the side of the road.

Princess and I looked at each other and ignored this guy and continued to walk us. That guy kept waiting for us to go a long way before getting in the car again, and he was extremely humble during the period. Princess curiously said: "It's really strange. It is said that the creatures here are all ruling class creatures. Even if there is a difference in status, it shouldn't be so obvious? Do you think we are some great characters?"

"It shouldn't be! It feels like we don’t have the characteristics of great characters?"

"There may be situations we don’t know, but we’ll know if we look at it anyway. By the way, master, are we? Do you want to let everyone out?"

"Don't do this, too many people can easily cause misunderstandings. I will call out people who can help." Then I looked around, and then I found that there was an alley on the side of the road that was just right for calling people, so I walked in and blocked the sight of people outside with my body. Open Fenglong Space and call out Ling and Sha Yezi. Ling has a lot of knowledge, and Sha Yezi is a native of Japan. He should at least know more about the customs here than we know.

"Wait." Sha Ye Zi, who had just left the Phoenix Dragon space, called out suddenly. "Don't turn it off first."

"What are you doing?"

"Bring out Xiaofeng, Yeyue, Ghost Lantern, King, and demons and monsters. By the way, the one from Princess Don’t forget Luna, the companion demon pet. Ah, and Red Ling, it’s best to call out Victoria together."

"What are you calling so many people for?"

"I used to know about Gao Tianyuan. Although Divine Race, Monster God Race, and Spirit Divine Race are in absolute leadership positions, they are distinguished internally. Xiaofeng is a genuine Phoenix. In Japan’s Monster God Race, Phoenix is ​​a top-level species. It basically exists as an equivalent to Royal Family. It is naturally more convenient to call it. Yezuki is a half-human and half-monster form, and its appearance is extremely beautiful. In Monster God In Race, appearance and strength are directly proportional, but if the strength is very strong, the human form will generally be fully cultivation success. There is only one possibility for someone like Ye Yue with such a beautiful appearance that cannot be fully transformed into a human form-the strength is too strong to be lazy. It has become a human form. So Yeyue can scare a lot of people here. As for the ghost lamp here, it belongs to high level pets. If you can bring a ghost lamp with you, you will immediately go up. The king himself is a hero, and already It has reached the point where the soul is materialized. This is exactly how the spirit Divine Race reached its peak strength, so the king can use it to scare people here. As for demons and monsters, they can just be used as an expert to serve the king here. The soul boy. In addition, there is a habit here, that is, the smaller the size of the humanoid creature, the more powerful it is, so a creature as small as Luna can have such a perfect appearance, it is simply the expert in the expert, as long as With her, I’m not afraid that someone would dare to come up and stop us. As for Hong Ling, she was originally a genuine Great Demon monster, so naturally she has a lot of privileges."

"so that's how it is!"

I just finished nodding, Sha Yezi said again: "In fact, your current image, master, is also quite deterrent here. After all, this silver moon trumpet is also very beautiful. This is a symbol of strength in Gao Tianyuan."

"But what if we seem to be so strong if we encounter a true expert? We can't beat the genuine Spiritual God, right?"

"That may not happen." Sha Yezi suddenly Tell us a secret that surprised us. "Actually, although Gao Tian aboriginal people can be regarded as gods, the actual battle strength is not as scary as China's Celestial Court. How can I say! Many gods here are fakes, just like those I encountered before and are now in the vicinity. What you can see is actually the same as an ordinary person, and there are not many true experts. The gods we saw in Japan are just a group of powerful gods, and in fact, only they can pass through God World. This obstacle appears in the world, and ordinary gods will be blocked by the natural barrier of Gao Tianyuan, so they can only live in Gao Tianyuan and produce labor like farmers."

Hong Ling said suddenly: "I remember the old Japanese Gao Tian was originally a land prepared as an exiled prisoner of God World, so there is a barrier to prevent prisoners from escaping. It is estimated that the low-level gods you mentioned cannot reach the human world because of this barrier."

"What about you Know so much?"

"Because I was not a prisoner of Celestial Court when the seal was first established. In fact, there was no Celestial Court organization at that time. At that time, our cultivators were all free bodies. There are no restrictions at all."

I nodded and said: "Now we go through this city to the city where Tianzhao lives. If we want to return to the normal world, we have to find the damn side first. Mirror! By the way, the whereabouts of Xiaochun and Ye Ying have to be investigated too!"

"Yes." The familiars thought the same as mine, so we quickly left the alley. We started to follow the route we knew before, but our goal appeared in front of us ahead of time.

In fact, after leaving that alley, we only walked one street. Following us, we found a long line in front of us, which looked very stylish. Because we are here for the first time, we don't want to attract attention. Seeing such a team is naturally let go. The team probably just arrived at the place, and they just stopped by our side. Right next to us is a gorgeous gate, and it seems that the Divine Race lives inside. After the line stopped, a crowd of people came out from the gate, and then a sedan chair carried by eighteen gods in the middle of the line was lowered. Two long and very glamorous female Great Demon monsters stepped forward and opened the car curtain, and then we saw an old acquaintance coming out of it.

Actually, it was not someone else who came out of the sedan chair, but the Tianzhao we were looking for. But there is a problem here that needs attention, that is, we originally planned to approach Tian Zhao quietly and then figured out a way to steal the Eight Pheasant Mirror from him, but now we have directly hit Tian Zhao. Everyone knows that I must not be able to defeat Tian Zhao. I was able to hit Tian Zhao badly before. Firstly, he used God to descend the ceremony to reach the world and his power was limited. Secondly, I took an unexpected advantage. To put it bluntly, the sneak attack succeeded. , But now you want me to face Tianzhao’s body directly, isn’t that the same as courting death?

After coming out of the sedan chair, Tian Zhao did not look to the left or right, but directly greeted him with the leader of the group of people who greeted him, but a guard next to the leader suddenly noticed When we arrived, we didn't realize how different we were until the guard yelled at us. I didn’t know when all the Divine Races on the nearby road actually knelt on the ground, including most of Tian Zhao’s own team and some people coming out of the gate. It can be said that here except Tian Zhao and the guy who greeted him. Apart from a small group of people, we are the only ones standing there.

Divine Race all over the street are kneeling, and we are standing, can this be inconspicuous? So calling as it should be by rights attracted the guard's scolding, and he meant to ask us why we didn't kneel down when we saw the Great God Tianzhao. Of course, the tone was very vicious. But the problem is not his tone, but Tian Zhao's attention. He called Tian Zhao and the guy who greeted Tian Zhao immediately turned his eyes.

Tian Zhao was only killed by me a few hours ago and the descendant was forced to return to Gao Tianyuan, so he could naturally forget me, so he was also taken aback after seeing me. But the next situation is more weird. Just when I was about to yelled to greet the demons to run away, Tian Zhao suddenly yelled and jumped back and then sat down on the ground. It was like a big living person seeing ghosts during the day, obviously scared by us. arrive. But the question is how could Tian Zhao be scared by us? It should be that we were scared by him! Even if I just killed Tian Zhao's descendant once, Tian Zhao wouldn't be so stupid to think that his own body couldn't beat me, right?

Although the reason is not quite clear, it does not affect the reaction of both of us. I don't think I'm Tian Zhao's opponent, so naturally I hurried to lead people to run away. Tian Zhao didn't know the reason, but it was also terrified. While shouting loudly for the guards to stop us, he ran in the opposite direction. We only ran here and found that Tian Zhao’s behavior was abnormal, but no matter whether Tian Zhao had something wrong or not, the guards rushed up like wolves after all. In this case, we didn’t dare to stay too much, or The idea of ​​running is firm, but it is too late to hesitate like this.

"Bold thief, obediently surrender." The first guard shouted was a righteous remark.

"The fool listens to you!" Xiaofeng raised his hand and cast a large cloud of fire out. Her original intention was to block the sight of the other person with a fire cloud to cover our escape, but what she didn't expect was this move and the formidable power was unexpectedly large. The fire cloud, which was originally intended to block the line of sight, turned out to be thrown into a pile of paper men. Those fierce and vicious guards were actually killed by a ball of fire, and the rest was burnt and rolled all over the floor.

This sudden change caused us and those Gao Tianyuan Divine Races to be taken aback. From beginning to end, there seems to be only one person who has not changed, and this person is Tianzhao. Tian Zhao from the very beginning saw us as if he saw a natural enemy, and now he is still the same as before, so it seems that he must know the reason why Xiaofeng suddenly became stronger.

Xiaofeng threw it out with a fire and was shocked, she looked at her hands in disbelief. The enemy on the opposite side was also dumbfounded and didn't know what to do, but the leading figure among those who greeted Tianzhao still responded well. He quickly stood on the sedan chair and shouted, "What are you still doing? Grab someone!"

The guards didn't rush up immediately after hearing the order. They just looked at each other. Although they were a little scared, they rushed up together. Xiaofeng was about to make another move, when Ling suddenly pulled her and stood in front of her. Before Xiaofeng had time to ask why, Ling raised his hand and threw a black light ball, and then saw the light ball rise into the air and suddenly burst into a huge black hole with a diameter of more than 30 meters. With the formation of the black hole, everything nearby, except us, began to shake violently at almost the same time. A huge unimaginable suction power started to work frantically, and the guards and service staff who had no battle strength were sucked up almost immediately. All these people were sucked into the huge black hole like dust, and with the increase of time, the high level Divine Race on the ground gradually became untenable, and even the carriage and sedan chair around them began to slow down. He left the ground and flew upwards.

The leader of those who greeted Tianzhao seemed to be the strongest here. When he found something wrong, he hugged a stone sculpture next to him first. It was supposed to be quite heavy, but I don’t know why the black hole formidable power created by Ling is so big. First, it sucked away the guards, followed by the carriage, and then the roof tiles also started to fly upwards, and finally even a lot of fixed. Things have also begun to loosen. The guy who hugged the stone lion with his hands on his head and legs was pulled straight. He thought that this was the worst situation, but didn't expect anything worse yet. Just after he persisted for about one minute, suddenly the stone lion made a slight moving sound, followed the lion's rotation a little slowly and began to rise gradually. As the lion left the bottom, the gravity seemed to become greater, and the guy holding the stone lion began to accelerate to the sky along with the stone lion.

The separation of the stone lion seems to have opened the prelude to the super natural disaster. As the stone lion disappeared into the black hole, the nearby houses suddenly began to fall apart. The beams of the house broke suddenly, followed by the roof that had no tiles for a long time, and it flew up into the sky. Everything in the house pattered like snow flakes. All of the oh la la went into a black hole. In the end, even the floor tiles flew up. The pillars that broke into the ground actually slowly retreated from the ground and flew into the black hole with a whirr.

"Are you devouring darkness or a super black hole?" Xiaofeng asked in disbelief.

Ling did not answer Xiaofeng’s question but turned to us and said: "Now I understand. It seems that the flame just now is not an isolated phenomenon. I didn’t think it was right when Princess charmed the Ghost God before. It seems too easy. The magic of Xiaofeng just now is the same. I don’t know how many times the formidable power has been turned. I just experimented with Dark Element’s most common attack skill,'Darkness Swallow', and you saw it too."

"Are you saying that our skills have all been enhanced?" We are not idiots, and naturally thought of Ling's explanation.

Ling nodded and said: "Although I don't know the reason, it is certain that the skills will become stronger."

"I think I understand what Tianzhao's reaction was just now! "Ye Yue said.

"Speaking of Tian Zhao, who has seen him? He doesn’t seem to be sucked into the black hole, right?"

In fact, when we were looking for Tian Zhao here, he was already Outside the city, he was riding on a strange animal and fleeing desperately. Although we didn't find Tenzhao in the city, we caught a lot of Divine Race Gao Tianyuan. Originally, we thought that we were just human creatures, and we should be a vulnerable group here. After all, we are all around Divine Race, so we have been very low-key, but now the situation has changed. Now that we know that we are not only not weak here, but rather strong here, there is no need to hide it, and directly arrest people and ask for directions.

"God for mercy!" The captured Divine Race was a general in Tianzhao's team. This guy is good and smart, so he was not swallowed by Ling's mutant version of darkness. Swallowed, luckily escaped, but it's not good luck to be caught by us now.

"We are not gods."

"No matter what you are, it is always better than the young, as long as you can let me go, let me call it anything! "This guy is surprisingly weak.

"Don't be noisy, let's ask you something, you can just answer it."

"Yes, I must say everything I know."

I nodded directly and asked: "First tell us have you ever seen an angel ride here on a black horse?"

"I know." The general one Hearing the questions we asked, I immediately exclaimed excitedly: "Angels are a rare species in our Gaotian. It has almost never appeared before, but today there happened to be an angel who appeared, and she was riding a black nightmare." /p>

We only asked this guy if he saw an angel riding a black horse. Now that this guy can directly tell that Night Shadow is a nightmare, then we can be sure that he really saw Xiaochunhe Ye Ying is not a casual lie just to survive.

"Come on, where are they locked up?" I can see Xiaochun's state directly from the state, so I know that she has not been attacked in any way.

"After the angel got here, it happened to hit our divine grace well and exploded, and it was teleported outside."

"Wait, wait. What kind of grace? What's outside the well?"

"The Shenen Well is a well. When it is activated, it can send people nearby to the human world. We, Gao Tianyuan, have been surrounded by a strange place of force and come out here. There is no other way for the well to leave here."

"Wait, you said that the well is the way to leave Gaotianyuan?"

"Of course, this is not in Gaotianyuan. Everyone knows what a secret!"

I really didn’t expect that the exit we have been looking for is so fast, and what surprised us is that this secret is still shared by every native inhabitant of Gaotian. Knowing things, what did we do so hard to run here when we knew this way? Just grab a Ghost God and ask clearly where to run away! But now I still have to ask about Xiaochun's whereabouts first, but I can already get a rough idea of ​​what this guy said just now.

"You said that Xiaochun was teleported away by the well of God's grace, that means she was teleported to the human world, right?" As long as Xiaochun can reach the human world, there will be no problem, anyway. Ye Ying found her way home easily in her.

"No, I don't know about this." The answer from the guy in front of me was taken aback.

Ye Yue quickly stepped forward and grabbed the guy by the neck and lifted him up. "Didn't you say that the well is the only channel connecting Gao Tianyuan to the human world? Since Xiaochun was sucked in, she naturally reached the human world, why did you say that you don't know?"

"Ah... let go... let go ......!"

I patted Yeyue's arm. "Let him down, you will choke him to death!"

Ye Yue put the guy down reluctantly, and then gave him another punch and knocked him to the ground. "Say it quickly. You will suffer if you hesitate."

"Yes, yes." This guy has been scared by us. The magic of Ling before almost destroyed half of the city. This This kind of formidable power everyone has a guilty conscience when they see it. "Actually, the God's Grace Well is not only a passage connecting the world to Gaotianyuan. In fact, it is the only exit of Gaotianyuan. Although the location of entering Gaotianyuan is not necessarily the same, there will always be only this one. No matter where you want to go, you must first start with this God's grace. The well can only be sent out. But I don’t know why, every time we leave through this well, we cannot determine the specific coordinates. We must be actively invited to the target location before we can accurately locate it, and the time of this departure is still uncertain. It is not Transmission Formation. Its activation is not controlled by us. It will only activate itself after a certain interval of time. Creatures within the range of effect will be teleported out each time it is activated, and if it is not invited from anywhere, it will be random Transmission to any place, only when someone on the other side invites it will be transmitted to the designated location."

Now we understand. This well is simply an unstable spatial connection point. Unless there are people on both sides contacting each other, one sending one to the other, otherwise it is uncertain where it will be transmitted. In this way, it seems that Xiaochun's possibility of being teleported to the world is probably less than one-fifth!

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